View Full Version : Caribou tag questions for a non-resident

01-29-2017, 11:04 PM
One Sunday a Minister faked an illness so he could go deer hunting. That morning he shot a fantastic 14-point buck! Saint Peter looked down from Heaven and said to God, “You aren’t going to let him bag a prize like that are you?” “Why not?” God replied. “Who’s he going to tell?”

Hello all, I am an Alberta resident and like many, being able to hunt caribou is at the top of my bucket list. I am a younger hunter and have been hunting for a few years and i ultimately would love to get out and get a few of my bucket list hunts done before i start having kids and what not, while i still have the time to do so. I am just hoping to pick some of your brains about tag availability in northern BC. i am under the influence that a non-resident may hunt big game either through an outfitter or a resident who holds an accompany to hunt permit. Seeing that i don't really have the means to hire an outfitter to take me hunting, and i have some friends and family in BC, i would be trying to go through a hunter host. I have been trying to do some research on google but i can't really seem to find any info on how to go through the steps to actually get my hands on a tag. I am not looking to do this hunt in 2017 but i am just looking for some info for when i do plan this hunt in the future.

What is the tag availability? Is it a draw system? How does the draw system work? How does the limited entry licences work?

i know that it is a pretty vague request, but any information you would be able to give me it would be awesome. And i will be honest, i have know idea how the regulation/tag system in BC works. Thanks.

01-30-2017, 04:22 AM
your friends or family need to be licenced to hunt here to start with.,wasnt mentioned but id assume they are?

should all be on this page that you need,m with links t permitting and other info


01-30-2017, 08:49 AM
yes of course, thank you for the link