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View Full Version : Queat 200

01-27-2017, 10:18 PM
I am going to start the thread again, this time with the right spelling.......................

01-28-2017, 12:30 AM
Well if your gonna kill a 200" buck you have to pass on some very nice deer.Particularly hard if hunting a 1 deer per season area.What has worked for me is if you find a big buck somewhere and kill him keep going back as there is something that the big boys like about that location.I have killed a few trophy deer in a location not more than a couple of kilometers square over the years.
Because my best trophy area is a 1 deer area i usually do a few trips to new haunts outside of that MU.I will take a 2 point for meat at that time but really i am always looking for big bucks and when i do i always go back.
Great thing about BC is there are big bucks everywhere and if you can find a spot outside of the known area's your golden.And don't tell anyone where you kill big bucks ever.

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
01-28-2017, 03:21 AM
The truth of the matter is that when it comes to the HUGE beasts such as a 200" class Mule Deer, it is all down to luck. No different than winning the lottery. Sure, there's plenty of skill and work involved in consistently killing big Deer. To win, you gotta buy a ticket and be in it to win it!
Outside of passing up 180's (if you even see that) your best bet is to spend as much time in productive areas as possible. Pass on anything other than what you really want and utilize those skills you're growing. At the end of the day though - The ultra big antlered animals, beasts with huge horn and giant skull Bears are totally a luck thing. The more you're out the more likely you are to get on one and I do suppose, that by passing up anything other than what you really want, your odds may well increase due to the extra time in the field from not tagging out... Just be prepared to get skunked! Plenty of tag soup in the game you're looking to play.

Good Luck! Let us know how you do.

01-29-2017, 11:18 AM
I don't know how many deer you've killed but one thing I know is this.....A 160 buck you just jumped in the timber looks very big ...A 170 inch buck looks really big ...As for turning down 180's don't know where you're hunting but it better be in the states ...Canada has big deer ...The record books show that ...but you're going to be very frustrated turning down deer 180 looking for the 200's ...Muley bucks come in all antler configurations ...typical nontypical..wide ...tall ...Also short G'2s or uneven mainbeams ...or no G1's ...I've hunted mule deer for 40 years and killed some good ones and missed some monsters ...It's the luck of the draw ...You better have a very good area that no one else hunts to kill a monster...Today the big muley bucks are few and far between..Oh there still is a few but they are like diamonds ...where you find them..I suggest you shoot that 170 buck then work up to the 180...Then you'll have two to look at for the next 30 years ...Dennis