View Full Version : Throwing a bone...Bobcat.

12-19-2016, 10:49 AM
Couple days ago was riding my quad along a deciduous bottom..lots of hares.. good place to have some snares..There has been a couple bobcat working it regular by tracks(which are house cat familiar). and poaching off my snares lol. A Small bobcat standing in my tracks quick jumps off rd. I dump a mitt on rd drive past where cat had stepped off like nothing to see her. Walk back some and mouth call distress. Bob comes out and checks on my mitt ......I miss.. that is another story. LOL

Get out there this winter and enjoy ...

12-19-2016, 03:30 PM
Andy not sure about your area but there are tons of hare track where I am. Bobbies and lynx should fare well this year especially if you can't hit one :razz:
That's a good tactic and one I have used on bear with success, minus the glove.

12-19-2016, 03:37 PM
ill be heading out anyday to get me some bobcat