View Full Version : Big whitetail down,

1 shot 1 kill
11-26-2016, 08:07 AM
Spent 4 days with the wife out hunting for deer mid November as we had our bullwinkle in the freezer already, found this big whitetail after hiking thru the timber patches. He was running with 2 mule deer does. I busted them but gave a few grunts and they all stopped to look back at me and of course the buck was hiding behind the trees, i managed to shift over a little bit and could see his face looking back and the white patch on his neck. Figured its now or never so i took careful aim at the white patch free hand from 110yrds and down he went.
Its been another great year for us, this whitetail who is being mounted, a real nice 4x4 mule deer, a 4x3 mule deer and our 2x3 immy bull.
I will get the pics posted once i get them on downloaded, tried now from phone didnt work

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f151f9551b&view=fimg&th=158a14924e87054a&attid=0.1&disp=inline&safe=1&attbid=ANGjdJ_zV189Zg5Finy-aY-aHe_56_bQSMTVkL5LCT5WUJWJnL13gMRR96BhKMsh5WlO4VfGo 903bDu2D8rjfMSfpEWzo8_9iDhx6LoC4_3asmyoHFlDwXAgj6B 8jkU&ats=1480199012593&rm=158a14924e87054a&zw&sz=w1366-h635

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f151f9551b&view=fimg&th=158a13c7fb8d28c7&attid=0.1&disp=inline&safe=1&attbid=ANGjdJ-lF_qcTAUvSTuBgYZmEHj2LEoCpMX05r-LXaka4EGLwkBM5nFBxJBMUa2ocs86GB53ZzBXatDyIajMOPGwT Ska6Yx24hOsg1zZfr7Y9M6ER4CYm2tFsAJXAtQ&ats=1480199012625&rm=158a13c7fb8d28c7&zw&sz=w1366-h635

he is 24 1/2 inches wide. G3&4s are 10 and 11inches, going to have scored just to see where he comes out at..curiosity

1 shot 1 kill
11-26-2016, 08:12 AM
http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6108&stc=1 see if this works from my phone..http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6110&stc=1 the mule deer buck from the alpine in september 2016

when i look this post has both the WT an Mule deer in it??

11-26-2016, 08:13 AM
Understatement..."It's been another great year for us" :razz:

Nicely done, congrats.

Pics of all critters would be swell. :)

You posted while I was typing, I can't see the pics...."invalid attachment"

1 shot 1 kill
11-26-2016, 08:16 AM
http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6108&stc=1 see if this works from my phone..

this is the immy we got while hiking into an area we know holds moose, we got in and I bellowed a few calls on October 3rd and we saw 3 bulls inside of 45 minutes, 1 i say was 30 inch, the other was a solid 40-42 inch bull, then this immy decides to pop out so the wife took aim and after comfirming yes he is a 2x3 wham dropped him, with 1 shot thru the neck at 150 yards. we got the quad in there and dragged him out whole, it sure was nice to be able to do that! loaded him up and headed for home to skin out and hang for a few days before we butchered him up.

1 shot 1 kill
11-26-2016, 08:21 AM
http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6108&stc=1 see if this works from my phone..

try again here..need my laptop i think

11-26-2016, 08:56 AM
not working yet,,,

1 shot 1 kill
11-26-2016, 03:43 PM
pictures should be up and working now..

11-26-2016, 04:23 PM
Great season!! I can only see the mulie. Nice buck.

11-26-2016, 04:34 PM
Ya I can only see the mule deer as well,,nice muley buck

11-26-2016, 04:41 PM
Congrats nice Mulie :-)

11-26-2016, 05:08 PM
Ya bud only the mule buck pic is working. Sounds like a damn fine year though!

1 shot 1 kill
11-26-2016, 05:25 PM
Really?? Only the mule buck is showing??
when i look i see 2 pics of the WT 1 of the mule buck and 1 of the immy bull??
Weird..im not sure what i did? But i can see all 3 animals??

11-26-2016, 05:30 PM
Can only see the mulie and it's a nice one.

11-26-2016, 07:06 PM
... when i look this post has both the WT an Mule deer in it??

Nope, just a decent Mulie. And no other pix in any of your subsequent posts?


11-26-2016, 08:13 PM
Nice young mulie! Congrats. Hope someone can help you with the picture thing.

11-27-2016, 12:13 AM
Just go to imgur.com man. Upload and copy paste the link. Not that hard. No account needed.

Fu*k photo bucket.

11-27-2016, 09:19 AM
oh man,,,,,i soo want to see the WT buck

11-27-2016, 11:57 AM
Wow what is going on??lol

11-27-2016, 01:25 PM
Ban him! Lol.

Send me the pics. I'll post them up for you.

11-27-2016, 04:01 PM
Nice sounds like a hell of a year congrats, nice muley buck is all I see...

11-27-2016, 04:43 PM
still waiting,,,,hmmm,,, sounds like what i say to my wife all the time

11-28-2016, 12:34 PM
just got the pictures...I can confirm the whitetail is a beauty ;) uploading to photobucket now...

11-28-2016, 12:38 PM
will be nice to see

11-28-2016, 12:46 PM
http://i1054.photobucket.com/albums/s483/smallfry14/image_zpsyfik61sv.jpeg (http://s1054.photobucket.com/user/smallfry14/media/image_zpsyfik61sv.jpeg.html)

http://i1054.photobucket.com/albums/s483/smallfry14/image_zps9wwoskl9.jpeg (http://s1054.photobucket.com/user/smallfry14/media/image_zps9wwoskl9.jpeg.html)
http://i1054.photobucket.com/albums/s483/smallfry14/image_zpsfzctz7hs.jpeg (http://s1054.photobucket.com/user/smallfry14/media/image_zpsfzctz7hs.jpeg.html)

11-28-2016, 12:46 PM
http://i1054.photobucket.com/albums/s483/smallfry14/image_zpsbahv8cke.jpeg (http://s1054.photobucket.com/user/smallfry14/media/image_zpsbahv8cke.jpeg.html)

11-28-2016, 12:52 PM
Certainly is a WIDE Whitetail for BC!
More reminiscent of what we see over in Alberta.

Congrats on both the Whitetail and a Very Successful Season!! http://bigshotsbc.ca/images/smilies/Pozitive.gif


11-28-2016, 12:53 PM
dam, nice one

11-28-2016, 12:54 PM
Friggin nice whitey !!!!!

11-28-2016, 12:54 PM
Another 140 class WT on HBC ,,very nice WT indeed ,,congrats to the shooter

11-28-2016, 12:57 PM
Beeeam mothafuxka that's a beauty

11-28-2016, 01:00 PM
Yup, that's a brute! Congrats! But more importantly, where did you get that mini bullwinkle?!? :-)

11-28-2016, 01:01 PM
Wow what a hog, congrats!

11-28-2016, 01:16 PM
Beauty!!! Nice job

11-28-2016, 01:23 PM
Very nice results for your season congratulations and two very nice mounters. BTW how many in your household to feed with all that good protein?

11-28-2016, 05:44 PM
Very nice!! Thanks for sharing the photos.

11-28-2016, 06:02 PM
A lot of great eats. Congrats! Thanks for sharing.

11-28-2016, 06:35 PM
That's a big whitetail, holy nice buck :-)

11-28-2016, 06:59 PM
Congrats on a dandy buck!

11-28-2016, 07:00 PM
Way to go!

11-28-2016, 07:04 PM
Nice Buck, WTG!!!!

1 shot 1 kill
11-28-2016, 07:26 PM
Thank you smallfry14 for putting my pics up for me.
We have 5 in our family and provide for others around us that may not end up as fortunate
as we tend to be each season.
The immy was in a spot ive been going to for around 15yrs, we have taken 6 immies there now and my
wifes 50inch bull on LEH 2 yrs ago as well as my 46inch 12yrs ago so..lol
cant tell more than that lol

11-28-2016, 07:29 PM
Congrats on a great season

11-28-2016, 08:01 PM
Fantastic whitey....

11-28-2016, 08:53 PM
That wt was worth the wait for pictures

11-28-2016, 09:36 PM
I agree... what a pretty WT. Congrats on a great season

Whonnock Boy
11-28-2016, 10:25 PM
Quality buck for sure. Congrats on a great season.