View Full Version : Keen New Zealand Hunter - Looking for advice

11-07-2016, 10:38 PM
Hi guys

I am based in New Zealand and am going to be moving to Vancouver in January next year for approx. 7 months. I am a keen bow hunter and rifle hunter.

I am looking for some local knowledge around licences and tags and information about non resident hunting. I have been looking at the website but there is so much information on there it would just been good to talk to a few locals.

Do I have to be guided on hunts or is there open hunting areas as I'm not sure how it all works.

Appreciate any information anyone can provide.


11-07-2016, 11:01 PM
You have to be a permanent resident who has passed an outdoor recreation course in order to hunt on your own or with a resident host,unless you have a closer relative than a cousin (for big game species) so your only hope is a guided hunt which tend to be expensive, although a hunting license for small game might be a possibility.

11-07-2016, 11:25 PM
After 6 months you qualify as a resident and can get a hunting lic. You could do the CORE course during the first 6 months then get your resident lic as soon as you pass that 6 month mark. Doesn't leave you much room if you are only here for 7 months, but if you time it right you could have a month of BC hunting.

If you have direct relatives in BC with a HL and held a HL for several years, they can get you a non resident permit to accompany.

Without that, if you want to hunt big game as a non resident, you can hire a guide. Not cheap.

You CAN get a non resident small game/bird license as a non resident without hiring a guide.

Finally, if you just want to tag along on a hunt with a BC resident while carrying a camera, that is fine, too.

Arriving in January with only 7 months, you are pretty much pooched for anything except tagging along on a bear hunt. Which would be fun, anyway.

11-08-2016, 01:14 AM
boydnz, if you're only here for 7 months you will not qualify....if you stick around for over a year you will.
Qualifications for a BC hunting license:
If you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada you qualify for a BC hunting license if your primary residence is in BC and you have been physically present in BC for the greater portion of each of 6 months out of the 12 months preceding your application for a BC license.
If a person is not a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada but whose only or primary residence is in BC, and has been physically present in BC for the greater portion of each of the 12 months immediately preceding the application for a license.
Like Gatehouse said, you're pretty well stuck with being a tag along on a spring bear hunt unless you can go the PTA route.

11-08-2016, 09:34 AM
After 6 months you qualify as a resident and can get a hunting lic. You could do the CORE course during the first 6 months then get your resident lic as soon as you pass that 6 month mark.

This is actually incorrect. You have to be physically present for 6 months before you do anything to do with the wildlife act. Since CORE is part of the Wildlife Act you can not legally write the exam until you have been here for 6 months.


11-08-2016, 09:41 AM
Hi Boydnz and welcome, we don't know your situation with coming to Canada but if you want to see how rich this province is in hunting and history, try to stay anywhere else but Vancouver, the metro sprawl will eat up your time, money, and soul.

11-09-2016, 12:11 AM
In the nicest possible way - have you thought about fishing instead? Much easier for a non resident to get involved!

11-09-2016, 03:51 AM
In the nicest possible way - have you thought about fishing instead? Much easier for a non resident to get involved!

His post suggests he is already fishing....hahahah

Steve W
11-09-2016, 06:57 AM
Look into small game hunting when you get here. Small game seasons are pretty wide open and you can get to know the province while doing a bit of hunting. If you can fit in/ afford a guided hunt you'd likely not be disappointed.

From the BC Regs:

All non-resident hunters wishing to hunt small game may do so without the being accompanied by a guide outfitter or a resident who holds an Accompany to Hunt Permit
Small game includes:

Game birds
Fox & coyote
Raccoon & skunk