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View Full Version : Another new hunter seeking advice - where to hunt this long weekend?

11-03-2016, 10:32 PM
Hi all,
Like a few other new hunters here, I am also seeking advice from the experienced folks here. I want to get my first deer this year. I have been out once this year before (in October) in region 3-28 (close to Kamloops), but didn't see any bucks (saw a few does though). When I was there in October, it seemed like the deer had already migrated as there were very few signs of deer in the area.

I am going again this long weekend, so which area do you think should I focus on. I have some limitations though, as I live in the lower mainland, and can only go ~4 hours drive. Also, I don't have a RV, so I need to stay in a hotel (preferably in Kamloops).

I have tags for both whitetail and mule deer, but my first choice is whitetail (mule is a close second though). Please let me know what area should I focus on. I'm not asking for your honeyholes, but if you can guide with some specific directions, that would be highly appreciated.

11-03-2016, 11:11 PM
If your first choice is WT, then you should probably be targeting Reg 8. There are pockets around Kamloops, but it is just not like the OK. With the WT doe season gone, it is a long shot for the most part unless the densities are quite high. Most of the guys that reliably get WT around Kamloops are working sites that they've had established long before this weekend, and some have been established for longer than just this season.

The densities in the OK are good enough that you stand a moderate to good chance of running into a whitie buck if you target a decent area. As a bonus, you have until Nov 10 to grab a 4 pt MD of you see one, so I'd target an area with both.

Hose Dragger
11-03-2016, 11:15 PM
Sent you a pm. Good luck

11-06-2016, 06:02 PM
Thanks for the info Looking_4_Jerky and Hose Dragger. I will seriously look into the areas suggested by you.

If anybody has any other suggestions, please do share either by replying or sending a pm. Good luck to all and be safe.