View Full Version : Comeback

10-24-2016, 01:22 AM
Hello all,
been on this site for many years now, always enjoyed it, but saw change in its content both good and bad over the years. I've always been one to try to help new, young or old hunters and fishers, and others with love of the outdoors seeking help. I try to continue to do so with many. That said, with big changes in my own life due to health, I was seeking some help myself after hunting and fishing for over 50 years. Well, I found it on here. And I am seeing and hearing it more often on hear like I did when I first heard of this site. I want to say a huge Thank You to a number of you for helping me and mine above and beyond what I could have ever imagined. Those know who you are. Perm-a-grin is installed on my grill.
Lets hope that this site continues to have others helping others, and offers entertainment online to the BC Outdoors and its magnificent hunting and fishing as it was intended. I feel like a kid in a candy store with my new goals and adjustments. Thanks to the helpers!

Thanks also to Mark ....... And those running HBC.


fuzzy 63
10-24-2016, 07:30 AM
Good morning Curly , I joined this site for the same reason that you had and I am thankful to have the same out look as you .
Have a great day everyone .
I to have a perma -grin and you have just reinforced it for me . Thank you

10-24-2016, 07:43 AM
Very nice to hear! Hope you're staying healthy and enjoying life. I agree, this is a great community of people! I have had the pleasure of helping out several guys over the years, and then this year when I was in need of some specific info a guy on here reached out and helped when he really didn't have to! Was pretty cool and really reminded me how awesome this site is

10-24-2016, 07:50 AM
please tell more curly maybe it will spark up a trend!!btw when we gonna kill some duck ?

Bugle M In
10-24-2016, 09:40 AM
Glad to hear you are rejuvenated!
The site for the most part does seem to be getting more positive.
In a forum, there will always be some disputes....sadly, but people do have differences
in opinion and experiences.
I hear you on the Health Issues....finding myself in that boat as well....getting around is hard.
At some point I may have to ask some for advice to, as I just can't get out there often enough due to
physical issues.
Anyways....all the best to you for the remainder of the season, and the future....sheers.

10-24-2016, 09:51 AM
*two thumbs up* ...focus on getting well man, all the best wishes on that.

10-24-2016, 10:37 AM
I agree the people on this site have helped me out especially on my sheep hunt (You know who are) I guess I am from the "Old School" If I can help
anyone out at anytime I will with no hesitation.

10-24-2016, 11:39 AM
Hello all,
been on this site for many years now, always enjoyed it, but saw change in its content both good and bad over the years. I've always been one to try to help new, young or old hunters and fishers, and others with love of the outdoors seeking help. I try to continue to do so with many. That said, with big changes in my own life due to health, I was seeking some help myself after hunting and fishing for over 50 years. Well, I found it on here. And I am seeing and hearing it more often on hear like I did when I first heard of this site. I want to say a huge Thank You to a number of you for helping me and mine above and beyond what I could have ever imagined. Those know who you are. Perm-a-grin is installed on my grill.
Lets hope that this site continues to have others helping others, and offers entertainment online to the BC Outdoors and its magnificent hunting and fishing as it was intended. I feel like a kid in a candy store with my new goals and adjustments. Thanks to the helpers!

Thanks also to Mark ....... And those running HBC.


Why, you kill something recently?

Nice to see you back in the game enjoying the outdoors and chasing ur passion with vigor again.
One's attitude predicts one's altitude in life.
Ur flying high again ....nice to see.

10-24-2016, 09:01 PM
As someone who has had the wonderful opportunity to be on the receiving end of some of your amazing guidance, advice and kindess I am incredibly greatful you're back! For the most part this forum seems to be a great community of like minded folk who enjoy helping others and that's really great to see. I am glad to hear you were able to get the help you needed as well. I hope your health improves and you're able to continue enjoying the outdoors as much as you do!