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View Full Version : WT populations in the Barriere area

10-19-2016, 09:23 AM
Just wondering if anyone has info on what kind of white tail population there is in the Barriere area. I just moved here June 1 st and got out a few times earlier in the year to learn the lay of the land a little. I found a couple of spots that I'm looking forward to checking out further when I get the chance. ( Twin girls arrived a month ago. Bad planning on my part. Haha) All the deer that I have seen so far have been mules. I haven't seen a whitetail yet not even in the fields. Every year I buy a wt tag and barely give it a second thought. My father in law says he's seen them in the Bonaparte area and I've spotted a few in Clearwater in the past so makes sense they're here. I got a Mule in region 5 last week so thought this would be a good year to give the whiteys a closer look. Is it worth sticking around? Thanks

Stone Sheep Steve
10-19-2016, 10:09 AM
A trailcam will be your best friend for scouting. Once the snow flies do a bit of legwork and set up
you cam.

10-19-2016, 12:46 PM
I've heard from a few sources that there are more whitetail in around the Barriere Lakes (North and East) than the other side of the highway (Thuya, Bonaparte etc) but haven't hunted the Barriere Lakes side yet myself.

10-19-2016, 01:57 PM
I'm working just east of Barriere now, and have seen a few just above the farm land.

spatsizi moose
10-19-2016, 05:22 PM
All the ones I've seen around there have been in the farmers fields. They know pretty well where they can and can't go.

10-19-2016, 07:09 PM
They are there. A buddy shot a great whitey there couple years back. East side of river.

10-19-2016, 09:55 PM
The closer one goes to Adams Lake the better.

10-20-2016, 10:14 PM
Thanks for the replies. I'll have to get out there and look around. I haven't been out around the Barriere lakes area. Mostly up towards Adams lake and Dixon mountain.

11-05-2016, 08:47 PM
Ended up getting out for an evening hike last night and ended up jumping white tail does. Was only hunting around three km from my house so I guess that answers my question right there. Haha. Hiked around near the same area today and no more sightings.

11-06-2016, 06:16 AM
There are lots in the area, but only moving during the dark mainly now. Will be more active during the day during run, but hard to pattern and hunt when they're nocturnal.

sausage lover
11-08-2016, 09:26 AM
I love to shoot them while they run:)

Wild one
11-08-2016, 09:57 AM
Ended up getting out for an evening hike last night and ended up jumping white tail does. Was only hunting around three km from my house so I guess that answers my question right there. Haha. Hiked around near the same area today and no more sightings.

You found them now just wait them out rather than hike. No matter how sneaky a hunter is you are harder to see and hear when your not moving. They don't run if they don't know your there and makes for nice easy shot.

good luck

11-10-2016, 12:28 AM
Goddammt I meant RUT not RUN. Easier to hunt when they rut. harder when they run. gah

11-10-2016, 11:45 AM
I think I'll stick with finding a four point for now and maybe later in the year see if I can find a promising spot to wait them out when the rut is more on. Thanks for the tips

walks with deer
11-10-2016, 12:20 PM
Rut will start now peak whitetail rut in my opinion is the 20th around kami...

At least according to the dead ones.

Wild one
11-10-2016, 12:33 PM
Rut will start now peak whitetail rut in my opinion is the 20th around kami...

At least according to the dead ones.

Agree and best luck I have calling is early in the rut. Usually Nov 5-20 would be what I would call prime time myself

11-10-2016, 01:18 PM
unless you have access or knowledge of a few small hotspots hunting whitetail in the barrier area is mostly a matter of luck. It is worth carrying a tag for sure but strictly targeting them is difficult. The cavalier attitude about methods to hunt them belays ignorance of the actual existing opportunity in the area.

11-10-2016, 07:21 PM

11-10-2016, 10:42 PM
Good to know. For some reason I thought it was at its peak a little closer to the start of December. Not sure why I thought that or where I heard it but regardless that's good to know.

11-10-2016, 10:51 PM
unless you have access or knowledge of a few small hotspots hunting whitetail in the barrier area is mostly a matter of luck. It is worth carrying a tag for sure but strictly targeting them is difficult. The cavalier attitude about methods to hunt them belays ignorance of the actual existing opportunity in the area.

This is sort of what I was wondering when I first posted. I have been out to hike and scout a few different areas as far as terrain and until the other night had only seen mulies. The nocturnal thing made sense to me as well though. The 2 that I did see were pretty well right at last light. Just have to keep getting out there and learning the area.

11-10-2016, 11:19 PM
unless you have access or knowledge of a few small hotspots hunting whitetail in the barrier area is mostly a matter of luck. It is worth carrying a tag for sure but strictly targeting them is difficult. The cavalier attitude about methods to hunt them belays ignorance of the actual existing opportunity in the area.

When the locals try discouraging you, it means hunting is good. :wink:

11-11-2016, 01:24 AM
When the locals try discouraging you, it means hunting is good. :wink:

Haha. We'll see I guess.

11-11-2016, 08:12 AM
When the locals try discouraging you, it means hunting is good. :wink:

yah we never had any wolves either.

11-11-2016, 09:08 AM
Good to know. For some reason I thought it was at its peak a little closer to the start of December. Not sure why I thought that or where I heard it but regardless that's good to know.

for the barrier area I think you will find that peak activity is late Nov.

11-11-2016, 09:19 AM
Thanks Horshur. Hopefully it cools down some by then. Might help make them move a little more.

11-11-2016, 09:19 AM
The closer one goes to Adams Lake the better.

I grew up in barriere and still do the majority of hunting around there, this info is gold.

11-11-2016, 09:21 AM
Thanks for the replies. I'll have to get out there and look around. I haven't been out around the Barriere lakes area. Mostly up towards Adams lake and Dixon mountain.

sargent cr...

11-11-2016, 09:23 AM
for the barrier area I think you will find that peak activity is late Nov.

from what I saw being out yesterday, rut is in full swing now.

11-11-2016, 09:32 AM
I grew up in barriere and still do the majority of hunting around there, this info is gold.

I took a drive out that way one day and found it was hard to find the kind of terrain I was looking for. Everything just seems to get steep really quick with not many valleys or semi open areas to hike. I know one day is not much time. I definitely plan on getting out that way again and exploring more.

11-11-2016, 09:38 AM
from what I saw being out yesterday, rut is in full swing now.

Right on. I will have a half day Saturday and all day Sunday to get out there and I'll have both tags with me. Thanks again everyone for all the info.

Wild one
11-11-2016, 10:19 AM
unless you have access or knowledge of a few small hotspots hunting whitetail in the barrier area is mostly a matter of luck. It is worth carrying a tag for sure but strictly targeting them is difficult. The cavalier attitude about methods to hunt them belays ignorance of the actual existing opportunity in the area.

No doubt locating a pocket of WT is the number 1 factor. If you locate them than in my opinion tactics play a roll in success. The truth of the matter is when it comes to hunting tactics play a roll if not we would all road hunt. Especially if it is small pocket as heavy pressure hunting can push them out. OP mentioned locating WT it is not that he has not seen them.

Can you successfully take WT road hunting, spot & stalk, and still hunting yes. In my opinion these are not the easiest ways to take WT. You can even find cases of hunters taking bighorn sheep road hunting but I would not expect this to be successful often. More WT are shot throughout North America by ambushing them and there is a reason for it. In all honesty a hunter that is a good still hunter will also do well for WT but this is a harder skill to prefect for many.

Go ahead and believe the tactics offered mean little. I will stick to it as it works and I bet I will continue to meet hunters who complain WT are too hard to find in daylight or too spooky.

I don't doubt you would run circles around me with mule deer. I would not say it is because you are lucky but instead you took the time to understand this species and have invested the time in learning to apply tactics that are effective

I will stand by how I view WT hunting. Is it as simple as sitting in the bush and deer just swarm you no. But if you put in the time to learn how to apply it yes it works

In the end anyone can choose to hunt how they please as it is their hunt. If they are getting results over and over keep at no matter the tactics used

geo guy
11-12-2016, 08:15 AM
I took a drive out that way one day and found it was hard to find the kind of terrain I was looking for. Everything just seems to get steep really quick with not many valleys or semi open areas to hike. I know one day is not much time. I definitely plan on getting out that way again and exploring more.If you are looking for places to go walking around barriere I would recomend the other side of the river towards skull mountain there is a few real nice pockets in there. As well as around dunn peak there is some really nice country if you are willing to hike a lot, mind you I have never seen a whitetail by dunn peak though.

11-12-2016, 09:29 AM
If you are looking for places to go walking around barriere I would recomend the other side of the river towards skull mountain there is a few real nice pockets in there. As well as around dunn peak there is some really nice country if you are willing to hike a lot, mind you I have never seen a whitetail by dunn peak though.

I will definitely take a trip across the river. Heard good things about skull mountain in the past from some guys I used to work with. Was hoping to try out gunn lake this coming year for fishing so that'll be a good chance to get out there. Thanks

11-12-2016, 09:30 AM
* Dunn lake*

11-14-2016, 10:19 AM
I've seen WT around Barriere but they were around the agricultural spots off the hwy. I haven't seen any WT near North or East Barrier Lakes, just Mule deer. But there is some agriculture before East Barriere Lk, possible some there and also along the Agate Bay Rd.

11-14-2016, 12:12 PM
I've seen WT around Barriere but they were around the agricultural spots off the hwy. I haven't seen any WT near North or East Barrier Lakes, just Mule deer. But there is some agriculture before East Barriere Lk, possible some there and also along the Agate Bay Rd.

I have seen whitetails up every major drainage of the North Thompson from Kamloops to Valemount Including the Barrier river. They are conspicuous because of there rarity. Mulies outnumber them a hundred to one.