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View Full Version : Question RE: Bear Cape

09-23-2016, 05:28 PM
I have had my sights on a black bear the last couple of days. I have not shot a bear before so time to take it off the list, especially since bucks where I hunt seem to be AWOL this year so far. I have had him lined up twice but need to clarify his cape care as I would like to get a rug done. I think he is in good enough shape for a rug. I have watched a few youtube vids and I do not really want to salt and prefer freezing as taxidermist and hour away and don't have any salt anyway. I do not feel comfortable with skinning the skull etc or the paws. I was hoping to skin him, leave the skull on with the paws, take him home and freeze him. Likely a trip next weekend to drop off at taxidermist. Would this be okay?? This bear also ate 2 of my trail cams in the last 2 weeks so he is kinda asking for it and I want pepperoni haha

last light
09-23-2016, 05:43 PM
After skinning bear just make sure to let the hide cool down naturally before wrapping it in a "ball" for transport or freezing. There will be a lot of heat left inside the head for awhile.

09-23-2016, 07:06 PM
Roll or fold with the head on the outside, not buried deep in the fur and freezing will be good. This way the whole hide thaws at an equal rate.
Remember too that the more work a stuffer does, the higher the bill will be, time is money.

09-23-2016, 08:54 PM
It's a lot of work, be patient when making cuts, you need a good sharp knife and a scalpel, after getting the hide off you'll want to try and get as much flesh off the hide before freezing, I usually do this with a fishing fillet knife, dressing my first bear was a little weird because the paws are like hands, just cut them at the joints and leave in with hide and head, good luck, you didn't mention how big the bear was but also make sure you have room for a rug, they take up a lot of space but look great

elch jager
09-23-2016, 11:41 PM
Decided to pass on a bear last night. Had him in the crosshairs at just 60 yards. Never shot one before and was sceptical on taste.... Never tried one. 6000 ft elevation far from fish. Looked to be about 150 lbs beautiful shimmering black coat. Decent little rug I thought.
As I was starting the squeeze I paused and added up the equation... 90 min of light left, aching Back and on my own... It Didn't give me a broadside, chest only... Big ravine close by that I was sure he would run to if it wasn't bang flop... 308 with 130 gr tsx at 2500 fps... Loaded for deer and uncertain if the load was enough to drop it in its tracks.
Reconsidered and finished the squeeze.... Found the safety still on so I laughed out loud and couldn't be bothered to flip it off... Let him turn and run for it.... Briefly considered a tap to the back of the head... Or a Texas heart shot... But didn't want a mess....

Unit 8-8.... Gps coordinates available for a cold beer and a good story.....