View Full Version : Garbage left in the alpine

09-20-2016, 11:36 AM
Hey guys/gals, just returned home late last night from a 9 day sheep hunt, very sad to say I couldn't believe the garbage left up in the mountains, from beer cans, soup cans, freeze dried food packages, large orange and blue tarps with a rain coat, babywipes everywhere, how hard is it to burn your garbage or pack it out!?!? I did my best picking up what I could and burning it but large items like tarps jackets and ropes was to much for me to pack out. Such beautiful country we have to hunt and then you get some $hit heads out there leaving garbage and gear!! Seen lots of sheep on this hunt few shooter Rams just couldn't close the distance, also did a fly in sheep hunt early August, I'll post a separate thread with some pics!

09-20-2016, 11:47 AM
What kind of idiot packs cans of soup and beer up the hill? Pretty heavy. I agree with you though, I see Timmies cups and Bud cans all over the roads here. Pigs.

09-20-2016, 11:52 AM
I hear you BdUb. PIGS! Period!

09-20-2016, 11:53 AM
Same here, just got back from a 10 day Sheep hunt.
Picked up and burnt a lot of left on the mountain garbage.

09-20-2016, 11:56 AM
That's gross....what the hell is wrong with people....good on ya for cleaning it up

09-20-2016, 12:29 PM
What kind of idiot packs cans of soup and beer up the hill? Pretty heavy. I agree with you though, I see Timmies cups and Bud cans all over the roads here. Pigs.
I packed in a case of bud tall cans into Edziza one time goat hunting. I burnt the cans to ashes when done cause I'm a responsible alcoholic..... :)

09-20-2016, 12:32 PM
Hahahah thata boy

09-20-2016, 01:26 PM
Hey guys/gals, just returned home late last night from a 9 day sheep hunt, very sad to say I couldn't believe the garbage left up in the mountains, from beer cans, soup cans, freeze dried food packages, large orange and blue tarps with a rain coat, babywipes everywhere, how hard is it to burn your garbage or pack it out!?!? I did my best picking up what I could and burning it but large items like tarps jackets and ropes was to much for me to pack out. Such beautiful country we have to hunt and then you get some $hit heads out there leaving garbage and gear!! Seen lots of sheep on this hunt few shooter Rams just couldn't close the distance, also did a fly in sheep hunt early August, I'll post a separate thread with some pics!
I agree, it's disgusting the disrespect some people have...hope they get beat up..

09-20-2016, 01:37 PM
Seems like most of the garbage in my alpine zones (2/3) is from sledders. Usually cans of bud and kokanee plus sled parts. I pack those plastic bags from clothing stores (tougher/bigger than grocery store bags) and pack out whatever I find.

Sad if it's hunters who are leaving trash on the mountain. I have to explain to my kids that some people don't have any respect for the good things we have - we're so lucky to have the wild BC back-country.

09-20-2016, 02:46 PM
If you pack it in then pack it out, hate guys that leave garbage disgusting!!

Surrey Boy
09-20-2016, 02:56 PM
I packed in a case of bud tall cans into Edziza one time goat hunting. I burnt the cans to ashes when done cause I'm a responsible alcoholic..... :)

That's why greenies bring Lucifer Leaf.

Arctic Lake
09-20-2016, 07:59 PM
Yep that's the s...'s ! I sometimes wonder what the hell they are thinking. That the stuff is just going to break down out there all by itself !
Arctic Lake

Surrey Boy
09-20-2016, 08:06 PM
Yep that's the s...'s ! I sometimes wonder what the hell they thinking. That the stuff is just going to break down out there all by itself !
Arctic Lake

It'll be how future archealogists learn about us.

09-20-2016, 09:31 PM
I found the same. Just came back from a alpine mulie hunt. I found a camp with 4l milk jugs of water and Kirkland water bottles, spam cans and soup cans. Orange garbade bags and more. We dumped everything crushed it and packed it out with a mulie on our backs. Some people are absolutely disgusting.

09-20-2016, 09:39 PM
i always say pack it in then you pack it out should never leave anything in our wood

Iron Sighted
09-20-2016, 10:02 PM
That is really pathetic, there is no reason for that. I pack out whatever I bring in. I try to avoid burning my garbage if I can help it, usually packing it out is no big deal.

09-20-2016, 10:19 PM
If I ever go somewhere where i know I'll quad/drive ...scout, I usually come home with a couple of bags of picked up stuff: aluminum cans and garbage. What can you do other then keep calm and do your best. Idiots will be idiots, no matter what. The fact you wonderful people care and are willing to put some effort in is very much appreciated.

09-21-2016, 02:10 PM
Thanks for cleaning up other peoples garbage.
Once someone throws something out, then everybody seems to think its ok to do the same

09-21-2016, 07:29 PM
Last year when we went into Cartmel we cleaned and picked up 2 bags of garbage. We flew it out with us and got rid of it properly.

Iron Sighted
09-21-2016, 08:17 PM
If I ever go somewhere where i know I'll quad/drive ...scout, I usually come home with a couple of bags of picked up stuff: aluminum cans and garbage. What can you do other then keep calm and do your best. Idiots will be idiots, no matter what. The fact you wonderful people care and are willing to put some effort in is very much appreciated.

That is probably the best attitude to have, I just get irritated and think to myself that this planet would be better off if it were about 5 billion people lighter.... lol

09-21-2016, 08:51 PM
It's not just in the alpine drive anywhere on a bush road and it's beer cans and Timmi's cups the wife and I always pick it all up we recycle the cans put the money in the bank for the grandkids graduations right now it's at $2000. with 2 of the 10 graduated cheers REC

09-21-2016, 09:52 PM
It's not just in the alpine drive anywhere on a bush road and it's beer cans and Timmi's cups the wife and I always pick it all up we recycle the cans put the money in the bank for the grandkids graduations right now it's at $2000. with 2 of the 10 graduated cheers REC

2k?! Good gravy! How long have you been pickin cans up? Or are they just slammin back the brews at a Stanley Cup Riot pace? But yeah, people are bad. Throwing trash out the window or dumping all their reno waste on the back roads. Just uncalled for.

09-21-2016, 10:10 PM
I think it just comes down to education mainly - I introduce a lot of people new to the outdoors to "Leave no Trace". I think they find find it really rewarding to go some where pristine, have a great experience, and leave knowing that it will be exactly the same for the people or themselves again if everyone does the same.

I think a lot of people coming from urban environments just don't think about it, as unbelievable as it sounds. Their built-in tolerance for refuse is very high, and leaving something as "untouched" just doesn't have any relevance in the surrounding they're accustomed to.

Finding trash in the alpine is particularly disheartening since its probably one of the natural environs slowest to reclaim itself. Its also surprising given how much work it traditionally is to haul excess stuff up into the mountains. However, as the masses rediscover nature -more through online forums and less through traditional avenues such as clubs and personal mentorship the problem seems to get worse. At risk of offending some folks on here, I have to say, some of the worst recreational offenders seem to be sleds. Many on a machine think nothing of lying waste to the alpine.

Hunters certainly should be modelling good stewardship in the mountains - good on you guys out there picking up after others.

09-22-2016, 08:09 AM
Great to hear some good feed back from you guys, glad to hear there are many of you helping out cleaning up the bush one piece at a time. What I came across was definitely and sad to say sheep hunters. My guess is the guy/guys got a ram or a double heads and left their tarps/rain gear to save weight/space in their packs! Which is no excuse in my eyes, came across a group of guys on horseback, they helped haul out some garbage as well off the trail.

09-22-2016, 12:10 PM
As a sledder and hunter I don't leave garbage anywhere in the bush and more than once, I have cleaned up garbage left behind by other sledders.

Last winter we rode into a very remote area where we figured we wouldn't see anyone. on the way out we found a fire smouldering on our tracks and garbage everywhere. Just before the trail head we ran into some 14-16yr old punks who followed us in, after threatening each of their health/welfare they seemed pretty sincere that they wouldn't do it again. We gave them the bag of their garbage and then followed them back to town.