View Full Version : First Solo Hunt = First Big Game Harvest = Great Opening Day!

Harvest the Land
09-12-2016, 07:14 PM
Well I’m still on cloud 9 after this weekend and finally had some time to post my first ever solo hunt and first time ever harvesting a big game animal.
Last fall was my first season hunting, but didn’t complete the Core until later in the season and didn’t get out till November last year. I own 2 small businesses and am very busy and can only hunt weekends as aresult, so the wife and I made sure to hunt every weekend last November. Didn’t shoot anything, but managed to sneak up on a number of does which was very cool, and when the snow fell I followed fresh tracks all over the place. So even though we didn’t harvest anything last November I still thoroughly enjoyed myself used all this intel I got last November for this fall’s hunting trips. I was determined to make it out for opening day this year.

This summer I setup a number of trail cams in the area and did some serious scouting on the weekends. I quickly determined that I was seeing more bears than bucks, so I bought 2 bear tags to go along with deer tags. The wife was supposed to come but she got offered a lucrative contract at the last minute and could not say no, so she ended up having to work this weekend and I went on a solo mission.

2 weekends ago I setup a ground blind about 100 metres intothe timber from the edge of a giant cut block where there were tons of trails congregating. This weekend I got up at 4am and started hiking the 1.5km from camp to my blind. I wasn’t sure what to expect hiking in the dark. I bought a headlamp that has a red lamp feature but I quickly realized that it wasn’t bright enough (it was cloudy with no stars or moon) and switched to white light. Shortly into my hike I spotted glowing eyes on one side of the quad road in the cutblock just staring at me(which was kind of freaky). I grabbed my much brighter flashlight and shined it towards those glowing eyes to see it was a doe staring at me from her bed, but she wasn’t startled and stayed put as I carried on. A few more steps and I start to see more glowing eyes staring at me on the other side of the quad road, shined the light on them and more does in their beds and some were feeding, but again weren’t really spooked by me. Keep walking down the road and see tons more glowing eyes – I quickly realized I was walking through a major bedding area (stopped counting at 20 deer) and need to figure out how to hunt this spot another time. Finally make it to my blind shortly before 6am, still dark. I was wondering the whole time if I should’ve just stayed close to that doe bedding area cause that’s where all the deer were, but really wanted to try hunting from my new blind.

Daylight comes quickly and within a few minutes I hear gunshot a ways away (someone got one I’m thinking to myself). Then 20 minutes later another gun shot from a different area, then half hour later another gunshot and I’m thinking to myself that I picked the wrong spot to hunt from? Heard about 8 gun shots over the next 5 hours or so and I still haven’t seen anything. So I decide to go check one of my trail cams that I have near that spot to see if anything’s been here in the last couple weeks and found the trail cam didn’t pickup any shots of anything (whereas all summer that spot was getting decent action).
So I decide to hike my way back to that doe bedding area and its around noon. As I’m slowly making my way through the cut block on a different quad trail I remembered that I glassed a bear near the doe bedding area 2 weeks ago up on a little hill just feasting on berries. So I figured maybe I’ll make my way to that spot and wait there for anything to show up. Slowly walked my way there and setup my tripod, put therifle in it, got out my binos and started glassing the cut block. Had a really great crosswind that was blowing pretty steady so I was pretty pumped about everything. After glassing for about half an hour I decided to pour some hot tea and no sooner had I poured the tea did this bear come cruising out of thetimber into the cut block about 200 yards from me. It seemed like he was oblivious to everything and was just cruising at a steady pace towards my direction up on this little hill right in the middle of his berry patch.

So I quickly got my scope on him and just watched as he quickly made his way towards me. I could feel my heart pumping faster and faster as I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. I’m not yet comfortable shooting at 200 yards yet since I haven’t killed any big game before,so wanted to make sure if possible to get within 100 yards. Well he quickly was within 100 yards and my heart was pumping and I realized he was coming for his berry patch but couldn’t see or smell me at all. When he got within 75 yards I was wondering if I wasgoing to have to shoot while he was moving because wasn’t stopping at all and wasn’t sure if he was going to give me a broad side look. Then he changed his direction a little bit and started quartering towards me while he was walking. I focused my scope directly right behind his shoulder and luckily he stopped for a quick second and I didn’t hesitate – nailed him right in the lungs!

He immediately ran right towards me after the shot and I didn’t even know I had hit him at that point. There were small 10-15 foot trees below me and he ran behind those towards me, so I had no idea if I hit him and wasn’t sure if he was coming for me. So I stand up, pull the rifle out of the tripod, put another in the chamber and was anticipating having to shoot him as he was charging towards me. But he literally only ran about 10 metres from where I shot him and I heard the loud groan. I was literally in shock. He was dead within 10 seconds after the shot. I slowly walked down to where he was after I heard the groan and poked him and he was dead. I was shaking. Quickly went back to my back pack and struggled to cut my tag as I was still shaking. (no tag soup this year!) I made the perfect shot just behind hisshoulder and double lunged him (if I wasn’t using the Caldwell Magnum Dead shot Tripod I don’t think I could’ve made such a good shot).

He was smaller than he looked from a distance, but I heard that shrinkage is common with bears. But I was also relieved that he was smaller because this was my first time field dressing anything and I was by myself. Took about 2-3 hours to gut,quarter and get the hide off, but I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it (and surprisingly got very little amount of hair on the meat). Brought it home and we were up till 11pm last night finishing the butchering job and boning out the ribs etc. I love knowing exactly where my meat comes from and what his last moments were like before he died and how he died.
And I just wanted to say thank you to all the helpful hunters on this website. I truly believe that I wouldn’t have been successful this early in my hunting career without learning from all of your helpful posts, stories, tips, tactics, strategies that I’ve spent the last year going through (especially the older posts from years ago – they’re golden!)

What a truly amazing experience that I will never forget.

http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa475/tidalfraserangler/IMG_20160910_153856.jpg (http://s1199.photobucket.com/user/tidalfraserangler/media/IMG_20160910_153856.jpg.html)
http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa475/tidalfraserangler/IMG_20160910_155148.jpg (http://s1199.photobucket.com/user/tidalfraserangler/media/IMG_20160910_155148.jpg.html)
http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa475/tidalfraserangler/IMG_20160910_190752.jpg (http://s1199.photobucket.com/user/tidalfraserangler/media/IMG_20160910_190752.jpg.html)

P.S. – any tips for how to best cook the tenderloins?

09-12-2016, 07:31 PM
Congratulations, well done.

09-12-2016, 07:33 PM
Did you wipe the milk off his lips?? Haha jk jk ! Bears are tough to judge congrats on your tender meat and first hunting success

09-12-2016, 07:40 PM
Congrats! You put in the work and were successful. Lots of season left to find yourself a deer, look forward to the stories.

09-12-2016, 07:44 PM
Saw under the last pict you were looking for cooking tenderloin tips. Get some Club House meat marinade, the pack is in the spice isle. Marinade for 24 hours, sprinkle some Montreal steak spice on and cook to well done. If it was any else but bear medium rare.

09-12-2016, 07:48 PM
First big game animal is a solo bear! Good Job! Way to show patients with waiting on a comfortable range and a confident shot.

You may have yourself a good spot with that bedding area. I'd try and figure out their movements. If you don't see a buck with them right away, one is bound to show up.

I'm a fan of medalioning the tenderlouns, dredging them in flour and steak spice, then frying them in bear fat.

09-12-2016, 07:57 PM
Congratulations, , this will be as tasty as a bear gets. Good luck with deer now!

09-12-2016, 08:01 PM

09-12-2016, 08:14 PM
First big game animal is a solo bear! Good Job! Way to show patients with waiting on a comfortable range and a confident shot.

You may have yourself a good spot with that bedding area. I'd try and figure out their movements. If you don't see a buck with them right away, one is bound to show up.

I'm a fan of medalioning the tenderlouns, dredging them in flour and steak spice, then frying them in bear fat.
Yup, I'd be going back to that spot too...congrats on your first bear! I thought the very same thing when I shot my first bear, they are definitely easy to over estimate their size..

09-12-2016, 08:20 PM
Nicely done. Congrats!

09-12-2016, 08:31 PM
Well done,i felt your excitement.Thanks for the story.

09-12-2016, 08:53 PM
Sounds like you have put in the leg work and deserve the bear that you got. Well done and look forward to seeing your first buck down.

09-12-2016, 09:00 PM
Well done.congradulations.he will be a fine eater. You studied, practiced, have cowed down on tag soup but have some tasty bear meat.cook all bear well done...due to some bears carrying trichinossis. ..
Thank you for sharing your exciting first big game harvest. .it is always appreciated.

09-12-2016, 09:31 PM
Congrats on your first animal! Always good to see a hunter put food on his table

09-12-2016, 09:39 PM
Wow congratulations!!! I LOVED reading this story. It got me so excited for you :) I hope I will have the same type of success story to post soon :)

09-13-2016, 04:44 AM
Congrats man! Hunting in a blind can be tough!

09-13-2016, 06:47 AM
Way to go on the bear and great write-up too! The part about the glowing eyes really took me in. Deer can be creepy and that looks like a spooky place in the dark. Congrats on your first big game animal. Looks like you took care of the field dressing and butchering very well too.

09-13-2016, 07:05 AM
Congrats and great story

09-13-2016, 07:11 AM
congrats and thanks for sharing with all of us!

09-13-2016, 08:02 AM
Congrats! Reading you story brings back all sorts of memories........thanks for sharing.

Harvest the Land
09-13-2016, 11:38 AM
Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone! I can't wait to get back out there next month (too many chores to take care of in the meantime).

Ended up just seasoning the tenderloins with plain pepper and salt and cooked them in a frying pan in the bear lard and all I can say is Holy Cow! Probably the best meat I've ever had. I read that bear meat is like pork, but I didn't see any resemblance to the taste or texture of pork at all, not even a little bit, so to anyone who hasn't tried bear meat it is nothing like pork - the meat from a bear that's been eating berries is in a class all on its own as far as I'm concerned. Maybe the comparison to pork is the fact that you have to cook it fairly well done like pork and that it can have trichinosis like pork, but those are the only similarities.

Also, we fried up a couple of pieces of the lard on its own until it was crispy and oh man was that ever good!

Thanks for reading my story!

09-13-2016, 12:54 PM
Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone! I can't wait to get back out there next month (too many chores to take care of in the meantime).

Ended up just seasoning the tenderloins with plain pepper and salt and cooked them in a frying pan in the bear lard and all I can say is Holy Cow! Probably the best meat I've ever had. I read that bear meat is like pork, but I didn't see any resemblance to the taste or texture of pork at all, not even a little bit, so to anyone who hasn't tried bear meat it is nothing like pork - the meat from a bear that's been eating berries is in a class all on its own as far as I'm concerned. Maybe the comparison to pork is the fact that you have to cook it fairly well done like pork and that it can have trichinosis like pork, but those are the only similarities.

Also, we fried up a couple of pieces of the lard on its own until it was crispy and oh man was that ever good!

Thanks for reading my story!

Might be worth picking up a grinder, even a hand held one. We really enjoy making bear burgers or using the ground meat for chilli, tacos, "ham-bear-ger helper", etc. Another favorite is just cutting it up into "stirfry size" chunks with some bbq/steak sauce or sweet/hot mustard, then topping it off with some boursin cheese. All excellent table fare. I find it tastes closer to lean beef than pork (literally can't tell if it's in chilli or hamberger helper) but I have never tried a fall bear. Hopefully you will have another success story after your trip next month!

09-13-2016, 01:40 PM
Congratulations one your first big game kill! Great story. Thanks for sharing your adventure.

09-13-2016, 02:17 PM
Congratulations man!!!

Bugle M In
09-13-2016, 04:36 PM
Good for you!......congrats.

Rob Chipman
09-13-2016, 05:32 PM
"I heard that shrinkage is common with bears."

LOL! Especially if you're sneaking up on them or they're running toward you! They are definitely different than shooting does.

Good job!

09-13-2016, 05:55 PM
Nice looking bear!!. Hope to tag one this year. Was a great read. Look forward to your next adventure.

09-13-2016, 06:24 PM
Congrats - I took out my first bear tag this year and I'm looking forward to similar excitement.

Whonnock Boy
09-13-2016, 07:14 PM
Right on! One less predator out there. Well, one less with four feet.

09-13-2016, 07:34 PM
Great share & congratulations.
I have not ate bear in years, but previously enjoyed Bear & Bear
Create bean concoction of you choice in the crock pot ( lots of recipe's on line )
Flash fry tenderloin and add to beans, then stew together and enjoy