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View Full Version : Tatshenshinni 2016

09-12-2016, 09:07 AM
As I enjoy reading people's stories of their hunts I have always wanted to write my own. I started researching this hunt last year when I moved to BC. I have always hunted sheep in Alberta, and a Dall sheep was on the top of my bucket list. I never thought I would ever be drawn, but as luck would have it, I got drawn on my first year applying. The only down fall was I previously committed to a stone sheep hunt with friends that I was no longer able to make. Lastly, I decided to make my Dall sheep hunt a combo and apply for a grizzly tag.

After a lot of online research, studying maps and talking to a few people, I had a very good idea of the area I was going to hunt. At this point, I didn't know when the hunt would start, as I was waiting to see if I would get drawn for Grizzly. Once I was drawn for Grizzly, I set a date and invited a few friends from Alberta to be my pack mules and all three of them agreed to come along. Even though my friends couldn’t hunt, they wanted to be a part of the experience.

The date had finally arrived. I left work on the 25th of August, picked up my buddies on the way up, and we were off. I couldn't believe I was on my way to a hunt of a lifetime.
Day 1: We drove as far as Watson Lake stopping at Toad River for a burger and the Liard hot springs for a dip in the natural springs.

Day2: We headed north stopping in Whitehorse for a few things and a visit with a guide that I met on a goat hunt 8yrs ago. He shared his knowledge of guiding in the Tatshenshini over a cup of coffee. That afternoon we arrived at the area where we were going to hunt. We checked out the trailhead and glassed until dark off the road. We spotted two rams but unfortunately, they were on the wrong side of the road. We also saw 40 some ewes and lambs, three Billy Goats, a wolf, as well as a moose in the area I was going to hunt.

Day 3: The first real day of hunting we met another hunter at the trailhead who also had a sheep draw for the same area. He advised us he was planning to head in on the Pardon river trail, which worked in favor for us, as we were heading into the squaw creek old mining trail to the north. We loaded up our essential food and gear for five days in. At the start of the trail head, there is two good size glacier fed river crossings, which are always fun to cross. We continued up the squaw creek old mining trail which is a brush-filled horse trail for the most part, but a lot easier than bushwhacking. We arrived at our camp location (Talbot Creek Valley) mid-afternoon which had 41 ewes and lambs within sight. Once camp was set up, which wasn't much: two 2-man tents, we headed out for an evening hike. That night we saw two Billy Goats and a nice grizzly bear. However, the grizzly season wasn’t open for another four days, and I wasn’t ready to take a goat as I was holding out for a ram.
Day 4: We headed up from Talbot Creek and up the valley over the saddle on the back side of the squaw creek trail. From there we hiked over three more drainages to have a better look. The weather wasn't great with poor visibility at times. We did spot three more sheep, a ewe, and twin lambs, the one lamb had a broken leg and wasn't doing so good. After spending the day hiking and glassing as the weather moved in and out, we headed back to camp and the weather took a turn for the worse. We were wet from the heavy rain even with our Sitka and Kuiu rain gear on. That night we had a fire to dry out our gear, and enjoyed some mountain house and freeze dried desserts. While sitting around camp, we saw another grizzly with her cub.
Day 5: We decided that we would head up Talbot Creek. We hiked up the valley and once at the back, we continued to climb over the back saddle and glassed and still no sign of rams. So we decided we would head back down into the valley and go up another valley to take a look. While walking, we came across the Billy Goats we spotted on the first day. Although they were getting a little more tempting, as we had not seen a single sheep, I decided it was still too early for a goat. Once up near the top and still no sheep, we decided to continue over the top and look into the next valley, which was the Goldrun Creek Valley. We glassed that entire valley, continued to stop and glass as we worked our way to the bottom of the drainage which led us back to the main trail we came in on the first day of hunting. This day was another 30+ kilometers of hiking. So needless to say, it felt good to hit the tent that night.

Day 6: The weather was changing, causing the ewes above camp to move out. Alternatively, maybe it was because of the nice Grizzly we saw feeding down the valley from them. Either way, they headed up the valley and out of sight. Maybe this was a sign that the sheep were starting to move too. We headed back up the squaw creek trail to the top of the saddle. When we got to the top, you couldn’t see anything because it was so foggy and starting to snow. We decided to head up to the top of the mountain to the north of where we were on day two of hunting. After a couple of hours in, the fog cleared off, and we got to have a good look around. Now we were looking for white sheep in mountains covered in snow. After no sight of sheep, we decided to head back down after a couple of hours of glassing from the top. On the way down we saw a sow and two cubs. She was acting weird and was running around up and down the hill she was on. So we sat and watched her through the spotting scope until she moved on. That night back at the tents, we decided that this area was covered, and if we did not see a nice bear in the morning, which was the opener, we would move on.
http://i1269.photobucket.com/albums/jj600/hunt247/Tatshenshinni/Top%20of%20Squaw%20pass_zpsfmzidaf3.jpg?1473695858 040&1473695858838&1473695862812&1473695863097
Day 7: Up and at it early, we glassed every hillside in the valley and every slope. The only thing we seen was a lone ewe that had stayed behind. After having a closer look, we notice that her lamb was laying there dead on the side of the hill. As we watched the sheep, we had a conversation about how we thought the lamb had died and what had happened to the other sheep we seen with the broken leg. There are a lot of golden eagles in the area, and although we never witnessed it, the one comment was that maybe the eagles chasing them causes their injuries. After spotting nothing else we packed up camp and headed to the truck to grab more food and change out some gear.
Now loaded with food and some different gear we headed southwest on the Pardon River trail. While hiking into the Pardon, we noticed lots of wolf sign and some bear sign as well. However, nothing in the tracks and after several stops to glass, no animals were spotted. We had planned on heading to the old cabin where the trail splits and set up camp there. When we got there, another hunter was set up there already, so we continued down the O’Conner trail. We ran into the other hunter, and he told us he was having the same luck as us. After sharing a few stories with him, we decided we had better carry on and find a place with water to set up camp. After climbing up, which seemed like forever, we found water but not much of a camp site. So we set up the tents on the trail and called it a night as it had been a long day of hiking.

09-12-2016, 09:12 AM
Day 8: We slept in a little this morning as we were exhausted from the long day of hiking the day before and from all the hiking we had been doing on the trip so far. We glassed from camp while having some breakfast and headed out on what was going to be another long day of hiking. We eagerly wanted to push further back than the other hunter had. We headed down the valley on O’Conner trail which was full of ptarmigan but nothing else. Once down the valley, we noticed a saddle that I had wanted to take. As we hiked up and over the top, we came to a glacier. We discovered although the ground looks good, boy do you get a surprise when the shale you are walking on has glacier ice under it. After a few scares, we made it to the top. Right away we spotted three goats, but they were too far to go after. So we continued to glass, and down in the valley, there was a nice looking grizzly feeding on the berry field slopes. We made a plan and decided that even though it was going to be a late night if we got him, it was time to hunt a Grizzly.
We headed down to the valley bottom through some very steep terrain. As we were walking down the moss slipped out from under my boot and down I went, sliding towards the edge of a small cliff. As panic set in and my adrenaline was running from my toes to my ears, I managed to stop myself and regroup. The other guys with me were nervous, but took their time, and we all ended up making it down with no other issues. We stopped at the bottom and glassed again, and the bear was still feeding away. However, the wind was in his favor, and we knew it was going to be challenging to get closer to him. As we walked and watched him, we could tell he had scented us and that we may not get an opportunity. We stopped again and ranged him at 1900 yards. As we were looking at him, he bolted and was gone. After all the climbing down we just did, we were now climbing out with no reward.
When we got to the top of the mountain, now thankful we didn’t have a bear on our packs, we stopped for a break and glassed again. This time, we saw 20 plus goats, but once again at a distance too far to go after. While we sat there watching the goats, we discussed that we would work our way back to the main valley through the little valley we were above. Hoping that maybe we could spot a grizzly or a ram along the way. As we walked through the little valley, we noticed some fresh sheep tracks but no sheep. We continued on, looking for the O’Conner trail. As we walked up high, slowly scaling a rock slide looking down in the valley for the trail, we noticed survey stakes up high in the hills and laughed about how the surveyor must have been drunk back in the day to place all those stakes. Then out of nowhere my two buddies that were walking slightly ahead, start giving us the signal that there was a bear ahead.
We got down and out of sight from the bear, checked the wind which was perfect for us this time, and made a plan as this bear was one worth taking. We observed the bear slowly feeding upward, but in order for us to close the distance of 600 plus yards, we would have to go down and then work our way above him once we got to a drainage which was within 200 yards of him. As we walked closer I thought to myself; it is finally happening; I am stalking a grizzly, and the wind and terrain are perfect. When we got to the drainage where we could get above him, we started moving up the mountain as we did not want to be down below him in the alders, or worse yet below a wounded bear in the thick alders. We crested to the top of the drainage and spotted him now within 200 yards. However, he took off like he winded us even though the wind was blowing right in our face. The bear eventually stopped and continued to walk and feed at the same elevation as us, but we couldn’t get any higher without him spotting us.
We thought now or never, so we picked up our pace and moved into a position for a shot. We were at 125 yards, and the bear was walking slowly and slightly higher above us. I didn’t want to take a shot on a moving bear, so I hollered and whistled, but nothing would stop him, and he continued to walk behind a small hill with a bluff of trees. However, we were in a position where no matter which way the bear came out I would have a good shot. I moved up a little, dropped my pack for a rest, and sat there ready for him to show himself. The bear slowly walked out from behind the bluff of trees, stopped and looked down at us. At this moment I knew it was my time I placed the crosshairs and pulled the trigger. He instantly balled up and out of sight. As we sat there waiting for him to come out, I asked my buddy with the range finder, “How far?” He said, “I’m not sure, you pulled the trigger as I was about to hit the rangefinder in my Binos but you smoked him good.” We ranged the bluff of trees, and they were at 152yards. As we gave the bear time my patience was running out and so was our daylight. So two of the guys went high and looked down in the drainage the bear was in. Once they got up above and looked down the one hollered, “Yahoooo!”
We moved in to see my trophy for the first time, and there he was, all fours in the air and a bloodied trail where he tumbled down from above. As my buddies approached me with congrats, it hadn’t even set in that this hunt of a lifetime dream had become reality. As we took some pictures, talked about the stalk, and caped him out, I would randomly say “Holy smokes boys I’ve shot my first grizzly!” Once the bear and all of our gear were loaded up, we made our way up the valley with just enough light to get back on the trail we came down that morning. As we headed up the trail in the dark, the northern lights danced over the peaks to the north, and I thought to myself, “what a hunt, and it isn’t even over yet.” We ended up getting back to camp around 1:00 am and by the time we had a snack, and settled in the tents, it was after 1:30. What a long day but worth every minute.
Day 9: We had a big day ahead of us, still tired from the 37km the GPS showed from the day before, we faced 30+ km back to the truck with all our camp, less two days of food, and a grizzly bear on our packs. We started out the morning with two of us working on the bear, turning the lips and ears, cleaning up the feet, and the rest of the cape. As we did that, the other two guys took down camp and glassed for sheep. While glassing my one buddy said, “Hey there’s two sheep across the valley.” I grabbed the spotting scope and looked. Sure enough, two rams feeding across the valley from us and the trail out, but at this point, we were way too far to see if they were legal. It was time to go so we loaded our gear, and we were off, down the trail and stopping here and there to get a better look at the Rams. The two rams were working their way across the mountain range in a direction that couldn’t be more perfect, as they were heading right for where we were going. We finally got within a distance that we could get a great look with a spotting scope. The one ram clearly wasn’t legal, maybe a 5 or 6-year-old. The other ram had us going; he was a really nice ram with lamb tips. As we looked at him from many different angles, we discovered he was about 1inch from being a full curl thin horn. As my excitement faded, I sat there thinking, my dream of shooting a Dall sheep was over.

As we continued to the truck, which was still ten plus km away, with the weight of a grizzly on my pack I had a lot of time to think of what I had already accomplished. Although it was a long shot that we would see something from the road, I accepted the fact that this hunt was complete. My dream of shooting a Dall sheep was delayed, but I accomplished another dream with a great mountain grizzly on my back. We got back to the glacier feed river crossings, and although freezing cold, the water felt so good on our feet. At the river, we ran into a gentleman out for a horseback ride. I noticed from a distance that his horse was acting up, so I gave him a holler advising him I had a bear hide on my back, which may be why his horse was acting up. He thanked me and dismounted his horse before the show got any more exciting. We had a great conversation, and he told us this trail was his favorite place to ride. We could see why, the rivers, mountains, and glaciers of the Tatshenshinni are amazing.

That evening we drank some beer, had a fire, and glassed for wildlife from camp. We talked about the limited number of rams we seen, despite the amount of area we covered, and could not help but wonder if the numbers are declining? If so, is it the abundance of Golden Eagles and their effects on the lambs, the bears and wolves, hard winters, or pressure from the outfitter and earlier hunting parties that pushed the Rams out of the area? Overall, I think the Dall sheep numbers are still up as we seen lots of ewes and lambs.
Now at home writing this story and thinking back on this hunt. I am glad to have done my part in sheep conservation by harvesting a Grizzly bear and I hope that one day I will get a second opportunity to hunt Dall sheep.

09-12-2016, 09:29 AM
Congrats on your grizz. Well written story and great pics.

First of many hunts there I'm thinking.

09-12-2016, 09:39 AM
Great story and beautiful pics. Nice looking bear! I head up for my first grizzly hunt in a few days. hopefully ill have a good write up when I get back :)

09-12-2016, 09:48 AM
Very nice!

09-12-2016, 09:50 AM
That's a beauty bear, love the head.

09-12-2016, 09:54 AM
Awesome hunt and bear. Congrats!

09-12-2016, 09:56 AM
great story, thanks for sharing.

09-12-2016, 10:02 AM
Great hunt!
Congrats and thanks for sharing

09-12-2016, 10:15 AM
good job. great write up . thanks for posting!

09-12-2016, 11:33 AM
Good lookin bear and great story! Thanks for posting it up, congrats!

09-12-2016, 11:45 AM
Beauty write up and a hell of a mountain grizz. Thanks for takin us along

09-12-2016, 11:49 AM
Great story! Thanks for sharing your adventure.

Whonnock Boy
09-12-2016, 12:14 PM
Excellent!!! Thanks for sharing.

Stone Sheep Steve
09-12-2016, 12:34 PM
Thanks for taking the time to write this up they way you did! Hope others will follow your lead and bring HBC back to its former glory.
Congrats on the grizz!
I admire the way you conveyed your appreciation for the beauty of the country and its remoteness. I still have yet to visit the Tat but hope to one day soon.


09-12-2016, 12:37 PM
Kick ass! Great trip and thanks for taking the time to take us along. I am sure I am not the only one that is envious of your trip. Congrats on your bear!

09-12-2016, 01:19 PM
Right on man congrats!

09-12-2016, 01:23 PM
beauty bear thanks for sharing!

09-12-2016, 01:31 PM
Great hunt and a good write-up too. Glad to see some location names for a change, almost like they are dis-allowed on here.
Good on you for passing the goats and staying focused

09-12-2016, 01:53 PM
Ya baby........looks great Ricky!!!

09-12-2016, 02:33 PM
Congrats and great story thanks :-)

Skull Hunter
09-12-2016, 04:01 PM
Great story. I was absolutely choked when I had that draw and couldn't make it due to an unexpected medical issue that came up the day before I was set to depart. Congrats on a beautiful trip.

09-12-2016, 04:04 PM
My legs got tired just reading about all that hiking!! Great write-up. Congrats on successful trip.

09-12-2016, 07:04 PM
Congrats on a beautiful Grizz. What an adventure you had there...
Thanks for taking us along.

09-12-2016, 07:06 PM
Hmmm very nice grizzly congratulations. .as for the rams it's hard to believe a white sheep can hide amongst grey rocks and green side hills. .it's not the kilometers it's the huge elevation changes..every name you mentioned has yielded rams..every last one of them.
You had an amazing trip..gorgeous bear and GREAT friends.
Thank you for sharing.

09-12-2016, 07:18 PM
This story kind of pains me. All the talk about passing on goats left and right! LoL

Awesome bear and awesome story!!

09-12-2016, 07:20 PM
Amazing post. Thanks for sharing!!

09-12-2016, 07:24 PM
Great story, congrats on the g bear. Sounds like an amazing hunt.

09-12-2016, 07:28 PM
This story kind of pains me. All the talk about passing on goats left and right! LoL!!
Lol I hear ya

Awesome adventure thanks for sharing. Beauty grizz

09-12-2016, 07:44 PM
Thanks for sharing your hunt.Good times.

09-12-2016, 08:15 PM
Awesome Bear!! Congrats on your Grizzly!!!

Thanks for bring us along and sharing your hunt with us fellow hunters!!



09-12-2016, 08:20 PM
Beauty G bear and great pics congrats!

09-12-2016, 09:21 PM
Great post!

Loved the write up and the pics.

Congratulations on the bear and thanks for sharing!

09-12-2016, 09:25 PM
Very impressive bear. Great write-up and pics. Congratulations.

09-12-2016, 11:35 PM
Great share!
Congrats on a beauty griz and thanks for sharing.
One day I hope to chase Dall's in the Tat. One day...

09-13-2016, 01:43 AM
Beautiful, inspiring writing and one awesome hunt.

09-13-2016, 06:50 AM
Huge effort and wonderful results... just the way it should be. Excellent write-up and pictures. I'm sure any legal ram that turns your crank is destined for the wall ! :lol:

09-14-2016, 06:55 AM
Thanks for the feed back guys. I'm heading out for a LEH goat draw in October so maybe I'll have another story on that hunt if I make it out then.

09-14-2016, 08:10 PM
Thanks for sharing . I have to put in for that one next year

Mighty Peace
09-15-2016, 08:09 AM
Great story!!CONGRATS on a awesome hunt with your friends and success on your first grizzly !! Your Dall sheep will happen one day for you !!

09-15-2016, 10:38 AM
Wicked story and an awesome looking bear, congrats!