View Full Version : The story of (NO)Goat, (No)MULIE but for the love of God, why the Grizzlies?!?

09-03-2016, 11:35 PM
I definitely had a wicked start of the season. Albeit demolished and at home now, with barely any sleep since Tuesday ...can say that these last few days have been some of the wildest, most rewarding hunting days yet.

Details to come.

09-04-2016, 01:00 AM
Grizzlies are extinct, you must have seen the last one...

09-04-2016, 01:45 AM
I can't wait to read this.. I'll be waiting impatiently :)

09-15-2016, 06:24 PM
Still waiting:smile:

09-15-2016, 06:34 PM
Hmmm why the grizzlies..where you were and when you were there. .lol they were there first..waiting to hear..

09-15-2016, 06:37 PM
Must be a good story with this anticipation.

Arctic Lake
09-15-2016, 07:37 PM
C"mon were waiting . How about a morsel to hold us over , LOL

Arctic Lake

09-15-2016, 07:47 PM
Prick tease

09-15-2016, 08:38 PM
I definitely had a wicked start of the season. Albeit demolished and at home now, with barely any sleep since Tuesday ...can say that these last few days have been some of the wildest, most rewarding hunting days yet.

Details to come.

Well we know he made it home so the grizzlies didn't get him... Wife must have done him in.

09-16-2016, 07:58 AM
Well we know he made it home so the grizzlies didn't get him... Wife must have done him in.

HAHAHA, right on. Swamped with work and there's been a slew of awesome stories going through, I figured mine could wait a bit more ...and right on the money, the wife did me ..:D in.

09-16-2016, 09:15 AM
...and right on the money, the wife did me ..:D in.

Ouch...walking funny?

09-16-2016, 10:06 AM
Everyone likes a little abuse

09-16-2016, 10:15 AM
Ouch...walking funny?

Pardon my ignorance, but from what I know that meaning is "shagged to exhaustion", "arsenic in tea", "rip you to pieces" etc. If there's something my ESL hasn't picked up, and again - I've offered some free amusement - happy to oblige ladies and gentlemen.

Uploading pics and videos now, will post them in a bit.

09-16-2016, 10:16 AM
Everyone likes a little abuse

My man ...spoken the truth right there :)

09-16-2016, 01:08 PM
It all started with a whisper ;) ...with a place longing to be explored. The maps were readied, the seed was planted, the boss approved me disappearing for an entire week in what was to become the closest encounter I've had so far.

Goat tag's been bought early this year, if not for support of wildlife, as a motivation piece to get me back into shape, especially following the three car crashes I've been through in a six months period, I know, stupid Vancouver!

It's rare that you have a chance to sit back and relax, meditate and enjoy the solitude ...and this was definitely not one of those moments, because my dad had to tag along, he wanted to make sure he finds every little fish hole he can, while I try for my goat.

Left of Wednesday August 31st, car had been packed up and ready to go, as soon as work was done, we were off. We made it to the campsite after 10h drive straight, snoozed for a bit and before the light could crack our eyes open we were up loading me up for the mountain trek ...and then they came, drops at first, hazy little clouds moving into place, all precursor warnings at what was about to come, the rains were there, welcoming us in all their glory. FML, right? My first time trying to do this, I must be special.

09-16-2016, 01:54 PM
Found the trail I wanted to take, found the way in, couldn't glass anything for the clouds were literally obscuring everything. It was a nice two days laid back, scouting and fishing every single spot we could find.

By the 2nd the game plan was I'm going up into the next valley, be what it may, I'll look for game, scout the next valley and see if I can find anything. Game plan done, night is there, we hunkered in. Next thing you know I get kicked hard out of my bed, my dad's all white and saying there's something out there. Fire was almost out, he had just stepped out to relieve himself. I can't see anything even with the powerful flashlight, can hear the thrash about the bushes, and I'm certain it's a bear, we make some noise, we look around, nada. It's probably a few minutes of this tense dafuq moment, but it passes and who's sleeping next? You've guessed it, nobody!

Morning comes and sure thing, 40 yards away from us on a patch of grass a big berry turd. Follow up some tracks and yup! It's a grizz.

09-16-2016, 02:06 PM
Having the fisherman :D with me I decided to switch gears and start scouting for later season. Packed up all the stuff and loaded it in. Got the maps out and started laying out the area to go through next ...and so we've done this: find a lake to plant my old man and his rod, dump the campground, head out. The remainder of the time I've done exactly that coming down through Quesnel Forks, Likely, Horsefly, La Hache and so on.

I'll have to admit it though, as much as I hate missing the opportunity on the goat, I just couldn't bear the thought of going home and explaining to the fam ...well, uhm, you know, I've left him some bear spray, I thought he'd be OK!

It sucked not doing what I went up for, but coming home every night to this


for the connoisseur: onions, Romanian bacon, bear burgers


it was almost heartbreaking moving on to the next spot, but then you'd stumble onto this


and you'd feel better again.

09-16-2016, 02:08 PM
You never know what you find when out there


It felt so eerie to slip by, nobody came to take it away the two days we were there.

09-16-2016, 02:21 PM
One would think one time grizz in camp was enough adventure ...would think.

We found some promising spots and dad wanted to tag along one day. We head out bright and early before six. Not even 100 yards from camp a doe, you can see the spiker in the bush behind her, sat and watched them for a bit and he eventually came into the open as well. Once we moved into their direction they split. Over a ridge and towards the river we see this nice cut block and it holds pretty good sign, then we stumble onto a really fresh pile.

SHHHHHHH! signs all over, make sure I'm locked and loaded and tip toe, tip toe ...It went like that for a bit until my heart sank and I'm staring into this massive head. He's sitting down looking at us and his head is massive, his arse even bigger. Hey bear! my dad can hear me as I reach out and stop him and slowly nudge forward. This guy looks to be double my size and I'm a healthy heavy man, and still ..and as the bear leans over and slips in between the trees we slowly back away back to the road

Can you see the bear?

09-16-2016, 02:22 PM
And for the people with trust issues :)


Can anyone show me how to embed, I've tried the icon, doesn't seem to pick up

09-16-2016, 02:26 PM

"This video is private."


09-16-2016, 02:42 PM
Now, there were moments when I was close. Like the time before sunset when I spent a good hour looking at these three does and heavy bodied spiker feed


At times they were literally 30 yards away and I must say it was amazingly relaxing to sit and watch them. Then things changed, spiker goes up the ridge to the right, comes down in a hurry grunting. They all followed up the to the end of the green and then I heard a bigger heavier grunt from the end. All four started popping up, ran back towards me and they either finally winded me or caught some move as I was trying to put the rifle on the far side of the river to see what spooked them ... they all bolted straight into the water, swam across and started climbing the ridge.

At the very end, another loud grunt and splash in the water,


But I couldn't see anything anymore. It was already late, and nighttime in the mountains comes quickly.

So that's it folks, found some awesome spots, enjoyed some close encounters and came home with clean underpants.

Last but not least, Chef Extraordinaire

09-16-2016, 02:43 PM
"This video is private."


Try now bud.

09-16-2016, 06:49 PM
No wonder you had Mr G in camp with cooking like that:)

09-16-2016, 08:37 PM
Sounds like some good quality time with dear old dad.

09-16-2016, 08:58 PM
Right on, so damn fine camp meals right there. What area? You didn't really let a bear scare you off the mountain did ya, the fishing was just that good eh :razz: . You found my truck! Had to google what slanina was, sounds pretty good.

09-17-2016, 10:18 AM
Really nice story..lots of memories..i wish i could be there...thnxxx:razz:

09-28-2016, 12:40 PM
No wonder you had Mr G in camp with cooking like that:)

Believe it or not, I'm surprised he didn't touch the actual food. I brought one of those plug in coolers and he never touched it, just roamed through and took the dump to say hello.

Sounds like some good quality time with dear old dad.

It really was, thanks.

Right on, so damn fine camp meals right there. What area? You didn't really let a bear scare you off the mountain did ya, the fishing was just that good eh :razz: . You found my truck! Had to google what slanina was, sounds pretty good.

You would've done the same, after spending a day up and seeing constant grizzly sign you get worried the old man has nothing but bear spray on him. And good thing I did, because next day when I came down to camp grizzly paid a visit as well.

Really nice story..lots of memories..i wish i could be there...thnxxx:razz:

It was, thanks.

09-28-2016, 01:41 PM
Right on, some quality time with the old man & his cooking looks good too! The animals will always be there, but he won't... Good lookin' bear. 8)