View Full Version : Training to hunt poll

08-17-2016, 08:54 PM
I'm curious how often other hunters are doing fitness training specifically to hunt?

do not train
1-3 times per month
1-3 times per week
more than 3 times per week

08-17-2016, 08:59 PM
Before i was in my car accident a year ago i was in the gym 3-6 days a week but a hit and run put an end to that for me, i start doing my active therapy rehab at the end of august, im really looling forward to getting back in shape, I've gained weight and lost muscle mass over the last year, before the accident i was down 40-45 lbs and putting on a good amount of muscle, should be interesting seeing a trainer.

08-17-2016, 09:13 PM
I try 1-3 a week. May slip a bit in the off season and pick up to 3-5 during the later spring and summer.

08-18-2016, 05:50 AM
Russm- that's rough man. Good luck with the rehab.

08-18-2016, 05:55 AM
In rough shape these days as far as the gym. But I make a point of loading the 'daypack' and going on a good walk or hike once a week.

08-18-2016, 06:39 AM
I used to hike with or do stairs with a loaded pack 3-4 times a week for June July Aug by Aug typically I would have close to 100 lbs on my back to do stairs, I work a physical job so only the cardio needs help before hunting season. This year I'll have two minor surgeries This summer, With my second one scheduled for tomorrow. I'm hoping I'll be in good enough condition by Oct to road hunt moose....
This is my first year in 7 that I'll be missing opening archery season sept 1 :(

08-18-2016, 06:54 AM
Right now I'm hiking up a local mtn 3 times a week with my full pack weight for backpack goat hunting. Comes in at just under 9 hours for the week. Plus I bike 22 km a day to and from work.

Started the hiking in June this year. Usually start earlier but had to let an injury heal. I bike year round.

Been doing this for the past few years and find that I am in pretty good shape for mountain hunts

08-18-2016, 07:33 AM
Never have to train. I'm a lean mean climbing machine.. Obviously I dont hunt goats and sheep. :razz:

08-18-2016, 08:48 AM
After my last blood test my cholesterol levels came back bad even though I am not in bad condition and have exercised most of my life. Further testing revealed that the bad cholesterol was particularly nasty stuff that usually infects the arteries of obese people with diabetes. I have neither! So now I am pretty strict doing some form of cardio every other day and yoga or stretching on the days off. I am not training for hunting specifically but I am trying to keep myself in decent shape so I don't die of a massive heart attack in my fifties like my grandpa. Being able to hike up and down mountains easier is just a side benefit.

08-18-2016, 09:16 AM
1. Lots of turkish get-ups
2. Lots of deadlifts
3. Lots of farmer walk on the stairs with two 25's
4. Lots of steep climb dog walks with 50lb in the pack
5. Throw in bunch of cleans, pull-up, push-up...etc...

08-18-2016, 09:18 AM
I hit the gym five days a week, mainly because I want to live a long, healthy life, but with a focus on carrying strength.

In recent years I've switched up my routine to get me ready for hunting. Currently I do to a third heavy lifting, a third kettlebells, and a third cardio. The heavy lifting is mostly bench press, dead lift, overhead press and squat. For kettlebells I'm currently following the "Simple and Sinister" program from Strong First / Pavel Tsatsouline. For cardio I mostly just use the treadmill (there's room for improvement there).

This said, I think you could get in pretty good hunting shape with just the "Simple and Sinister" program, which focuses on the swing and getup. If you're interested, the book is a great start, Google is your friend, and you might want to book a session with StrongFirst certified trainer--I did.

08-18-2016, 10:19 AM
I don't train to hunt per se, I just try to keep in decent shape year round so I'm ready to hunt when the time comes.

Iron Glove
08-18-2016, 10:22 AM
I don't do hunting specific training but am at the gym generally 6 - 7 times a week.
A good cardio warm up then the weights.
Add in playing hockey weekly, daily walking the dogs and I figure I'm doing just fine for a 65 year old guy with a bad hip, sore back and a knee in rehab. :mrgreen:
Now if I could only kick the Pepsi and Potato Chip habits. :-(

08-18-2016, 11:53 AM
Don't train. Skoal straight and the occasional Advil get me through. Leave for sheep and elk tomorrow. I'm gonna suffer so bad - can't friggin wait. Hopefully not my last post ever...

08-18-2016, 03:23 PM
This is great stuff guys.

I love Simple & Sinister. Great book and program. I started with that then moved to Mountain Strong which was built in conjunction with Strong First. It is a really great program. That combined with eating based on the Primal Blueprint I have gone from being a 5'7" 236pound fat a$$ to 191 pounds this morning. Have a bit to go yet but feeling great. Getting into hunting has been the only thing that has motivated me enough to ship up my health.

Elkchaser - ha ha ha good luck on your trip tomorrow. Hopefully your next post will be telling us about a successful hunt!

08-18-2016, 04:37 PM
I may be fat but I'm less fat than I was 2 months ago :mrgreen: heart lungs and legs are in better shape than they've been in years. Was 5-6 days but have tapered back to 1-3 days a week lately so I don't go into September worn out or injured. Walk 5km to and from work x5 days a week too since April. Been averaging 15km a day for a couple months now, get that body moving!

08-18-2016, 04:47 PM
1. Lots of turkish get-ups
2. Lots of deadlifts
3. Lots of farmer walk on the stairs with two 25's
4. Lots of steep climb dog walks with 50lb in the pack
5. Throw in bunch of cleans, pull-up, push-up...etc...

lol farmer walk? Is that a bow legged thing while cussing about stuff? funny

08-18-2016, 05:02 PM
But us "Do Not Train" are runn'in a close second here guys! Now, if a few of the "3 times a week" guys were just a bit more honest the DNT guys would be away out in front! Lying *******s eh! Well to be 100 percent honest here, I started a very stringent get in shape for hunting work out plan, most mornings start with me trying to crawl towards my quad which I have in my basement, if I'm lucky enough to reach it, I take a breather, lift myself up off the floor and then try to get my right leg onto the seat, if that fails I just keep crawling outside and get on my JD tractor, I don't have to raise my legs to get on the seat like my quad. Once on the JD I pick up the garden hose with my extent a claw thing, so now I can ride all over the yard and water the grass and flowers, not bad for a crippled up olde Injun Eh! Seems, for some bloody reason the wife thinks if I can't get on my Quad without using the 110 volt winch I've got on the mono rail track for lifting critters into my cold room, I shouldn't be going hunting by my self? Something bad might happen she say's, what the hell's the difference between something bad happening if I'm out enjoying myself hunting on my Quad, which I love to do, or something bad happening when I sitt'in around here??? Women, what do they know, Eh? See you's out there this fall!

08-18-2016, 05:04 PM
lol farmer walk? Is that a bow legged thing while cussing about stuff? funny

advanced farmer walk is while telling a dirty joke and "fixing" something with baling wire and a used nail, for the third time in a week.

I hike 2-3 times a week, do chin ups and push-ups daily, run the dog semi-daily.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-18-2016, 05:12 PM
I try to hike 3 times per week and usually start in April. I'll start with a light backpack and build up as high as I can...usually around 80lbs. I usually hike steep hills to keep my training time to a minimum. I will also try to mix longer hikes as I get closer to August 1st.

Haven't been to a gym in 9 years or so but need to get back in there this coming winter.

08-18-2016, 05:25 PM
Haven't been to a gym in 9 years or so but need to get back in there this coming winter.

Don't forget to post some gym mirror selfies for us! :mrgreen:

08-18-2016, 05:58 PM
But us "Do Not Train" are runn'in a close second here guys! Now, if a few of the "3 times a week" guys were just a bit more honest the DNT guys would be away out in front! Lying *******s eh! Well to be 100 percent honest here, I started a very stringent get in shape for hunting work out plan, most mornings start with me trying to crawl towards my quad which I have in my basement, if I'm lucky enough to reach it, I take a breather, lift myself up off the floor and then try to get my right leg onto the seat, if that fails I just keep crawling outside and get on my JD tractor, I don't have to raise my legs to get on the seat like my quad. Once on the JD I pick up the garden hose with my extent a claw thing, so now I can ride all over the yard and water the grass and flowers, not bad for a crippled up olde Injun Eh! Seems, for some bloody reason the wife thinks if I can't get on my Quad without using the 110 volt winch I've got on the mono rail track for lifting critters into my cold room, I shouldn't be going hunting by my self? Something bad might happen she say's, what the hell's the difference between something bad happening if I'm out enjoying myself hunting on my Quad, which I love to do, or something bad happening when I sitt'in around here??? Women, what do they know, Eh? See you's out there this fall!

haha . Something bad happening is better than nothing happening right. . Yer an ole injun?

08-18-2016, 06:10 PM
I sexersize with ma ones a while..does that count?that is hard enaugh to mee..i cant pull whole moose over the mountain anymore...becouse i,m over the hill myself..but i,m hunting with my sons ,,and they do it for pa ,,if needed..:-):roll:

08-18-2016, 06:37 PM
Yer Ones?? All five ovem? lol just ribbin.G

08-18-2016, 06:52 PM
I work out all year round. I also have the added benefit of 10-15km of hiking timber a couple times a week. I lift weights year round and the two months before the season I run 6km every second day and last week I did a 10km run which I will do once a week until my hunt.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-18-2016, 07:46 PM
Don't forget to post some gym mirror selfies for us! :mrgreen:

Ill work on my pucker just for you, TB.....

08-18-2016, 07:59 PM
I don't train to hunt per se, I just try to keep in decent shape year round so I'm ready to hunt when the time comes.
Same here...I train at home year round and am in the bush year round...

08-19-2016, 02:12 PM
This is a close poll. I expected it to be higher on the 1-3 per month.

08-19-2016, 02:40 PM
I train for fitness bottle o' whisky in my belly.

08-20-2016, 11:39 AM
i workout year round. best to stay in shape and amp it up a bit before the season than to do crash training for a month before season starts. currently i cycle my regimens.
stronglifts 5x5 for 12 weeks
athlean xero for 6 weeks(though i have yet to make it through week 6 and usually take a week off and switch back to 5x5)

since stronglifts 5x5 is only 3 days a week, i add in either burst training from atlean xero or hiking depending on strength and fatigue levels.

i also subscribe to wilderness athlete. 28-day challenge combo combined with the recovery combo package every month.

i must admit i do not look like an athlete or a body builder. problem is i love pastas and steaks and chinese foods. i know i consume much more food in a day than i should, but come on, with all these foods that taste so bloody good and life being so bloody short, i might as well enjoy my meals, might be my last.....

08-23-2016, 10:08 PM
bump for the poll. currently a three way tie.