View Full Version : Well my season is over before it starts this year

08-02-2016, 12:14 PM
Well looks my season might be over before it starts this year. I tore a ligament in my knee while out Bear hunting in the spring. Now I can hardly walk on it, let alone go hiking through the bushes after the deer unless I do road hunting. I dont like doing that but might do it so I can get out this fall.
Nothing for me to do now except wait to hear when I get the MRI (already been told it is about 12-18month wait for one) so the Dr can figure out what to do for me.

08-02-2016, 12:25 PM
Sorry to hear that...can you walk with a kane?? If you can, I would just walk into some areas not far off the road and sit hunt etc, as well as road hunt like you said..

08-02-2016, 12:34 PM
Well looks my season might be over before it starts this year. I tore a ligament in my knee while out Bear hunting in the spring. Now I can hardly walk on it, let alone go hiking through the bushes after the deer unless I do road hunting. I dont like doing that but might do it so I can get out this fall.
Nothing for me to do now except wait to hear when I get the MRI (already been told it is about 12-18month wait for one) so the Dr can figure out what to do for me.

Don't stay in, you'll go bananas. Drive around, pick a spot if you can glass or just go and get something, you won't be happy if you stay put.

08-02-2016, 12:42 PM
You and me both.A truck makes a good stand, for stand hunting. It's comfortable,too.

08-02-2016, 12:45 PM
Use that to your advantage.
You can't move fast and typically when we move too fast we spook all the game around us.
So maybe just adjust the expectations of how much ground you can cover.

08-02-2016, 12:54 PM
12 to 18 month for an MRI analysis of what might be wrong? Thats crazy. Around here, you need an MRI you go get one.

08-02-2016, 01:17 PM
Apply for a temporary disabled hunting permit. It will allow you to go into areas with road closures and you can take a helper to retrieve your game. you can drive in a sit just like hiking in. You have to specifiy what roads and get a permit from the ministry.

Big Hoss
08-02-2016, 01:17 PM
So for the luck. I wouldn't be waiting no 12 to 18 months for an MRI by then you could be doing other damage pay the money and go get one tomorrow

mokele mbembe
08-02-2016, 01:22 PM
You can get MRI done next day at False Creek for about 1500 CAD, or a bit cheaper in Bellingham if you pay cash. Our system is f-ed up, but at least there are few things you can do for money

08-02-2016, 01:24 PM
As said already go and pay cash if you can afford it. Can't put a price on health.

08-02-2016, 01:41 PM
12 to 18 month for an MRI analysis of what might be wrong? Thats crazy. Around here, you need an MRI you go get one.

x2....get second opinion and find a way to get MRI sooner to find out if repairs are needed. If wait that long may injure it further or be told you should have got it repaired sooner and now too late.

08-02-2016, 01:51 PM
Don't know where you work but the place I used to work for would gladly pay for the MRI just to get you that much closer to returning to work. I think they actually had an insurance policy for it ...

I’m as empty as last year’s birds nest

08-02-2016, 01:54 PM
I would pay for an MRI but my money situation does account for that as I am in the middle of a divorce and my job is getting slow so the health coverage was cancelled.
I will just wait for the MRI appointment and in the meantime I do as some of you say and just sit in the truck and glass some areas, as I know I will go crazy just sitting inside doing nothing. I might even just do as someone else suggested and use a cane and move slower.

Bugle M In
08-02-2016, 02:28 PM
No, it's no joke, the wait lists are bad...I'm waiting till 2017 Sept for an mri.
If you can afford it, get a private mri.
And than, if the mri shows surgery is required, than spend 500$ to see a specialist at one of the private clinics.
You don't need to go thru with the private part of the surgery (big bucks$$$), if that specialist also works in the public sector,
you can, after you see him, and he offers surgery as a part of the solution, ask to go on his public surgery wait list.
You will save at least 1 year in wait time for mri, and than also after the mri, another 1 to 2 years to see the specialist.
Meaning, you may not be able to get surgery for 2 years plus healing.....1 year.
By doing the mri and 1st specialist appointment privately, you'll save years.
The actual surgery wait time is short....a couple of months.
But, I only say this if you can afford to do it this way....not all of us can.
Best of luck

08-02-2016, 02:41 PM
So for the luck. I wouldn't be waiting no 12 to 18 months for an MRI by then you could be doing other damage pay the money and go get one tomorrow

As Hoss says ..... Do Not Wait

08-02-2016, 02:50 PM
I'm on my 3rd ACL, 3rd LCL, and 2nd PCL. Chunks of cadaver and steel in there now holding it all together. Don't give up on hunting. One year, after one of my many knee rebuilds, a group of HBC'ers took me out bear hunting. I shot a nice black bear off my crutches. it can be done.

08-02-2016, 03:28 PM
That sucks, but don't despair.

Some years back, my buddy and I both had broken our ankles. He was still in a robo-boot while I was walking gingerly a couple of months after my ankle surgery when the season started.

I got a moose and he got a deer while we hunted together, and we had a great season of adventure. Truck and quad huntin' ain't all that bad! ;)

08-02-2016, 04:55 PM
Sorry to hear man. It's still worth getting out there and sitting in some timber even if its 10-20yards from the road. caddisgirl got the stare-down from a nice blacky at 10 yards or so on Saturday morning and she was only about 5 yards from the jeep. I can't imagine the pain you're going through. I've had sporadic knee issues over the years and I broke my middle toe on Sunday. For something to keep me from hiking around in the bush and I'm sure you're the same, it would have to be crippling. Total bummer about the wait time for an MRI too. Sometimes I feel like our health care is less than first world. Hope you are all better soon and that you still drive a bit down a deactivated road than hobble 10 yards into the timber.

08-02-2016, 05:15 PM
I'm seriously sorry to hear of your problem and your issues regarding the MRI, I am having the exact opposite.
I have a lump on lumbar 4 that is nearly crippling me, the specialists claim they need an MRI before they can do anything .....and I cannot have an MRI because I wear a pacemaker.
So , I am between a rock and a hard place and can't hike very far because of back pain.
My spinal lump could be a build up of calcium or maybe it's the big C.... Who knows ?
If it's cancer they can burn it off with radiation, otherwise it's back surgery And no 2016 hunting either way.

So, yes I really sympathize with your troubles, hope you can get a solution very soon...

08-02-2016, 05:19 PM
That sucks, but don't despair.

Some years back, my buddy and I both had broken our ankles. He was still in a robo-boot while I was walking gingerly a couple of months after my ankle surgery when the season started.

I got a moose and he got a deer while we hunted together, and we had a great season of adventure. Truck and quad huntin' ain't all that bad! ;)

I'm with F-D on this one. Over the past 5 years I've had some health challenges. Hiking hasn't been an option but I've still been on some awesome hunts and managed to put meat in the freezer at roughly the same rate as before. Road hunting is a proud Canadian tradition!

I remember talking to Srupp on here and he mentioned that my limited capacity might be the best thing to happen to my hunting. It is a lot easier to go SLOW when you've got all day to get a few hundred yards.

Hiking might not be an option but hunting sure is.

08-02-2016, 06:56 PM
Look in to athletic knee braces. Even an old school tensor bandage helps. Go hunting but just don't **** it up worse no matter what you do take it easy till things are figured out and dealt with. Good luck with it man..

Iron Glove
08-03-2016, 08:43 AM
A few weeks ago while walking the mutts at the cabin I felt a slight pain in my knee.
It got progressively worse and was making a lot of noises, "clicks", "Snaps" and such which I have never experienced before.
My first thought was "Damn, I won't be ready for hockey in September" but figured I could probably still road and ATV hunt.
Returned home, got a brace and some drugs, used ice and limited my daily gym work outs to mainly upper body.
Within a few days it felt really good but got the Dr. to take a look and he figured it wasn't anything much, keep up the routine but get back if it comes back.
After another week of labour at the cabin, it's back, pain on the treadmill, pain at the gym doing leg curls and such so guess it'll by off to the Dr. and Physio.
Reading about the waits for an MRI and surgery scares the crap outta me - at 65 going on 66 there's not a lot of hockey playing left, hate to have to miss a season.
Guess for hunting I can always ride in my Son's truck bed and shoot from there. :icon_frow

08-03-2016, 08:52 AM
Did all ligaments in my knee 3 years ago and had the surgeries. 2 weeks ago while playing soccer, turned and felt a pop..... Pain and swelling, pretty sure same thing. Swelling has gone down and I have a wicked brace from last surgery so I have been wearing that. Knee still pops out or gives out if not wearing the brace but man what a difference the brace makes. Doctors appointment on Thursday then specialist shortly after......surgery again, well probably but not until after my moose leh. Good luck. Rest and ice.

08-03-2016, 11:01 AM
stay away from braces they tend to make you rely on them , best advice, keep moving it, do not become a couch potatoe, ive have 7 surgeries on my left knee due to torn acl, torn mcl, and miniscus tears, best bet, move it as much as you can as often as you can,

i got lucky, kinda and mine were work related so i was pushed through stupidly fast, but in all of them, the key was physio, get the muscle back, and get it as strong as possible , without a brace, , when i used a brace prior to surgery for the last one, it actually weakened my knee and extended the amount of physio i actually needed to get cleared back to work,

it sucks, but i`m guessing as long as you dont do some nasty hike in only hunts you`ll still find yourself out in the bush more then you thought!, i know i did, except the year i had my acl replaced with hamstring, ugh, that one was 2 weeks after deer season started on the island,

good luck!

08-08-2016, 12:22 PM
I did the same thing in my knee, it was a quicker heal then i thought it would be (didn't require surgery). It's gonna be sore as hell for a couple months for sure. If you don't need surgery, you may get some hunting in late Oct or Nov. Gonna be uncomfortable every once in awhile, but you may be able to do light hiking.

08-08-2016, 05:51 PM
commit a crime...get sent to prison...then you will get in right away...trust me I have seen it!