View Full Version : Went for a drive today...

06-10-2007, 05:24 PM
Well I was plannin on goin out on an early mornin hunt, that didnt work out too well haha. Slept in, so I ended up goin out about 12pm. Went for a drive up a road that I see lotsa bears on. Got about 20-30 k into my trip and I stumbled upon a nice cinnamon sow with 2 cubs. As soon as I stopped one cub went one way, the other went the other way with her mom, so I pulled up a bit and here comes the other cub just runnin as fast as he can to the other two. The cubs climbed up a tree and the mother stayed on the ground, long enough to snap off one picture. Here's the pic, its not the greatest but its ok.
So I continued on when they took off, saw lotsa deer, a few with some nice antlers growin!! I was going up a hill and saw something layin down in a clear cut, so I got out and started hiking out there, and it was a muley, I think having her baby, not to sure. When I got about 50-60 feet away she got up and walked about 20 feet. Managed to get a pic of her too.
It was a good day, finally got to see a few bears!!!:mrgreen:

06-10-2007, 06:07 PM
nice pics thanks

06-10-2007, 07:14 PM
No thanks for the pic from me. If it meant disturbing Nature taking its course, then I'd just as soon not know about it.
Glad you had a good day in the outdoors.

06-10-2007, 07:35 PM
Its not like the deer isn't still going to have its baby?
Thanks for the pics Cliff, cant wait to get back up there and start doin some scoutin! 7 more weeks of school!!!!!!!!!!

06-11-2007, 09:32 AM
Went out again this mornin, lotsa animals this time!!! Not even 2k up the dirt road I spooked a cow elk and her calf, got one pic of the cow but its crappy quality.
So I continued on seeing nothing for about an hour. Then I tried one last road and about 15 mins up I spotted a bear about 20-30 yards off the road. So I got out and snuck up to about 15 yards, and it was a sow with 2 cubs! Pissed me off but it was fun watching them climb to the top of a tree. One was a really light blonde color, the other was jet black, and the mommy was brown. Kinda odd I thought. Watched them for about 15-20 minutes untill they climbed down and headed into the bush. Sorry no pics of them cause my batteries were dead by then!!!!:evil: (got fresh ones in now!!) Would have had some great pics of them. So on I went, a little while later found myself head to head with a fairly big blue grouse, he wasnt scared at all!!! Watched him for a bit then I went on further. Here is a pic of him, again sorry for the quality of the pics.
Almost to the end of the road I spotted a huge cow elk abotu 15 yards off the dirt road. Just stood there and looked at me, wasnt scared or anything. Managed to get a pic with my cell phone, it isnt the best.

I then came to the end of the road and decided I better head back to town. Right where I saw the cow/calf elk, I looked down the bank and counted about 25-30 more elk!!!! Some with some good antler growth so far!!! AND THEN!! I go about 1k down from them, I see the cow/calf and a few more cows on the road right beside the gate. They wernt scared of me at alll, untill I went to open the gate lol. All in all it was a GREAT morning, lotsa elk, few bears, and a giant blue grouse.

06-11-2007, 12:33 PM
Always better than any day at work. Yesterday was a great day. We we're just up the way in 8-05 and it was blue skies too.

06-11-2007, 01:17 PM
Always better than any day at work. Yesterday was a great day. We we're just up the way in 8-05 and it was blue skies too.

Oh right on!! See anything?? And where abouts were u?

06-11-2007, 02:03 PM
hey cliff some great pics for sure....i went for a drive last night with dewey didnt get anything but we seen a mulie doe a big grouse and a smaller brown sow with cubs....

Mr. Dean
06-11-2007, 03:03 PM
Oh right on!! See anything?? And where abouts were u?

They murdered 2 bears AND he's crying that he didn't have room for a 3rd that they were forced to pass on. :confused:

Blames it on the wife. :-?

06-11-2007, 05:36 PM
Thanks for sharing Cliff, nice pics....
