View Full Version : LEH open for online submission April 25

04-18-2016, 09:37 AM
From the government website, the online LEH will be open for submission next Monday.. wonder when the LEH regs will come out?

04-18-2016, 09:50 AM
I called. The paper regs have been sent to the printers. The ministry staff person said they will be online latest by the 25th.

Let the fun begin! :-)

04-18-2016, 02:34 PM
try here: http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/fw/wildlife/hunting/resident/docs/leh_16_17.pdf

thanks to Rackmastr!

04-18-2016, 03:17 PM
^^^^^^Woo thanks!!!!

04-18-2016, 05:24 PM
wow i see 6-04 got absolutely hammer for moose draws, i guess the guides are doing the snoopy dance probably get handed the others :(

04-18-2016, 09:13 PM
Has anyone even attempted to get the BCID yet?

04-18-2016, 09:53 PM
wow i see 6-04 got absolutely hammer for moose draws, i guess the guides are doing the snoopy dance probably get handed the others :(

Guides are probably having quota cut as well.......moose populations are down quite a bit in that, and surrounding regions.

04-19-2016, 06:50 AM
Guides are probably having quota cut as well.......moose populations are down quite a bit in that, and surrounding regions.

I hope you are right but when they where discussing this is was about the resident hunters not having a high enough success rate... so wasted tags!

04-19-2016, 09:42 AM
I hope you are right but when they where discussing this is was about the resident hunters not having a high enough success rate... so wasted tags!

All the GO I know have had moose quotas reduced. One small outfitter went from 11 moose tags per year to 4. All central interior outfitters, I have no idea about other regions. I just didn't want to see this thread turn into another blame the outfitters thread. I think we have enough of those:grin:

Moose populations are down, harvest needs to be reduced, and from what I have seen, it gets reduced for all the regulated stakeholders, more or less fairly.


04-19-2016, 09:44 AM
Anybody apply yet? Is it easy?

04-19-2016, 10:01 AM
Anybody apply yet? Is it easy?

Gov't system is not ready yet.

04-19-2016, 01:02 PM
All the GO I know have had moose quotas reduced. One small outfitter went from 11 moose tags per year to 4. All central interior outfitters, I have no idea about other regions. I just didn't want to see this thread turn into another blame the outfitters thread. I think we have enough of those:grin:

Moose populations are down, harvest needs to be reduced, and from what I have seen, it gets reduced for all the regulated stakeholders, more or less fairly.


I hope you are right i have a call into the co there who i have gotten to know quite well. I will post if i hear anything

New Bow Hunter
04-19-2016, 01:54 PM
I am going to play devil's advocate here.
Why are we allowing a calf Moose season?
Why do we allow Spike-fork bull season? These guys have to be able to get a chance to grow up.
There will come a time when all Moose hunting will be on draw only.
Please move to open chat. Thanks

04-19-2016, 02:45 PM
I'm not too stoked on the lamb/ewe tags in Kamloops. Ditch those doZen tags and offer 4 more RAM tags.

04-21-2016, 03:54 PM
All the GO I know have had moose quotas reduced. One small outfitter went from 11 moose tags per year to 4. All central interior outfitters, I have no idea about other regions. I just didn't want to see this thread turn into another blame the outfitters thread. I think we have enough of those:grin:

Moose populations are down, harvest needs to be reduced, and from what I have seen, it gets reduced for all the regulated stakeholders, more or less fairly.


Well got the call back from the co, he stated that the resident hunters were hit much harder on the moose reductions than the guide outfitters, so there you have it folks!

04-21-2016, 04:09 PM
Canadian tire has the paper LEH. I picked one up today. Hunting and fishing license. $71.40.

04-21-2016, 04:31 PM
Has anyone even attempted to get the BCID yet?

I have the BCID card.

04-21-2016, 06:10 PM
Well got the call back from the co, he stated that the resident hunters were hit much harder on the moose reductions than the guide outfitters, so there you have it folks!

I just looked at the numbers for LEH for those regions.......wow, I didn't realize they had been cut that drastically.
I'd still like to see what the outfitter quota cuts looked like for this season to compare before I start screaming foul.

Also, remember there is still a GOS for bulls and 3 different archery GOS for bulls in those regions. Not like region 5 with all moose on LEH.


04-21-2016, 06:13 PM
I tried today at Front Counter.. System was down.. But this morning they had done only one... But I did grab a couple hard copies of the Leh... Said to come in tomorow for the numbers and try again if I want

04-22-2016, 06:46 AM
I just looked at the numbers for LEH for those regions.......wow, I didn't realize they had been cut that drastically.
I'd still like to see what the outfitter quota cuts looked like for this season to compare before I start screaming foul.

Also, remember there is still a GOS for bulls and 3 different archery GOS for bulls in those regions. Not like region 5 with all moose on LEH.


I haven't seen if they have keep the open season or the archery the same do you have the new regs? If so are they the same?

04-25-2016, 11:32 AM
I haven't seen if they have keep the open season or the archery the same do you have the new regs? If so are they the same?

I have not heard of any proposed changes to those regs, I think the new regs are out early summer.