View Full Version : Family/Hunting dogs - suggestions for kids with allergies?

03-28-2016, 01:25 PM
Looking down the track at getting a dog for the family. I would like something that's a great family dog primarily, but also something that I can hunt with. I'd love to get a golden retriever, but am a little worried as my wife and one of my kids has allergies.

Any of you guys have issues with golden retrievers and family members with allergies? Their allergies are nothing major, just dont to buy a dog and have them sneezing and coughing all day everyday. Ive taken my son to ply with friends retrievers and no major issues so far.

Any suggestions would be great, or tips on different breeds?

Some background info:
- 2 kids (6 and 3)
- I work from home a lot and my wife is home most of the time so the dog wouldnt be left alone too much
- not much of a yard, however we are an active family so daily exercise is no issue
- wife and one kid have allergies so this is an important consideration
- first choice would be a golden retriever, but open to other suggestions


03-28-2016, 02:43 PM
Only way to know about the allergy thing is to get them around the particular breed you are looking at and see how they react. I'm allergic to lots of dogs but not most double coated breeds like Goldens. I think it is a different kind of dander. The dander I am allergic to seems to be associated with annoying, yappy little useless dogs.

I have a Duck Toller and he is a great 'crossover' dog with plenty of drive but also great with the family. I've seen lots of Tollers without the on/off switch but my boy is a happy and content dog that can relax around the house or be full blast - as long as he gets his exercise (kinda like me so we're a good match).

What kind of hunting are you looking at doing with the dog?

03-28-2016, 03:13 PM
I had a golden and she was a great dog, had her before the kids so she didn't bond as well to them as my current dogs have, but she was still excellent. Currently I have a flat coated retriever and she is absolutely amazing with the kids and as a hunting partner. I would definitely recommend getting a dog that comes from hunting lines as apposed to a back yard breeder. My flat coat comes from really good lines and is so quick to pick stuff up it is amazing. took all of 6 grouse for her to figure out she was supposed to go fetch them and bring them back. Also have an irish setter that my wife found at the pound, she is good with the kids but very goofy. Has a few bad habits I am sure we could have cured had we had her since a pup but not sure they are a breed for everyone.

03-28-2016, 03:18 PM
I would suggest inviting someone who has a dog you like to your place or go for a visit to their place with the allergic kid.
Spend some time with the dog.
I've heard that a lot of "hypoallergenic" stuff is just myth.

Iron Glove
03-28-2016, 08:51 PM
As per above, some say that "hypoallergenic" dogs are a myth however all will recommend bathing, frequent house cleaning, air filters and such to help reduce the presence of saliva and dander. Maybe get the family tested to see what their allergies are ?? Adriaticum's idea of a visit is a great first step.
30 some years ago our infant Son was deemed to be allergic to the cat and we hade to decide - Son or cat goes. The cat went and there have been many times we've rued that decision. ;-)
If you can get past the allergy bit then you have a whole bunch of choices in dogs including Goldens, the best "all 'round" dog, the Lab, or as jessonmi suggests a Toller. We ended up with Tollers after looking at many, many breeds and are happy with the choice. One of the deciding factors in our choice was size thus the Tollers beat out the Goldens and Labs in our particular check list.
Do a lot of research, read up on the breeds and then visit a few breeders or folks who have the breeds you are looking at and good luck.

bc sportsman
03-28-2016, 10:44 PM
Airedales are like poodles "hypoallergenic" and have to be shaved or hair plucked. NO shedding and minimal smell as long as they get groomed regularly (once a month). So...minimal maintenance and health problems. My wife is allergic to most dogs and cats. No problem with this breed. Great family dogs. Great with kids and adaptable to most home situations. Have been used for all sorts of hunting (vermin to deer to bear to lions) but described as all round dogs rather than well known for any particular type of hunting. Google the breed but be aware that they are terriers and pets first rather than excelling as a retriever or tracker. Don't believe some of the hype about how great they are for hunting. They are not up to the class of a jagsterrier or GWP etc but you couldn't ask for a better family dog and companion to walk the bush with.

03-28-2016, 10:51 PM
Airedales are like poodles "hypoallergenic" and have to be shaved or hair plucked. NO shedding and minimal smell as long as they get groomed regularly (once a month). So...minimal maintenance and health problems. My wife is allergic to most dogs and cats. No problem with this breed. Great family dogs. Great with kids and adaptable to most home situations. Have been used for all sorts of hunting (vermin to deer to bear to lions) but described as all round dogs rather than well known for any particular type of hunting. Google the breed but be aware that they are terriers and pets first rather than excelling as a retriever or tracker. Don't believe some of the hype about how great they are for hunting. They are not up to the class of a jagsterrier or GWP etc but you couldn't ask for a better family dog and companion to walk the bush with.

x2 on the Airedale. Get the short haired version and no clipping or plucking required. Clint Stubbe is a member here and an excellent resource on the breed. You can also join the Tradition Working Airedale forum for lots of info and to find puppies. They are non shedding, but I find that they will change their coats and at those times they shed.

Foxton Gundogs
03-29-2016, 07:32 AM
Hyoallergenic dogs are not, myth, however the designer dogs labra/goldendoodles are. When you put a bunch of genes from 2 or more dogs in a blender and turn it on high you never how they will mix or come out. You may get the 'super' dog the "breeder" has promised you but you also may get one like the woman I met some time back. Her so called goldendoodle (I hate fancy tags put on over priced mutts) hated the water, would not retrieve she said he shed all over and her daughter sneezed every time she cuddled it. If you want a truely hypoallergenic dog that will hunt get a poodle from working lines(yes there are some).

03-29-2016, 08:31 AM
I've have a standard poodle for nearly 5 years. She's great with kids. Like other poodles, she simply does not shed, and would be a good choice for those with allergies. She's also a great hunting companion and a really great tracker, so comes in super handy when tracking wounded game. She never, and I mean never, barks while hunting, and was extremely easy to train. Lot's of guys don't like poodles because of the stereotype, but you'd be hard pressed to find a more versatile breed.
http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc215/goatcamp/P1010400.jpg (http://s219.photobucket.com/user/goatcamp/media/P1010400.jpg.html)
http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc215/goatcamp/P1010370.jpg (http://s219.photobucket.com/user/goatcamp/media/P1010370.jpg.html)
http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc215/goatcamp/TexasPeak050_zpse0625de0.jpg (http://s219.photobucket.com/user/goatcamp/media/TexasPeak050_zpse0625de0.jpg.html)
http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc215/goatcamp/P1010531_zps3c4344c1.jpg (http://s219.photobucket.com/user/goatcamp/media/P1010531_zps3c4344c1.jpg.html)
http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc215/goatcamp/Dogbox_zpsfbb8b6f7.jpg (http://s219.photobucket.com/user/goatcamp/media/Dogbox_zpsfbb8b6f7.jpg.html)

03-29-2016, 08:32 AM
Hard to beat a Lab, from good breeding and well-trained. An easy dog to handle and VERY affectionate, while being good "watch dogs".

My Lab male, "Spot" was a famous sight on Kootenay Lake, riding on the bow of my dad's boat and he loved to eat fish......musta been the old man's Norwegian genes migrated into him!

I love Labs, especially the more blocky "English style" blacks and chocolates, almost as much as Rottweilers.

03-29-2016, 08:50 AM
I'm with Foxton and 325 on this.
A standard poodle checks all the boxes you have asked about.

03-29-2016, 09:25 AM
As per above, some say that "hypoallergenic" dogs are a myth

Not true at all. I used to suffer horribly from allergies, went to the hospital, couldn't function at work etc. Thankfully I have pretty much grown out of them.

I was always able to clip my dogs and be covered in hair with little or no problems. Any other dog would have had me running for anti histamines. Not saying all Airedales will be hypoallergenic but I can state first hand that the ones I have had experience with were.

03-29-2016, 09:39 AM
Great pup 325!
Simba approves


03-29-2016, 10:14 AM
Portuguese Water Dog. Like fuzzy, slightly smaller labs.


Iron Glove
03-29-2016, 10:46 AM
Not true at all. I used to suffer horribly from allergies, went to the hospital, couldn't function at work etc. Thankfully I have pretty much grown out of them.

I was always able to clip my dogs and be covered in hair with little or no problems. Any other dog would have had me running for anti histamines. Not saying all Airedales will be hypoallergenic but I can state first hand that the ones I have had experience with were.

As I said "some say" so it's unproven to some.
If you look at some of the studies, there are instances of people being "allergic" to a dog, not a breed of dog. So one might react to Dog "A" but not Dog "B" with both being the same breed.
There is a lot of controversy in the dog world about "hypoallergenic" breeds but again, most recommend regular baths, keeping the house clean of fur and dander and using filters. Sister breeds "hypo" dogs and some people react to them. My reaction to them is an urge to kick them but I don't know if that qualifies as an allergy. :grin:
Sister In Law can't even come to our house or cabin, she reacts very poorly to anything dog or cat, regardless of breed.
Best advice to the OP was to take the family to meet a number of dogs and see if the kids react.

VI Blacktails
03-29-2016, 11:18 AM
I am allergic to dogs.We looked at laberdoodles ect. and heard many had hip probiems and other health problems.Then I remembered that I did not react to my friends golden.We now have a 1 year old beautiful girl.(I am vary allergic to labs) but do not react to my golden.

03-29-2016, 12:34 PM
I'm not allergic to dogs, but I can vouch for Golden retrievers! My boy was a wonderful family pet, patient, and smart. Loved kids, fetching, tracking, and water!! Wont regret getting a golden!

yamadirt 426
03-29-2016, 02:33 PM
Another vote for a poodle, sleeper hunting dogs and I've never met a bad one

03-29-2016, 02:40 PM
Another vote for a poodle, sleeper hunting dogs and I've never met a bad one

And they are super intelligent.

03-29-2016, 11:12 PM
Looking down the track at getting a dog for the family. I would like something that's a great family dog primarily, but also something that I can hunt with. I'd love to get a golden retriever, but am a little worried as my wife and one of my kids has allergies.

Any of you guys have issues with golden retrievers and family members with allergies? Their allergies are nothing major, just dont to buy a dog and have them sneezing and coughing all day everyday. Ive taken my son to ply with friends retrievers and no major issues so far.

Any suggestions would be great, or tips on different breeds?

Some background info:
- 2 kids (6 and 3)
- I work from home a lot and my wife is home most of the time so the dog wouldnt be left alone too much
- not much of a yard, however we are an active family so daily exercise is no issue
- wife and one kid have allergies so this is an important consideration
- first choice would be a golden retriever, but open to other suggestions


Had an English Springer years ago.....the guy was dynamite in the duck marsh. And never trained. He just knew what to do. Of course you could get the second dog I owned. Short hair and doesn't shed....... http://www.paradigmboxers.com/uploads/6/4/9/8/6498190/8710078_orig.jpg

03-30-2016, 04:48 AM
Another vote for a poodle, sleeper hunting dogs and I've never met a bad one

Weren't the Poodle's bred in Germany for hunting originally ?
Friend has one ...... good 'bush dog'. Doesn't get excited, quiet, and intelligent.

Foxton Gundogs
03-30-2016, 05:54 AM
France I believe Ace but yes they were geveloped as hunting dogs the poodle cut was to keep the joints warm although most working poodles are trimmed to look like Curly Coats or Irish Water Spaniels

03-30-2016, 06:19 AM
Pudels, are originally German dogs, but, have been "frenchified". Many other breeds which originated in Germany, have also been "anglicized" in nomenclature due to animosity toward Germans. Boxers, were German, "Great Danes" are "German Mastiffs, bred to hunt wild boars, and "Alsatians" are "German Shepherd Dogs" for some examples.

03-30-2016, 06:46 AM
Anyone have a Standard Schnauzer ?
The 'nose' dog ....

03-30-2016, 09:12 AM
Anyone have a Standard Schnauzer ?
The 'nose' dog ....

No but we used to have a miniature. Took him out hunting grouse and he took off after them right after the first shot so I could only take 1 shot. Would have helped if I had spent the effort to train him but he was just my kids pet.

Iron Glove
03-30-2016, 09:34 AM
I think that poodles are great but I have a real hard time accepting a dog that is one of the National Emblems of France. :wink:

03-30-2016, 09:50 AM
I think that poodles are great but I have a real hard time accepting a dog that is one of the National Emblems of France. :wink:

Yeah that's a bit hard to swallow. Despite the French attempts to corrupt the breed, they are still awesome dogs. They are one of the oldest breeds too, and in fact their DNA is more similar to a wolfs, than is a German Shepard.

Foxton Gundogs
03-30-2016, 10:21 AM
I think that poodles are great but I have a real hard time accepting a dog that is one of the National Emblems of France. :wink:

Shoot over just one well trained Poodle from good solid working lines and you will change your mind in a hurry. One of the best long distance markers I have ever shot over was a liver Standard Poodle named O'Malley

03-30-2016, 10:44 AM
Lots of good suggestions - thanks!

Back to the question about retrievers - many issues with allergies? I'm mainly looking for a family dog and really love this breed. I totally agree to go and have the kids play with some to see how the allergies fair, so that's the first step.


03-30-2016, 11:04 AM
I think that poodles are great but I have a real hard time accepting a dog that is one of the National Emblems of France. :wink:

Hmmmmm. perhaps a wee bit of bigotry with our most "diverse and tolerant liberal friend here?????

Iron Glove
03-30-2016, 11:23 AM
Hmmmmm. perhaps a wee bit of bigotry with our most "diverse and tolerant liberal friend here?????

Naw, the French are exempt, I think it goes back to the British North America Act. 8-)
But I do like the nice label you've attached to me - I agree 100%. :wink:

03-30-2016, 11:29 AM
Well, I am in a good mood today, just humped my first pack since my appendix ruptured and Pneumonia set in, went quite well, only 35 lbs, but, am feeling good, so, chose to go easy on you.

BUT, don't despair, I will be keeping my eye on you and, as always, correcting your many errors here! :)

Iron Glove
03-30-2016, 01:46 PM
Well, I am in a good mood today, just humped my first pack since my appendix ruptured and Pneumonia set in, went quite well, only 35 lbs, but, am feeling good, so, chose to go easy on you.

BUT, don't despair, I will be keeping my eye on you and, as always, correcting your many errors here! :)

See, there really is a soft, understanding, dare I say "progressive" side to you. :D

03-30-2016, 02:24 PM
Egads, in fact, gadzooks!!! "progressive", the very term curdles my innards and makes me belch in disgust!

Creative, honest, compassionate and even caring, YES, but, NEVER "progressive"!!!

I do sometimes despair at your lack of understanding, but, I know what SFU was, back in the day and so I do tend to sympathize........ ;) ;) ;)

03-30-2016, 03:36 PM
Egads, in fact, gadzooks!!! "progressive", the very term curdles my innards and makes me belch in disgust!

Creative, honest, compassionate and even caring, YES, but, NEVER "progressive"!!!

I do sometimes despair at your lack of understanding, but, I know what SFU was, back in the day and so I do tend to sympathize........ ;) ;) ;)

Justin has nice hair ........ :mrgreen::mrgreen:

03-30-2016, 04:03 PM
Hmmmmm. perhaps a wee bit of bigotry with our most "diverse and tolerant liberal friend here?????

I know, right?

Not nearly as tolerant as the majority of his posts imply.

Probably a freedom fry eater;-)

03-30-2016, 04:38 PM
Could be, damned good one, gotta keep IG sharp! ;)

03-30-2016, 10:55 PM
I have allergies and asthma. My parents hypoallergenic poodle almost kills me then I go home to visit but I might be odd because It's usually the saliva not the hair that I'm allergic to. It took many years to find a dog but I when to friends houses and spca playing with dogs to test my reaction. I finally found a yorky terrier that I have no reaction to after 5 years and just got a German Shepard which so far so good. Might be worth a shot

03-31-2016, 09:22 AM
there was a chihuahua in a box outside the Forest Grove store years ago free :smile: i was going yotty hunting so :evil: perfect yappy little dogie .. This guy did well and ended up being around a long time . Smart and a good hunter like i mean good you could not drive buy a moose and at the window in your lap back up and walk in there is the moose or deer or wolf any thing you shoot it tuned in on..

03-31-2016, 10:09 PM
Standard Poodle ...one of the most under rated hunting dogs....might not be the first dog you think of for a hunting companion but I heard only good things from the people who have them :D

04-01-2016, 07:54 AM
Standard Poodle ...one of the most under rated hunting dogs....might not be the first dog you think of for a hunting companion but I heard only good things from the people who have them :D

So,why sellers are asking thousands of $$ for them? Not even pure breed?

04-01-2016, 09:33 PM
lots of free dogs like a woman once there home the $$$$ starts