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View Full Version : Grizzly offer to help..?

02-26-2016, 04:59 PM
As in past if anyone has grizzly questions..please dont hesitate to call. .lol 3 hunters already today.

I will be in Kamloops hospital for knee replacement surgery in next 20 days..thank you to Remington Jim for..going first and rooting out the best nurses...thanks RJ.
Congradulations to all successful leh winners. Be prepared..be careful..get it done. ..g bear hunting is an endangered..activity..


Steven Rupp

02-26-2016, 05:39 PM
Thank you for continuing to offer your knowledge and experience to us Steven. Pm sent.

02-26-2016, 06:24 PM
A phone number to call is appreciated..usually way too much info for 1finger typing on tablet..lol

02-26-2016, 07:08 PM
How about some 6-29 Dall help Steve?

02-26-2016, 07:13 PM
As in past if anyone has grizzly questions..please dont hesitate to call. .lol 3 hunters already today.

I will be in Kamloops hospital for knee replacement surgery in next 20 days..thank you to Remington Jim for..going first and rooting out the best nurses...thanks RJ.
Congradulations to all successful leh winners. Be prepared..be careful..get it done. ..g bear hunting is an endangered..activity..


Steven Rupp

LMAO ! there a GOOD bunch there - I really liked the Crew at Royal Inland Hospital and many thanks to Dr Langavin too - its appearing he did a GREAT job on me - Knee is working Well ! :smile: RJ

02-26-2016, 07:16 PM
No G Bear draw for me this year BUT a Buddy got one so maybe helping him out ! ;-) RJ

02-26-2016, 07:19 PM
RJ..great to hear..tried calling......
JACKPINE..pm sent...


walks with deer
02-29-2016, 06:00 PM

I work down town kamloops can I bring you a coffee or deer steak while you visit.

02-29-2016, 06:12 PM

I work down town kamloops can I bring you a coffee or deer steak while you visit.
Coffee black please.

02-29-2016, 06:17 PM
Hmmm have record number of hunters thatdrew tags..congrads...am working diligently trying to get info together..some are rookie grizxly hunters lots of info..hence the need for phone calls. .not merely emails.
I enjoy helping..mentoring and sharing.

02-29-2016, 08:22 PM
Hmmmmmm I cant believe you post this shit, every year too, your my hero, your the bestest gbear hunter on the planet, at least thats what you continue to tell everbody, sheeesh

02-29-2016, 08:23 PM
Gag, vommit, cough, you sure lay it on thick

02-29-2016, 08:33 PM
Well if I ever get a draw in calling Steven! He's the man!!! Just ask him! Screw my avatar

02-29-2016, 08:50 PM
why would you even bother to slag someone who is just trying to help,i did notice that you 2 super hunters didn't offer any help.grow up, some times it is better to keep your thoughts to yourself I do not know you 2 or steve r but negative usless fight picking bugs me.

02-29-2016, 08:53 PM
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Don't you know? Clayton gave him the maps,the maps,THE MAPS!!!!Best grizzly guide in BC maybe even the world!!Srupp is the man!!!Sheeesh,God bless.

02-29-2016, 08:57 PM
Well if I ever get a draw in calling Steven! He's the man!!! Just ask him! Screw my avatar

Phuck thats a Great Big Bear ! :D RJ

02-29-2016, 09:05 PM
Hmmmmmm I cant believe you post this shit, every year too, your my hero, your the bestest gbear hunter on the planet, at least thats what you continue to tell everbody, sheeesh

Wow.seriously? Ive got better things than sit and get shit on for not only trying to help but actually ocassionally being successful at it...just when I thought that the number of guys with 9 foot grizzlies. .last one last spring..900 pounds..and no one ever got a scratch..even the first timers..literally hundreds of hours each year..and tremendous phone bill..all because I thought I could give back..help..

Your obviously far more knowledgable..helpful...just told me where to go..and what to do when I get there. .message recieved loud and clear..just send a e..mail so I can pass along the 3 pages of names being currently helped..non of them seemed as hostile or knowledgable.
Have a major surgery to get ready for..not getting slagged for trying to help...

Been a ride....

Gone .

02-29-2016, 09:14 PM
Don't slam Steven (srupp).
I don't know him personally but he is one of the best posters on this website, and is one hell of a guy. One of the few good ones that always offers help in many ways, not just on grizzly hunts.

All the best in your upcoming surgery srupp...I know you'll be up and at it again very soon.

And on a side note, thank you for your lengthy career as an EMT. One of the toughest professions out there, and one of the least respected.

Take care, and you are always welcome in my camp!

02-29-2016, 10:18 PM
Good luck with the operation Srupp, you are the go to guy on this site! A lot of hunters depend on your expertise and you will give the shirt off your back to help a fellow hunter!

02-29-2016, 10:29 PM
You guys need to learn how to.... how do I say this politely... shut your fcking mouth. If you ever had the pleasure of meeting Steven you would soon realize that he has a heart of gold and does what he does only out of kindness and willingness to help. Not to claim praise of being an expert on or at anything! There's very few people left that will help new/un experienced hunters fill a coveted tag and it means the world to us that he has helped. And all of that asside he's just a damn nice guy to bull sht with so keep your crap to yourself as the other 98% of us enjoy having him here. Keep at it Steven your knowledge and attitude goes a long way round here

02-29-2016, 10:32 PM
What's the benefit of slagging a guy who is helping people? Isn't this the purpose of a forum? To discuss, assist, help and share information? Why do people feel the need to be so negative, rude and to call a guy out for helping others? It's the few jackasses who spoil it for the majority. I am a new hunter, I have learned so much from this website just reading, and one common, recurring theme is that good people that share information continually leave due to people that treat them like shit. If it's not hurting you, leave it alone.

03-01-2016, 10:05 AM
wow.....no good deed goes unpunished comes to mind....petty and insecure would be the reason to slag someone who is helping others...

03-01-2016, 10:15 AM
I have a grizz draw for 7-23a can anyone lend a hand? Thanks

hunter fisher
03-01-2016, 10:17 AM
its threads like this, where guys are complaining about someone helping and offering info, that always brings back to mind how many idiots are out there.
I've hung out with steve a few times, 10/10 guy, humble and a credit to hunters

03-01-2016, 11:30 AM
As it has been said many times what benifits you guys slagging one of the most helpful and resortful guys on this page is it the big dick contest? You guys are now jellous that he is more knowledgeable and more generous than you guys so you sit behind your computer bashing him?? He goes out of his way to help hunters and give advise on his own time getting nothing but satisfaction of giving a good hand and helping others have a successful hunt because he is one of the people that understand we don't walk into the mountains and know it all what makes a good hunter is passed down knowledge , if you don't like what he has to say then don't ask him for advise but many people on here turn to him for his 2 cents many people will stand behind him saying he is the reason they have got their sheep or bear ,as most people know sheep hunters are willing to lend their wife out before their sheep hunting tips but Steve will give as much help as he feels you need and help have a successful hunt.. End of my rant needless to say if you don't like the info he is giving don't read it plain and simple

03-01-2016, 06:04 PM
Hunters helping hunters. I have been helped by a few and will help others in return.

03-01-2016, 06:26 PM
Gag, vommit, cough, you sure lay it on thick

wow, hard to believe some one like this slagging the person he is ....... Looks like poor attitude mntmann didn't get his g bear tag. Or ...... Pure jealousy of a far classier person then himself comes to mind.

great offer you have yet again Steven. If I liked the taste of a fish or tidal bear I'd be asking for help myself. Keep it up Srupp and all the best in your recovery after surgery.

03-01-2016, 06:47 PM
This site definitely has more than it's share of douche bags. Nothing wrong with helping others.

wow.....no good deed goes unpunished comes to mind....petty and insecure would be the reason to slag someone who is helping others...


03-01-2016, 06:57 PM
Holy, talk bout a thread going sideways.

There are some real plonkers on this forum and the mods should really think about thinning the herd. We don't need these idiots ruining it for the rest of us.

Srupp, if you don't mind I will send you a PM as I would appreciate some advice for my 4:19 hunt.

Weatherby Fan
03-01-2016, 07:02 PM
Lots of people offer to help others on this site..........nothing wrong with that and that is always appreciated........sometimes its the manner in that it's presented is what I think that a couple of the posters were getting at, that's all.

03-01-2016, 07:17 PM
sometimes its the manner in that it's presented is what I think that a couple of the posters were getting at, that's all.

It can be odd at times

03-01-2016, 07:27 PM
Steven has given me help in the past and i am hoping for some this spring. Hang in there and don't let a few get you down. Judging by the response you have a lot of support on this site. Nelsonob1 if you need some help have taken a grizz myself out of 4-19 and helped a friend take one out of there also. Send me a pm if you like. Colin

03-01-2016, 08:18 PM
well we are all odd at times,positive odd=good, negative odd=bad

03-02-2016, 09:24 PM
Hey SRUPP!All the good guys on here appreciate your help and thoughts.Don't worry about them jackholes!Get that knee fixed and get home.The hunting gods will rain dog feces on those who don't appreciate! Cheers Mark

03-03-2016, 03:23 PM
http://huntingbc.ca/forum/images/shades_of_green/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Weatherby Fan http://huntingbc.ca/forum/images/shades_of_green/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?p=1757530#post1757530) sometimes its the manner in that it's presented is what I think that a couple of the posters were getting at, that's all


03-03-2016, 04:03 PM
You guys need to learn how to.... how do I say this politely... shut your fcking mouth. If you ever had the pleasure of meeting Steven you would soon realize that he has a heart of gold and does what he does only out of kindness and willingness to help. Not to claim praise of being an expert on or at anything! There's very few people left that will help new/un experienced hunters fill a coveted tag and it means the world to us that he has helped. And all of that asside he's just a damn nice guy to bull sht with so keep your crap to yourself as the other 98% of us enjoy having him here. Keep at it Steven your knowledge and attitude goes a long way round here

What he said! Steven is trying to help the less experienced and less knowledgeable. For all you guys out here to breed hate and malice please take it elsewhere.

03-03-2016, 05:01 PM
change your crusty ass tampon you miserable queef.

03-03-2016, 06:21 PM
Hmm not sure why the genuine offer to help went sideways..however whats really important is that everyone band together to help the less experienced be successful.there aremany many incredible talented and experienced hunters with a wealth of knowledge .
There are far more knowledgable individuals that help..justlest publically..
This is not a time for personal differences..it is about the opportunity to help the first timers..the less experienced..when grizzly hunting I believe the opportunity is quickly coming to an end..it is not me or..? It is hunters. .period.
I will continue to help any hunter requesting help..any help within my knowledge..
It is important to note no one that I have attempted to help has come back to say the info was bogus or of no help..
Steven Rupp

Big Lew
03-03-2016, 06:53 PM
Don't slam Steven (srupp).
I don't know him personally but he is one of the best posters on this website, and is one hell of a guy. One of the few good ones that always offers help in many ways, not just on grizzly hunts.

All the best in your upcoming surgery srupp...I know you'll be up and at it again very soon.

And on a side note, thank you for your lengthy career as an EMT. One of the toughest professions out there, and one of the least respected.

Take care, and you are always welcome in my camp!

Thanks for your comments! I do know Steven personally, and can absolutely vouch for his character
and commitment to help anyone that has the decency to be respectful. It's very obvious that a couple
of members don't have that decency to be respectful to someone they don't know while they ridicule his
efforts to help other members even when he's going through great difficulty and pain because of his
hip operation and bad knees. I also don't see them step forward and offer much help themselves.
Maybe they don't want other members to have a better chance at success, believing it might lessen
their own personal chances.

Salmon Belly
03-03-2016, 11:49 PM
Srupp, just think of the ripple effect -- the guys you help go on to help others and pass it on. To me that sounds like what hunting is all about. Keep it big picture folks, and leave the negative critics be. They're missing out.


03-04-2016, 09:23 AM
Sometimes it is better to shut your mouth and let the world think that you are a fool - than to open it, and prove to the world that you are indeed a bloody fool!

Steven is one of the few people on here that really genuinely take the time to help others fill their tags, be it moose, deer or bears.

Scrup, your reputation stands up to any scrutiny, so please just ignore the twits, good luck with your surgery mate, let's hope it is as successful as the one you endured in the past, see you on that quad of yours on a trail again soon buddy.

03-04-2016, 11:18 AM
Hmmmmmm I cant believe you post this shit, every year too, your my hero, your the bestest gbear hunter on the planet, at least thats what you continue to tell everbody, sheeesh

Well if I ever get a draw in calling Steven! He's the man!!! Just ask him! Screw my avatar

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Don't you know? Clayton gave him the maps,the maps,THE MAPS!!!!Best grizzly guide in BC maybe even the world!!Srupp is the man!!!Sheeesh,God bless.

You guys are welcome to start threads where you offer to help other hunters. Grizzly, goat, caribou, whatever.

Looking forward to your threads where you offer assistance.

03-04-2016, 11:24 AM
You guys are welcome to start threads where you offer to help other hunters. Grizzly, goat, caribou, whatever.

Looking forward to your threads where you offer assistance.

True what they say: "no good deed goes unpunished".

So typical, end an offensive statement with "God bless". It is like people that say "I don't mean to be a dick, but..."

Get better soon FuddRupster. You're one of the good guys.

03-04-2016, 11:30 AM
Good luck with the surgery Steven.

For the others, all I can say is Steven and I have never even laid eyes on each other or shaken hands, but he has been an open book to me when asking advice for mule deer hunting in region 5 when I had a doe tag and last fall too when I was seeking advice. Without hesitation he writes back with what he knows and then gives me his phone number and tells me to call for more info.

03-04-2016, 01:07 PM
Stevie and I are buddies, have hunted and fished together......an "uncle" to my son.

Sounds like a few here have "little mans syndrome" ....maybe you should get over yourself or do as Gate said, start your own threads and help someone.

Srupp is a real as they get. Never asks for anything in return. Spends tons of his time and money to help out others! That is how I met him...I read all the threads on different sites where he was helping out.... I wasn't too sure of him as he seemed too good to be true! One day he asked about sturgeon fishing, quite a few years ago. I answered his questions and soon a friendship was formed.

Steve is one of those people who does make your world a better place for knowing him......

Plus his sense of humor is something else!!!:smile:

Big Lew
03-04-2016, 02:32 PM
Stevie and I are buddies, have hunted and fished together......an "uncle" to my son.

Sounds like a few here have "little mans syndrome" ....maybe you should get over yourself or do as Gate said, start your own threads and help someone.

Srupp is a real as they get. Never asks for anything in return. Spends tons of his time and money to help out others! That is how I met him...I read all the threads on different sites where he was helping out.... I wasn't too sure of him as he seemed too good to be true! One day he asked about sturgeon fishing, quite a few years ago. I answered his questions and soon a friendship was formed.

Steve is one of those people who does make your world a better place for knowing him......

Plus his sense of humor is something else!!!:smile:

"Plus his sense of humour is something else!!!:lol: You can say that in spades!
Even when he's hurting really bad, or when the docs and nurses are trying to fix him up.
One of a kind for sure! Some people are bigger then life....others need a life.

03-04-2016, 02:39 PM
Stevens assistance was invaluable on a grizzly hunt we went on years ago. Don't see why anyone would be upset about an offer to help. Nobody is required to take him up on it.

03-04-2016, 07:01 PM
This thread is a monument to Stevens character. The fact that a couple teewats who combined have zero credit to the forum, or interaction with Steve are the only ones to criticize him while so many who know him first hand stand up for him. It really shows who's made of what.

I for one have always and will always be envious of the tales and experiences of the grizzly hunters of yesteryear, and those with stories to tell, experience, and a willingness to share and are few and far between. Ever since I was a young teen I've been greatly interested in bears, bear hunting, encounters, hunters and guides. I've read dozens of books. I get the impression Steven could/should write one himself. I don't know how many people with his knowledge and experience are left on this side of the grass.

I can only hope I get an opportunity to shoot the shit and talk bears with this man.

And Steve, when I say the pink grizz from 5-03, do you know what I'm talking about?

03-04-2016, 09:14 PM
Ok plumcrazy & mtnmannbc I DO BELIEVE the majority rule on this subject.You are obviously better hunters than the rest of us here??I don't believe you want to help out a newer or up and coming group of enthusiastic hunters.You dudes just want to puff up your chests and slam a guy for offering a bit of help?I personally have helped out as much as I can.The young and new hunters of this province are our future!Not downtrodden rude comments.THANKS FOR NOTHING!

03-04-2016, 09:49 PM
Thanks for your comments! I do know Steven personally, and can absolutely vouch for his character
and commitment to help anyone that has the decency to be respectful. It's very obvious that a couple
of members don't have that decency to be respectful to someone they don't know while they ridicule his
efforts to help other members even when he's going through great difficulty and pain because of his
hip operation and bad knees. I also don't see them step forward and offer much help themselves.
Maybe they don't want other members to have a better chance at success, believing it might lessen
their own personal chances.

You guys are welcome to start threads where you offer to help other hunters. Grizzly, goat, caribou, whatever.

Looking forward to your threads where you offer assistance.

I think Big Lew hit the nail PERFECTLY on the head. These guys are just plain jealous to see other HBC members succeed! It's too bad we got guys like this around!

I'd like to see them take Gatehouse up on his offer, butit's not going to happen!

Good on you Srupp for wanting to help.:smile:

03-04-2016, 10:12 PM
I m pretty sure these guys are not jeleous

03-09-2016, 09:45 PM
Another shout out to Srupp who seemed more excited about my kamloops draw than me haha! Great advice and it's obvious he knows his bears and bc game. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

03-10-2016, 10:13 PM
Steve is a good guy, kudos to him for his assistance to so many. for those who only offer asses stances, well, whatever...