View Full Version : Bears, Hounds and the GOABC

Foxton Gundogs
02-09-2016, 09:33 AM
Seems to be a lot of interest in this topic on another unrelated thread so here you go, one all of your own to discuss it.

02-09-2016, 09:47 AM
Trying to take over here now? Lol

02-09-2016, 09:51 AM
[QUOTE=Bearvalley]dale, you know I'm a little out of the GOABC inner circle loop.
The story is the proposed regulation was brought forth by CO's in the Kootenays. Part of the issue was with grizzly bears and cub separation. Also grizzlies will not tree therefor exhaustion of the grizzly bear is seen as a problem.
The use of dogs to hunt black bears was NOT part of the proposed regulation change.
Personally I hope the regulation change goes away due to the compliance headaches it will cause.
I've been around a few hounds and the way I see it a some houndsmen will innocently get in trouble when their dogs drop a black bear track and cross over onto a grizzly. That's just my thought on the proposed regulation.[QUOTE]

Thank you Mr. Bearvalley, and I mean that most sincerely, this is the best information on this issue that has come out since the discussion surfaced on another thread.

Foxton Gundogs
02-09-2016, 10:00 AM
Trying to take over here now? Lol

Not sure what you are talking about "taking over here" or the intention of your post, I simply started a thread on a topic that seems to have a great deal of interest.

Rob Chipman
02-09-2016, 01:11 PM
FWIW, I think Bearvalley explained that a few months ago on another thread. As far as I know there hasn't been any other concrete information provided by anyone, although I might have missed it.

02-09-2016, 04:38 PM
I have sat for 6 years on the Region 4 Advisory committee and currently sit as an alternate. What Firepower quoted BearValley as stating, that the issue of hounds and bears was put on the table for discussion by the CO service, is correct.

02-09-2016, 04:50 PM
I have sat for 6 years on the Region 4 Advisory committee and currently sit as an alternate. What Firepower quoted BearValley as stating, that the issue of hounds and bears was put on the table for discussion by the CO service, is correct.
Thanks J_T
Thats putting it out clear.

02-10-2016, 07:34 AM
I have sat for 6 years on the Region 4 Advisory committee and currently sit as an alternate. What Firepower quoted BearValley as stating, that the issue of hounds and bears was put on the table for discussion by the CO service, is correct.

Do you no which COs put this up.

02-10-2016, 08:37 AM
I have sat for 6 years on the Region 4 Advisory committee and currently sit as an alternate. What Firepower quoted BearValley as stating, that the issue of hounds and bears was put on the table for discussion by the CO service, is correct.

Yo be clear- was it solely the COs? There was no involvement, support or pressure from the GOABC or any individual outfitter?

02-10-2016, 02:24 PM
Yo be clear- was it solely the COs? There was no involvement, support or pressure from the GOABC or any individual outfitter?To be clear, I asked one question, not many. I didnt think it necessary to apply the conspiracy theory and probe for more details. And as for which CO tabled it, I'd suggest it was the CO representing the CO service at the table.

For those who have never been to the EK, I don't think you realize just how many hound hunters there are there. Everyone has a dog box in the back of the truck. Hunting with hounds is not a passing fad. It's a lifestyle.

The other item to be clear about, is the guiding services, and residents, are one and the same. It's almost impossible to find a young resident hunter who hasn't worked for guide outfitter and who doesn't love that lifestyle. As the GOABC vs BCWF issue reared its ugly face, a lot of solid, resident hunters and trappers in the EK were shaking their heads at this. We are neighbours here. I'm not talking about the percentages or the right and wrong of allocation numbers, I'm talking about how we see and treat our neighbours.

02-10-2016, 02:56 PM
Thanks JT

It's interesting that nobody is offering a complete picture here. I think it's fair to rule out both BCWF and GOABC as instigators in this issue. What hasn't been ruled out is if an individual outfitter ( or resident) was also involved? Was this solely a CO driven initiative ? I suppose it's possible, but often these type of proposals are a bit of a group effort by a few individuals.

02-10-2016, 03:18 PM
^^^ well, what I saw once this proposal was out there for discussion, was it came as quite a surprise to the hunting community.

02-10-2016, 03:21 PM
Every sheep hunter has a pack and rifle on their back.... Does that mean they kill sheep ? No.

Dog boxes in trucks are irrelevant. You don't and can't just go buy a hound and catch a cat, especially a bear.
The outlook or thoughts on hounds and their effectiveness, without having and more importantly seeing others hounds, is jaded because really, they don't know. And the ones that do aren't the ones pushing for anything simply because they know better.
Im not turning this into a dog talk thread but I'm sorry, a good majority of Hounds in the back of every dog box arent worth the gas to take them to the woods. 75% of houndsmen are only doing 25% in good conditions (cats) which is a short period of time.
Bears are another story all together, there is a LOT less good bear dogs than cat dogs in the back of these trucks and before a hound ban is imposed on bears (black bears especially) if there is SUCH a concern for bears there are other solutions that would provide direct and greater results.

What is the ACTUAL concern regarding bears and hounds ? I don't believe I've heard or read this anywhere other than someone "wants" to see the change.

02-10-2016, 03:40 PM
Every sheep hunter has a pack and rifle on their back.... Does that mean they kill sheep ? No.

Dog boxes in trucks are irrelevant. You don't and can't just go buy a hound and catch a cat, especially a bear.
The outlook or thoughts on hounds and their effectiveness, without having and more importantly seeing others hounds, is jaded because really, they don't know. And the ones that do aren't the ones pushing for anything simply because they know better.
Im not turning this into a dog talk thread but I'm sorry, a good majority of Hounds in the back of every dog box arent worth the gas to take them to the woods. 75% of houndsmen are only doing 25% in good conditions (cats) which is a short period of time.
Bears are another story all together, there is a LOT less good bear dogs than cat dogs in the back of these trucks and before a hound ban is imposed on bears (black bears especially) if there is SUCH a concern for bears there are other solutions that would provide direct and greater results.

What is the ACTUAL concern regarding bears and hounds ? I don't believe I've heard or read this anywhere other than someone "wants" to see the change.

there is the other thread where this originated...the so called "concern" mentioned was separating GRIZZLY cubs from their mom (not blackies)....I guess some peeps think a mother griz is like a crack whore ready to drop her baby at the first church door she sees...funny thing is that for anyone who knows anything about bears, the first thing we learned was to not get between a mother and her cubs........even a small sows can/will fight to the death protecting her cubs against any and all danger including a big boar griz

02-10-2016, 04:49 PM
But regardless, mothers of all creatures have led threats or annoyances away from babies since before our creation. This is nothing new and is NOT an issue. What do they think they do when wolves do the same thing? Cuz they DO kill cubs. I've found them myself and they've found bear in wolf feces for many years on studies.

The world does not operate on CONCERN, change isn't made only on concern. I don't buy it.
Wheres the studies ? Facts? Let's see it. Regardless who pushed for it now, ok, as a resident hunter I'd like to see BCWF show us why and where they contributed or fought for or against this if it is in fact warranted, as a resident hunter I am concerned about any loss of hunting privilege if it is not conservation based.
APPEASE us just like someone is doing for the granola munchers.

Everything is good if there is a reason for it, there is no reason for it and if there is WHO wants it done and WHY based on WHAT? Nobody will answer that. It's important this doesn't just go away. It's a beginning of loss for everyone, hounds or no hounds. Most guys can't tree a rough black bear let alone work a grizzly bear effectively enough to be a concern, do they know how many dogs will not stay on a bear that won't tree ? Let alone how FEW guys even want to run grizzly?

All that aside, How do we know black bears are NOT next, will somebody tell us BCWF will fight FOR us and notify us if that ever gets brought up or mentioned ? Resident hunters aren't to be silent sheep and pay and organization to quietly work behind closed doors and hand us the results of things we knew nothing about. That's like applying for a job and agreeing to accept it before you even know that the job entails, it's ass backwards.

02-10-2016, 07:02 PM
I am sure the stats are available regarding regular grizzly hunters and number of sows killed per year along with the probability of the sow having young. We can throw this in with Co's and problem sows as well. The actual risk to cubs from dog hunters is going to be a very small number in comparison. It is a relatively small % of dog hunters who even participate.

02-10-2016, 07:07 PM
The simple fix for the proposed regulation is for it to just disappear. It's pretty clear if it gains ground with grizzlies it will move on to black bears.

02-10-2016, 07:50 PM
But regardless, mothers of all creatures have led threats or annoyances away from babies since before our creation. This is nothing new and is NOT an issue. What do they think they do when wolves do the same thing? Cuz they DO kill cubs. I've found them myself and they've found bear in wolf feces for many years on studies.

The world does not operate on CONCERN, change isn't made only on concern. I don't buy it.
Wheres the studies ? Facts? Let's see it. Regardless who pushed for it now, ok, as a resident hunter I'd like to see BCWF show us why and where they contributed or fought for or against this if it is in fact warranted, as a resident hunter I am concerned about any loss of hunting privilege if it is not conservation based.
APPEASE us just like someone is doing for the granola munchers.

Everything is good if there is a reason for it, there is no reason for it and if there is WHO wants it done and WHY based on WHAT? Nobody will answer that. It's important this doesn't just go away. It's a beginning of loss for everyone, hounds or no hounds. Most guys can't tree a rough black bear let alone work a grizzly bear effectively enough to be a concern, do they know how many dogs will not stay on a bear that won't tree ? Let alone how FEW guys even want to run grizzly?

All that aside, How do we know black bears are NOT next, will somebody tell us BCWF will fight FOR us and notify us if that ever gets brought up or mentioned ? Resident hunters aren't to be silent sheep and pay and organization to quietly work behind closed doors and hand us the results of things we knew nothing about. That's like applying for a job and agreeing to accept it before you even know that the job entails, it's ass backwards.
Nobody will comment what the bcwf position is or resident priority? Which is very puzzling eh?

02-10-2016, 09:28 PM
Those that have nothing to hide, hide nothing.
Time for each organization to clear their name and speak to the masses on some thought to be or potential shady happenings and dealings. Supporters should be and need to be in the loop.
If they can't, it speaks volumes on what their agenda is !
And I would hope all question what hunter opportunity being taken away means for the next 'hot topic' when decisions are made without logical sense or study and why there was a lack of resistance to the change.
History repeats itself with government and organizing bodies, this we all know too well !

There is more to lose moving forward by not addressing this. Too many statements being made with rocks in their mouth.

02-10-2016, 10:37 PM
Nobody will comment what the bcwf position is or resident priority? Which is very puzzling eh?

BCWF position on the proposal was that they would not support it. That was already mentioned some time ago on another thread.

02-11-2016, 11:03 AM
Don't some of the rumours circulating point at an outfitter initiating discussions about the proposal ?

02-11-2016, 11:37 AM
If BCWF isn't supporting this, that means they will be working against it, not quietly letting it happen.
Unwarranted proposed change needs to be met with resistance as early on as possible To prevent it gaining traction.
It would be nice for them to alleviate our concerns and release a statement or update to reinforce what exactly they will be doing to reassure this is a misunderstanding and the goal here is and will be resident priority, on this specific topic and clarify their position on the very valid concerns Souwester points out above. Putting the gun down on this could very likely mean we all get shot in the foot later.

The Hermit
02-11-2016, 11:58 AM
Consider ... ALL non-government parties at Regional and Provincial advisory tables are bound by confidentiality agreements. That is why you are not hearing details from the BCWF, GOABC, BCTA, UBBC, or the WSSBC. The people representing these organizations are doing their level best to represent their respective memberships, hunting and hunters in general, AND foremost as conservationists.

Once a decision is made by the Government, the Government will make an announcement. If you want to have direct input to the Government there is a website to do so. If you want answers I'd suggest contacting the Ministry directly.

02-11-2016, 12:06 PM
Could always contact your regional BCWF representative and discuss it with him/her too. Go direct. :)

02-11-2016, 12:30 PM
Consider ... ALL non-government parties at Regional and Provincial advisory tables are bound by confidentiality agreements. That is why you are not hearing details from the BCWF, GOABC, BCTA, UBBC, or the WSSBC. The people representing these organizations are doing their level best to represent their respective memberships, hunting and hunters in general, AND foremost as conservationists.

I beleive this post, seeing as how it comes from someone who has sat in on PHAAT discussions solidifies my point that any finger pointing back in November was a direct attempt to stir the pot.
Who really cares if or who may have brought it to the COS attention if so be the case.
It's now been brought to our attention and we can all lobby to make sure the proposed regulation goes away.

02-11-2016, 01:42 PM
....I guess some peeps think a mother griz is like a crack whore ready to drop her baby at the first church door she sees...funny
just lmao....I tip my hat to you sir!

02-11-2016, 02:13 PM
Thanks to all who started and kept this thread going I am actually getting informed about the topic.

02-11-2016, 02:52 PM
Thanks to all who started and kept this thread going I am actually getting informed about the topic.

Same here, plus wideopenthrottle's comment just had me laugh out loud. Informative and entertaining as well.

02-12-2016, 07:36 AM
cheers to the hounders....I have always wondered....who do the co service get when they have had a problem cat or bear?...do they have their own dogs to track with or do they call a local houndsman... if they have their own where do they get them from/trained by?

02-12-2016, 07:49 AM
I know in Cranbrook there is a CO with hounds, he takes them in his CO truck all the time. I know in the old days they would call one of the local houndsmen to take care of issues as well. Not sure how it works in other regions but I expect it might be close to the same.

02-12-2016, 08:29 AM
Thanks to all who started and kept this thread going I am actually getting informed about the topic.

The problem is one has to know which posts are factual and which are opinions or total fabrications attempting to stir the pot .

02-12-2016, 10:45 AM
The PHTAT meetings are confidential until minutes come out. Souwester apparently has in depth knowledge of what happens at PHTAT meetings. Either someone sitting at PHTAT is violating the TOR or Souwester is making things up. Either way it is unfortunate - shows a lack of integrity.

On the subject, the BCWF has invited grizzly bear ecologists to its convention in Nanaimo in April to discuss their life history and specifically what the potential implications are to grizzly bears and hound hunting.

Fortunately for both Souwester and Houndogger they live on the island and are more than welcome to attend. Same with Blacktailstalker. You are all more than welcome to come, listen, and ask questions.

Personally interested in hearing the discussion. We have one of the best grizzly bear ecologists in the world right here in BC.

02-12-2016, 12:15 PM
I have sat for 6 years on the Region 4 Advisory committee and currently sit as an alternate. What Firepower quoted BearValley as stating, that the issue of hounds and bears was put on the table for discussion by the CO service, is correct.

If it was put on the table by the COs would be interesting why and if it is directed at only grizzlys is it to help inforce laws/regs as they did years ago with female and cougar kitten regs.
There is actually quite a few guys that run grizzlys and that may be the problem since lots of the videos etc that have been posted in the past have been of sows with cubs which you are not allowed to hunt. The next problem is many of these grizzlys being run are by guys that do not have tags so again an issue.
The cougar and kitten regs didn't seem to help much for there is still guys running and shooting them every year and leaving the kittens to starve so same may be happing with the grizzlys for there has been more then one case of grizzly cubs being found.
Would also be interesting if the rumor is true or not of the CO with dogs in the EK was running a sow with cubs and ended up shooting the sow while trying to get the dogs back.

02-12-2016, 12:26 PM
mentioned it in another thread but we saw a griz cub on a sulphur creek spur road right by bull river hanging around with the horses that were grazing there...the horses were ignoring it so I wondered if it was orphaned and adopted by the horses or just waiting for mom to return from?????

02-12-2016, 01:21 PM
If it was put on the table by the COs would be interesting why and if it is directed at only grizzlys is it to help inforce laws/regs as they did years ago with female and cougar kitten regs.
There is actually quite a few guys that run grizzlys and that may be the problem since lots of the videos etc that have been posted in the past have been of sows with cubs which you are not allowed to hunt. The next problem is many of these grizzlys being run are by guys that do not have tags so again an issue.
The cougar and kitten regs didn't seem to help much for there is still guys running and shooting them every year and leaving the kittens to starve so same may be happing with the grizzlys for there has been more then one case of grizzly cubs being found.
Would also be interesting if the rumor is true or not of the CO with dogs in the EK was running a sow with cubs and ended up shooting the sow while trying to get the dogs back.
Can't really help you much. Back in November when this story first appeared in the tabloid HBC i asked the same questions. With no credible answers from The HBC hearsay mill I made some phone calls. I didnt ask too many questions. Didnt have a conspiracy theory, I just asked who tabled it.

02-12-2016, 03:33 PM
Some times when you dump on a bear strike there is no tracks or sign to go from, most good hounders usually check to be sure what they are running. But there are cases where it will happen, and it be 100% accidental. The first thing to come to my mind when this happens is get my dogs off this hairy ******* as I do not want/need a wreck. If they are worried about this happening, and they have video. I am sure they have a darn good idea who is doing it. Go deal with the problem, dont create a problem where there isn't one.

02-12-2016, 05:00 PM
On the subject, the BCWF has invited grizzly bear ecologists to its convention in Nanaimo in April to discuss their life history and specifically what the potential implications are to grizzly bears and hound hunting.

You are all more than welcome to come, listen, and ask questions.

We have one of the best grizzly bear ecologists in the world right here in BC.

When specific times and locations are available would you post them up ?
Thanks ....

02-12-2016, 08:22 PM
The PHTAT meetings are confidential until minutes come out. Souwester apparently has in depth knowledge of what happens at PHTAT meetings. Either someone sitting at PHTAT is violating the TOR or Souwester is making things up. Either way it is unfortunate - shows a lack of integrity.

On the subject, the BCWF has invited grizzly bear ecologists to its convention in Nanaimo in April to discuss their life history and specifically what the potential implications are to grizzly bears and hound hunting.

Fortunately for both Souwester and Houndogger they live on the island and are more than welcome to attend. Same with Blacktailstalker. You are all more than welcome to come, listen, and ask questions.

Personally interested in hearing the discussion. We have one of the best grizzly bear ecologists in the world right here in BC.

All info is good info. I'll go if I'm able. The Gbear thing isn't an issue to me if its warranted, like any change in BC.
The hound issue and rumours are the only thing I care about, if there is a mission in mind or hard on for the dogmen of our sport, just like to know. It's a way of life and at times a paycheque, it's good to be in the know to contribute to positive change and help prevent the negative.

02-12-2016, 08:38 PM
Is running Houndsmen running Grizzlies a real or perceived problem? Not a houndsman, but running Grizzlies with expensive hounds doesn't seem like something many guys would guys would do.

Be interesting when the background of this proposal is made public.

02-12-2016, 09:14 PM
Is running Houndsmen running Grizzlies a real or perceived problem? Not a houndsman, but running Grizzlies with expensive hounds doesn't seem like something many guys would guys would do.

Be interesting when the background of this proposal is made public.
Bridger, it's probably more perceived than any thing. The couple of guys that I've heard of doing it are damn good at what they do and aren't about to risk a good dog just for kicks.
The brother of one of the guys that outfits where you killed the white sheep in your avatar is one of the best. Talk to him about it.

02-12-2016, 09:34 PM
When specific times and locations are available would you post them up ?
Thanks ....

It will likely be April 22 or 23, schedule TBD. A notification will be available on HBC.

02-12-2016, 09:37 PM
All info is good info. I'll go if I'm able. The Gbear thing isn't an issue to me if its warranted, like any change in BC.
The hound issue and rumours are the only thing I care about, if there is a mission in mind or hard on for the dogmen of our sport, just like to know. It's a way of life and at times a paycheque, it's good to be in the know to contribute to positive change and help prevent the negative.


Lots of rumours on here and in the 'circles' across BC lately.

Best thing is to get the ecologists view and go from there. Science first, there will always be time for a lynch mob after that lol.

02-13-2016, 12:01 AM

Lots of rumours on here and in the 'circles' across BC lately.

Best thing is to get the ecologists view and go from there. Science first, there will always be time for a lynch mob after that lol.

My only question is does the bcwf fully support hound hunting in bc? Did they (you) speak up when this was brought up? If not then hounds people in bc better find out who is behind them.

02-13-2016, 02:32 PM
My only question is does the bcwf fully support hound hunting in bc? Did they (you) speak up when this was brought up? If not then hounds people in bc better find out who is behind them.

BCWF supports hunting and science-based wildlife management.

The BCWF doesn't discriminate against people who hunt with quads, ATVs, boats, horses or hounds. Science, ethics and cultural norms form our laws and regulations, but those are formed through a democratic process, not one that is biased.

As stated in this thread what is said at PHTAT is confidential - I believe people sign a confidentiality agreement as part of the process. It is disappointing that there seems to be so much conversation about exactly what is said and who said it - shows there is a lack of integrity in the room.

02-13-2016, 02:40 PM

Here is your science. Started in the PNW. Notice the language.

02-13-2016, 02:41 PM
Integrity ? ......thanks for the laugh.
There's no point even attempting to have a discussion with you on this forum anymore considering how threads are deleted and manipulated now.

See you in Nanaimo ... its going to be a shitshow ...guaranteed.

Any houndsmen from the mainland that wish to attend my doors are open ,and I can even kick in some cash for ferry if you need.

Agreed, there is no point in having a discussion.

You have been very clear in your statements about PHTAT, and the BCWF in terms of what has happened, what is happening, and who does/says what. All this out of a confidential process. If you have actually heard what goes on, despite being confidential, have you ever considered you are hearing it from only one person???

It is very easy to bash what other people do, spread rumours about what you "have heard", and take pot shots from the bleachers. Unfortunately, that doesn't help wildlife, habitat, science-based decision making, or hunters. Dealing with this approach is tough enough from the 'antis' doesn't help when you have hunters doing it.

02-13-2016, 02:44 PM

Here is your science. Started in the PNW. Notice the language.

Who are you referring to when you state "your science"?

02-13-2016, 03:16 PM
Seems like another issue going sideways on the site. I sat on the PHTAT committee for a lot of years and out of necessity there is a lot of stuff that remains confidential until the minutes have been adopted and released. It is that way to avoid the very type of situation we are discussing. A lot of conjecture and very little substance.

There are a lot of proposals from around the province that make it to the committee, but that doesn't mean they become policy. A great many die on the vine from lack of support from the stakeholders. The BCWF reps didn't support the ban on chasing bears with hounds. End of that story.

As to the exact source of the proposal I am not sure it's all that important, but once the minutes are approved those that are interested can ask the Fed reps. In the meantime let's try and not make another mountain out of a molehill.

02-13-2016, 03:57 PM
I am not a wealthy man but I will put up a thousand bucks to help cover expenses for any hound folks from the interior and especially the kootenay region that would like to attend the meeting in Nanaimo.I have room to accommodate quite a few people.
Bring your dogs and hunt the island while your here.

Feel free to PM me if you are wanting details.

02-13-2016, 04:05 PM
My only question is does the bcwf fully support hound hunting in bc? Did they (you) speak up when this was brought up? If not then hounds people in bc better find out who is behind them.
Don't really no who or for what reason the proposal was put forward, but it is probably because of the actions of houndsmen. If you want support from the general public, non-hunters etc. then you should start self policing your own people (houndsmen) it is there actions that cause these proposals to be put forward.

02-13-2016, 05:05 PM
Don't really no who or for what reason the proposal was put forward, but it is probably because of the actions of houndsmen. If you want support from the general public, non-hunters etc. then you should start self policing your own people (houndsmen) it is there actions that cause these proposals to be put forward.

What a bunch of horse pucky!!

02-13-2016, 05:12 PM
Seems like another issue going sideways on the site. I sat on the PHTAT committee for a lot of years and out of necessity there is a lot of stuff that remains confidential until the minutes have been adopted and released. It is that way to avoid the very type of situation we are discussing. A lot of conjecture and very little substance.

There are a lot of proposals from around the province that make it to the committee, but that doesn't mean they become policy. A great many die on the vine from lack of support from the stakeholders. The BCWF reps didn't support the ban on chasing bears with hounds. End of that story.

As to the exact source of the proposal I am not sure it's all that important, but once the minutes are approved those that are interested can ask the Fed reps. In the meantime let's try and not make another mountain out of a molehill.
Glad someone admitted that it was a ban on "bear" hounding.

02-13-2016, 05:20 PM
BCWF supports hunting and science-based wildlife management.

The BCWF doesn't discriminate against people who hunt with quads, ATVs, boats, horses or hounds. Science, ethics and cultural norms form our laws and regulations, but those are formed through a democratic process, not one that is biased.

As stated in this thread what is said at PHTAT is confidential - I believe people sign a confidentiality agreement as part of the process. It is disappointing that there seems to be so much conversation about exactly what is said and who said it - shows there is a lack of integrity in the room.
Do really think we need to do a study in bc to hunt bears?

02-13-2016, 05:26 PM
Glad someone admitted that it was a ban on "bear" hounding.

Not admitying to anything as I have no direct knowledge of what went before the committee. All I know is what I gathered from this thread. Which makes my point. Lots of speculation from some of the posters, but no first person information. Just more rumour mongering and pot stirring.

02-13-2016, 06:03 PM
Don't really no who or for what reason the proposal was put forward, but it is probably because of the actions of houndsmen. If you want support from the general public, non-hunters etc. then you should start self policing your own people (houndsmen) it is there actions that cause these proposals to be put forward.
Probably time to start. What's with some of you hound guys up there? You sell your dogs?

02-13-2016, 06:10 PM
[QUOTE. The BCWF reps didn't support the ban on chasing bears with hounds. End of that story.

As to the exact source of the proposal I am not sure it's all that important, but once the minutes are approved those that are interested can ask the Fed reps. In the meantime let's try and not make another mountain out of a molehill.[/QUOTE]

Thats good.
it is important to some, where the thought came from. I don't want to support anything or anyone hiding behind something that isn't going to be an issue. The fact it didn't go through isn't reason to let it go. Just the fact alone that it was brought up (from what I read from this) is reason enough to recognize who is potentially for us or against us (Hounds) to not shoot ourselves in the foot in the future.

Glad it's not an issue, today.

Rob Chipman
02-13-2016, 09:35 PM

"I sat on the PHTAT committee for a lot of years and out of necessity there is a lot of stuff that remains confidential until the minutes have been adopted and released." So, are you saying these minutes haven't been released but will be? If so, do I just call my regional BCWF rep to get a copy or is there another way? I'm not as interested as guys that own and hunt with hounds, but it seems like the logical way to get the actual answer to this.

Blacktailstalker - I saw those pics of the "slob of a bear" on the other thread. Wow! You've got me re-thinking my spring bear plans. How do those Island bears taste?

02-13-2016, 10:12 PM
Probably time to start. What's with some of you hound guys up there? You sell your dogs?

Don't no what you want to no with the first question.
No I have never sold any dogs.

02-14-2016, 12:28 AM

"I sat on the PHTAT committee for a lot of years and out of necessity there is a lot of stuff that remains confidential until the minutes have been adopted and released." So, are you saying these minutes haven't been released but will be? If so, do I just call my regional BCWF rep to get a copy or is there another way? I'm not as interested as guys that own and hunt with hounds, but it seems like the logical way to get the actual answer to this.

Blacktailstalker - I saw those pics of the "slob of a bear" on the other thread. Wow! You've got me re-thinking my spring bear plans. How do those Island bears taste?

I let my brother shoot that one and I was feeling generous so gave him all the meat! I've got a freezer full of elk, I'd never choose bear over elk :)

04-25-2016, 03:16 PM
BCWF convention on the weekend.

Anyone see the presentation?

Bernie O
04-25-2016, 03:49 PM
The presentation was headed by Dr Bruce Mc Lellan and was information only with a question and answer period.
Our opinion on wether it should or should not be banned was not asked or offered . Lots of good information both ways.
If any one wanted to change the rules they would have to make a resolution and present it at the next AGM

04-25-2016, 03:50 PM
Probably time to start. What's with some of you hound guys up there? You sell your dogs?
When I was in Kamlpoops friday evening before the gun show saw a couple of guys fueling up at the shell station on the #1 hyw down on the flats with hounds in the back of their trucks and just had to go have a look . Nice looking dogs, black and tan's, he said the bears won that day.

04-25-2016, 04:32 PM
my black and tan big female knows what trail she starts on and stays on it as buy herself . We are going this week for a cougar and a meat bear she has two different howls one for cats one for bears . She will come back for me and for the OK of what next ....In a pack she is a nut like the rest of them