View Full Version : Cranbrook/Kimerley Coyotes

01-23-2016, 04:43 PM
Anybody having success in the area, Ive gone out a few times with the fox pro and haven't seen a thing. I haven't even found an area with good sign hows everyone else doing?

01-23-2016, 06:44 PM
I have been seeing track along rocky creek by wardner. In a lot of places I think the wolves have put a hurt on them.

01-24-2016, 05:38 AM
I have been seeing track along rocky creek by wardner. In a lot of places I think the wolves have put a hurt on them.

Elkaholic you are right with the wolf population increasing in numbers the yotes are decreasing in numbers ,,wolf kill coyotes..

In where we hunt as you know there are very fey yotes in this area I used to hear packs of them a number of years ago
now I don't hear any no more and only see the odd one now and then I used to see lots of them in the area I hunt I hear
lots of wolf's calling no and then..