View Full Version : shot and left 3 point

bang flop
01-06-2016, 09:08 PM
Came across this in my fall trip up to the Kamloops area.

http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t118/andrewpereboom/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20151118_080846.jpg (http://s158.photobucket.com/user/andrewpereboom/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20151118_080846.jpg.html)

Found him Nov 18, but had been there at least 2 days. This was near Tunkwa Lake.
It has been reported to th CO Service.
This was clearly , shoot first count later situation.
If you have any info on this incident please call the RAPP line.

01-07-2016, 05:23 AM
That sucks was a dandy mule deer at one time..

01-07-2016, 07:12 AM
And thats a 4 point too, hard to say if it was just left though maybe buddy thought he missed or he couldnt find blood hard to say what the story was on this deer.

01-07-2016, 07:20 AM
This is why I'm so anal about keeping your "Bino's" around your neck when your out hunting! I can't count the guys that own real good Bino's and they either leave them in there truck when were out on the quads, or in there back pack's! Carry them around your neck, that's why you got a god dam neck, so your Bino's don't fall on the ground you Moron!!! If more guys carried there Binos around there necks, we'd see way fewer animals left for coyote bait!!! At a quick glance that buck could very easily look like a nice 4 point, but, if you looked at it with your Bino's you'd see it's a nice 3 point, so use your Bino's!

bang flop
01-07-2016, 07:35 AM
I can tell you first hand it is a 3x3... I took the picture. You might see a twig in the photo.
Also... it is unlikely this poacher thought he missed... was about 25 yards of a busy road.

And thats a 4 point too, hard to say if it was just left though maybe buddy thought he missed or he couldnt find blood hard to say what the story was on this deer.

01-07-2016, 08:20 AM
It's Tunkwa Lake!!! You're surprised?

01-07-2016, 10:54 AM
My mistake by the looks of the picture it looks as if there is 3 points on the back left tine, but like you said you were there

01-07-2016, 11:14 AM
There are way too many assholes out there of late.

This November I found a cow moose shot and left and a few days later a two-year old paddle bull only a kilometer away. Heard the shots from the second kill and the ravens lead me to carcass the next day. Reported both kills along with a vehicle description and license number. No word as yet to any charges.

Like the deer you found these animals were found but deliberately left. No effort was made to gut either one.

01-07-2016, 11:34 AM
This is why I'm so anal about keeping your "Bino's" around your neck when your out hunting! I can't count the guys that own real good Bino's and they either leave them in there truck when were out on the quads, or in there back pack's! Carry them around your neck, that's why you got a god dam neck, so your Bino's don't fall on the ground you Moron!!! If more guys carried there Binos around there necks, we'd see way fewer animals left for coyote bait!!! At a quick glance that buck could very easily look like a nice 4 point, but, if you looked at it with your Bino's you'd see it's a nice 3 point, so use your Bino's!

wait, so where should their binos be??? :wink:

01-07-2016, 11:36 AM
The 4 point mule buck rule is one of the most ******ed rules in the BC regs. A lot of mature muleys will never have more than a 3 point rack.

So with this rule hunting selection will degrade the gene pool of 4+ point bucks and boost the gene pool of 3 pointers....Oh yeah, way to go ministry! :(

01-07-2016, 11:42 AM
Almost looks like there is 2 1" brow tines on left antler, making it an actual 4 pt

01-07-2016, 12:00 PM
BC regs don't count the brow tine on muleys making it a 3 point.:)

bang flop
01-07-2016, 01:06 PM
Maybe I should have put up a better picture... hopefully this shows more clearly it is a straight bore 3 point. Wasn't even a bump to make some one think there was a 4th point anywhere.

http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t118/andrewpereboom/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20151118_080942.jpg (http://s158.photobucket.com/user/andrewpereboom/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20151118_080942.jpg.html)

01-07-2016, 01:31 PM
Found the same type of thing in 3-29 a couple years ago. Beautiful big buck, just short one fork to be legal and feeding the ravens.

Bugle M In
01-07-2016, 01:41 PM
just so you know, it isn't always a hunter's fault.
seen a 2 point, with some sort of injury to back leg.
It was a fresh injury, as blood was trickling down the hind leg.
He was limping badly, and maybe due to a fight, as we hadn't heard any gunshots in the
area for a few days prior.
That was on Nov 11 week.
2 weeks later, I found this buck dead, due to the ravens.
He had tucked himself into the thick small evergreen patches in the area.
Some deer do die due to the rut, from injuries.
Sad that deer get shot due to the 4pt rule, and hunters leave them or don't report, that they made a mistake.

01-07-2016, 01:55 PM
BC regs don't count the brow tine on muleys making it a 3 point.:)

If a deer has a legal point as a brow tine, then an inch up the antler there is another legal point and on top there are 3 points, then that is a 4 point buck. We had a thread about this a few years ago, dana came up with the concept... it was pretty interesting.

With the other pic, doesn't look like this buck had any of that. :)

bang flop
01-07-2016, 01:58 PM
just so you know, it isn't always a hunter's fault.
seen a 2 point, with some sort of injury to back leg.
It was a fresh injury, as blood was trickling down the hind leg.
He was limping badly, and maybe due to a fight, as we hadn't heard any gunshots in the
area for a few days prior.
That was on Nov 11 week.
2 weeks later, I found this buck dead, due to the ravens.
He had tucked himself into the thick small evergreen patches in the area.
Some deer do die due to the rut, from injuries.
Sad that deer get shot due to the 4pt rule, and hunters leave them or don't report, that they made a mistake.

all possible i guess... but the birds were on this critter, and the point of entry through the hide was right behind shoulder... unlikely anything other than a gun shot... but we will never know.

This was also about 25 yrds off one of the main roads... if this deer were to bed down and die due to a fighting/rut injury my guess is it wouldn't do it that close and in plane view of the road...

Bugle M In
01-07-2016, 02:39 PM
all possible i guess... but the birds were on this critter, and the point of entry through the hide was right behind shoulder... unlikely anything other than a gun shot... but we will never know.

This was also about 25 yrds off one of the main roads... if this deer were to bed down and die due to a fighting/rut injury my guess is it wouldn't do it that close and in plane view of the road...

Don't get me wrong, I believe that the buck most likely met it's death from a gun, sadly.
I just wanted to make a point, that this may not always be the case, that some die due to injury in the rut especially.
I have seen some reasonably sized 3 points taking on other large bucks for dominance rights.
Just wanted to post another scenario which sometimes gets overlooked.
If it is a fresh kill, and you see the bullet entry, which sometimes in itself is hard to spot, it's obvious.
It's quite possible the buck I saw, may have had a similar gunshot wound, than died.
But, you will sometimes come across a deer that became injured from some natural causes as well.
Just a heads up is all.
Good on you for reporting, if I hadn't said that.

Jim Prawn
01-07-2016, 10:40 PM
Very sad, that looks like a very nice buck. Probly the same turd that shot a mulie doe when I was there in October a couple years ago. Had it hanging in the meat shed and everything... Say whaaaa?

Bugle M In
01-08-2016, 01:29 PM
We came across a mulie doe too this year.
We heard the shot, as my buddy was in the midst of trying to get a shot off on a buck nearby.
We all thought are friend had taken the shot, but he radioed us back saying it wasn't him.
So, his son went down with a quad into the clearing, all right in the same vicinity, to see who was there.
Anyways, he never saw anyone, but did say that he saw a truck parked on a nearby side road not too far away.
Well, by late afternoon, we heard ravens.
Next morning, my other hunting partner is hiking thru that area, and comes across this deer.
A doe, half gutted, head cut off, and the head propped up onto it's front legs.
It actually looked as if the deer was just lying there....alive, as he walked up to it.
So, someone, without a leh doe permit, on the Nov 11 week, shot a doe, illegally, and was going to tale it.
I suspect they heard my friends son, with his quad, coming close, and they took off.
Actually, we think there were 2 guys there, 3 cigarette butts, and not to far away, 2 beer cans, where we suspect
they may have been sitting, waiting for a deer.
On further walking around, we found 3 other "doe carcasses", all just bones, in the same area.
So, I don't think this is the first time these guys have been doing it.
All I know is, from now on, I and my hunting partners will be recording all plates parked in the area.
This was up in Cache Cr. area.
I have seen more than my share of dead Does up there in the past few years....and it's really pissing me off to see.
But, now I will just record the plates...it's real easy....I just stop, and take a picture or 2!...no pencil/paper needed.

01-08-2016, 03:44 PM
We came across a mulie doe too this year.
We heard the shot, as my buddy was in the midst of trying to get a shot off on a buck nearby.
We all thought are friend had taken the shot, but he radioed us back saying it wasn't him.
So, his son went down with a quad into the clearing, all right in the same vicinity, to see who was there.
Anyways, he never saw anyone, but did say that he saw a truck parked on a nearby side road not too far away.
Well, by late afternoon, we heard ravens.
Next morning, my other hunting partner is hiking thru that area, and comes across this deer.
A doe, half gutted, head cut off, and the head propped up onto it's front legs.
It actually looked as if the deer was just lying there....alive, as he walked up to it.
So, someone, without a leh doe permit, on the Nov 11 week, shot a doe, illegally, and was going to tale it.
I suspect they heard my friends son, with his quad, coming close, and they took off.
Actually, we think there were 2 guys there, 3 cigarette butts, and not to far away, 2 beer cans, where we suspect
they may have been sitting, waiting for a deer.
On further walking around, we found 3 other "doe carcasses", all just bones, in the same area.
So, I don't think this is the first time these guys have been doing it.
All I know is, from now on, I and my hunting partners will be recording all plates parked in the area.
This was up in Cache Cr. area.
I have seen more than my share of dead Does up there in the past few years....and it's really pissing me off to see.
But, now I will just record the plates...it's real easy....I just stop, and take a picture or 2!...no pencil/paper needed.

That sucks. Waste of life and meat.

01-09-2016, 03:23 PM
Ahh sad situation...some real assholes out there.

01-09-2016, 03:39 PM
Why would anyone cut a head off a doe?

I suspect an under sized buck...

Bugle M In
01-09-2016, 11:50 PM
Why would anyone cut a head off a doe?

I suspect an under sized buck...

Nope, the head was there!, it was just lopped off, and than placed on the front legs.
(hard to explain how the head was placed, and I don't have photos, my buddy does, but if you were walking up to
it, you would have thought it was just lying there, resting and still alive...but it was far from alive)
Really sad what some guys were up to!!??
Are they poaching??? very possible, but this time they just got scared when they heard the quad???...maybe.
Or, maybe they were going to use it as bait for wolves??? I don't know??
Either way, it was illegal and a true waste!
And I suspect it going on for sometime now.
On top of some of the other skeletons we found close by, a couple years back, I found another doe, dead!, not all
that far away from where this happened...same vicinity for the most part.
Same thing too!...several of us heard a shot, and because we have radios, we have a "general" idea where everyone is
for the most part, but we still hunt, so we are always in motion....not pushing deer...but rather just doing our "own" thing,
but we like to meet up at times for lunch, or atleast keep track of where we are so that we don't bump into each other etc.
Anyways, this shot goes off, late in the day...and we all radio each other, ask we all think that one of us has taken a shot,
and maybe some success.
But, after everyone checks in, we find out it wasn't us, and we all have a rough idea where the shot came from, from all the input
from each other.
Anyways, down at the lake we were camped, there were some other camps (not the norm), and we asked them if they shot.
They actually had an LEH doe tag, and were packing up, so we never felt it was them...and I believe it wasn't.
Anyways, 2 weeks later, we are up there again, and we find a dead doe...right in the area we thought the shot was taken.
So, here is another dead doe.
As I said...I will now take plates and pics of any vehicle I see now...especially when I am up there in that area, as I suspect
there are a pair of "bad apples" hanging around there at times.
Next time we hear shots, and it ain't us, after talking to each other, we will look for vehicles, unless we find it was legit.
But why some are doing this, is beyond me??
Oh, as for head getting cut off???, my one hunting partner suspects they may have shot the deer thru the neck,
maybe looking for the bullet.
And, I know the guys I hunt with are totally legit guys, and it ain't one of them...basically like family.
We are out there looking for 4 points, and large ones unless it's the last day of our hunting season, and we
don't have an elk in the freezer.
These guys I am looking for are guys disguised as hunters, but are nothing more than "lowlifes" with no self worth, and no character
of any kind.
Just something I want to make other hunters to be aware of, that where ever you go, just keep some records of who you see in the
area and vehicles...you never know, you might be onto someone that is up to no good.
But don't get me wrong, most people you meet out there are just like Yourself, good people,
so I'm not saying to be suspicious in character at all, but just be better "observers".

01-11-2016, 10:03 PM
I'll just say this after having talked extensively with the CO's if you accidentally shoot a 3 point....

CALL THEM. The CO's in my area have always given guys warnings for shooting a 3 point by mistake. None were charged. The only ones charged are the ones who try to hide the fact. Had the guy who shot that deer at Tunkwa called the CO's he could have kept the meat and got a warning. I know that's true because the CO's I talked with cover that area too.

It's a mistake it happens. Leaving that meat to rot is never the answer.

01-11-2016, 10:17 PM
I'll just say this after having talked extensively with the CO's if you accidentally shoot a 3 point....

CALL THEM. The CO's in my area have always given guys warnings for shooting a 3 point by mistake. None were charged. The only ones charged are the ones who try to hide the fact. Had the guy who shot that deer at Tunkwa called the CO's he could have kept the meat and got a warning. I know that's true because the CO's I talked with cover that area too.

It's a mistake it happens. Leaving that meat to rot is never the answer.

Keeping the Meat from a Illegally shot deer ? :shock: Dont think that would fly ! jmo RJ

01-29-2016, 10:20 AM
Found same thing up Falkland this year Ravens 20 yards off the road we found a dead Mulie doe dressed with the head a few feet away couple days old A couple Km/s away was a dead muley spike shot and left

02-06-2016, 10:27 AM
I lived in Savona for 35 years and worked in the logging industry for about 14 of those years around that area from Merritt up to Clinton with the majority around the Tunkwa area.I cannot remember the amount of times I had to call the CO over animals shot and left(moose and deer) sometimes right in our logging block.It is not a new problem with more people using the area its just getting worse.The CO's have a hard job trying to get enough evidence to charge these idiots.Been hunting all my life and starting to get frustrated over all the BS but I better not get started or I will be here all day.

02-06-2016, 11:39 AM
Sad......glad you phoned RAPP..

02-06-2016, 11:45 AM
It is to bad this stuff happens but it does, Ravens are the best give away of finding these animals to, I alway stop when I see a bunch of them together to see what they have found.

02-06-2016, 12:04 PM
same way for me...I just cant stay away from a bunch of ravens or crows making a fuss...have found a dead 4 point mulie about 100 yds off a road...it was hit in the eye but not the brain not sure how long it lived but it had been dead for weeks...obviously I would think it did not get found rather than a shoot first count later situation...this was near Clinton...

I have also found a full grown cow that had been shot and left...it was the exact same colour as a whitetail so definitely a shoot first i.d. later situation..this was near rock creek/Christian valley..

the strangest one was when I found about a dozen Canada goose carcasses (had been breasted) miles from any water at the end of a logging road near smithers....I told my hunting partners about them and eventually we hooked up with some locals that were friends of my hunting partner..turns out it was them that threw the goose carcasses there..they were partly buried and at least 50 feet off the end of the road so they were very surprised that I had found them.

another time I found where some scraps/trim had been dumped on the side of a logging road...there were wolf tracks all around ...I got onto a rocky knob on the high side of the road to get a look around and found a spot where a cougar had been crouched/sitting...the tracks just stopped....I looked down below on the road for more cougar tracks but eventually found that the tracks resumed on the other side of the road...the cougar had jumped from it's high perch completely cleared the road and had landed about 10 feet down the bank on the other side...the leap was about 50 feet away and about 20 feet down..holy flying cougars batman...this was near vanderhoof