View Full Version : Crows Vs Ravens

01-03-2016, 06:03 AM
Why are crows not protected and ravens are? Seems both do as much damage to eggs of game birds etc., and ravens are much more prolific, at least in my area of north central BC.

Big Lew
01-03-2016, 08:50 AM
Could it be that the Raven is a spiritual bird for the indigenous people?
In the southern half of BC the crows are very prolific and actually a serious
nuisance and health problem in some areas.

01-03-2016, 08:56 AM
Raven is bigger than a crow when both grown out to full size.
Fraser Valley has crows the Kamloops area is ravens.
Raven is protected a crow is not.
Could you tell the difference? If you shoot a raven you are a violator of the Wildlife Act.
Jel -- what do you think is the difference between a crow and a raven?

01-03-2016, 09:09 AM
Why are crows not protected and ravens are? Seems both do as much damage to eggs of game birds etc., and ravens are much more prolific, at least in my area of north central BC.

Hi! I believe that it is because crows are more numerous and reproduce in greater numbers. The raven live in the boreal forest and are less numerous so it would be eeasy to eradicate them if it was open season on them.

01-03-2016, 10:53 AM
Not sure but could it be that ravens are not a native bird to canada but ravens are?

01-03-2016, 10:57 AM
You can legally shoot ravens, at least in reg 7.

01-03-2016, 11:00 AM
Ravens don't adjust well to changes in the environment well while crows do. Crows have learned to live along side human populations and thrive.

01-03-2016, 11:06 AM
crows in the Fraser valley are little and annoying caw caw caw. Lil things. Blacky greys.
Ravens up in Kammy are big twice the size, deep voices with girgles and noises. Pure shining black feathers and beaks as long as you can imagine, fly like the wind or flop down with grace.
Jelly ( Raven ) don't be miss bee havin -- it's your blackbird connection in the ridges, hunter.

01-03-2016, 11:45 AM
i look at it like this:evil: both are killing what i allso like to eat no one counting on private land 123 lots of them

01-03-2016, 12:33 PM
You can legally shoot ravens, at least in reg 7.

Reg 5 too.

There's 2, 1 month seasons in the spring. Makes calving season a little more exciting.

I shoot lots, crows too.

01-03-2016, 12:48 PM
Kill crows....kill all crows...:)

01-03-2016, 12:48 PM
You can legally shoot ravens, at least in reg 7.
On private land tho right?

01-03-2016, 12:50 PM
Ravens don't adjust well to changes in the environment well while crows do. Crows have learned to live along side human populations and thrive.

LOL! Tell that to the multitudes of Ravens that have followed Two-Legs into the Arctic and now are rather predominant Up Yonder anywhere we are! :lol:

In fact, Ravens are one of the most intelligent, and most adaptable bird species out there.


01-03-2016, 12:58 PM
1626 and counting.......kill crows, kill all crows.......


01-03-2016, 02:16 PM
On private land tho right?
Yes.. Daily limit 5.. Region 7.. On private land.... 7 mm stw works good !
No closed season.

01-03-2016, 02:23 PM
LOL! Tell that to the multitudes of Ravens that have followed Two-Legs into the Arctic and now are rather predominant Up Yonder anywhere we are! :lol:

In fact, Ravens are one of the most intelligent, and most adaptable bird species out there.


They are intelligent, but they are not as adaptable.
If they were, they would be cozy with humans everywhere.
Of course they follow predators and look for scraps.
That still doesn't mean they are more adaptable than crows.
They seem to prefer wild places.
And who could blame them.

01-03-2016, 02:24 PM
1626 and counting.......kill crows, kill all crows.......


There is a crow eating festival somewhere in Lithuania.
You should look it up.

01-03-2016, 02:32 PM
They are intelligent, but they are not as adaptable.

They adapted Very Well to the Arctic. Large BLACK Bird in a white draped ecosystem.
Colonizing areas Hundreds upon Hundreds of miles beyond their previous ranges.
No Crows.
Guess if you lived up there you might have the exact reverse impression that you express here. ;-)


01-03-2016, 02:36 PM
They adapted Very Well to the Arctic. Large BLACK Bird in a white draped ecosystem.
Colonizing areas Hundreds upon Hundreds of miles beyond their previous ranges.
No Crows.
Guess if you lived up there you might have the exact reverse impression that you express here. ;-)


I guess you are right, living up in the arctic is no small feat on it's own.

01-03-2016, 02:42 PM
You can legally shoot ravens, at least in reg 7.

Restricted to private land.

01-03-2016, 04:49 PM
LOL! Tell that to the multitudes of Ravens that have followed Two-Legs into the Arctic and now are rather predominant Up Yonder anywhere we are! :lol:

In fact, Ravens are one of the most intelligent, and most adaptable bird species out there.


apparently, that is true. I have heard that raven are very intelligent birds. they can even use tools (a straw to get ants from the rounds)

limit time
01-03-2016, 07:07 PM
Not sure but could it be that ravens are not a native bird to canada but ravens are?
Yes, crows aren't native to Canada (invasive species). Sched 3 in BC regs say no closed season and no bag limit !!!
Kill them at will !!!

01-03-2016, 07:55 PM
Crows are smarter than ravens..ravens are killing just born calfes before calf is out of mama,,ravens can be there pecking eyes out and calf die..most of farmers hate ravens..

01-03-2016, 07:57 PM
apparently, that is true. I have heard that raven are very intelligent birds. they can even use tools (a straw to get ants from the rounds)

I have seen crow using stick as a tool..very clever

01-03-2016, 08:06 PM
Ravens are open year round here and most of region 4, not protected at all,,5 a day

01-03-2016, 09:43 PM
180 grainer8-) nice .. did you buy that 5 gal. bucket of num. 2 lead off me a few years ago

01-03-2016, 11:38 PM
180 grainer8-) nice .. did you buy that 5 gal. bucket of num. 2 lead off me a few years ago

I think that might've been me if your name is Mark.

01-03-2016, 11:48 PM
Crows are smarter than ravens..ravens are killing just born calfes before calf is out of mama,,ravens can be there pecking eyes out and calf die..most of farmers hate ravens..

Yep crows are smarter and magpies are smarter than all of them.

Raven are pretty easy to hunt on the ranches I hunt on. They always fly to the same trees if they are pressured a bit. We take turns going to the different spots they sit in and the the other guy goes and pressures them. It's like Saskatchewan bush pushing, but in the sky.

They come out of the sky with some spectacular crashes too, they're pretty big. I've taken out planks on fences and dented lots of tin roofs & sheds, even took out truck window with one.

Crows are cagey and more unpredictable. But they are greedy and curious. Have to be tricky to get them unless you have a good spot on their roost path. The best bait for them is a McDonalds bag in the back of the truck. Lol

Magpies, we snipe right of the cows backs. Gotta really pay attention playing that game.

01-04-2016, 01:16 AM
180 grainer8-) nice .. did you buy that 5 gal. bucket of num. 2 lead off me a few years ago

Wasn't me. I use 7.5 target loads for crows. Cheap and pretty effective.

01-04-2016, 05:49 AM
My thoughts are that ravens don't populate in numbers crows increase in number more the raven is more of a wilderness bird the crow lives more in the cities ,towns then that of a raven..

01-04-2016, 09:33 AM
Ravens are considered raptors. raptors in most of BC are protected.

Crows are scavengers. Completely different bird.

01-04-2016, 10:03 AM
Ravens are considered raptors. raptors in most of BC are protected.

Crows are scavengers. Completely different bird.

I would not agree that ravens are raptors.
They also scavange just as much as crows.
Raven's just don't like people it seems.

01-04-2016, 11:28 AM
When God was giving out each animals job description the ravens,crows and magpies all must have commented that they would not be that popular doing their given task. God might have very well commented that "it was a dirty job but someone had to do it".

buck nash
01-04-2016, 11:37 AM
No ravens are certainly not raptors. Nor are they grouped with them in any classification system that i know of. Raptors hunt by using their claws to seize their pretty, thats where their name comes from. However lots of raptors scavenge as well. A sure place to see eagles is near the dump.

Ravens occupy a completely different niche in the ecosystem. They're opportunistic feeders and will make use of just about any food source, not just meat.

01-04-2016, 12:24 PM
it was only a few years ago that I learned and was quite surprised to hear vultures are categorized with raptors.
here is wiki for bird of prey

01-04-2016, 01:10 PM
it was only a few years ago that I learned and was quite surprised to hear vultures are categorized with raptors.
here is wiki for bird of prey

Kind of makes me wonder. Crows will certainly take mice and squirrels and anything they can kill. So would that put them in the raptor class.

01-04-2016, 01:30 PM
Chickens will eat mice, they are certainly not raptors.

01-04-2016, 01:54 PM
My bad. You're right. Definitely not raptors.

01-04-2016, 02:05 PM
When the baby ducks hatch at the local ponds go take a look and watch the crows pick them up like candies all day long until their gone.

watched a group of 4 crows pick off 11 ducklings in 20 minutes this year at Salish Pond in Chilliwack while mama duck couldnt do a thing. Poor little guys kept trying to swim under the lilly pads and water but the crows would just swoop down as soon as they came up and were toasted in a second. Theyd fly into a tree and rip it apart in seconds then go grab another one.

01-04-2016, 06:04 PM
You can legally shoot ravens, at least in reg 7.

I'm in region 7 and checked the regulations. Saw the fact that crows are group C but require a license to be shot. No mention of Ravens anywhere in the regulations that I could find.

Sofa King
01-04-2016, 06:10 PM
When the baby ducks hatch at the local ponds go take a look and watch the crows pick them up like candies all day long until their gone.

watched a group of 4 crows pick off 11 ducklings in 20 minutes this year at Salish Pond in Chilliwack while mama duck couldnt do a thing. Poor little guys kept trying to swim under the lilly pads and water but the crows would just swoop down as soon as they came up and were toasted in a second. Theyd fly into a tree and rip it apart in seconds then go grab another one.

the ravens do this same thing in kelowna.
it's pretty brutal.

Moose Guide
01-04-2016, 07:31 PM
Raven is bigger than a crow when both grown out to full size.
Fraser Valley has crows the Kamloops area is ravens.
Raven is protected a crow is not.
Could you tell the difference? If you shoot a raven you are a violator of the Wildlife Act.
Jel -- what do you think is the difference between a crow and a raven?

Ravens are native, crows are an invasive species!
I can legally kill 5 ravens a year!

Moose Guide
01-04-2016, 07:52 PM
crows in the Fraser valley are little and annoying caw caw caw. Lil things. Blacky greys.
Ravens up in Kammy are big twice the size, deep voices with girgles and noises. Pure shining black feathers and beaks as long as you can imagine, fly like the wind or flop down with grace.
Jelly ( Raven ) don't be miss bee havin -- it's your blackbird connection in the ridges, hunter.

Fly like the wind or
flop down with grace
with innards and feathers
all over the place

caught with a soft point
or hollow point pill
I knock em off branches
if they ever hold still

At 100, 200
300 or more
I'll leave all their feathers
all over the floor

01-04-2016, 08:36 PM
I'm in region 7 and checked the regulations. Saw the fact that crows are group C but require a license to be shot. No mention of Ravens anywhere in the regulations that I could find.

I believe ravens are only listed under 7b gos, not mentioned under 7a

01-04-2016, 09:28 PM
I've never seen a Raven before...but I've shot a few Boone and Crockett Crows on occasion.

01-06-2016, 12:33 AM
Raven big, crow small, very hard to pin down for most from the coast, a lil toast.
--- Crow go caw caw caw, raven go ribbit ribbit ribbit.
-- Raven bully crow when overlapping boundaries need clarification of the pecking order.
Raven veddy cautious and work as a team, crow doopid and lonely.
Jel -- Raven kick crows butt --

Moose Guide
01-06-2016, 10:37 PM
Raven big, crow small, very hard to pin down for most from the coast, a lil toast.
--- Crow go caw caw caw, raven go ribbit ribbit ribbit.
-- Raven bully crow when overlapping boundaries need clarification of the pecking order.
Raven veddy cautious and work as a team, crow doopid and lonely.
Jel -- Raven kick crows butt --
If crows are so dumb, why is it so easy to find raven nests but almost impossible to find crow nests? Crows can be warned off by hanging up a dead crow but ravens keep coming back!

01-06-2016, 11:29 PM
the old story of the Norse carrying ravens on board their ships in cages , they would release them now and then on a clear day . The raven would circle up high then if the raven headed in a different direction then they came from they would follow it .

If you are hiking in the woods and see ravens in a tree , be careful , could be a bear on a carcass .

then make interesting pets for a while and have a good memory for individuals and even cars , then inevitably they grow up and live the life they were supposed to .

01-07-2016, 10:08 AM
A raven will show a hunter in the forest on deer ridges and area in hunting season which way to go to the nearest mule deer. In order to know this it would take years of hiking hunting to see how it works but it does.
The raven has picked up the idea between humans hunting deer, the shot sound and finding gut piles.
In the Koots the Griz have this pattern down now, following hunters to the carcass and figuring out the distant shot sound, they go.
Ravens here in Kammy nor, no Bo! I have used ravens and they used me to git er done.
Jel -- the trooth iz stranger than fiction? -- Become one with the ravens and learn

01-07-2016, 10:22 AM
Kill crows....kill all crows...:)

Does this only apply to crows? HAAHAHAAAAA!!!!

01-07-2016, 10:35 AM
My Pa (ancient) tells me of the time that Vancouver used to have a crow shoot. Prize for the most shot. His neighbor won it once. We need something like that again as there are very few songbirds left down here because of them. Had one for a pet once, they are very smart. Their downfall is coming to a crow distress call ... can't resist. Also wild crows would always attack my pet crow as they must have known something was "wrong" with it ... take em' out.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___

If you enjoy certain foods don’t find out how they make them.

01-07-2016, 10:42 AM
My Pa (ancient) tells me of the time that Vancouver used to have a crow shoot. Prize for the most shot. His neighbor won it once. We need something like that again as there are very few songbirds left down here because of them. Had one for a pet once, they are very smart. Their downfall is coming to a crow distress call ... can't resist. Also wild crows would always attack my pet crow as they must have known something was "wrong" with it ... take em' out.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___

If you enjoy certain foods don’t find out how they make them.

The Vernon Fish & game has a trophy for the most crows feet handed in ...... It hasn't been used for 50+ years though , Its always been bad Karma to shoot Ravens .... Not sure why .

01-07-2016, 12:10 PM
bad Karma to shoot ravens :smile: because the first nations say they are dead ones coming back ;-)

Moose Guide
01-07-2016, 12:33 PM
The Vernon Fish & game has a trophy for the most crows feet handed in ...... It hasn't been used for 50+ years though , Its always been bad Karma to shoot Ravens .... Not sure why .

Does "bad Karma" equal great hunting success? Either it does , or I just ain't bothered by karma!

01-07-2016, 02:04 PM
bad Karma to shoot ravens :smile: because the first nations say they are dead ones coming back ;-)

Yah it may have been that .... just like sea gulls were sailors lost at sea reincarnated or something like that .

01-07-2016, 05:06 PM
"The Raven" How many shows using the word Raven?
How many about the lowly garbage crow?
How many named Raven?
How many named hey Crow. lol
Jelly ( The Jet Black ) Rock em Sockem Raven -- don't bee miss beee hayyy ven.

01-07-2016, 05:50 PM
bad Karma to shoot ravens :smile: because the first nations say they are dead ones coming back ;-)

Karma ran over my dogma.

01-07-2016, 11:30 PM
the old story of the Norse carrying ravens on board their ships in cages , they would release them now and then on a clear day . The raven would circle up high then if the raven headed in a different direction then they came from they would follow it .

If you are hiking in the woods and see ravens in a tree , be careful , could be a bear on a carcass .

then make interesting pets for a while and have a good memory for individuals and even cars , then inevitably they grow up and live the life they were supposed to .

even older story is using dove for same reason....noah...and his ark...

01-08-2016, 08:01 AM
in some native lore the raven brought life to world.....in some white lore the stork brings babies to the world.......what bird is known to prevent babies???????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????

.......its the swallow.....heheheheh

Weatherby Fan
01-08-2016, 08:24 AM
Yah it may have been that .... just like sea gulls were sailors lost at sea reincarnated or something like that .

Seaguls are the souls of dead fisherman !

01-08-2016, 08:30 AM
Be glad an owl don't land on your window sill when the window is open.
The owl shows up to show a death in Indian lore.
Jelly ( Great Horned ) Owl, barn owl, snowy owl, who who who? There you are.