View Full Version : FoxPro Calling sequence?

12-28-2015, 09:17 AM
I had this conversation with a friend the other day and was wondering what your take on it is? What do you find to be the best calls, calling sequences, or methods for using a FoxPro (or any other electronic call for that matter).

What do you find the best way to set up? (Distance from call, type of area, etc).

Personally, I like rabbit distress calls or pup distress calls and setting up on the high point of cut lines.

12-28-2015, 11:08 AM
I run my fox pro for three minutes on and shut it off for three minutes... Most of coyotes have come out to "investigate" when the unit was off...it's rare to have a coyote run in while the unit is bleating away - (that's only on the Hollywood shots)....

distress calls work best - but can be overdone if a few guys are hunting in the same 'hood... That's when the quitter squeaks and grunts come into a world of their own.

I usually place the device at the edge of the remote wireless envelope - ie. As far from me as possible, and always up-wind...

my most successful set-up has been accros a stream - fox pro on the bank - me - 8o/100 yards away on the opposite bank in a tree stand (private land) (15 dogs over 2 seasons)

good luck, there will be more blank days than purple days, but it is a good way to help the deer for next season..

12-28-2015, 11:41 AM
I really like the male interrogation howl to start. Then wait a minute or two. Then repeat. Then I wait a couple minutes and run pup in distress. That seams to bring them in. Sometimes running cotton tail instead of the coyote pup distress works also after the interrogation howl

12-28-2015, 01:12 PM
Every stand is different, depends on how my bartell spidey senses are tinglin'

Typically I will set up about 50 yards downwind of the call, I try to elevate the Foxpro off the ground by hanging it on a branch, setting it on a fence post, etc. Remote works a lot better this way. I usually start with a distress sound, on very low volume, so I can barely hear it from my position. I've shot a couple coyotes over the years that appeared within a minute or less because they were close. After a minute or so of low volume distress I will mute it. A few minutes later I will let a couple lone coyote howls out, spaced about a minute apart. A few minutes later I will go back to distress, on a higher volume, for about 45 seconds, then mute for 3-5 minutes. I repeat this sequence a few times. Usually wind down a stand with lower volume distress. I try to sit tight for 10 minutes on mute, you'll often get predators sneaking in 45 minutes or longer after you start calling. I don't doubt I have walked away from more predators than I have killed, just because I don't have the patience to sit there for an hour +

12-28-2015, 01:24 PM
Great tips guys keep them coming!!!

12-28-2015, 01:39 PM
Buy a coyote decoy. I have one and when coyotes see it they go mental. They run right for it or they hold up within rifle shot and sit and bark and howl allowing you a perfect chest shot.

12-28-2015, 03:25 PM
Buy a coyote decoy. I have one and when coyotes see it they go mental. They run right for it or they hold up within rifle shot and sit and bark and howl allowing you a perfect chest shot.

That's so true, the coyote decoy used with the foxpro is a dead cert...best decoy I have bought!

11-04-2016, 01:57 PM
Foxpro just added a bunch of new free sounds on their site for download, some a real good and applicable to BC hunting such as wolf howl and calf moose distress

https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/14677167_1823523201252725_3118097023685885952_n.jp g?ig_cache_key=MTM3NjI4ODc4NjcwNzU2NTE1NQ%3D%3D.2


11-04-2016, 06:48 PM
I'd like to try that barn cat out. That should be good for a few laughs in my neighbourhood.