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11-15-2015, 10:22 PM
starting to get excited for the yearly hunt. usually go this week but are waiting to next week. are they rutting hard already? hope our timing works out this year

11-15-2015, 11:22 PM
Reg 8 is a large area....lots of differences.
Having said that I think your timing is bang on based on this year's unique weather.
We just got hit with a dump of snow and have a cooling trend following.
Sets up well for WT hunting

11-16-2015, 12:06 AM
Bigger bucks just starting to show. Young ones are getting run off. It's a little later than last 3 years for wt where I hunt in reg8. Good luck!

Redneck Rocket
11-16-2015, 12:39 AM
I have a couple areas in R8 that I frequent. I ran up the hill for a couple hours this afternoon and this snow had them up and moving. Didn't lay eyes on one, but had one run past my cam 20 minutes after I checked it and straight overtop of my footprints. There were fresh tracks everywhere, I followed several and one got fresher and fresher until he made a damn fool out of me. Through thickets, circling round 3 times and back out the other side. Doubling back on himself left and right. Made a total ass of me. Then I cruised back to the truck and saw that a nice 4x4 had come past the first cam about 20 minutes after I left.....


11-16-2015, 07:57 AM
Reg 8 is a large area....lots of differences.
Having said that I think your timing is bang on based on this year's unique weather.
We just got hit with a dump of snow and have a cooling trend following.
Sets up well for WT hunting

Would have to agree with Ourea here.

We predominantly hunt a large parcel of private land that is a mix of agricultural and thick timber. It backs onto crown land that heads up into some higher elevation stuff. We have had very little to show on our cams of late despite a pretty consistent camming effort. Finally yesterday we saw a true shooter dogging does in the middle of the day. With the recent dumps of snow up high the better bucks are starting to turn up in the lower elevation stuff. Looking forward to getting back out there in a few days.

11-16-2015, 08:42 AM
thanks people! it has been many years since we hit up the last week of the season. my favorite hunt of the year and the only one now that the kids are growing up

11-16-2015, 08:57 AM
was just starting on friday .good luck .

11-16-2015, 10:23 AM
Thinkin' I will be booking a couple of days off as it's getting to be "that time."

I checked one of my better areas Wednesday and found a few foot-draggers had been cruising for does in the regen, though I didn't see any of them.

Last year I hunted the same spots for 4 days straight, with practically no tracks until day 4, when suddenly the area was polluted with them. A nice young buck offered up a broadside shot at 60 yards, mid-morning, that even I couldn't miss! Days 1 through 3 would have made most hunters give up on the area and declare that populations were wiped out, yet day 4 was a barnyard of tracks. Persistence pays off!

11-16-2015, 02:36 PM
Had a 3x4 WT out smart me on sat evening in region 8.Wasnt fast enough to pull off a confident shot.Another camp close by nailed a 2 point WT that same evening.
Sunday morning started with 3 mulie doe's and 1 WT doe crossing within 30 yrds as well as a 3x3 mulie buck within 20 yrds{4 pnt only}
REG 8 is heating up


11-16-2015, 02:54 PM
Had a 3x4 WT out smart me on sat evening in region 8.Wasnt fast enough to pull off a confident shot.Another camp close by nailed a 2 point WT that same evening.
Sunday morning started with 3 mulie doe's and 1 WT doe crossing within 30 yrds as well as a 3x3 mulie buck within 20 yrds{4 pnt only}
REG 8 is heating up


Not sure what dates you're referring to but anyone reading should note Mule deer closed in Region 8 on Nov 10. They re-open for bow only from Nov 25 to Dec 10.

That said, things are definitely heating up for whitetails. Weather report looks great for my annual hunt with OldnGrey and his son..

11-16-2015, 04:06 PM

Not sure what dates you're referring to but anyone reading should note Mule deer closed in Region 8 on Nov 10. They re-open for bow only from Nov 25 to Dec 10.

That said, things are definitely heating up for whitetails. Weather report looks great for my annual hunt with OldnGrey and his son..
Exactly..and bow only for muley bucks at those dates is only for certain M.U.'s within region 8, so like he said check the regs...

11-16-2015, 10:53 PM
whiteys were running every where a few days ago. Managed to get a nice little four point for the freezer......