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View Full Version : Grizzly success...spring 2007

05-09-2007, 09:33 PM
Here is the bear we shot several days ago..he is slightly over 9 FEET SQUARED...looked like a buffalo and YES he IS black...
He weighed in excess of 800 pounds SPRING WEIGHT...and his front paws measured 8 inches across...

He WILL make BOONE and Crockett..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up the book if the rough scoring is accurate...

the story is printed at "the other hunting site "oops


Steven Rupp

05-09-2007, 09:39 PM
Damn steve one hell of a hunt and one hell of a bear congrats to you and tim also. Hope you heal up just fine too bad about the leg but i guess that is the price you pay for a 9 foot grizz:twisted:

congrats again on that monster


05-09-2007, 09:40 PM
Simply Amazing Bear!!!! Congrats to you and Tim. Very, very impressive.

05-09-2007, 09:42 PM

05-09-2007, 09:43 PM
Thanks Steve and Dana...I appreciate the kind words from men I respect..


05-09-2007, 09:44 PM
Congrats on a nice grizzly. I hope to one day get the draw and head out.

05-09-2007, 09:46 PM
Rest up that leg of yours. I have a feeling that this is only the start of an incredible year for you. Can't wait to see the sheep pics later this year. :)

Lil Buck
05-09-2007, 09:48 PM
Congrats on the Kwatna Hog.
Looks like you got it on the flats buy the Island right in Kwatna?????

Way to go...


05-09-2007, 09:57 PM
Hmmm someones been in Kwatna ..lol..no it was back in the far corner by the old Indian apple orchards.....higher ground than the flats...lots of skunk cabbage..the first two we saw..7 1/2 footer and 8 1/2 footers were on the tidal flat proper...


05-09-2007, 10:09 PM
unbeleiveable story steve congrats again, hope to see you in some sheep pictures this fall with another amazing story8)


05-09-2007, 10:09 PM
omg that is one giant bear !!!!

BC bear? What caliber did the job here?


05-09-2007, 10:15 PM
Yes BC bear south of Bella Coola..

I still have the final chapter to write on this hunt and MAY fly back in for my own tag..

05-09-2007, 10:23 PM
Can that fly-in be done via charter ?

05-09-2007, 10:25 PM
will the grin ever come off his face?!?? That says it all!!! 8-) WICKED

05-09-2007, 10:28 PM
What a smasher!

05-09-2007, 10:29 PM
Yes it would have to be a charter no scheduled flights into Kwatna..

Yes Tim IS one happy hunter..and should be...

05-09-2007, 10:34 PM
I never thought of a sched. Thought you may be refering to a private flight.

05-09-2007, 10:39 PM
could someone copy and paste the story to the real hunting site?

05-09-2007, 10:54 PM
Steve., awesome story and pics...

Best of all, i recognize EXACTLY where you were...Hell I almost drowned rigth there:lol:

If you go back and need a partner, I'll volunteer.8-)

05-09-2007, 11:09 PM
Nice bear!!! I'm jealous!! Good work

05-09-2007, 11:12 PM
My breath has been officially taken away.....8)

05-10-2007, 04:25 AM
Very impressive bear ,congrats on a brute grizzly http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif hunter47.

05-10-2007, 07:10 AM
Congrads again over here to steve!!! Love them pics, cant wait for my turn!

05-10-2007, 07:10 AM
Stolen from Huntshoot

THE beginning..

We left Williams Lake loaded for BEAR... literally..it was late in the evening when we started the trip west...the truck loaded with supplies and towing a borrowed 26 foot Princecraft cuddy cabin aluminum boat.Over the next several hours we encountered mule deer in phenominal numbers ..well over 300 before it even got dark, as well as the ocassional moose...fortunatly non in our path..
Just before the 1/2 way Ranch from out of the ditch came an imature grizzly bear, a true silvertip with a long luxurious flowing coat with no signs of rubbing.... he raced ahead mere meters from our front bumper every detail illuminated in the 4 Pia driving lights...What a magnificant creature...he dissapeared over the bank and through a hole he made on his way THROUGH the ranchers fence...

We stopped at the summit and filled one 150 liter cooler with some of the snow left ..in places 5 feet deep still..and proceeded slowly down the famous Bella Coola hill in 4x4 and low range taking some 1 hour and 25 minutes to reach the valley floor below.

As we pulled into the government boat launch the PIECE OF SH*T FROD just QUIT...Tim and I looked at each other and just couldnt believe it...so I crawled back into the boat and went to sleep, while Tim curled up in the truck and "Crashed"
A couple hours later we awoke to deal with the boat being 30 FEET from the ocean and NO WAY to start the truck...BUT we had brought a spare battery and some BOOSTER cables so we tried "Jumping the truck" IT STARTED !!!!! But only If we kept the battery cables connected..so Tim carried the spare battery while I backed the boat down the ramp..and we launched...loaded up the boat..started the GPS which I had preloaded with navigation points for the trip..and we began our oddessy....

For the next 31 miles we were constantly accompanied by scores of White sided Pacific dolphin frollicking in our bow wave and in our wake and off to both sides.. pleasant to see but however as we were to learn they have been disasterous on the local fish stocks...

It was exceptionally cold and the wind STILL had a bitter bite to it....but slowly and surely we rounded the corner into Kwatna bay and found a place to anchor our Cabin , set up camp, unpack and inflate the rubber raft. We went for a short walk and was amazed at the amount of food already present for the bears to dine on..skunk cabbage, fiddleheads ,grasses..all in abundance everywhere, however we also noticed the FRESH SNOW not all that far up the mountain sides and the deep deep deep snow just meters above the fresh snows dusting the trees perched prcariously on the steep cliffs above us.
We then broke out the brand new crab trap I had bought and proceded to assemble it and add marker buoy and rope and then we baited it with a salmon fillet I had also brought and we dropped the trap in 120 feet of water on the north side of the bay.
We then went for a walk and noted no evidence of bears...no poop..no half eaten plants no footpints nothing hmmmmmmm.
That nite I got quizzed by Tim on where all the bears were....I half heartedly told him we JUST got here we need to find them ( ADDING under my breath.."if they are out..it seems we may just be too early" )

The next morning we awoke and had a most exellent breakfast bacon eggs and tea..and off to check the crab trap.. there were 4 crabs and all were males and all were over the 165 siaze limit for Dungeness crabs so we boiled em up...and scarffed em down...YUMMMMMM Later we found out Tim had forgot the milk and the bread....and while we were out crabbing the ravens got the remaining eggs...GRRRRRR
We did some halibut fishing too many damn seals and porpoises..nadda...

That afternoon we walked up a trail to a lookout I knew that provided a vantage point for observing a "hidden " feeding area...after a while Tim excitedly announced he had spotted a GRIZZLY http://huntshoot.coastangler.com/hunting/images/smilies/cool.gif ...I found the animal in my binos and judged him to be a 7 1/2 foot typical trophy coastal brown bear..AKA grizzly..black nose and chocolate brown....while Tim looked him over I spotted a second bear further away..this one was maginificant..weel over 8 feet and having a light blond/brown snout he was heavy and had no rubbs , the first bear had a rub mark on his right rear flank.

So off the vantage point and away we went..only the second day and our FIRST stalk on a trophy GRIZZLY.Up the valley and over the slippery oozing mud left from the receding water as the tide left...

Slowly and carefully we closed the 500 plus yards ..untill... we hit the Kwatna river and it was too deep and too fast to cross...we were still 250 yards to the shooter.. close but no cigar..so after a bit of "oooohing and awwwwing " over the size color and such we slowly made our way back over the tidal flat to the trail..and off for the boat and sleep...ever cautious in the fastly fading light not to surprise any other bears that may be coming out to feed.

That nite Tim had many questions and comments on his first two bears...

I told Tim the "tomorrow you will get your Grizzly...I HAVE A PLAN.." http://huntshoot.coastangler.com/hunting/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

I recalled BCBUCKS comments in a EMAIL that "after all I HAD been a grizzly guide..we should do really well..talk about your pressure.....


05-10-2007, 07:11 AM
Part Deux also stolen from Huntshoot, hope you don't mind Steven

So on day 3 we got up wasted some time cooking more crabs and halibut fishing..or as I prefer to call it "washing the chrome off the jigs" http://huntshoot.coastangler.com/hunting/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

Then we got dressed and headed up the kwatna River by inflatable boat with a 9.9 Honda o/b..

We slowly went up about 4.5 kilometers never seeing much and no bear sign..however at a certain spot I pointed to a tree and said to Tim.."later we will come down to this downed tree and sneak up to it and thats where we will see your bear.."Tim seemed a bit doubtfull.......

Several times that day the loud crashing of snow slides rumbled down the mountain for hundreds of meters..the nightly fresh snow in the mountains tipping the delicate balance and creating new slides. It rained HARD every single day..for hours on end...

We got up to the airport and had a late lunch and slowly drifted down the Kwatna river..again freezing our assess off in the cold as we slowly drifted the river not moving not speaking.... constantly disecting each patch of trees or green grassess or sand banks for poop, bear prints or signs of freshh feeding by bears..nothing..

So mid afternoon we came around the corner and found the spot I had preiously mentioned to Tim we would stop and get his bear..I motioned to Tim to be very quiet as I tested the wind...perfect... a north wind as we silently beached the zodiac on the grassy bank I walked 10 feet over to the downed tree and peered over and INSTANTLY my eyes were drawn to a very large black object surrounded by greens..I raised my Binoculars as I crouched behind the tree and found myself looking at a HUGE BLACK GRIZZLY..MASSIVE..a mere 500 yards away..I slowly ducked down and whispered to Tim..." I found your bear " Tim snuck up took one look and asked.." IS HE A SHOOTER ????" I said "if you dont shoot him I WILL.." He's a shooter and a keeper..

So I scoped out a safe plan of attack and a path to shooting distance that would keep us down wind and hidden on the flat green grassy feeding area...and off we headed...

The first 100 yards we crouched and walked straight at the bear staying directly in line with a downed roots of another old fallen tree..figuring if we couldnt see the bear..he couldnt see us...after slowly making the 100 yards I peered through a small opening in the rootball and the bear was still feeding apparantly un a ware we were on the same planet..

Next we slid down into a old feeder stream that still held 2 feet of water and slowly we worked our way closer to the bear following the creek channel all the while bent over our chests near the slowly flowing water... we arrived at the place I felt would put us at 190 yards to the feeding behemoth..and with camo hood pulld up i slowly snuck a peek.....and bruino was STILL feeding ..so I said to Tim to sperate by 12 yards and when I motioned to slowly ease up over the bank and go 20 yards and get ready to fire..both of us had loaded weapons safteys on...

We both slowly..and I mean SLOOOOOOWLY eased up over the bank and crawled through the oozing much and grass the 20 yards and settled in..I said..go a head Tim shoot..

I waited crosshairs on the bears shoulders as he now slowly fed back towards the trees and to be swallowed up by vegetation and gone forever..

NOTHING...NOTHING NO SHOT !!!!!! I looked towards Tima nd he was mouthing the words THE GUN WONT SHOOT!!!!!!as he frantically worked the bolt repeatadly...I said " Tim if you cant or dont shoot him I will have to"

FINALLY Tim sorted the rifle out and motioned he was indeed ready to shoot as the bear was now mere yards from the tree line..I settled back into backup position..crosshairs on the bear..when BOOM Tims rifle went off and the bear just dropped..... I waited ready..when the bear struggled to pull himself to the saftey and darkness of the westcoast forest.. I heard Tim ask.." shall I shoot again.."??? My reply must have been load and clear because BOOM..Tim did shoot again and the bear was down and dead. !

We watched through the heaving hearts and pouring rain for movement..nothing so together as one we rose and headed slowly towards the downed bear..at 70 yards from the bear I decided to have some "fun..cruel but fun with Tim" I said Tim we made a bad mistake..He's ONLY 5 foot bear man you shot a cub...!!!!"Tim got a strange look on his face sort of like when the rifle wouldnt work and he replied...." YOU SAID HE WAS A SHOOTER YOU SAID HE WAS A KEEPER..".....I replied "sorry man I was WRONG.." As we continued our approach I could see the open eyes of death so I turned and said Tim congradulations you got your self a 8 1/2 FOOT GRIZZLY OR BIGGER..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Tim and I went to the bear..put our rifles near but safe and Time "attempted to raise the bears head..he could hardly budge the head.!!!I looked at the bears front pads...8" front pads = 9 FOOT BEAR.!!!Tim cancelled his tag and we took some photos and skinned the bear ..by then it was almost dark so we left Tims shirt there on a tree, the bear and the hide and headed back to the river floated down the river and powered home to camp..to have a shower and a meal and some ADVIL.. and to sleep.

05-10-2007, 07:31 AM
Congrat's. Great story and pictures. Pushing your luck telling him it was a cub, I would have loved to see the look on his face at that moment .:lol:

05-10-2007, 08:02 AM
That is one hell of a great bear, I can't even imagine how great that would be :) Congratulations, and thanks for taking the time to bring us along in story, and share your pictures!

05-10-2007, 08:18 AM
Holy frikun crow!That thing is a monster and your right he does look like a buffalo in the first photo .Awesome.Sounds like a great hunt,thanks for the pictures and story.Good work!

Hank Hunter
05-10-2007, 09:14 AM
Fantastic story and what a hog of a bear, congrats

05-10-2007, 09:16 AM
Tuchodi...I only wish you could have seen Tims face when I "faked" the sound of dismay at such a small bear...I know... I know cruel....but I knew it would only make the moment even sweeter when he finally realized just HOW BIG this guy truly was...

When looking at the bear from the river..I KNEW he was massive and my first estimate was 8 1/2 feet....and heavy..the head is bigger than any I have encountered..maybe even bigger than the 10 foot bear IO saw in this valley for 3 years...

Gate THANK YOU for the offer to go back for a second bear..only my leg is holding me back....the surgeons say stay off it or LOSE IT,,,so Im temporarily tied down..

The last part of the saga will be written tonite...


05-10-2007, 09:19 AM
Great Job Steven, Just knew that the trip was going to be a big success, Congrats to both of you

05-10-2007, 09:27 AM
As I said on HShoot.....awesome work Steven. You must be just as elated as Tim and hats off to you for your efforts in getting him that "little fella".

Looking forward to the final chapter.:)

I read somewhere where you were talking about the size of the crabs.....and yes ~9"+ are big fellas. I do quite a bit of crabbing and we don't get them like that too often.

05-10-2007, 09:37 AM
Thanks MB Boy...we got no female crabs..and the SMALLEST was 6.75 inches..the largest being slightly over 10 inches.Im a rookie crabber..so i guessed at the depth..my TWIN brother who lives in Nanaimo said he usually crabbs in 60 feet of water or less...hmmm we didnt have to throw one crab back all were over 165mm and all were males so yeeeee hawwww..

BUT no halibut..however we never went to the hali holes i knew just out into the Kwatna Rocks area..200 feet of water..not even rock cod...but LOTS o seals and LOTS of dolphins....


05-10-2007, 10:10 AM
I just got the news that Tim has had the skull boiled and scored...I scored the skull 25 10 /16 @ Kwatna..after careful boiling (you always lose score no matter how careful one boils the skull )the score was 25 5/16..so the bear IF stays at that should be in the top 100 in B & C.....


05-10-2007, 10:41 AM
Congratulations Steven,

That is a monster of a bear....only hope I'll be anywhere near that lucky.


05-10-2007, 10:45 AM
Thanks MB Boy...we got no female crabs.


So, ya didn't stop in at Anaheim Lake and visit Goat Guy's lady friends huh? :lol:

Gotta hand it to you fellows for succeeding in the face of adversity.

05-10-2007, 02:29 PM
Nice looking bear. 25" plus skull on the bear is a very good one.

05-10-2007, 03:17 PM
:shock: ... Woweeee .... damn congrats Steve on doing a great job on putting Tim on him. You have to love that smile, as he's busting his guts trying to lift that melon. Any other pics. Group hug? Great memories will be retold of that trip. Hope the leg gets ready in time for stoners.

05-10-2007, 04:02 PM
Holy crap that's a biggun! Congrats on showing that guy how to find big bears Mr. Rupp!

05-10-2007, 05:22 PM
Excellent story Steven. Great teamwork on your hunt. It showed "class" when you could've snuffed the giant boar but you waited and Tim got it done. That's what being "hunting partners" is all about. Congratulations and good luck on your other hunts.

05-10-2007, 06:25 PM
Geezus Murphy Steve.......I step away for a day and look what I miss :o :o

Bear of a Lifetime !
Way to Go ! Incredible :cool:

05-10-2007, 07:20 PM
noice lookin bear congrates..what caliber were you guys using?

05-10-2007, 09:18 PM
Thats the best dam story I have read in Along time.Congrats on your partners great bear and hope your leg heals soon.

05-10-2007, 09:34 PM
Here is the completed skull...for comparison that is a 70 pound plus fully grown lab (Morgan)..


One Shot
05-10-2007, 09:37 PM
Congratulations on your excellent bear and hunt. Thanks for the story and pics.

05-10-2007, 09:38 PM
Man thats a huge skull...

I'm just curious...if you knew it was going to be top 100, why not have it beetled instead of boiling? I've heard boiling can shrink a skull quite a bit from most guys I've talked to....

Guess it doesnt matter if you arent worried about the books anyways...but man thats a hog....awesome bear!!

05-10-2007, 09:53 PM
Incredible bear, and A lifetime of memories

05-10-2007, 09:55 PM
lol...I was in the PROCESS of making arrangements .....getting the skull done by beetles..(a friend in Chilliwack area has some)when I learned Tim had gone a head and had the skull boiled..yuppers that lost some 35 places in the book or more...I had it roughly scored @ 25 10/16..after boiling it was 25 5/16..

IT IS Tims bear..he is free to do as he feels is best...lost more than 1/2 inch ....


05-10-2007, 10:05 PM
Truely impressive bear, great story and good read, Look at that smile, it says it all !
Good luck with the rest of your year, you started off on a good foot :)

05-11-2007, 05:07 AM
wow. great bear!!

05-11-2007, 05:03 PM
..I had it roughly scored @ 25 10/16..after boiling it was 25 5/16..

Most Likely will have lost that much after the required 60 days drying time anyways:wink:
Most potential Trophy Skull owners don't fear the boiling because of shrinkage so much, it's more the fear of damage if done improperly/overdone....missing teeth etc..
Far too risky when it's a Once in a Lifetime Booner Bear for most.

Dermesticide Beetles are far less "risky" and do a hell of a Job......even the thin membranes in the nostrils stay intact 8)

I will say though STEVE that Skull looks Great ! :)

05-11-2007, 07:08 PM
Thanks Will...Jason Yochman from the local tannery did it up before Tims wife TURFED it for smelling so...so...so...unpleasant....and YES I was impressed too he also dropped CHRIS Wrights black bear skull off for me to finish the presentation plaque.

I was also asked by the "BEAR MAGAZINE " from USA to consider writing the story of just the hunt for their magazine...still have to ask Timmy.

I was going to scope out a "report " of a BIG ASS black bear but my leg says no....



05-11-2007, 07:43 PM
I was going to scope out a "report " of a BIG ASS black bear but my leg says no....
Too Bad.....bummer on the leg, hope that heals up for ya.

I too am Hot on the trail of another "Monster Blackie" :smile:

Probably end up like all my others.........:lol:

But that's what makes this Fun, anticipation & quest for the "Big One" ;-)

At any rate I'm glad the Skull went to a "Pro" and not the backyard bleach and water trick:oops:

05-11-2007, 10:18 PM
Will after 3 decades of hunting blacks I thought I knew a few "tricks"...I watched a home movie from a native friend who was just out to QUESNEL lake..and how he hunts bears..at first I was sceptical..then I was laughing my ass off....HOWEVER it DID WORK...so I may just try it next week..

Mr. Dean
05-12-2007, 12:08 AM
Super fine animal srupp.

I watched a home movie from a native friend who was just out to QUESNEL lake..and how he hunts bears..at first I was sceptical..then I was laughing my ass off....HOWEVER it DID WORK...

Care to share the funny parts?

05-12-2007, 07:46 AM
hmmm had to do with his new found "TOY" an old rabbit in distres call..anyway hes blowing it and his daughter is videotaping from the hill and he's all excited about the medium bear in FRONT of him coming in to the call..in the meanwhile there are 2 MORE bears sneaking in from the back...his daughter is frantically waving and he's carefully waving back that he see;s the first bear...Abbott and Costello go bear hunting .. pretty funny stuff...and he gets a great bear..


Mr. Dean
05-12-2007, 08:09 AM
Guess I better get me a Bunny call this mornig...

Again - Impressive Grizz!

05-12-2007, 12:11 PM
GRIZZLY BEAR SCORED BY OFFICIAL SCORER..SCORED 25 13/16 ON BOILED SKULL..PLACING IT @ #32..thirty two in the all time Boone and Crockett listings....what IF it hadnt been boiled?????

It still needs 55 days drying time....

All in all a great adventure and respectable results...:lol:


05-12-2007, 02:31 PM
GRIZZLY BEAR SCORED BY OFFICIAL SCORER..SCORED 25 13/16 ON BOILED SKULL..PLACING IT @ #32..thirty two in the all time Boone and Crockett listings....what IF it hadnt been boiled?????

It still needs 55 days drying time....

All in all a great adventure and respectable results...:lol:


Thats Awesome!!!! what a way to start the year off by getting in the B.C. Book! Cheers!!!!!!

05-12-2007, 03:31 PM
Yes and my binos that continued to fog are being replaced...my coat is off to Cabelas for one that DOESNT LEAK....a letter is being drafted to CEO of FORD CANADA..AND Ford president....RE PIECE OF SHIT TRUCK..

I have had a professional photographer helping me with replacing my camera and long lenses...I admit a LOT has changed and I am still very confused...

As for the lost spotting scope its another Leupold in my humble opinion they just cant be beat at any price....

Now to figure out the camera replacement.....


05-13-2007, 02:11 PM
Don't know how I missed this thread, but wicked bear congrats on the monster!

Sounds like a great hunt.


05-13-2007, 03:43 PM
Great bear and story. What about his rifle it doesn't look stock what is it? I mean caliber, stock, barrel, load, scope, bases, rings.8-)

05-13-2007, 05:40 PM
hmmm the custom made_______ . with thumbhole stock shooting ______ grain bullets...

Ive been asked to write a story for a USA bear magazine regarding this hunt....


12-17-2007, 07:31 PM
Really happy for you an your partner. That is just an awesome Bear and a memory of a lifetime. You guys dun gud! Are you recouped yet with the leg injury? Thats quite the thumbhole custom alright .416, .458?
Oh I almost forgot.. the pictures are just excellent nice job.
Do you mind if I ask what was the problem with his Rifle?

Thor Rider 88
12-17-2007, 08:29 PM
thats a sic bear man, so right looks like a buffalo layn in the grass

12-17-2007, 10:42 PM
Wish you a speedy recovery. Thanks for the pictures and story. That is truly a gigantic bear, once in a lifetime experience. I hope my friend Nails has the experience on this springs hunt, crossing my fingers for his chance for this springs LEH.

12-18-2007, 03:16 AM
hmmmm its my 51 birthday today and I just had to go back and reread the events and recall the most wonderful adventure of my entire year....


12-18-2007, 08:06 AM
Well Happy Bday Steven.
I guess you will accept being called old timing man now eh!!:wink::razz::razz:
All the best of the season to you and Susan,take care of yourselves

12-18-2007, 03:41 PM
Thanks Doug..will touch bases with you SOON into the newyear..work is incredibly busy..Duh...


12-18-2007, 05:55 PM
What was the official score on that bear? I believe after boiling it was 25 5/16.

Thor Rider 88
01-09-2008, 12:00 PM
do u got any pics of the paws?

01-09-2008, 01:53 PM
not the best photo..however here is a photo of the paw..



Stone Sheep Steve
01-09-2008, 02:21 PM
Okay Steven .......here's a small tip before we all have to see our chiropractors.......:wink:

In your pics on your computer...........

left click on your pic and highlight it.....

then right click.........

then left click on "rotate counter clockwise"

Easy as pie!!:smile:


01-09-2008, 02:29 PM

I've got to bring your buddy along on bear trips, he makes grizzly paws look so much mor eimpressive than I ever can::-P:-P


01-09-2008, 04:27 PM
lmao @ Gate...so whats the matter with taking ME along too???

I am in the process of deciding on a NEW grizzly...and moose weapon..going with the .338..now witch action model Rem?? Browning??or Sako ????


01-09-2008, 04:33 PM
lmao @ Gate...so whats the matter with taking ME along too???

I am in the process of deciding on a NEW grizzly...and moose weapon..going with the .338..now witch action model Rem?? Browning??or Sako ????



01-09-2008, 04:36 PM
Ruger or Winchester Mdl 70 - If you canfind one...

01-09-2008, 04:51 PM
Here ya go, I'm not at the computer with Photoshop on it, but this'll do for scale purpose.

No need to visit a chiropractor;


01-09-2008, 04:57 PM
Two words..."SIMPLY AMAZING!!", I have the new issue of Fair chase by B and C and they have a new entry from Collins Creek measuring 24 2/16 taken in 2005 so hope yours kicks it.

01-09-2008, 05:02 PM
wow what a huge bear. nice going. full mount I hope

01-09-2008, 08:49 PM
bosh..score was 25 13/16...before the official drying time(it was boiled so no further shrinkage is anticipated) so it definatly was bigger than the Collins Creek animal..


01-09-2008, 08:52 PM

Steven :roll:

Jonny outdoors
01-10-2008, 07:50 AM
Nice bear congrats!