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View Full Version : No hunting for me this year

10-04-2015, 12:14 PM
It is with great pleasure that I read about your adventures. Envy, envy, envy...It is good to see that hunting is still possible in BC.

I have been overseas in various places for the last some odd years. My last location was a particularly nasty place in China where the pollution must be seen to be believed. Yes, you can actually see it. On an average day the visibility was about one kilometre. It looked like grey fog. On a bad day it was half that distance. I contracted annoying respiratory problems from breathing that muck for almost a year. SO2 and NO? and some other noxious substances. I have a chronic loud cough that precludes lurking and sneaking through the bush in pursuit of tasty critters. Maybe next year...

Please provide colourful tales of hunts successful and otherwise so that I may enjoy them vicariously.

10-04-2015, 12:15 PM
wow that sounds aweful, why did you move back to mini china?

10-04-2015, 12:28 PM
Sad to here. Is oversees bucks really worth it? I've always asked myself that and always come up with no. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Try some road hunning. G

10-04-2015, 02:38 PM
A guy I worked with for a few years is married to a Chinese lady and he has been over there working quite a few times and warned me to NEVER eat anything that comes from China unless you are absolute sure of the source and don't feed anything to your pets that is from there either.

Sorry to hear about your health concerns and i hope for a speedy and complete recovery.

I heeded the warning.


10-04-2015, 06:53 PM
No matter what your getting paid to work in conditions like what you've described, it's not worth it. It matters not, how much money you have in the bank, without your health, you may as well be flat broke. Glad you enjoy the Site! Now that's "Priceless"!

10-06-2015, 06:08 PM
Thanks for the kind comments!
I never had much trouble with the food in China. I cooked 99% of it myself. (The old third world saying is "If you can't peel it or cook it, don't eat it".) Occasionally I ate with colleagues at "nice" restaurants where things were more or less sanitary.
A lot of the food was cheap there. I frequently ate pork tenderloin because it was about a quarter of the price of pt in BC. Chicken was cheap too. And also fruit and vegetables. The f and v often had utterly no flavour. The guy who puts the price on the f and v in the supermarket had black fingernails and flies buzzed around. Little kids would urinate on the floor. (It was worse out on the sidewalk but that is another story...)
Cook the hell out of everything if you are smart.
Western food was expensive and hard to find. Two small packages of cheese, 400 grams of butter and two packages of crackers came to about $44.
Beer was cheap.
The name of the supermarket was "New Cooperation Let's Go Mart" and their proud motto was "Removing from the People the Platform of Shopping!"