View Full Version : Moose calls

10-01-2015, 02:39 AM
Hi all,

Just wondering what peoples' preferred method of calling moose is? Has anyone has found a good Moose calling tube? Unlike the sound of cow or bull elk calls, moose calls are pretty easy to make with our mouth and hands. Is it totally a waste to buy a commercial call? I have a couple that replicate the cow calls reasonably, but none of them sound like a bull call to me. Does a good commercial bull call exist?


10-01-2015, 07:22 AM
after a few years of practice you may find doing it with voice is doable...I have seen the can and string work pretty good for a novice

10-01-2015, 07:25 AM
I shot a moose years ago on a LEH a in October. We called him with our mouth and hands with cow calls into about 75 yards.
Watch sowm clips on cow moose calls and you should be set.

10-01-2015, 07:59 AM
I've hunted moose all my life, and boy do I suck at call'in moose! So, got me a plastic 2 lb Folgers coffee can, drank all the coffee first, then got a "Leather" shoe lace, poked a hole just big enough to push the lace through the bottom of the can, I then tied a knot on the end that's inside the can, pulled the lace tight so it now hangs out the bottom about 2 feet. I tied a knot in both ends, this way I can pull the lace from the top side into the bottom of the can, pour in some water and leave it for a minute or 2 until I'm ready to use it. OK, now your all camo'd out, hid'in by your moose swamp and you start call'in, "WRONG"! Practice at home first, watch a few Moose Call'in video's, THEN try out your Marvie Moose Call! (Patent Pending)! I can't even guess how many Bulls, Cow's and Calf's I've called out with my Coffee can call, it Does Work! Lots of guys call with just there mouth, I can't for some reason, tried all my life, and I've scared away more moose than I'd like to remember, so I use this idea, with great Success I might add! And, I keep my Moose Call in my quad box, and when not in use for call'in in moose, it doubles as a sturdy container to hold my little Coleman camp stove! I found the Leather lace gives a better, deeper tone than normal shoe laces, and the plastic can instead of the metal one seems to work for me, So, good luck out there, and if you do hammer a moose, post some pic's right here on "H.B.C"!!!

10-01-2015, 08:19 AM
There was a good moose hunt on the Canadian Tradition where the guide did an excellent moose call by hand. That's how I do it now and it works beauty.

10-01-2015, 08:30 AM

here is a youtube vid of how to make the can and string call (not to infringe on mr deans patent..heheheh)

10-01-2015, 08:32 AM
Pringles can with wet shoe lace. Fine tunable with a pair of scissors

10-01-2015, 08:58 AM
Hi all,

Just wondering what peoples' preferred method of calling moose is? Has anyone has found a good Moose calling tube? Unlike the sound of cow or bull elk calls, moose calls are pretty easy to make with our mouth and hands. Is it totally a waste to buy a commercial call? I have a couple that replicate the cow calls reasonably, but none of them sound like a bull call to me. Does a good commercial bull call exist?

Have always done bull and cow calls vocally through a birch bark horn. It just adds some depth to the call but also helps it carry. Lots of videos on YouTube about calling and the general sounds to utilize.....just add a 'horn' amplifier and away you go....and the 'horn' is optional. Lots of guys just use a road cone or a children plastic baseball bat with the ends cut off. I am sure there are other cheap options as well if you don't want to go through the hassle of making a birch bark horn.

10-01-2015, 09:14 AM
After barely hearing friends calling as loud as they can using their hands I made a birch bark cone. Tall timber really soaks up the sound of hand calling. The birch bark cone really resonates and amplifies the sound. Call
ed one in a couple weeks ago! My limited experience tells me it is better to cow call and save the bull grunts for a moose that hangs up coming in to your cow calls.

10-01-2015, 09:16 AM
Hands..... Cow call to bring them in and a Bull grunt to finnish the deal....
Calling is about where you are,,,,,, you want to hear echos.

location, location, location!

10-01-2015, 09:35 AM
Does a good commercial bull call exist?

You ARE in luck.....'FunHog Grunt and Wail Ltd' are in business this year. For $500 per day plus expenses (minimum 5 day commitment), we'll come with you and do all of your calling be it bull or cow. At the end you get to keep a commemorative birch bark horn or road cone (customer's choice), also as a form of a credit/discount on your fee you can keep the empties and return them. We really like to look at the empties as a form of a 'coupon'. :p

10-01-2015, 11:37 AM
You ARE in luck.....'FunHog Grunt and Wail Ltd' are in business this year. For $500 per day plus expenses (minimum 5 day commitment), we'll come with you and do all of your calling be it bull or cow. At the end you get to keep a commemorative birch bark horn or road cone (customer's choice), also as a form of a credit/discount on your fee you can keep the empties and return them. We really like to look at the empties as a form of a 'coupon'. :p

can i come? i will be the "Beer caddy"

10-01-2015, 12:31 PM
I use my mouth and nose called in lots OOO Mooses birch bark calls are decent too

Ride Red
10-01-2015, 12:41 PM
Mouth call is the only way to go and you never need to worry about forgetting it at home or in the truck. Practice makes perfect.

10-01-2015, 12:49 PM
Mouth call is the only way to go and you never need to worry about forgetting it at home or in the truck. Practice makes perfect.
Agreed! Plus there is nothing more foreign sounding in the bush than a rattling tin can. You want to scare animals away, jangling a tin can around is a great way to do it.

If you want more volume with your voice call, use a birch bark cone.

10-01-2015, 04:14 PM
Agreed! Plus there is nothing more foreign sounding in the bush than a rattling tin can. You want to scare animals away, jangling a tin can around is a great way to do it.

If you want more volume with your voice call, use a birch bark cone. Now, this is why I use a "Plastic" coffee can! And, the moose I have called in for the last number of years, I've called from the seat of my quad? I'm start'in to think the moose around here might be Inter bred??? Can't smell or see very well, and real hard of hearing??? Oh well, they still taste just fine!


10-01-2015, 04:43 PM
The birch bark cone definitely works.

Here's a video of a moose I called in last year using a birch bark cone. He was too small so I shot him with my camera, not my .300 mag.


10-01-2015, 10:41 PM
Thanks for the replies, everyone. They're pretty much what I expected, which is that whether it be by your hands or a cone, there's no need for a commercial call. As some have eluded to, I'm not confident that my hands and voice would achieve the distance/intensity I'd want, and fair enough, the cone helps. I'll have to spend some time with the coffee can trick to see if I like the sound.

Fun Hog, that is great of you to offer your services. Unfortunately, my current budget does not allow for such extravagance in my hunting repertoire. You can bet though, if I strike it rich I will take you up on your offer to be camp caller/cook/pack mule and hopefully you can bring along a cute female foot masseuse. Cheers!

Grizz the Gooser
10-02-2015, 08:13 AM
A good bull call comes from your diaphragm, not Canadian Tire! Seriously though, a bull call is easy enough to make with your hands (and can be amplified with a horn, so long as bullwinkle isn't too close- if he is, ditch the horn as the amplification will result in an unnaturally loud call). It's a matter of "popping" air from deep inside your chest to your nasal cavity.

So, in answer to your question: do have a horn of some sort (homemade or commercial), but don't waste your time/money on anything else- just learn how to make the noises with your diaphram / nasal cavity, and you'll be dancin!

I shot a bull at 12 yards last year, and had one at 20 yards three days ago (heartbreakingly, I didn't get a shot, as he was behind ridiculously thick cover) who was knocking down full sized (rotten) trees. Once you get the hang of the call, it'll change your life! :) No moose in the freezer this year, but what an experience!!


10-02-2015, 08:34 AM
I have used an orange rubber/plastic traffic cone with success. Cut the flat base off and paint it black. The larger cones work best. It doesn't make the sound (that's you), but it makes the sound 'resonate' and gives it volume and distance. Point the horn away from the direction you are calling too as I think the rebound sound off the trees gives it a better, harder to locate sound. They are virtually indestructible, waterproof, and can mimic moose peeing in the water with great effect. Much more efficient than birch bark horns.

10-02-2015, 07:19 PM
I've searched and searched online but have yet to come up with a sequence of sorts to moose calling. I'm new to calling and have a moose draw for october 15. I know there are numerous different cow calls to master ( grunts, broadcast calls, 2.3. or 4 part calls and many more i'm missing) I'm just not sure when to be using each individual call? does it matter? do i stick with one call until a response or mix it up. Is there a type of cow call that seems to work better than others. Anyone have any videos or websites they would recommend to help me along. I have gotten a ton of help so far from steven rupp but was looking for some additional information.

for those that call moose from tree stands, how effective do you find that to be. If a moose can pinpoint your exact location from a ways away, wouldn't calling from 15-20 feet above a moose set off alarms to the moose? just curiuos

Thanks for your help guys and gals

Sofa King
10-02-2015, 07:40 PM
dad's made them from birch he stripped from trees, to rolled up tar paper.
I find the cone-shaped roll really helps create the deep resonance and I would also think makes the call travel farther as well.

10-02-2015, 07:44 PM
HANDS work best for this guy.Only ever need cow calls.

10-02-2015, 08:03 PM
I use my hands as well.
Even if you think your calling isn't very good try it anways. Just because your buddy sounds better doesn't mean the moose think that. If you only got it once a year you might not be that picky how she sounds either.?
Be patient and strain your ears. I have found that the bigger ones come in hot and heavy where the smaller ones seem to be alot more cautious.

10-03-2015, 06:52 AM
for those that call moose from tree stands, how effective do you find that to be. If a moose can pinpoint your exact location from a ways away, wouldn't calling from 15-20 feet above a moose set off alarms to the moose? just curiuos

Calling from a tree stand is effective. Moose have extremely acute hearing, and part of this is their ability to unerringly come to a sexy call from a long way.

Here's the system: find a moosy area with decent natural shooting lanes; set tree stand; call moose; shoot moose; butcher moose; eat delicious moose steak.

10-03-2015, 07:10 AM
I called one into camp with a chainsaw this year. Really! Five minutes after I shut off the saw there's a nice bull across the river grunting, smashing the bush and looking our way. We had to stand out in the open and wave our arms so he didn't cross the river to us (I had already cut my tag).

A few years ago a guy called one to the river when he was working on his motor. Apparently the bull liked the sound of him pulling on the starter cord repeatedly.

The point being you generally don't have to have a perfect call. That is why so many different call types work. A bull that is not interested is not interested no matter what you do. A bull that is interested is often not very discerning.

10-03-2015, 09:01 AM
I called one into camp with a chainsaw this year. Really! .

One of the bulls who sits in the top 5 in a Manitoba was "called in"to guys splitting wood.

When they get horny.....they get dumb.........I think I resemble that statement. :razz:

10-04-2015, 01:37 AM
I cup hands,pinch nose and use my own voice.