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View Full Version : Ladies only... female hunting question

09-23-2015, 05:16 PM
I have a question, normally I wouldn't post something like this online but if I knew of a female hunter I would ask her. I only know females that hunt birds.

I have a 2 week hunt coming up and I want to be prepared. This will be my first real away from home hunt as all other have been day trips. Our hunt is for moose during the rut. My question is as a female hunter how careful do you have to be if by chance you have your period??? Does it make a difference???

I tried searching the site before posting but nothing camp up on this topic. Sorry guys this is why I said ladies only. Honest question though!

09-23-2015, 05:26 PM


09-23-2015, 06:39 PM
Pretty gutsy putting that question on this forum, lol. Good for you.

Don't worry about it. Use whatever you are comfortable with, I don't see it making a difference. A moose or deer will not react differently if you are on your period. No matter what, you need to be mindful of the direction of the wind. Just like bears, there is no evidence that a bear will be attracted to and attack a female during her period. That suggestion came from two separate bear attacks in the 70's (I believe). Apparently one female was on her period when she was attacked and the other just had tampons with her. "They" blamed it on their cycles. Good grief...

09-23-2015, 07:08 PM
Nice to finally find a fellow female member on here! In regards to your question, I've haven't noticed a difference. With that being said though, I prefer to not hunt during that time. Relieving yourself in the bush is hard/awkward enough being a woman, let alone if it's that time.

nature girl
09-23-2015, 07:47 PM
You know what I never ever had a problem while I was on my period. I used tampons. Don't loose sleep over it.
Just go out and enjoy yourself.
But when we were hunting once up dease lake area I had my period I would get the used tampon and put it in tinfoil and then double bag it in a zip lock bag and then in went in with the trash. I knew we were in grizz country.
Yes as women you do feel kind of gross you kind of want a shower during that time. But your hunting and there aint no shower around or unless your kind spouse makes one for you.
Just make sure you don't get any leaks in your underwear and you should be good to go.
And men if your know your women is having her period when you are hunting and she says she has to go to the bathroom stop and let her go she may have to change things. Get my drift.
You have any more guestions pm if you like.

09-23-2015, 07:54 PM
Excuse me here "GUYS"!!! Can't you read??? The first dam words to this thread are" Ladies Only"!!! Is your love life that bloody pathetic your on this "Ladies Only" thread for some kind'a sick sexual thrill??? And believe me, your names will be brought up at the next HBC board meeting!!! Oh, and well I have your guys undivided attention, are any of you using "Poise Pads" for Pee??? And, if so, I really don't want to know!!!

09-23-2015, 09:38 PM
Hmmm perhaps there are not that many experienced moose hunting women? I have a different oppinion based on 40 years of moose and grizzly hunting and guiding for moose and grizzly.
It was indeed Betty Franks oppinion that this is an issue not to the moose but in areas with grizzly..it is.
Its blood...there have been attacks of women menstruating..would it have happened anyway?
No need to freek out just be extra cautious..bears find things the same way sharks do...their sense of smell reputadly many times better than even a dogs sense of smell.
Extra bonus..unused tampons make great moose attractants...when soaked in moose urine..they are inexpensive..hold lots of moose attractant..have their own string to hang up from tree..and are biodegradable.
Good luck on your moose hunt..the bulls are just starting to respond...its very chilly. .looking like exellent moose rut.

09-23-2015, 10:13 PM
... Is your love life that bloody pathetic...

No pun intended?

09-23-2015, 10:21 PM
I hear periods attract bears, they can smell the menstration.

09-24-2015, 07:03 AM
Lets keep to the question on hand please.

I bug my daughter about these things, but we've never been able to find out if it's an issue or not. Go hunt, your already armed. If it attracts an animal, be sure you have a tag for it LOL

09-24-2015, 07:35 AM
Lets keep to the question on hand please.

I bug my daughter about these things, but we've never been able to find out if it's an issue or not. Go hunt, your already armed. If it attracts an animal, be sure you have a tag for it LOL

wouldn't that be baiting then?

09-24-2015, 12:31 PM
wouldn't that be baiting then? Yeah about the same as having a tuna sandwich for lunch!

09-24-2015, 12:34 PM
Yeah about the same as having a tuna sandwich for lunch! Omg. My daughter just left the room. Saying your a pig. I can not stop laughing.

09-24-2015, 12:42 PM
Timbers' wife here. I've never had any problems in the woods/backcountry when menstruating. Other than the cramps, sometimes they can hinder a hunt. I use to be terrified to go into the woods when on my period. all because people believed that being on your period will attract bears and get you killed. my dear husband tried for years to convince me otherwise. he bought me "backcountry bear basics" i read it several times. now we do several backcountry trips a year and I never worry about what time of the month it is. just being as careful with "your used items" as you are with your food, garbage, and other scented things and there really are no worries. keep alert and you'll be fine.

09-24-2015, 04:07 PM
Omg. My daughter just left the room. Saying your a pig. I can not stop laughing.

What did I say LOL I couldn't think of any other smelly fish at the time. Meant NO reference to any part of the female anatomy!!

09-24-2015, 04:23 PM
What did I say LOL I couldn't think of any other smelly fish at the time. Meant NO reference to any part of the female anatomy!! If she has her baby early. Then you are going to have to baby sit.

09-24-2015, 09:24 PM
hahahahahahahahaha nice one Steele. Cant believe you said that lmao

Peter Pepper
09-24-2015, 09:32 PM
I always assumed the menstruation attracts bears thing was an excuse for the guys to get out on a boys only hunt!

.330 Dakota
09-24-2015, 09:41 PM
I would take Mr SRUPP'S advice on this as his reputation and knowledge of bears is quite extensive,,,on the lighter side an enraged grizzly is no match for a woman in that condition

09-27-2015, 11:19 AM
Thanks for the honest opinions... specially from SRUPP and the ladies out there. I just want to be prepared and ask all the questions I can being new to this.

Another question for the girls! What do you do with your long hair while hunting? I have just been tying it up to one side in a braid to hide the smell of my hair and keep it contained. It is going to be a crazy mess for 2 week of hunting. Long curly hair... weather conditions... I will look like a witch. Not worried about how I look but I dont want to come back and have to cutt my hair from the mess. I also want to hide the scent. Do you tie it in a bun type style and throw a toque on because it stretches and will cover ALL the hair?!

09-27-2015, 11:29 AM

09-27-2015, 01:52 PM
I have been hunting for 40 years and have gone through period and no period....no difference....but how I would long for a shower! As for long hair, ponytail or under a hat, I have washed mine with heated up water over the fire because I couldn't stand it any longer. A little bit of a wash is better then nothing!

09-27-2015, 03:37 PM
My sister was a waste/residue scaler for years, many bear sightings grizz n black. Chased out of quite a few cutblocks, always during that time of the month even with two dogs with her. Rest of the time the bears never bothered her. It's a fact.
Good luck and shoot straight!

09-27-2015, 04:07 PM
first time in my life I run into a Grizzly with two cubs while moose hunting.
Also happens to be the first time in my life i happen to by a box of tampons to put moose scent on.
You do the math.

Pretty gutsy putting that question on this forum, lol. Good for you.

Don't worry about it. Use whatever you are comfortable with, I don't see it making a difference. A moose or deer will not react differently if you are on your period. No matter what, you need to be mindful of the direction of the wind. Just like bears, there is no evidence that a bear will be attracted to and attack a female during her period. That suggestion came from two separate bear attacks in the 70's (I believe). Apparently one female was on her period when she was attacked and the other just had tampons with her. "They" blamed it on their cycles. Good grief...

09-27-2015, 04:14 PM
first time in my life I run into a Grizzly with two cubs while moose hunting.
Also happens to be the first time in my life i happen to by a box of tampons to put moose scent on.
You do the math. I use them for Blacktail hunting. They are cheap, And you can tie them to branches. They are also biodegradable.

09-27-2015, 06:22 PM
I usually throw my hair into two pigtail braids and then wear a hat. As far as washing it goes, I've either stayed in a motel where I was able to take a real shower or I haven't washed it. Havent gone as long as 2 weeks though

09-28-2015, 03:13 PM
I usually throw my hair into two pigtail braids and then wear a hat. As far as washing it goes, I've either stayed in a motel where I was able to take a real shower or I haven't washed it. Havent gone as long as 2 weeks though

Thanks. Two weeks is a long time for me. Normally its 4-6 days camping and no washing. But 2 weeks... I know I will have to heat up some water and do a light wash to get a brush through it. I think I will do the braids and wear a balaclava and hat. The balaclava because it will be cold and I will be calling moose so I wont be moving as much, and hopefully by my hair being covered it will see less weather so wont cause frizzies and just start splitting. Thanks for getting back to me in regards to the hair. I don't want to come back and need to cut a few inches off because its a damn mess.

nature girl
09-28-2015, 06:59 PM
For the hair put it in braids and the less you mess with your hair the better. You start brushing it and stuff and then it will drive you crazy.

10-08-2015, 10:01 AM
I have never had any issues with your first question. As far as your second question I have extremely thick curly hair and I hate wear toques. My hair is usually in a braid or in a bun or I wear a ball cap. I just got back from hunting in alberta and I didn't wear a hat which was a big mistake cause the trails were so dusty when we were in quad and my hair was so dirty pretty sure it masked any scent of shampoo and conditioner. Don't worry about all that stuff though just go and have fun and enjoy your hunting trip

10-08-2015, 10:14 AM
I would be more scared of Sasquatch !

10-08-2015, 01:21 PM
I have never had any issues with your first question. As far as your second question I have extremely thick curly hair and I hate wear toques. My hair is usually in a braid or in a bun or I wear a ball cap. I just got back from hunting in alberta and I didn't wear a hat which was a big mistake cause the trails were so dusty when we were in quad and my hair was so dirty pretty sure it masked any scent of shampoo and conditioner. Don't worry about all that stuff though just go and have fun and enjoy your hunting trip

Thanks for replying and answering the questions. I just shot my very first buck this week and butchering it tonight. Leave next week for the moose draw so I am pumped. It's nice getting some experience on the small game before we *cross fingers* get the moose. Just want to be prepared for everything as much as I can. It will be different, I'm used to 1-2 day trips not 2 weeks. Long curly frizzy hair it will be a disaster. I have the ball cap, and a balaclava just incase I want to just tuck it in and deal with it. The weather makes it worse so I think braids/covering it will be the best.

Thanks again

10-08-2015, 03:51 PM
Congrats on your first buck! I shot my first one last year. It's very exciting!!

Thanks for replying and answering the questions. I just shot my very first buck this week and butchering it tonight. Leave next week for the moose draw so I am pumped. It's nice getting some experience on the small game before we *cross fingers* get the moose. Just want to be prepared for everything as much as I can. It will be different, I'm used to 1-2 day trips not 2 weeks. Long curly frizzy hair it will be a disaster. I have the ball cap, and a balaclava just incase I want to just tuck it in and deal with it. The weather makes it worse so I think braids/covering it will be the best.

Thanks again