View Full Version : For those involved in archery clubs.

09-21-2015, 06:35 PM
Hey Guys,

for those of you who are club members or have involvement, what target butts do you use at your range?

We have a few issues at ours, firstly we have lots of people shooting at them and very little ownership so their usable timeframe is pretty short.
We are using Bulldog Range Dogs which are guaranteed for life but require maintenance and if you are not diligent with using correct sized, sharp/undamaged points or if broad heads get used then they get torn up way too quickly. I do not rate these targets for a club like ours.

So I am thinking of viable alternatives either homemade like stacked carpet/foam etc. Ethafoam or even just making some structures incorporating straw bails. (input for ideas/suppliers welcomed!)

Or something commercially available in Canada which is resilient enough to withstand the abuse & extreme elements our range gets.

Back in the UK we used stacked "bosses" of many layers of 1/8 foam or the fancy Danage bosses.

Thanks in advance


09-21-2015, 08:07 PM
If you can find a hot tub manufacturer, you can use the foam to make big blocks.

09-22-2015, 05:55 PM
Indoor: We used to have Cardboard boxes stuffed with clothes ... a Bulldog and a Morell 48
We have gone excluvily to the Morell M48s for all 10 lanes plus the 6 spares we have
(Bull Dogs are poorly made with cheap plywood and Cardboard faces filled with shrink wrap... nor are they very good for light slow youth bows in our JOP program, Morrell M48 has 2.5 or 3" Galvinized tube steel frame and 2" foam faces stuffed with what I can only describe and heavy Mill Felt ... for just a tad more than Bulldog RangeDog they are a far superior target Buttress)

OutDoor: best outdoor target butt bar none is Donna Conna in a wood frame and squeezed with readyrod and nut
reletivly wweather resistant ... fairly low maintenace (but maintenace needs to be done... a Club only functions on Volunteers)

Broadhead pit is PolyUrathane foam from a hottub shop like Foxtail says

09-22-2015, 07:01 PM
Thanks for the input!

You are right about the volunteer thing too.