View Full Version : Hot days

09-14-2015, 07:19 PM
How do you deal with a big game down on a hot day? I learned to hunt in northern Alberta, in the cold, so meat cooled off fast, and we could hang it for a while. Now I live in the east kootneys and its warmer in general during the hunting season. How long does a person have to get the meat from field to cooler on a day, plus 15-20C?

09-14-2015, 08:38 PM
The sooner the better to be honest. I bagged a buck opening day just south of Cranbrook and it was cooking as we finished up the packout. We threw it in a stream in garbage bags near our camp then took it to town a couple hours later to the butcher.

I've heard of guys hanging near streams for a day or two but I wouldn't risk it. If you are able to get it out/in a cooler within a few hours of hanging it that's the way to go. If not, bag it and throw it in a stream/lake/river to keep it cool until you are able to move it to your cooler/butcher

09-14-2015, 08:46 PM
One thing that I have read recently due to the fact that I live in a town house and have nowhere to hang a deer, was to quarter the deer and put into a fridge. So happens I have an extra fridge, so I will do that. Apparently you don't want to butcher until after rigormortis has set in and released.

09-14-2015, 09:10 PM
If push comes to shove,toss it in a creek with the hide on. It's not ideal but it works.