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09-11-2015, 09:57 AM
https://www.kelownanow.com/watercooler/news/news/Provincial/15/09/11/Advocacy_Group_Offers_Reward_for_Information_About _Disturbing_Hunting_Video/

What are your thoughts on this video? The video is at the bottom of the article.

09-11-2015, 10:09 AM
thoughts about the vid have already been shared by many ... personally, I find the reward extremely unsettling....a tactic to get more anti hunters that might just avoid it, to watch it and be disturbed

.330 Dakota
09-11-2015, 10:09 AM
I saw the video a few days ago,,I was sickened by it,,,the guide should have done a better job,,,however,,,I will not support an anti hunting advocacy group in ANY way,,let alone this witch hunt for the people involved. They will attempt to destroy this persons life in any way they can as most of these nut jobs have no regard or respect for anything but their cause.
Tell them to piss off

09-11-2015, 10:10 AM
Making a video of you hunt for whatever that might be is fine and dandy. Posting it to social media is not. It's a macho thing and we hunters should refrain from indulging. If you're compelled by some inner force, then make sure that it is only available to your group. All you're doing by posting broadly for all to see if pandering to the eco-terrorists who will find a way to make money off it and curtail your hunting privileges.

09-11-2015, 10:11 AM
Already a thread on this.

09-11-2015, 10:23 AM
Very unfortunate. In hunting not everything always works out. Follow up shots are needed. While i don't agree with possible shot timing, placement, or method they did put it down and the bear didnt get away injured. Offering a reward for info on the hunters is bs. I would imagine this was a legal hunt. Sad though, only gives the antis more ammo.

The Dawg
09-11-2015, 11:32 AM
Ive got his name, outfit, where and when it was shot- and the TV show it was shot for.

Theres ZERO chance of a reward-

"Reward for prosecution"

He did nothing illegal

So they drive traffic to their cause with no risk of paying out.

09-11-2015, 11:54 AM
What actually is the problem? I mean not every hunter puts down a perfect shot. They stayed with the animal after the initial shot. Put follow up rounds on the animal. Are they concerned because it fell down the hill after being shot or that there was blood on the snow?

09-11-2015, 11:56 AM
Pretty poor shooting, not fun watching an animal suffer but the bear rolling down the snow is cool. I don't see any laws broken, just junk shooting. Not the wisest decision to let video go viral.

The Dawg
09-11-2015, 12:00 PM
Pretty poor shooting, not fun watching an animal suffer but the bear rolling down the snow is cool. I don't see any laws broken, just junk shooting. Not the wisest decision to let video go viral.

The first shot was a kill. But the rule with grizz is keep shooting till they are dead. Then shoot once more.

They had no say in letting it go viral- they are in hiding now- their FB page is gone, personal accounts etc as well.

It was scooped by the antis, edited to look worse, and then blasted out to make $ for their agenda.

09-11-2015, 12:02 PM
The first shot was a kill. But the rule with grizz is keep shooting till they are dead. Then shoot once more.

They had no say in letting it go viral- they are in hiding now- their FB page is gone, personal accounts etc as well.

It was scooped by the antis, edited to look worse, and then blasted out to make $ for their agenda.

Yep...what a bunch of BS.

Its a grizz hunt. Grizz get shot and some take some time to die. Its an unfortunate truth that in hunting things arent always 'pretty'. This whole 'reward' thing is a friggin joke.

09-11-2015, 12:09 PM
The video wasn't very tasteful, that's for sure. Unlawful? No.

Is it unlawful to give the Anti's false information, like for example, if 1000 HBC'ers pointed them the wrong way?? :razz: That would be costly....

09-11-2015, 12:11 PM
I guess it was good shooting then, my apologies. I always thought a good shoulder shot would slow em down a bit faster, but I'm not much of a bear hunter. Only killed one grizz with one shot at 400yds but nowhere near that size of bear.

The Dawg
09-11-2015, 12:12 PM
The video wasn't very tasteful, that's for sure. Unlawful? No.

Is it unlawful to give the Anti's false information, like for example, if 1000 HBC'ers pointed them the wrong way?? :razz: That would be costly....

Its 100% in Alaska

09-11-2015, 12:33 PM
Hunting is not always pretty.

Make your first shot count and keep shooting until they are down.

Shitty video that is sensalationized for the worse.
Nothing illegal tho.

Ride Red
09-11-2015, 12:44 PM

09-11-2015, 12:49 PM
looks like their last two execs Louis and Rio must run the whole thing

09-11-2015, 01:07 PM
Well, I think I know how to solve this problem, when a guy's going Grizz hunting, why not use a type of Paint Ball gun, now just a minute before you laugh at me, the paint we'd use would a real bright orange color, we'd pick out the Grizz we wanted, hit with the paint ball, and then in would come the "Anti Hunting" groups with a throw net,or a long stick with a noose at the end of it like they use on Gator's, or simply walk up to the Grizzly Bear and explain it lost the battle, were making it into a rug! Then, here's the good part, the Anti Hunting Group members can lead the Grizzly Bear to a near by table, where, WE, the Hunters have a "Lethal Injection" setup all ready too go!!!This way the Grizzly Bear's simply go's too sleep, and pass's away peacefully!!! Oh Wow!!! I'm going to run this by every "Anti Hunting" group I can find on the Internet, I'm going to be bloody "Famous"!!!

Ride Red
09-11-2015, 01:15 PM
Well, I think I know how to solve this problem, when a guy's going Grizz hunting, why not use a type of Paint Ball gun, now just a minute before you laugh at me, the paint we'd use would a real bright orange color, we'd pick out the Grizz we wanted, hit with the paint ball, and then in would come the "Anti Hunting" groups with a throw net,or a long stick with a noose at the end of it like they use on Gator's, or simply walk up to the Grizzly Bear and explain it lost the battle, were making it into a rug! Then, here's the good part, the Anti Hunting Group members can lead the Grizzly Bear to a near by table, where, WE, the Hunters have a "Lethal Injection" setup all ready too go!!!This way the Grizzly Bear's simply go's too sleep, and pass's away peacefully!!! Oh Wow!!! I'm going to run this by every "Anti Hunting" group I can find on the Internet, I'm going to be bloody "Famous"!!!

I'd like to see this in action. You have my vote!!!

09-11-2015, 02:16 PM
Was talking to a guy at work how saw the clip on the news and he said they interviewed a CO and he said there is nothing wrong with what happened other than possibly poor shooting.

09-11-2015, 02:46 PM
Was talking to a guy at work how saw the clip on the news and he said they interviewed a CO and he said there is nothing wrong with what happened other than possibly poor shooting.
What he was told is 100% right including the part about "possibly poor shooting". The shots probably weren't that bad. A big bear, like the one in the movie can go a long ways on adrenaline, even if they're shot dead on the first shot. As for the blood trail on the snow and the dramatic roll down the mountain, that's going to happen the same even if the bear had both shoulders broke down, anchored on the spot and died the first shot.
The bad part is the clip went viral, but then.....If it wasn't for movies like this the A holes that are making an issue of it might have to get a real job instead of leeching off the sheep that follow them. JMO

09-11-2015, 02:49 PM
How about a reward to anyone who can send in the home address of the guy who heads up the "Wildlife Defense League"? I believe he is a North Vancouver Resident. That way everyone here who posts where to dispose of old meat, hides, mandatory sex organs etc. that we have to take home from the field will now have a great place to drop it off.....

09-11-2015, 03:06 PM
Two words that sum this organization up. You can say it! "Sponge Bob"

09-11-2015, 03:08 PM
It was scooped by the antis, edited to look worse...

I thought so. That article draws attention to the fact that the video "shows at least two people laughing while watching a grizzly bear they shot numerous times rolls down a hill" but I'm fairly sure that wasn't the case in the original video, which is obviously now nowhere to be found... So frustrating...

09-11-2015, 03:13 PM
Well the video has now ruined my goat hunt this weekend, the person with the truck has backed out after seeing this video.


09-11-2015, 03:20 PM
The video wasn't very tasteful, that's for sure. Unlawful? No.

Is it unlawful to give the Anti's false information, like for example, if 1000 HBC'ers pointed them the wrong way?? :razz: That would be costly....

Is pointing them to the GOABC the "wrong way"?

09-11-2015, 03:21 PM
I generally don't involve myself in these type of threads, but...I just can't help it.
People really need to put some thought into what they share on the internet. Legal or not, it's exactly this type of material that gets the fence sitters leaping into the anti hunting crowd. Hunting can get ugly sometimes, but come on people let's be conscious of what we're sharing.
Everything I've read over recent years suggests that the majority of people have no problem with hunting for food/meat/sustenance. The majority also despise the thought of "trophy hunting", as in the what the general public considers trophy hunting - no meat removal, just hide and or horns. I truly believe we will lose our grizzly hunting opportunities sooner or later, and the best chance at saving them is to have meat removal mandatory. I'm not saying I want this, just being realistic. I'd like to continue having opportunity to hunt grizzlies.
We'll never win over the nut job antis, it's the fence sitters we need on our side.

09-11-2015, 03:31 PM
... and then to be hooting and hollering at the end, like he's got something to be proud of in that amateur hour botch of a kill. Anyway, I'm bitter about my hunt ending because of this video.

The Dawg
09-11-2015, 03:51 PM
... and then to be hooting and hollering at the end, like he's got something to be proud of in that amateur hour botch of a kill. Anyway, I'm bitter about my hunt ending because of this video.

So the antis have converted another "Hunter" with a video groomed to do so. Nice.

That first shot was a kill. That bear was dead on its feet. How was that a "botch"?

Theres nothing wrong at all with being excited after a kill.

The only thing "wrong" with it is allowing it to get into the antis hands

09-11-2015, 04:01 PM
So the antis have converted another "Hunter" with a video groomed to do so. Nice.

That first shot was a kill. That bear was dead on its feet. How was that a "botch"?

Theres nothing wrong at all with being excited after a kill.

The only thing "wrong" with it is allowing it to get into the antis hands

Well said...Dawg.

09-11-2015, 04:16 PM
I generally don't involve myself in these type of threads, but...I just can't help it.
People really need to put some thought into what they share on the internet. Legal or not, it's exactly this type of material that gets the fence sitters leaping into the anti hunting crowd. Hunting can get ugly sometimes, but come on people let's be conscious of what we're sharing.
Everything I've read over recent years suggests that the majority of people have no problem with hunting for food/meat/sustenance. The majority also despise the thought of "trophy hunting", as in the what the general public considers trophy hunting - no meat removal, just hide and or horns. I truly believe we will lose our grizzly hunting opportunities sooner or later, and the best chance at saving them is to have meat removal mandatory. I'm not saying I want this, just being realistic. I'd like to continue having opportunity to hunt grizzlies.
We'll never win over the nut job antis, it's the fence sitters we need on our side.

So much this

09-11-2015, 04:34 PM
not wanting to spark argument/contraversy between us hunters, but it seems as though the bear was hit in the lungs as is shown by the blood coming out his nose when he rolls down the hill. maybe this is an atestment as to how tough these animals are or possibly the hunter may have been using to light of a gun, who knows, hard to say anything for sure. even so it is a good idea to filter what gets posted as to not give the antis more ammo

09-11-2015, 04:39 PM
Seems odd, is this footage of two different bears getting shot? If not than how could the bear make it down to snow if that was good shooting? There's no snow anywhere in the first frame. The first shot the grizz was on the move, that's a poor choice for first shot. Seems like this video has been tampered with hard. Wicked video to have at home but don't let it get into the wrong hands, that's where they really went wrong. If you film it and it gets out it's nobody's fault but your own.

09-11-2015, 04:57 PM
To the range boyz. It's our responsibility to shoot lots. The British SAS shoots everyday for a reason. I'm not suggesting we do that but it was obvious the shooter did not do a good enough job. If you hunt you have to shoot and have confidence of your limitations. Not too impressed with what appeared to go down in that video. You have to have respect for any animal you hunt and kill. After all you are taking theyre life. also stop posting video on social media.

09-11-2015, 05:06 PM
Well the video has now ruined my goat hunt this weekend, the person with the truck has backed out after seeing this video.

Your better off to find out their a bit squeamish before than after you get a goat down. It's hard to hitchhike with a dead billy strapped to your back. You need a ride where are ya. I might be able to help you out.

09-11-2015, 05:23 PM
If I was shooting at stuff that bad I would never have made it public. Just pose with the kill. I don't think anyone would post it if it was illegal so those people are grasping at straws. (What ever that means)

09-11-2015, 06:54 PM
Photoshot where is your hunt?

09-11-2015, 07:03 PM
Shoot and shoot again till the bear is down! First shot looked great, follow up was great, the spotter did a fantastic job. The excitement of the kill and shooting is a normal reaction for one that just harvested an awesome animal. Those Antis can go pound sand!!

09-12-2015, 01:14 AM
Shoot and shoot again till the bear is down! First shot looked great, follow up was great, the spotter did a fantastic job. The excitement of the kill and shooting is a normal reaction for one that just harvested an awesome animal. Those Antis can go pound sand!!

X2. I've heard some stories about how tough a grizz can be and if the first shot was a kill then the repeated shots (in my mind) would be to ensure the quickest most humane death possible. And yes If this was my hunt of a lifetime I would be a bit giddy with excitement once I was done focusing on the task at hand. hell - I've heard ungulate stories of good clean shots but the animal just won't die on the spot and runs and has to be tracked all day etc. I honestly don't see one damn thing wrong with that video?!?!?

09-12-2015, 09:09 AM
Ive got his name, outfit, where and when it was shot- and the TV show it was shot for.

Theres ZERO chance of a reward-

"Reward for prosecution"

He did nothing illegal

So they drive traffic to their cause with no risk of paying out.

How you get this info and please advise us to for future knowledge

09-12-2015, 10:17 AM
If you know Dawg that this hunt was legal and just a bad shot then why you hiding these people info and protecting them. You scared someone gonna cash in your reward after you probley contacted the media yourself just added more fuel to the fire for the anti hunters

09-12-2015, 10:40 AM
If you know Dawg that this hunt was legal and just a bad shot then why you hiding these people info and protecting them. You scared someone gonna cash in your reward after you probley contacted the media yourself just added more fuel to the fire for the anti hunters

This post sir is so much balderdash. Take your speculations and innuendos and depart. Your post has no foundation or purpose except to hear yourself rant. Mr. Dawg has no reason to post names of the people in the video where antis can see them and attack another hunter for doing nothing wrong. My only comment on the video is perhaps the guide should have dispatched the bear when it was laying in the snow......just perhaps.

09-12-2015, 10:41 AM
Time for everyone to look in the mirror and ask yourself what do you hunt and why? I mean really why do you hunt? I enjoy the outdoors and love knowing where my food comes from..... Pretty sure no one ever eats a grizz. That being said, nothing was illegal about it.

Foxton Gundogs
09-12-2015, 11:02 AM
Time for everyone to look in the mirror and ask yourself what do you hunt and why? I mean really why do you hunt? I enjoy the outdoors and love knowing where my food comes from..... Pretty sure no one ever eats a grizz. That being said, nothing was illegal about it.

Absolutely wrong, I have eaten G bear many times and I know others who have as well. Just like Blackies you don't want to be eating a costal bear during the salmon run but an inland/mountain bear is fine table fare.

09-12-2015, 03:36 PM
WTF - this is not something to make public. Long Range, what appear to marginal shots, using an obviously inappropriate caliber, is what it looks like to me. I have to say, the shooter does not appear ready to hunt trophy grizzlies. The segment of the bear tumbling is graphic to say the least.

This is my perspective as a hunter, (although not experienced with bear); and can only imagine what, complete layman and anti's would think of it. Its definitely going to be lobbed back at hunting in general.

I just had quite an experience myself that was slightly beyond my constitution for hunting. A friend of mine has been trying to break into bow hunting for a number of years. He's practised and fairly sharp with his tools and finally got a chance at a decent buck. I've always been of the mind that a lot can go wrong with a bow no matter the skill involved although i do admire and respect the well honed practice of an experienced bow hunter.

He stalked it to within 20yds and let two loose both hitting low in the boiler room, Deer ran a ways and looked like he was going to drop, paused, bowed down and kept walking. I told him not to pursue as it was going for some cliffs and we would get it when the wound took its toll. Went back in an hour just as it got dark and bumped it into the cliffs. We sat on its blood all night and came on it bedded down at first light to finish it. broadheads had both gone straight through, annihilated one lung and one had sliced the liver. But wasn't enough - a slightly poor angle that only experience could account for had ensured the deer was on the run wounded for 12 hours. Not something either of us are proud of and is only being told to illustrate a lesson which is where this video of the bear belongs.

My prior experience has only involved lethal, one shot kills. I believe we did all we could with that deer given our level of experience. Same is true of the hunter in the bear video. But it wasn't enough, and both situations should serve as learning experiences rather than open to mass, general scrutiny. Our reaction afterwards was a of somber relief and soft congratulations for crossing the finishing line even though things didn't go as planned. I get that from the cheers in the video as well, but the general public is not going to get something that subtle in the face of being shown something so visually stomach turning.

The Dawg
09-12-2015, 05:52 PM
If you know Dawg that this hunt was legal and just a bad shot then why you hiding these people info and protecting them. You scared someone gonna cash in your reward after you probley contacted the media yourself just added more fuel to the fire for the anti hunters

Cash in the reward? For what? Ruining someone's life by outing him to antis?

The hunt was legal. Why turn him in?

The first shot was a pass through completely. It was fatal.
If you can't figure out this video is spliced heavily to fit the anti agenda then you might as well join them

as for "long distance"?

It was 340 yards.

Hardly long distance.

09-12-2015, 06:03 PM
340, hardly a long shot. Maybe if you watch wild tv, OR go to the range a lot. IF you are at the range regularly practicing these distance shots it is not a BIG distance. Sadly, many hunters get to the range but maybe once a year at best. When you do shoot at distance you realise what it takes to shoot well at 300, 400, 500 not alone further.

09-12-2015, 06:11 PM
Hmmm I believe Dawgs explanation.
However I disagree with long range shooting of grizzly bears..my oppinion.
I disagree with lung shots on g bears..my oppinion.
This video was shown with the sole purpose of trying to garner support to discredit grizzly hunting, and perhaps all hunting..Global sensationalized the video...for dramatic effects..also wrong info that BC was only place to hunt g bears..I phoned and e mailed global.
I would hope this video is not the norm..but im not out on them all...it is not the advice I follow while hunting nor what I pass along to new hunters.
No reason to fill in the blanks on who or where..even for reward..

The deceased grizzly bears name was David....

itsy bitsy xj
09-12-2015, 06:26 PM
I watched the video and reconized one voice... Its George Bush. Now go investigate him

09-12-2015, 07:12 PM
Poster showed incredibly poor judgement. If you can read this thanks for nothing from a fellow hunter.

The Dawg
09-12-2015, 07:48 PM
Poster showed incredibly poor judgement. If you can read this thanks for nothing from a fellow hunter.

The original video was close to 15 minutes long. This one has been spliced to show exactly what the antis want

and no doubt the original poster has seen the flack

he is/was a member here

Foxton Gundogs
09-12-2015, 08:10 PM
Hmmm I believe Dawgs explanation.
However I disagree with long range shooting of grizzly bears..my oppinion.
I disagree with lung shots on g bears..my oppinion.
This video was shown with the sole purpose of trying to garner support to discredit grizzly hunting, and perhaps all hunting..Global sensationalized the video...for dramatic effects..also wrong info that BC was only place to hunt g bears..I phoned and e mailed global.
I would hope this video is not the norm..but im not out on them all...it is not the advice I follow while hunting nor what I pass along to new hunters.
No reason to fill in the blanks on who or where..even for reward..

The deceased grizzly bears name was David....

And he was famous and lured out of a wildlife preserve 100s of miles away LMAO

09-12-2015, 08:16 PM
Video didn't work.

09-12-2015, 08:35 PM
Cash in the reward? For what? Ruining someone's life by outing him to antis?

The hunt was legal. Why turn him in?

The first shot was a pass through completely. It was fatal.
If you can't figure out this video is spliced heavily to fit the anti agenda then you might as well join them

as for "long distance"?

It was 340 yards.

Hardly long distance.

im not so concerned about the video, as much as your behavior claiming you know who what when how why ablut this video as you claim alot of knowledge of just like you claim you knew all the info about the last media interest like the last one. Seem like you know alot but dont care to elaborate anymore. From my understanding since 2008 when i first became a memeber is to help and assist people. You got the right info Dawg then bark and educate us or the people and correct the wrong. From my understand Vancouver Sun that quote your HBC statement that you know all the info when theres a reward is making the no educated people wondering. Im gonna say your all smoke and mirrors and should of had a muzzle on.

09-12-2015, 08:43 PM
Agree it was modified to make look worse, the people offering reward should be charged with harassment

Keep in mind what we post here are getting twisted in reposted in the media, we have a media troll among us

The Dawg
09-12-2015, 09:04 PM
im not so concerned about the video, as much as your behavior claiming you know who what when how why ablut this video as you claim alot of knowledge of just like you claim you knew all the info about the last media interest like the last one. Seem like you know alot but dont care to elaborate anymore. From my understanding since 2008 when i first became a memeber is to help and assist people. You got the right info Dawg then bark and educate us or the people and correct the wrong. From my understand Vancouver Sun that quote your HBC statement that you know all the info when theres a reward is making the no educated people wondering. Im gonna say your all smoke and mirrors and should of had a muzzle on.

If you dont like it, hit ignore. Move past.

I have on MORE than one occasion proven what I know- I don't need to prove anything to you or your buddy .

If you doubt it, I suggest you watch Global BC and the Province in the upcoming weeks for something.

But I dont know what Im talking about do I?

I will NOT release this guys name- He did nothing wrong.

The hunt was in Alaska, the shot was 340 yards.

Thats the extent of what I told the media when they came to me to ask about it- It wasnt a BC hunt. That's all they need to know.

Its clear whose agenda you're on now. Tell him if hes got an issue, message me- instead of attempting to run me down to anyone who will listen.

09-12-2015, 09:37 PM
This is ridiculous. Dawg is under no obligation to disclose anything to anyone, unless he wants to. End of story.

Anyone that feels they must continue with this will be going on a HBC vacation. This is the only warning.

09-12-2015, 09:38 PM
too many facebook warriors, same guys who prob post pictures of their dinner everynight, this day and age your just asking for trouble with all these tree huggers.
right after the story on the news did anyone catch the miley cirus thing where she is trying to end the killing of the cute fluffy wolf in BC, first of all she does not live here or is even from here, also wolves are really beautiful, but they need to be kept down, they are savage killers. you have all these F***ing people who know nothing about conservation who can blow stuff up online and then crazy ass people follow them and agree on their BS who again have no idea about anything. wolves need to be shot.

09-12-2015, 09:49 PM

09-12-2015, 10:16 PM
I need a vacation can i continue with it

09-12-2015, 10:27 PM
I need a vacation can i continue with it

Sure....see you in a month

09-13-2015, 07:56 AM
I watched the video several times and I would say 5 out of the 6 shots hit but passed through - that's why we see dirt flying. Bear was dead within one minute of the hunter starting to shoot, who did his job well. If the opined yardage of 340 is correct then hunter is a capable shot. Anyone who has hunted bear long enough should know that sometimes they roll over and other times they keep on going. It took four shots to put down my black bear this spring and three of those shots were into vitals.

We would all like to see the one shot instantly down scene but hunting is not always like that.

09-13-2015, 08:58 AM
Ya its hunting.. Gbears can be pretty tough. I think the first shot was a shit shot. The hunter got excited and shot early in my opinion - that bear could have been in a better position for a better shot. But he took it... Im pretty sure the guide thought "aw shit! you shot early dumb ass". But as said you shoot those things till they stop kickin... The greenies love this type of shit and will always feed on it - ignorance can be powerful. But perhaps we as hunters should be more "careful" as to how we portray our sport. Represent it with some class.

09-13-2015, 09:55 AM
I understand that this forum is a place for the free exchange of ideas and opinions. Having said that, we hunters are not doing ourselves any favours when engaging in the infighting and hacking on fellow hunters and members. I know that we don't all share the same ideologies. I would never, for example, shoot a g-bear, but we all have different reasons for doing what we do and different things that make us tick. This even changes within ourselves. In the 25 years I've hunted I've gone from shooting coyotes, to not, again to being ok with it, to again being something I'm not interested in partaking in. Will I ever shoot another? Who knows.

Sort of digressing, but I guess what I'm getting at is that is that there is probably more benefit in accepting others' motives and ideologies (even if they're not well aligned with our own) than to start bashing everybody who isn't on your wavelength. Hunting today is a total privilege and I'm sure you've all noticed that it is getting harder for us to keep what we have. Our best hope is to maintain some solidarity, otherwise the anti's will eventually have their way. The phrase "divide and conquer" originated and still exists for a reason.

09-13-2015, 10:04 AM
im not so concerned about the video, as much as your behavior claiming you know who what when how why ablut this video as you claim alot of knowledge of just like you claim you knew all the info about the last media interest like the last one. Seem like you know alot but dont care to elaborate anymore. From my understanding since 2008 when i first became a memeber is to help and assist people. You got the right info Dawg then bark and educate us or the people and correct the wrong. From my understand Vancouver Sun that quote your HBC statement that you know all the info when theres a reward is making the no educated people wondering. Im gonna say your all smoke and mirrors and should of had a muzzle on.

No, it is you who should be muzzled because you sir are an ass. Mr. Dawg has revealed more important information than I can tally, you on the other hand are simply trolling for information and blowing hot air to stir the pot. As Mr. Dawg advised hit the ignore button and move on before you embarrass yourself further.

09-13-2015, 10:49 AM
Anyone know how much the "ReeeWard" is??? And, would that be in "Cash", or by "Cheque"??? Lost my wallet with all my ID in it, so it'd have to be a "Cash Only" deal!

09-13-2015, 09:11 PM
Dont think an armchair analysis of thebshooting or bullet performance is the issue. The video is simply disturbing and did not need th be posted other than for a hero shot. We stopped strapping our kills to the hood 40 years ago. This is simply a 2015 version of the same thing.

09-13-2015, 09:42 PM
Well, I think I know how to solve this problem, when a guy's going Grizz hunting, why not use a type of Paint Ball gun, now just a minute before you laugh at me, the paint we'd use would a real bright orange color, we'd pick out the Grizz we wanted, hit with the paint ball, and then in would come the "Anti Hunting" groups with a throw net,or a long stick with a noose at the end of it like they use on Gator's, or simply walk up to the Grizzly Bear and explain it lost the battle, were making it into a rug! Then, here's the good part, the Anti Hunting Group members can lead the Grizzly Bear to a near by table, where, WE, the Hunters have a "Lethal Injection" setup all ready too go!!!This way the Grizzly Bear's simply go's too sleep, and pass's away peacefully!!! Oh Wow!!! I'm going to run this by every "Anti Hunting" group I can find on the Internet, I'm going to be bloody "Famous"!!!

Hey vote liberal and thats what we will be doing

09-13-2015, 10:53 PM
im not so concerned about the video, as much as your behavior claiming you know who what when how why ablut this video as you claim alot of knowledge of just like you claim you knew all the info about the last media interest like the last one. Seem like you know alot but dont care to elaborate anymore. From my understanding since 2008 when i first became a memeber is to help and assist people. You got the right info Dawg then bark and educate us or the people and correct the wrong. From my understand Vancouver Sun that quote your HBC statement that you know all the info when theres a reward is making the no educated people wondering. Im gonna say your all smoke and mirrors and should of had a muzzle on.

the original video I watched a year ago had all the information in the description box as well as in the video.

09-14-2015, 03:02 AM
WTF - this is not something to make public. Long Range, what appear to marginal shots, using an obviously inappropriate caliber, is what it looks like to me. I have to say, the shooter does not appear ready to hunt trophy grizzlies. The segment of the bear tumbling is graphic to say the least.

This is my perspective as a hunter, (although not experienced with bear); and can only imagine what, complete layman and anti's would think of it. Its definitely going to be lobbed back at hunting in general.

I just had quite an experience myself that was slightly beyond my constitution for hunting. A friend of mine has been trying to break into bow hunting for a number of years. He's practised and fairly sharp with his tools and finally got a chance at a decent buck. I've always been of the mind that a lot can go wrong with a bow no matter the skill involved although i do admire and respect the well honed practice of an experienced bow hunter.

He stalked it to within 20yds and let two loose both hitting low in the boiler room, Deer ran a ways and looked like he was going to drop, paused, bowed down and kept walking. I told him not to pursue as it was going for some cliffs and we would get it when the wound took its toll. Went back in an hour just as it got dark and bumped it into the cliffs. We sat on its blood all night and came on it bedded down at first light to finish it. broadheads had both gone straight through, annihilated one lung and one had sliced the liver. But wasn't enough - a slightly poor angle that only experience could account for had ensured the deer was on the run wounded for 12 hours. Not something either of us are proud of and is only being told to illustrate a lesson which is where this video of the bear belongs.

My prior experience has only involved lethal, one shot kills. I believe we did all we could with that deer given our level of experience. Same is true of the hunter in the bear video. But it wasn't enough, and both situations should serve as learning experiences rather than open to mass, general scrutiny. Our reaction afterwards was a of somber relief and soft congratulations for crossing the finishing line even though things didn't go as planned. I get that from the cheers in the video as well, but the general public is not going to get something that subtle in the face of being shown something so visually stomach turning.

First off. Obvious inaproriate caliber??????? Please tell me how you know this. Grizzly hunt in Alaska, please tell me what caliber they're using then. If we're assuming then I would say a large caliber as this was probably a planned grizzly hunt. Please explain to me why the shooter does not appear ready to hunt trophy Grizzlies. From the shooting??????????? Is that what your basing it on. Good spotter, Looks like he hit the animal every time but once on the move down the mountain. Good communication. Let's c a rookie do that in the heat of a griz harvest. You are rather lucky to have only been involved in lethal one shot kills!!!!! Tell me please, what are you gonna do when your next animal gets back up or runs off after your one non lethal bullet fails to hit its mark?????? Are you gonna shoot again??? This WILL happen if you've pulled the trigger enough. When it happens to you well come back to this bs post of yours and we'll critique the caliber you used ( like we'd have any idea). And Comment that your not ready to hunt deer yet.

This is is cut and dry to me!!! Tough bear well spotted by partner(don't know relation). Great communication. Good shooting in my opinion. If follow up shots aren't made animals can surely escape injured. This was avoided. Clearly chopped video to suit agendas. To bad though not good for any of us as hunters.

09-14-2015, 08:43 AM
First off. Obvious inaproriate caliber??????? Please tell me how you know this. Grizzly hunt in Alaska, please tell me what caliber they're using then. If we're assuming then I would say a large caliber as this was probably a planned grizzly hunt. Please explain to me why the shooter does not appear ready to hunt trophy Grizzlies. From the shooting??????????? Is that what your basing it on. Good spotter, Looks like he hit the animal every time but once on the move down the mountain. Good communication. Let's c a rookie do that in the heat of a griz harvest. You are rather lucky to have only been involved in lethal one shot kills!!!!! Tell me please, what are you gonna do when your next animal gets back up or runs off after your one non lethal bullet fails to hit its mark?????? Are you gonna shoot again??? This WILL happen if you've pulled the trigger enough. When it happens to you well come back to this bs post of yours and we'll critique the caliber you used ( like we'd have any idea). And Comment that your not ready to hunt deer yet.

This is is cut and dry to me!!! Tough bear well spotted by partner(don't know relation). Great communication. Good shooting in my opinion. If follow up shots aren't made animals can surely escape injured. This was avoided. Clearly chopped video to suit agendas. To bad though not good for any of us as hunters.

I'm not the one that you need to convince:

New editorial:

I said that is what it looked like to me, given the bear wasn't knocked down on the first, second, third shots. I'm not judging the shooter by speaking wit absolute terms, nor am I misrepresenting my qualifications to judge what I'm seeing. I have said, I'm a hunter yet have never found myself in the position that these guys did. I was simply describing my initial visceral reactions to watching the video, as a point of reference to how the public is going to see it. This video after all, is already putting me on the defence with the non hunters in my life. What should I say to them? Its all good, Thats hunting!?

I would recommend that if you're interested in continuing to hunt grizzlies in the future, you as a hunter find a better explanation for what we see here than that. I rock climb, and backcountry ski - When something terrible happens in those sports ie people die, there's normally an explanation involved that allows the people around me to continue their support of my pursuit in those sports. If I just shrugged and said; thats skiing/thats climbing, none of my loved ones would allow me to do it.

Yes, I have been fortunate to have only been involved in one shot kills until a week ago. I have worked hard and diligently to make that happen and have chosen partners that take this seriously. My experience last week with tracking a mortally wounded deer, changed how I feel in my continuing support of bow hunting - and not because my partner did anything wrong per-se, just that we can't explain it, and it would be tough to say it wont happen again. This video has definitely weakened my support for grizzly hunting I have to say. I'm sure many other hunters feel the same way.

One thing's for sure - if I do screw up in the future - you're not going to find a viral video of it to critique. F'n simpletons.

09-14-2015, 09:57 AM
This video has definitely weakened my support for grizzly hunting I have to say. I'm sure many other hunters feel the same way.

What about this video has weakened your support? I'm honestly curious about how a video showing an animals tenacity for life can weaken one hunters support for another?

09-14-2015, 10:45 AM
I think what some people defending the video are trying to get at, and is probably fair to say: Is it could of gone a whole lot worse!

Fair enough, these guys crossed the finish line and for that they should be proud certainly. However, its just as fair to say that it could of gone (should have gone?) a whole lot better too. If you accept that, than it is also fair to start looking into what could have or should have transpired to have given them a greater probability of pulling it off successfully. Do that not, and no lessons are learned, and nobody will have any empathy for you/us when the privilege is removed.

Everything we do is about trying to make good decisions. In my opinion, from what I can see in the video, it appears obvious that a series of poor decisions were made. If we learn from it, It'll teach us how to make better decisions in the future but I'll leave it to the more experienced bear hunters and perhaps the author of the video to make that analysis.

One thing I think we can all agree on being the worst decision in this case, is allowing that video to be published publicly. As are the hunters on this site saying "It could have been worse" so is every single person looking at it through the lens of mass media.

09-14-2015, 11:00 AM
The only thing worse than taking that horrible shot was posting the video on social media. These hunters are idiots and the guy shooting should spend more time at the range and learn about shot placement.

09-14-2015, 11:17 AM
I think what some people defending the video are trying to get at, and is probably fair to say: Is it could of gone a whole lot worse!

Fair enough, these guys crossed the finish line and for that they should be proud certainly. However, its just as fair to say that it could of gone (should have gone?) a whole lot better too. If you accept that, than it is also fair to start looking into what could have or should have transpired to have given them a greater probability of pulling it off successfully. Do that not, and no lessons are learned, and nobody will have any empathy for you/us when the privilege is removed.

Everything we do is about trying to make good decisions. In my opinion, from what I can see in the video, it appears obvious that a series of poor decisions were made. If we learn from it, It'll teach us how to make better decisions in the future but I'll leave it to the more experienced bear hunters and perhaps the author of the video to make that analysis.

One thing I think we can all agree on being the worst decision in this case, is allowing that video to be published publicly. As are the hunters on this site saying "It could have been worse" so is every single person looking at it through the lens of mass media.

So I've seen the whole video. A lot of guys here have seen the whole video before it was edited to look the way it did. I'm surprised more guys don't remember that actually, but whatever.

First shot was fatal. He made a great first poke, from what I remember, when his guide told him to shoot. Bears, especially grizzlies, can show a lot of life force. He made some more shots, which was what you do with bears, keep shooting until they stop kicking. Don't let them get to the brush without extra holes, period.

My grizzly last year was shot at 294 yards with a 300 Ultra and a pair of tsx's. From the time the decision was made to shoot, the outcome was a foregone conclusion. Another 46 yards wouldn't have made any difference whatsoever in that outcome. And my bear was shot twice even though the second poke wasn't needed, but he was legging it on 3 working wheels for the brush. And that was on video as well. If I looked at the time stamps, I would imagine it was almost a minute worth of killing with mine as well. Same as the one my buddy shot a half hour before that. Bears don't die easily.

As to the video in question, it was a successful hunt, but it merely shows how tenacious some bears can be. Or any animal really. Case in point, a close buddy of mine shot a fair to middling bull elk last weekend. First shot had him dead, but he simply didn't know it yet. That bull took four (FOUR) very carefully placed shots from a 300wsm through the shoulders before he decided he should lay down. Luckily he didn't run, and simply swapped directions at each shot without taking more than a couple steps each time. That was likely almost a minute, with both lungs and the heart turned to red goo. Not much different than the bear in question.

And I don't think the original shooter intended for that video to be made public, it was originally shot for a tv episode as has been said, and was on a password protected site.

What it does show though, is some VERY good shooting on behalf of the hunter. I doubt that there is more than a handful of individuals on this board that could have made those shots under that kind of stress. Just too bad there are so many arm chair quarterbacks on this site now.

The Dawg
09-14-2015, 11:27 AM
So I've seen the whole video. A lot of guys here have seen the whole video before it was edited to look the way it did. I'm surprised more guys don't remember that actually, but whatever.

First shot was fatal. He made a great first poke, from what I remember, when his guide told him to shoot. Bears, especially grizzlies, can show a lot of life force. He made some more shots, which was what you do with bears, keep shooting until they stop kicking. Don't let them get to the brush without extra holes, period.

My grizzly last year was shot at 294 yards with a 300 Ultra and a pair of tsx's. From the time the decision was made to shoot, the outcome was a foregone conclusion. Another 46 yards wouldn't have made any difference whatsoever in that outcome. And my bear was shot twice even though the second poke wasn't needed, but he was legging it on 3 working wheels for the brush. And that was on video as well. If I looked at the time stamps, I would imagine it was almost a minute worth of killing with mine as well. Same as the one my buddy shot a half hour before that. Bears don't die easily.

As to the video in question, it was a successful hunt, but it merely shows how tenacious some bears can be. Or any animal really. Case in point, a close buddy of mine shot a fair to middling bull elk last weekend. First shot had him dead, but he simply didn't know it yet. That bull took four (FOUR) very carefully placed shots from a 300wsm through the shoulders before he decided he should lay down. Luckily he didn't run, and simply swapped directions at each shot without taking more than a couple steps each time. That was likely almost a minute, with both lungs and the heart turned to red goo. Not much different than the bear in question.

And I don't think the original shooter intended for that video to be made public, it was originally shot for a tv episode as has been said, and was on a password protected site.

What it does show though, is some VERY good shooting on behalf of the hunter. I doubt that there is more than a handful of individuals on this board that could have made those shots under that kind of stress. Just too bad there are so many arm chair quarterbacks on this site now.

Thank you. Glad someone else has seen the vid, and doesn't just try to call me out on it :)

Your thoughts are exactly what mine are on it.

First shot was fatal- the bear just didnt know it yet.

You keep hammering till they stop moving, then you shoot once more to be sure.

09-14-2015, 12:19 PM
Thank you. Glad someone else has seen the vid, and doesn't just try to call me out on it :)

Yeah, getting pretty tired of the clowns on here trying to call you out about this.

Guy made some pretty good shots on a moving animal in a high stress situation. Some bears don't go out easily, and others do. A couple of the grizz that I've seen shot simply rolled over and died, but the first one I watched my father kill took a pair of 200's through the shoulders from his 300wm, and still got into the alders. When we walked him up, where he ran out of steam a living room sized patch of ground was completely flattened with alders bitten off and blood everywhere. And that was with both lungs popped, both shoulders broken, and the top of his heart missing.

Some folks have NO clue on how tough these animals are, and I for one have no problem with that video. It merely shows how incredibly tenacious these things can be sometimes. It's definitely a good learning for guys who pull their first permit, and have no idea what they can be getting themselves into.

Some of Lancaster's vid's on youtube show similar scenes, and there are probably dozens, if not more, youtubes that show the exact same thing. Enough with the armchair experts calling out an accomplished hunter who did some good shooting.

09-14-2015, 03:18 PM
How far will the media go in their ineptness.

This morning on CTV national, they reported about the latest grizzly mauling. And what did they have for footage? Yep! That very same clip of the grizzly being shot!!
It had nothing to do with the mauling, but would lead a viewer to think that the hunter shot the grizzly before he got mauled. Nothing more than a lie to stir up animosity.

And as far as the original video, I've also seen it. I'm not sure how someone can determine the caliber of the rifle from watching it, other than concluding that it had the jam to pass through the bear several times. Many of you are mistaking the flying dirt for misses. The camera is above the line of sight and it showing the bullet's impact after it has passed through.

Is the media shit storm good for hunting? No. But what is worse is real hunters dog piling one of their own. And with nothing but conjecture and guessing to go on.

09-14-2015, 06:01 PM
I was sure in the original it mentions the rifle, hand loads in a 338 rum if I recall correctly.

09-14-2015, 06:30 PM
How far will the media go in their ineptness.

This morning on CTV national, they reported about the latest grizzly mauling. And what did they have for footage? Yep! That very same clip of the grizzly being shot!!
It had nothing to do with the mauling, but would lead a viewer to think that the hunter shot the grizzly before he got mauled. Nothing more than a lie to stir up animosity.

And as far as the original video, I've also seen it. I'm not sure how someone can determine the caliber of the rifle from watching it, other than concluding that it had the jam to pass through the bear several times. Many of you are mistaking the flying dirt for misses. The camera is above the line of sight and it showing the bullet's impact after it has passed through.

Is the media shit storm good for hunting? No. But what is worse is real hunters dog piling one of their own. And with nothing but conjecture and guessing to go on.
I am sure the guys that say the shooter was not using enough gun could tell by the report of the rifle, they could probably tell you how much change he had in his pocket too.

1/2 slam
09-14-2015, 09:40 PM
I said that is what it looked like to me, given the bear wasn't knocked down on the first, second, third shots. I'm not judging the shooter by speaking wit absolute terms, nor am I misrepresenting my qualifications to judge what I'm seeing.

The first statement alone is enough for me. You are talking out your a$$. You haven't a clue about what you speak. Game is not knocked down by a shot. And you are misrepresenting your qualifications to judge what you see, you have none.

09-15-2015, 01:16 AM
The first statement alone is enough for me. You are talking out your a$$. You haven't a clue about what you speak. Game is not knocked down by a shot. And you are misrepresenting your qualifications to judge what you see, you have none.

Look, the dude was 400 yds away, and took a shot at a beast of a bear on the move. That right there is questionable period. You'd better have the skill to make that happen. I've watched the video multiple times and cant determine the initial shot placement - though pretty sure it was into the bear's rear quarter. If there were three bullets that passed through the vitals like some are claiming than it wasn't enough energy, was it? The outcome is self explanatory - The bear looked wounded, not knocked out. The animal made it 300yds down the slope on its own power with plenty of juice prior to the first lethal looking shot after sliding down the first snow patch. I'll concede, that its possible that it is how some claim - but thats just not what it looks like to me, and the majority of others that watch the video. It looks like three poor shots initially - first one put home on the snow after an other miss with an other lethal followup when the bear got down to the second snow patch.

Bottom Line: Long range on a big, mature grizzly; on the move. 6 shots total to put the bear down - all on film, released to public - Brutal. Nothing to be particularly proud of there, better take some lessons from it.

How many animals have you taken that required more than one shot to put down? If you can't knock down game consistently with a single shot, I'd have to question what you're up to out there 1/2 slam?

1/2 slam
09-15-2015, 10:14 AM
Look, the dude was 400 yds away, and took a shot at a beast of a bear on the move. That right there is questionable period. You'd better have the skill to make that happen. I've watched the video multiple times and cant determine the initial shot placement - though pretty sure it was into the bear's rear quarter. If there were three bullets that passed through the vitals like some are claiming than it wasn't enough energy, was it? The outcome is self explanatory - The bear looked wounded, not knocked out. The animal made it 300yds down the slope on its own power with plenty of juice prior to the first lethal looking shot after sliding down the first snow patch. I'll concede, that its possible that it is how some claim - but thats just not what it looks like to me, and the majority of others that watch the video. It looks like three poor shots initially - first one put home on the snow after an other miss with an other lethal followup when the bear got down to the second snow patch.

Bottom Line: Long range on a big, mature grizzly; on the move. 6 shots total to put the bear down - all on film, released to public - Brutal. Nothing to be particularly proud of there, better take some lessons from it.

How many animals have you taken that required more than one shot to put down? If you can't knock down game consistently with a single shot, I'd have to question what you're up to out there 1/2 slam?

You are really a piece of work. You don't "knock down game with a single shot". That phrase just shows your complete lack of understanding of how a kill is made.

Go back and read "The Dawg's" posts. it is really clear ,if you actually read his posts, what happened.
When you put a bullet into a Grizzly you keep shooting until it's down. Grizzly's are notorious for sucking up kill shots and continuing like nothing has happened.
You think 340 yards is long range....wow.

Just so you know I have 35 years of hunting experience here, Alaska, NWT, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Montana, Arizona, Mexico and South Africa. I have no idea how many animals I've killed. It's certainly North of 300. They have ranged from point blank to over 500 yards. I own and hunt with 2 rifles. What should that tell you? I'd put my shooting skill against yours any day.

The lesson here is that perhaps YOU should give up hunting.There's enough twits out there.

09-15-2015, 11:34 AM
You are really a piece of work. You don't "knock down game with a single shot". That phrase just shows your complete lack of understanding of how a kill is made.

Go back and read "The Dawg's" posts. it is really clear ,if you actually read his posts, what happened.
When you put a bullet into a Grizzly you keep shooting until it's down. Grizzly's are notorious for sucking up kill shots and continuing like nothing has happened.
You think 340 yards is long range....wow.

Just so you know I have 35 years of hunting experience here, Alaska, NWT, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Montana, Arizona, Mexico and South Africa. I have no idea how many animals I've killed. It's certainly North of 300. They have ranged from point blank to over 500 yards. I own and hunt with 2 rifles. What should that tell you? I'd put my shooting skill against yours any day.

The lesson here is that perhaps YOU should give up hunting.There's enough twits out there.
Wow you just laid down the pepsi challenge against Pemby-mess, I want to see this. Although I agree shooting skill is important I don't think it is every thing and hunting skill weighs heavy on this one. I would think a decent hunter with decent hunting skills would out perform a great bench/target shooter any day in the field and that comes from experience. I do believe you may be wasting your time with any more debate about this topic with Pemby-mess.

09-15-2015, 06:43 PM
I'm not the formost expert on terminal ballistics but if I may weigh in here... As far as I know there are 2 things that drop an animal in its tracks.. Taking out the central nervous system which means spinal cord/brain or hydrostatic shock which is a fast moving bullet/impact which imparts a shockwave through the curculatory system that ruptures blood vessels in the brain.

Imo a slowish moving bullet to the heart and lungs is almost unlikely to drop anything in the tracks. Eventhough it is a fetal hit the animal will die as it loses oxygen to its brain due to its lungs and or heart layng on the ground somewhere.

Sometimes they hey lay there and kick, sometimes they run away and die out of sight, and sometimes they die without any dramatic motions at all. A minute or or two with one shot is still a minute or two with 10 hits, except there's more holes. You can't speed up the oxygen degradation with bullets.

This is bear soaked up a terminal hit like it was nothing, it took the less dramatic approach, it's was still going to die within minutes, it didn't need another hit but better safe than sorry, you don't have time to analyze the impacts in slow motion on the mountains.

1/2 slam
09-15-2015, 08:32 PM
Wow you just laid down the pepsi challenge against Pemby-mess, I want to see this. Although I agree shooting skill is important I don't think it is every thing and hunting skill weighs heavy on this one. I would think a decent hunter with decent hunting skills would out perform a great bench/target shooter any day in the field and that comes from experience. I do believe you may be wasting your time with any more debate about this topic with Pemby-mess.

steveo you are correct. ...you can't fix stupid.

hunter fisher
09-16-2015, 09:34 AM
they took the video down, but i think I've seen it. for those who have seen the whole video, is it the one where near the end of the video the hunter is talking about how he can't believe the guide packed if off the mountain because it was so heavy? and at the end they show the hide layed out on a tarp?

if its the video I'm thinking off, its a great video. shitty to see the bear suffer for a minute, but a real eye opener on how tough these animas are. the video is more educational than anything. your not dropping a 2 point black tail, its a g bear. for those who criticize the shot, must be nice to be a perfect shot and never hit an inch off mark, maybe i could get a shooting lesson off one of you guys.

09-16-2015, 10:15 AM
Wow you just laid down the pepsi challenge against Pemby-mess, I want to see this. Although I agree shooting skill is important I don't think it is every thing and hunting skill weighs heavy on this one. I would think a decent hunter with decent hunting skills would out perform a great bench/target shooter any day in the field and that comes from experience. I do believe you may be wasting your time with any more debate about this topic with Pemby-mess.

Maybe we should have duel lol. I think I can rustle up some pretty authentic pistols.

09-17-2015, 06:15 AM
Maybe we should have duel lol. I think I can rustle up some pretty authentic pistols.

paintball pistols at 30 paces..heheheh

Surrey Boy
10-08-2020, 09:25 AM
Why is it that hunters oppose hunting and other hunters? Are we so established that we need to thin our own ranks?

If you think appeasing PETA is going to help anything, reconsider.

10-08-2020, 09:50 AM
post delete......

just realized I commented on a 5 year old thread that doesn't need to be resurrected