View Full Version : Any Rental Cabins in 5-14 in November?

08-31-2015, 04:19 PM
Hi Everyone,

My wife and 16yr old daughter have a couple of Mule deer doe tags for 5-14 in November, I was wondering if anyone knows of any cabins or such to rent during the first couple of weeks of November in and around the Williams Lake area, or in any part of 5-14. I would be fine with the truck/camper and my Sami, but since this is the wife and daughters first hunting trip off the Island, I would like it to be as easy on them as possible, I want them to go hunting with me next year:razz:.

Thanks in advance, cannot wait until the 20th of Sept, as I should be home from camp at that point, would like to get some island hunting in before the trip with the girls:-P.


08-31-2015, 06:51 PM
Isn't there something at Riske Creek? For the life of me I cannot recall the name. It is just past Riske Creek, up off the highway, you can see it from Hwy 20,,,,, arrrrgghhhh what is the name.


08-31-2015, 06:54 PM
we stayed here when we were hunting up that way 2 years ago nice clean place not sure how far away it is from your zone though.http://www.westcanadatravel.com/rainbowsendlogcabin.htm

08-31-2015, 08:58 PM
Wow Smeegle! What a wonderful spot! Do you remember of any gas station near by? I wanna go right now.

08-31-2015, 09:36 PM
Hmm gas at Lee, s corner.. $$$$$
Flew out of Nimpo Lake..pine resort..Rolly Tuller..not sure if still open..or costs ..or open that late..there are other places at nimpo lake also..

08-31-2015, 10:06 PM
PM sent

Hope it's not booked up already

09-01-2015, 09:07 AM
There is a gas station about a half hour away. I believe we had the doe draw for October in your area, it is a hike in only area minus the access road, so you can't be taking in a quad or anything. The driving distance to 5-14 is about an hour from the cabin though depending on road conditions. It would be a good idea to bring a radio to contact the truck drivers on your way in there as logging activity is pretty steady, they are respectful and do appreciate call outs every km to keep everyone safe.