View Full Version : region 3_33 zone b

Mount zipper
08-27-2015, 12:04 PM
I was lucky enough to draw a goat in region 3-33 Zone b fir Sept 1st. I have never hunted this area and have know idea where to start.. I'm heading up next weekend to do some scouting was wondering if anybody on here has any info on that area for me ?anything would really help thanks

08-27-2015, 03:39 PM
I 3-33A and am in much the same boat as you, somewhat blind and super excited to pull a goat off the hill. I've spent a lot of time in my BC recreation atlas and the back roads map books. Just gonna wing it into the hills and hope for the best!

Good luck buddy!


08-27-2015, 04:11 PM
Lots of grizz .
Plenty of water around.
Lots of research on goats around 333 316 317 if you look

09-15-2015, 01:42 PM
When are you planning on going? My cousin drew a 3-33B tag this year sept 1 - oct 31 and I will be accompanying him on the trip we are heading out Thursday 17th am. I had the draw last year but only got a 24hr trip in. It was solo and I a had knee problems. Seen 2 goats and two really nice grizzly's. Not really into doing that trip solo again as awesome as the 24hrs was. send me a pm.
