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View Full Version : November moose hunting

07-18-2015, 09:02 AM
Hey all! I was lucky enough to get an LEH draw this year , bull moose November 1st-30th . Im curious if I could get some general tips and/or strategies. Any info would be greatly appreciated !

07-18-2015, 09:48 AM
what region and zone?

07-18-2015, 09:54 AM
I believe you already know that monasheemountainman haha you replied to my other thread , 8-5 !

07-18-2015, 09:59 AM
ah well sorry I didn't remember that lol just trying to help;)

07-18-2015, 10:05 AM
Expect snow. Prepare for snow. Snow up to the knees on a moose will be up to your nuts.
The two good things about late season hunting. The moose will be easy to drag and the meat has less chance of spoiling. You will be cold. South facing slopes. Moose do not like being cold either so they like to sun if possible. Don't discount the north slopes though. Hills with good timber stands above recovering clearcuts.
There is a good third thing. Moose stick out like a sore thumb against a white background. You can see them miles away. Make sure you have good optics and remember, when you do see spot one, there will be several and the ground is never as flat as you thought.

07-18-2015, 10:05 AM
Tip: Shooting a immie when you hold a bull tag angers the hunting gods. You will be cursed with poor success for eternity. In fact you may as well give up regular hunting altogether. All your hunting buddies will forsake and shun you. Women will avoid you because you no longer are capable of providing fresh meat. Altogether your manliness rating will plummet and the only way to recover will to start hunting only with your teeth for weapons.

You'll have to start small though. Hunting ticks and other nuisance pests and crushing them with your teeth to appease the gods. Then you can move to crawfish, once you master hunting them with your teeth you might start to interest the women. But only the old ones that have no teeth of their own. They are impressed with a man who can use their teeth to chew effectively. Be careful, don't be tempted by them as they are only using you for your new found skills.

Then you can move up to vermin, predators, and then game animals. I especially like the predator stage. There is something very special about facing the mighty grizzly eye to eye and knowing you have what it takes to take him on, on his terms. Teeth and claws only. Women that are attracted by this are fun to. Very aggressive and assertive. It's good to know that you can come home to some someone that can bench press you in an emergency or crush your head between her thighs like a melon. Just be careful of whisker rub.

If you make it past all that you hunt moose again. But the first one you get must be shared out to all your former hunting buddies, you are not allowed to eat any of it. They will be satisfied that your manliness has been regained by this offering and will deem you worthy of hunting with them again. As well this display of generosity will show the women your tender side, your ability to provide willingly. Then only the best kind of females will be attracted to you and your life will be roses.

Or or you can just shoot a big ass bull to begin with and everything will be good anyway.

07-18-2015, 12:33 PM
Hmm willow..40#s a day..not far from bedding area..slightly higher elevation inside treeline..on a point bed will be towards tge cut..but just far enough to shed wind..usually will have a blowdow to break up their outline..they are bedded to be protected from wolves usually.
Not any travel by bulls..it rest from the rut and eat.period.find the willow..look for minimal tracks headed to bedding..it does take some time to scarf down 40#s of willow..first am sunning warming eating..
They wont bed in swamps..wet gets thriugh...cold hence the slight elevation for bedding
Smow can be squeeky or popcorn..that sound carries..use trails inside treeline..watch the wind..
But be prepared for 200...300 yard shot..

Hope thats a start..

07-20-2015, 03:06 PM
Thanks for all the info guys! Greatly appreciated!!

07-20-2015, 03:53 PM
Send pm and I will give my ph number..for more than I can type..

07-21-2015, 11:54 AM
Hard hunt but doable.......

Hunted it over 30 years.......

More moose now that 5-10 years ago!!

Been chased out by Snow in late October, last few years cold but not much snow up to Nov 10th deer hunting.