View Full Version : BC Conservation Officers Criticized For "Cavalier" Killing Of Predators

07-12-2015, 10:15 PM
http://www.vancouversun.com/news/conservation+officers+criticized+cavalier+killing+ predators/11209072/story.html

This is a poorly written article as far as I'm concerned. Especially when they're criticizing the killing of cougars, as far as I'm concerned if a cougar is sticking around long enough after someone has reported it, it's probably sick or starving and a danger to the public. Should they try to live trap, and rehab every animal they come across? What about all the other cute, furry creatures of the forest like "baby" squirrels and bunnies?

The article suggests officers aren't bothered by this part of their job, when in fact I've spoken to quite a few about this very subject and none of them like doing it and were pissed off having to dispatch animals just because people are too stupid to contain the attractants.

There's no shortage of predators in this province, and the CO service has very little money to work with.

Here's an article from the Vancouver Province written in May 2015 http://www.theprovince.com/technology/conservation+officers+becoming+endangered+species/11031429/story.html

Maybe something good will come of it. If they want to save them all, the province better toss some money at it. Fort McMurray alone has 4 full time officers being used for bear control.

07-13-2015, 02:08 AM
The comments posted by various "experts" on this in that pathetic "newspaper" show what ignorance exists in contemporary BC and some of the most vociferous commentators are foreigners.......

Funny, how Pynn, a total fool, IMO, uses foreign and out of province "experts" to bolster his bullshit, but, this is typical of the entire "progressive" gang of imbeciles, liars and agenda-promoting phonies.

07-13-2015, 05:29 AM
Typical Pynn-head article , too bad he has such a large audience who don't get the whole picture

.330 Dakota
07-13-2015, 08:19 AM
What I dont get is the terrible and sometimes violent comments and attitudes of the anti hunting and enviro crowd. I thought we were the Neanderthol's,,,they make us look like Monks. I have seen death threats and suggestions of suicide toward a person who did nothing more than defend themselves against a bear attack etc.....tells me how unbalanced they are

07-13-2015, 09:40 AM
Personally I see no reason for Conservation officers to respond to wildlife encounters.
It's a win-win situation.
We would have more officers dealing with poaching and bears would weed out the morons pretty quickly.
Please don't tell me life is sacred. I don't buy that BS.

07-13-2015, 10:00 AM
Conservation Officers are in their chosen field because they're interested in conservation. They're not in it because "Oh man, I get to shoot so many predators, and it's my freaking job, man!" I have a couple retorts every time I hear people crying about COs shooting yet another cougar or bear around Coldstream:

If you want the animal trapped and relocated, please bring out your cheque book and go see your local CO to pre-pay for the next one. Be prepared to be astonished at how expensive that is. You want to cry about how nurses and teachers don't get enough money? Where do you think the money for this impractical "relocation" is going to come from?
Predators cannot be relocated, even if you do have the money. If you dump a cougar or bear into the middle of B.C. you've just dropped it into the middle of another bear's or cougar's territory, in the middle of which all other surrounding territory is already claimed.
Every time a CO shoots a predator, it's another human's fault, not the CO's. If you want COs to stop shooting predators, stop leaving your F'ing garbage out that brings in the bears, and stop developing further and further into interface wilderness (Burke Mountain in Coquitlam, anyone) where you're squeezing the animals into inevitable collisions with humans and pets.

07-13-2015, 10:12 AM
Yup, and Burke is only ONE example of what the REAL problem is now............

07-13-2015, 10:17 AM
BgBlkDg nailed it about Pynn's lack of skill in reporting of this story. Essentially fabricating an issue when you start pulling "experts" in from all over the planet.


David Heitsman
07-14-2015, 02:55 PM
I had this talk at my cardio bootcamp this week with all the urbanites, of which I am one, upset over the senseless killings of all these animals. I just explained a
couple points.

#1 Relocation simply means putting an often sedated animal in strange surroundings amongst hostile dominant area animals.

#2 What would the papers say if some of the euthanized animals had indeed killed someone?

I'm wondering how LP would spin that one to be anti-hunting.