View Full Version : hunter recruitment

07-03-2015, 07:29 PM
Well figured I'd post this up and see how it goes. I'm a brand new hunter, got my number this year. After having always been curious about hunting I finally decided to just do it. There are two things as to why I hadn't started earlier; I have never been hunting, nor do I know anyone in my family or friends circle that hunts. Those two things make the idea of hunting pretty daunting so I was wondering if anyone out there would perhaps like to take a new hunter under their wing and show me enough to just get started.


Maybe you're in my situation. A city boy with no one to go out into the wilderness to see if you could harvest your own meat. I definitely wouldn't mind getting together with some other newbies and maybe go out, learn, and make mistakes together.

A little about myself, my name is Roberto, 28 years old, I live in Burnaby, in decent shape but definitely working on that. I've been slowly but surely getting myself all geared out (boots, pack, binoculars etc.) and I'd like to start off with targeting deer so I have been reading up on deer on this site as well as others and in a couple books I have picked up. Also been putting time on google earth to see if I might find a spot that looks promising.

So if anyone here maybe wants to get together and let me pick their brain, or is willing to take me under their wing, or join forces and give this hunting thing a go please post up or send a pm. Thanks for looking

10-02-2015, 11:53 PM
any luck finding partner?

10-03-2015, 03:29 AM
I think there's a thread on here somewhere for just this, helping guys and gals that want to learn about hunting find someone to give them a helping hand. I'll take a look and see if I can find it, and if so I'll try to post the link on here, Good Luck.

10-03-2015, 07:21 AM
Its great to see a city person making an attempt at getting out there. Hunting is something that you can pass on to your kids and its not always about getting something when you do go out. Its about just being out there and seeing nature.

Have fun and enjoy!

10-03-2015, 10:41 AM
I'm taking my brother under my wing for this season, but tell ya what, do you have and know how to use a compass??? How much practice do you have with your gun(s)??? After hunting season I'd be more than happy to take ya out for a good bushwhackin' snowshoe and teach ya some 'other' bush skills...shoot me a PM in December if your interested...

10-03-2015, 02:22 PM
I have sent you a pm

10-04-2015, 10:16 AM
Replied. I have heard from some guys and met up with one for a hunt. No success so far, my schedule ended up being busier than I thought so haven't been out as much as I would have liked. Been out a couple times by myself, I like to think I learned something every time but I have no idea to be honest haha. HarryToolips thats a generous offer I'll try to remember to get in touch with you in December, I'm trying to take in any and all information right now so that sounds perfect.

10-28-2015, 02:09 PM
I figured I'd throw in my own "partner wanted" post. I live in Squamish and I'm experienced in the mountains (climber) and in good shape. However like others here, my hunting experience is limited to grouse (most of my life) and a couple of deer hunts. I'm 46, own a truck, work a lot. I've seen plenty of local deer, just never when I'm actually out looking for them...anyway, if any locals or Vancouverites passing through want to get out one weekend day bright and early, let me know. I am hoping to be available for the Nov. long weekend also.