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View Full Version : Improving info search skills - Schedule C

06-01-2015, 11:58 PM
Hi folks, I'm a new hunter here, reading to take my CORE class soon. One of the skills we need as good hunters is the ability to find information and regulations. I am typically a guy who prides himself on doing just that: I research and typically find answers for myself, or at least more information. I have a couple questions that seem like they should have straightforward answers but so far I haven't hit the right googles.

I recall that feral pigs were added to Schedule C. It was big news briefly.* My question is this: I've looked up articles all announcing the revelation about Schedule C and feral pigs, but when I look up Schedule C it has no mention of feral pigs. In fact the only Schedule C I can find online falls under the MoE's Stewardship program for the Lower Mainland. There does not appear to be a corollary for other areas like the Okanagan. Does that Schedule C cover the entire province, or am I overlooking the lists for other MUs?

* If there has been a lack of great hunting for feral pigs since the announcement I think it must be because they were added to Schedule C as a preventative measure, not to address an existing problem. Consider the problem posed by invasive mussels and their threat to BC waters. No one wants to be chasing THAT horse after it's already out of the barn. Same for feral pigs, maybe? (Pun only partly intended.)

Anyway, why can't I find feral pigs on Schedule C when I know they were added?

Sofa King
06-02-2015, 12:07 AM
it's just typical bc redtape gobbly-gook rules and regulations.
there's regulations for regulations.
and wordings can be so vague and confusing that they can read this way or that.

06-02-2015, 06:48 AM
Hi folks, I'm a new hunter here, reading to take my CORE class soon. One of the skills we need as good hunters is the ability to find information and regulations. I am typically a guy who prides himself on doing just that: I research and typically find answers for myself, or at least more information. I have a couple questions that seem like they should have straightforward answers but so far I haven't hit the right googles.

I recall that feral pigs were added to Schedule C. It was big news briefly.* My question is this: I've looked up articles all announcing the revelation about Schedule C and feral pigs, but when I look up Schedule C it has no mention of feral pigs. In fact the only Schedule C I can find online falls under the MoE's Stewardship program for the Lower Mainland. There does not appear to be a corollary for other areas like the Okanagan. Does that Schedule C cover the entire province, or am I overlooking the lists for other MUs?

* If there has been a lack of great hunting for feral pigs since the announcement I think it must be because they were added to Schedule C as a preventative measure, not to address an existing problem. Consider the problem posed by invasive mussels and their threat to BC waters. No one wants to be chasing THAT horse after it's already out of the barn. Same for feral pigs, maybe? (Pun only partly intended.)

Anyway, why can't I find feral pigs on Schedule C when I know they were added?

Found the update on Feral pigs Sched C in the online regs


Page 14
Schedule C 4Schedule "C" animals can be killed anywhere and at any time in BC. Schedule “C” birds may be hunted using electronic calls. You do not need a hunting licence to capture, hunt or kill the following Schedule “C” wildlife: (a) Rana catesbeiana - American bullfrog (b) Rana clamitans - green frog (c) all species of the family Chelydridae - snapping turtles (d) Didelphis virginiana - North American opossum (e) Sylvilagus floridanus - eastern cottontail (f) Oryctolagus cuniculus - European rabbit (g) Myocastor coypus - nutria (h) all species of the genus Sciurus - gray squirrels and fox squirrels (i) Passer domesticus - house sparrow (j) Sturnus vulgaris - European starling (k) Columbia livia - rock dove (domestic pigeon) 4You do need a hunting licence to hunt the following Schedule “C” wildlife UNLESS you are hunting them on your property or they are damaging your property: (a) Corvus caurina - Northwestern Crow (b) Corvus brachyrhynchos - American Crow (c) Pica pica - black-billed magpie (d) Molothrus ater - brown-headed cowbird and the eggs of this bird species may be destroyed. 4Feral Pigs (see definition section): a hunting licence is required to hunt feral pigs on Crown land. it is an offence to possess or transport a live feral pig with the exception of a person who was the owner of the feral pig, or an agent of the owner, for the purpose of recapture and returning it to captivity or control.

06-02-2015, 09:39 AM
it's just typical bc redtape gobbly-gook rules and regulations.
there's regulations for regulations.
and wordings can be so vague and confusing that they can read this way or that.Well now, someone get that man a cup of coffee. Clearly, he's been denied his morning dose.

Found the update on Feral pigs Sched C in the online regs


Page 14
{snipped}Thanks, Stresd. So clearly, the regs have changed. It's just that one page that hasn't been updated.

So, it looks like I need:


for the basic synopsis (and other info), and:


for updates and in-season changes. Cheers!