View Full Version : NZ 2015 - the fishin part

04-21-2015, 09:55 PM
Well, for my 55th birthday I figured I needed to do something special...so I booked a trip to New Zealand at the SCI show in Feb 2014. My .275 was tested during the 2014 fall deer season and it was deemed more then up to the task. So after a year long wait I finally left on March 1st and stayed for a whole month. It is an absolute incredible place!!!
I spent a week hunting and 3 weeks fishing and sight seeing...not near long enough to see all the sights on the South island. I based the trip out of Christchurch and stayed off and on at the Te Oka Lodge in Kaiapoi......just like staying with family. Pete and Carolyn were great and Pete is a dyed in the wool huntin and fishin fanatic...it was perfect.
Now that I have been once and kinda know the process I'll be going back next March....just for the fishing :grin:

the huntin part is in the Out of Province section...

04-22-2015, 06:33 AM
Nice gift to yourself, Looks like a lot of fun ��

nature girl
04-22-2015, 07:33 PM
What a great birthday gift to yourself.

05-26-2015, 09:12 PM
It was a great trip. About the best thing I have ever bought for myself.... never been on that type of trip before and NZ was the right choice !!

Sofa King
05-26-2015, 09:14 PM
beautiful fish.
lucky bugger.
you're a helluva young-looking 55.

05-26-2015, 11:11 PM
Great looking fish and a helluva trip! Congrats and thanks for putting up pics!