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04-02-2015, 06:55 PM
Just got that survey in the mail today. Tossed it in the recycle bin and sent the nvelope back with a note asking why I should answer it? I pay for my license, my tags, what business of theirs is it how many days I hunted and if I was succesful?

I asked them them if it my information helped them reduce my LEH opportunities and decide on increased allocations for guide outfitters. Lol

signed my name and phone number, I wonder if they'll call?

04-02-2015, 07:03 PM
And you feel that's going to help hunting in British Columbia?

04-02-2015, 07:23 PM
im with coach . if it isn't even important enough for you to send back then why would you care on allocations???

04-02-2015, 07:29 PM
Just got that survey in the mail today. Tossed it in the recycle bin and sent the nvelope back with a note asking why I should answer it? I pay for my license, my tags, what business of theirs is it how many days I hunted and if I was succesful?

I asked them them if it my information helped them reduce my LEH opportunities and decide on increased allocations for guide outfitters. Lol

signed my name and phone number, I wonder if they'll call?

I say fill it out accurately and send it in.

I totally understand your frustration, but this "approach" will not change anything.

There are far better arenas to fight the fight in....

04-02-2015, 07:29 PM
From my knowledge, it helps the wildlife biologists and officials get an understanding of how many animals were harvested and how animal numbers are doing, so that they can look at trends over time to determine whether changes are needed to harvest numbers. If you hunted in an area for a long time and didn't harvest an animal, they'll assume the numbers in that area aren't doing well.

So no, you don't have to do it, but it's only going to come back on all of us if people don't participate.

04-02-2015, 07:33 PM
Harvest data is for the biologists.

The biologists have nothing to do with allocations, it is the MLAs who have and are doing that.

Understand your frustration!

04-02-2015, 07:33 PM
The person(s) receiving the survey have nothing to do with allocation decisions.

Edit: what he said ^^^^

04-02-2015, 08:42 PM
Just got that survey in the mail today. Tossed it in the recycle bin and sent the nvelope back with a note asking why I should answer it? I pay for my license, my tags, what business of theirs is it how many days I hunted and if I was succesful?

I asked them them if it my information helped them reduce my LEH opportunities and decide on increased allocations for guide outfitters. Lol

signed my name and phone number, I wonder if they'll call?

That's about as logical as kicking your dog because your boss is an asshole.

04-02-2015, 08:56 PM
Basing decisions on hunt days and harvest numbers seems like witch craft...
Some hunt, see lot's of game and still shoot nothing because they are looking for the one.
Others hunt, see little game, and shoot the first legal one they see.
I suck at hunting, so whatever I put in the survey means little.

fisher-dude, you know my boss???

04-02-2015, 09:07 PM
You know, T/S may have a point. Consider, we are expected to submit our answers to the benefit of the wildlife biologist, but the biologists do no get a clear picture because not all groups report. So what is the benefit of making a redundant disclosure? No benefit. In the end all it appears to accomplish is a reduction in our hunting opportunity.

04-02-2015, 09:15 PM
You know, T/S may have a point. Consider, we are expected to submit our answers to the benefit of the wildlife biologist, but the biologists do no get a clear picture because not all groups report. So what is the benefit of making a redundant disclosure? No benefit. In the end all it appears to accomplish is a reduction in our hunting opportunity.

That's what I think, seems like they are spending stamps (both ways) for nothing. I wonder how many surveys went out and what the cost of printing and mailing was. Then there is collating the incoming data and leaking it to GOABC, haha. Where is my tin foil hat!!!

04-02-2015, 09:45 PM
That's about as logical as kicking your dog because your boss is an asshole.

Makes SENSE if you knew Troutseekers Boss ! :lol: RJ

04-02-2015, 10:04 PM
Any data is generally better than no data. So you self proclaim that you suck at hunting and your info means nothing. Your info (at the very least) counts as another hunter in the field, pursuing something. Its effort, cpue (catch per unit effort) in fish terms. They can extrapolate numbers of dead animals by using the actual reported kills but the more people-days afield that can be accurately accounted equals a better estimate of interest, game killed, etc.

IMO you're doing hunters in general a dis-service by tossing the survey.


04-02-2015, 10:14 PM
I sent mine to Minister Thomson and asked him to fill it out and forward it to the biologists.

I also suggested that he tell those biologists what conclusions to arrive at so they don't have to waste their time with all that data.

I mean really, whats the big deal, it's only sixty animals we're talking about here.

04-02-2015, 11:07 PM
Perhaps a CAREFULLY thought out paragraph, along with the survey?
No harm....

04-03-2015, 07:19 AM
Just got that survey in the mail today. Tossed it in the recycle bin and sent the nvelope back with a note asking why I should answer it? I pay for my license, my tags, what business of theirs is it how many days I hunted and if I was succesful?

I asked them them if it my information helped them reduce my LEH opportunities and decide on increased allocations for guide outfitters. Lol

signed my name and phone number, I wonder if they'll call?

WTF?? Thats rediculous.

04-03-2015, 07:42 AM
I sent mine to Minister Thomson and asked him to fill it out and forward it to the biologists.

I also suggested that he tell those biologists what conclusions to arrive at so they don't have to waste their time with all that data.

I mean really, whats the big deal, it's only sixty animals we're talking about here.

Brilliant wish i thought of that

04-03-2015, 07:49 AM
http://troll.me/images/stoner-dog/this-is-your-brain-on-drugs.jpg (http://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.troll.me%2Fmeme%2Fstoner-dog&ei=SqgeVbi5CI-wogTxvIDQAQ&psig=AFQjCNF4xFLjNUpuI8pwTUtqJDJjNfT93Q&ust=1428158889660040)

04-03-2015, 07:49 AM
You can add comments to your paper copy, send it to Thomson, then do your survey on-line.

It would have been great to coordinate all hunters to do this. Everyone should write their letters to their MLA's and Thomson on the back of the paper copy. Purely symbolic, but fitting.

Wild one
04-03-2015, 08:01 AM
Was there not someone who finally said hunter surveys are really of little importance because the data collected through wildlife counts and mandatory inspections is what is really used :wink:

This came about on this form in the past over hunters complaining most of the surveys sent out had nothing to do with the species they hunted.

I still send mine in but I find it funny that suddenly hunters surveys are an important data source.

04-03-2015, 09:13 AM
Just to bad they dont collect more information. IE; weapon used. Days afield with one weapon can be quite different over another.

04-03-2015, 09:42 AM
You can add comments to your paper copy, send it to Thomson, then do your survey on-line.

It would have been great to coordinate all hunters to do this. Everyone should write their letters to their MLA's and Thomson on the back of the paper copy. Purely symbolic, but fitting.

Oh goody i found my paper copy.

Wild one
04-03-2015, 09:48 AM
Just to bad they dont collect more information. IE; weapon used. Days afield with one weapon can be quite different over another.

Would also like to see the survey upgraded so it collects more usable data. Right now it is missing a lot of variables and often the mail outs are not requesting data on enough species. Mainly I have been asked about wolf, game birds, and black bear rarely the survey has been about other species

04-03-2015, 09:50 AM
I have been asked about every species I have ever drawn and cougar

Wild one
04-03-2015, 09:52 AM
I have been asked about every species I have ever drawn and cougar

When I have been drawn for grizz it has always been added

Stone Sheep Steve
04-03-2015, 09:58 AM
Was there not someone who finally said hunter surveys are really of little importance because the data collected through wildlife counts and mandatory inspections is what is really used :wink:

This came about on this form in the past over hunters complaining most of the surveys sent out had nothing to do with the species they hunted.

I still send mine in but I find it funny that suddenly hunters surveys are an important data source.

The data that these Hunter surveys have yielded have corresponded well with over laying population survey data......or at least when we had more money for surveys. That's why they know he Hunter surveys have value.

Hunter days per kill is one of the most valuable pieces of information and corresponds well with population trends.

Wild one
04-03-2015, 10:17 AM
The data that these Hunter surveys have yielded have corresponded well with over laying population survey data......or at least when we had more money for surveys. That's why they know he Hunter surveys have value.

Hunter days per kill is one of the most valuable pieces of information and corresponds well with population trends.

Personally see how it can help and would like to see the survey improved

Biggest thing for me is the most commonly hunted species should be on most if not all surveys(it is a running joke between my self and friends and family I hunt with we rarely see deer on a survey). Days per kill could really have weapon used as this can skew the data without it. There is a lot more hunters picking up bows/crossbows in BC and North America.

04-03-2015, 10:30 AM
The data that these Hunter surveys have yielded have corresponded well with over laying population survey data......or at least when we had more money for surveys. That's why they know he Hunter surveys have value.

Its all about population trends.

Hunter days per kill is one of the most valuable tools.

WTF. How the hell does the number of days per kill have any relevancy on wildlife management?
Long time ago, when the earth was green and the moose were plentiful in the forest and LEH was the French version of "eh", I spent many days in the field in pursuit of game. It wasn't because I was a poor hunter. My logic was the sooner I bagged my moose, the shorter my season no longer the reason to go hunting. I liked the thrill of the hunt and the longer I could extend it the better. Ideally, bagging the moose near the end of the season was ideal. That didn't always happen.
We, the resident hunters bend over to comply with the whims of the wildlife managers and what does it get us? Reduced opportunity. Now we're squabbling over a pittance of LEH, like all those ponded little rainbow trout when it's feeding time.
So don't dump on Troutseeker. At least he made a statement of displeasure with his actions. What did the rest of you lemmings do?

04-03-2015, 10:53 AM
You can go out and not shoot anything, And see three mule y bucks. To me it just tells how many bucks are shot. Not how many are out in one area. I fill my cards that I get every year. One year I wrote then a nasty letter. That same year I got all my draws that I put in for. I only get questionnaires for the draws I put in for.

Stone Sheep Steve
04-03-2015, 12:00 PM
WTF. How the hell does the number of days per kill have any relevancy on wildlife management?
Long time ago, when the earth was green and the moose were plentiful in the forest and LEH was the French version of "eh", I spent many days in the field in pursuit of game. It wasn't because I was a poor hunter. My logic was the sooner I bagged my moose, the shorter my season no longer the reason to go hunting. I liked the thrill of the hunt and the longer I could extend it the better. Ideally, bagging the moose near the end of the season was ideal. That didn't always happen.
We, the resident hunters bend over to comply with the whims of the wildlife managers and what does it get us? Reduced opportunity. Now we're squabbling over a pittance of LEH, like all those ponded little rainbow trout when it's feeding time.
So don't dump on Troutseeker. At least he made a statement of displeasure with his actions. What did the rest of you lemmings do?

Luckily staitics and sample size accounts and for people like you. It shows an an average. Same as the guys who lie. There will always be 'x' and 'y'percentages of the people who lie outside the norm.

fowl language
04-03-2015, 12:49 PM
I would like to remind you all that if you do not fill out your request form the biologists will have no choice but to error on the side of caution which will equate to less opportunity.. the biologists are not the bad guys here.

Whonnock Boy
04-03-2015, 02:38 PM
That wouldn't be such a bad thing. Less opportunity for us equates to less opportunity for the guides, and it most likely would not be a detriment to wildlife. Might add up to 60 animals..... In converse, when clubs paid for inventory flights, and the guides reaped the benefits, nobody was compaining. Can't have their cake, and eat it too! ;)

I would like to remind you all that if you do not fill out your request form the biologists will have no choice but to error on the side of caution which will equate to less opportunity.. the biologists are not the bad guys here.

04-03-2015, 03:06 PM
That's about as logical as kicking your dog because your boss is an asshole.
LOL I booted my cat once for that reason...

04-03-2015, 03:12 PM
I always fill mine.With not much money for flights and counts it is the least we can do to help.At least i feel i do something good....in all of 2 minutes.I do understand the frustration of Troutseeker(he is not all wrong) but it is directed at the wrong target.Biologists need as much help as possible,they are not the enemy.

04-03-2015, 03:21 PM
That's about as logical as kicking your dog because your boss is an asshole.

Ha Ha. I thought you were your own boss.

Sofa King
04-03-2015, 03:28 PM
I would like to remind you all that if you do not fill out your request form the biologists will have no choice but to error on the side of caution which will equate to less opportunity.. the biologists are not the bad guys here.

why would they have no choice but to reduce the opportunities?
the survey forms should just be a rough, very vague guess/estimation tool that is applied to OTHER means that they are also employing.
these vague surveys should not be the main basis for their determinations.
if they are, then they aren't doing a whole hell of a lot now are they.

04-03-2015, 05:22 PM
Hunter numbers and harvest stats and days afield are important I think , but what about poaching , highway kills, and predatory kills. Every time I head down hwy 33 south of Kelowna, I see at least one road kill. Success rates of limited entry tags , with the days afield and all that help to some degree. Some hunters have better success rates than others due to skill level and experience of course. It pisses me off , but I've known of a few LEH draw "winners", that didn't even go out hunting for their draw animals .
I send in my questionairs every year.

04-03-2015, 05:36 PM
"what about poaching , highway kills, and predatory kills"

They are scientists. I'm sure they factor in those numbers and best they can.

I agree with fl. Give 'em all the data they can work with.

04-03-2015, 07:09 PM
Time to write a nasty letter, to better my odds.

fowl language
04-03-2015, 07:23 PM
did anyone read main basis in my last thread? It is PART of how they determine how wildlife is doing in a particular area or region. in one region, x number of traffic accidents with g bears determines how many if any g bears LEH tags are given out. as you all know they have very little funding for inventory so all info helps....dale

04-03-2015, 08:25 PM
It is impossible to do detailed assessments of every species in every region.... So no matter how much money is available for surveys (yes there should be more) you need some broad data. the science is clear that hunter effort and hunter success are good, if incomplete, data sources. If hunter success crashes it's a really good indicator a population is in trouble and we should all welcome that hunter opportunity is reduced when populations are in Trouble. The reverse is true that if hunter success climbs greatly for more than a year, it can be a sign populations are up and more opportunity is warranted.

Good ideas on how to update the survey (bow technology has changed the game in some areas) but in general don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Please submit your surveys and if you do it online you save some poor person the time to re enter your data from a paper dorm. So do it online!

04-04-2015, 08:56 AM
Ha Ha. I thought you were your own boss.

Sorry Fishy. My wife told me to apologize. Even though I told here it was a joke.:oops:

04-04-2015, 09:23 AM
Just to bad they dont collect more information. IE; weapon used. Days afield with one weapon can be quite different over another.

Ha Ha What a Troll ! LOL :wink: RJ

Wild one
04-04-2015, 09:31 AM
Ha Ha What a Troll ! LOL :wink: RJ

A man stating an opinion on what he would like to see is not a troll. So he is a bowhunter who would like to see data collected on what he does not like he is hiding that.

What would be the harm in what he suggested? New to BC's survey yes but it is info requested on some surveys out side of BC

Now calling a man out because you seem to have a problem with his support of bowhunting is trolling for a response.

04-04-2015, 09:32 AM
Ha Ha What a Troll ! LOL :wink: RJ
Not at all. If our position is supporting biologists and sound science based wildlife management. Estimating days afield per kill is important. Collecting additional information is important.

FYI to someone who raised question about other mortality causes. Last I checked, Highways kill data and rail kill data is made available as well.

04-04-2015, 09:51 AM
That's about as logical as kicking your dog because your boss is an asshole.

Yup....bang on.

04-04-2015, 11:25 AM
Just to bad they dont collect more information. IE; weapon used. Days afield with one weapon can be quite different over another.
It should be one of the questions I agree with you JT. I filled mine out and stated at the top that I was bow hunting. Its frustrating to say the least as the data collected does not tell them how many animals I saw per day & makes it look like the area I was hunting has no animals! That in turn could have a area put on LEH or shut down. I seriously think the system needs a serious overhaul.

04-04-2015, 12:06 PM
They should ask if,and how many animals and spicies you saw on a given trip regardless of wether or not you were successful. This might help, or are they worried about over reporting sightings? Anyone know?

04-04-2015, 12:30 PM
What good would it do having a section asking how many animals you saw? Aside from the fact that hunters are biased and exaggerate, the government would be getting some very inaccurate info, no doubt.

04-04-2015, 12:31 PM
It should be one of the questions I agree with you JT. I filled mine out and stated at the top that I was bow hunting. Its frustrating to say the least as the data collected does not tell them how many animals I saw per day & makes it look like the area I was hunting has no animals! That in turn could have a area put on LEH or shut down. I seriously think the system needs a serious overhaul.

This is just simply not true.

04-04-2015, 01:45 PM
This is just simply not true.
Ok please explain what you mean?

04-04-2015, 01:46 PM
I also always fill mine out. This isn't about politics its one small piece of a big puzzle and the bios need every piece they can get. Help them help us. I also write on that I was bow hunting because I think they should ask this. It is important to calculate hunting days per kill ratios.

04-04-2015, 01:52 PM
What good would it do having a section asking how many animals you saw? Aside from the fact that hunters are biased and exaggerate, the government would be getting some very inaccurate info, no doubt.
As it is now they are not getting the full picture! Asking how long you hunted for & if you killed anything is giving them what info? If I hunted for ten days and shot nothing how does that help them.I could have seen 100 animals and not shot one! Or I could have hunted for ten days and seen & shot one animal. Actually after thinking this through this is a waste of time and funds that could have been used on better projects, what a load of crock!

04-04-2015, 02:01 PM
well considering that so many people like to claim they are meat only hunters wouldn't they shoot the first meat animal :lol:

Wild one
04-04-2015, 02:15 PM
well considering that so many people like to claim they are meat only hunters wouldn't they shoot the first meat animal :lol:

Yep the Kamloops sheep draw odds are really high because of all the hunters looking for a sheep steak LMAO

04-04-2015, 02:17 PM
As it is now they are not getting the full picture! Asking how long you hunted for & if you killed anything is giving them what info? If I hunted for ten days and shot nothing how does that help them.I could have seen 100 animals and not shot one! Or I could have hunted for ten days and seen & shot one animal. Actually after thinking this through this is a waste of time and funds that could have been used on better projects, what a load of crock!
I share the same sentiments.

04-04-2015, 02:23 PM
Just to bad they dont collect more information. IE; weapon used. Days afield with one weapon can be quite different over another.

I like it. They should ask if your gun is Tacticool, and if you were wearing camo gore tex. :)

JK. Some of my rifles are Tacticool, but my clothes aren't. Army surplus for this boy. I have answered the questionnaire before. I try to be as specific as possible.

04-04-2015, 02:32 PM
I always attach comments. Easy to do and I presume they get read and possibly considered. Some is anecdotal info of course, but some is just facts, as in weapon used, hunt objectives and info that would influence success factors.

04-04-2015, 02:47 PM
Hunters survey is only a very small part of the puzzle. What about what First Nations take , What about winter kill, what about whats hit on the hwy , what about what predators take , and what about whats poached, That's why they still do surveys from planes.

04-04-2015, 06:53 PM
I've been filling out these surveys since they started sending them. Since then I've seen a marked decline in almost all big game species and hunting opportunities. But bear in mind I'm old and remember what used to be.

How the ministry has screwd this up to this point is beyond any reasonable comprehension. The mismanagement of a once prolific resource in this province is bordering on criminal.

They must be using the data to help reduce wildlife populations......or at least that's the way it seems.

Frustrated old guy regards,

04-04-2015, 07:10 PM
Lol that was awful silly of you... was it because of your persistent unsuccessful hunting years making you angry ? As was said if you don't have time to fill it out why take the time to send a letter that will get you know where. Who cares if they know how long you hunted for and what region and all the tags you didn't fill every year. The govt is still happy. Keep buying them tags ;)

04-04-2015, 08:05 PM
To answer your question, my guess is that they will not call you back.

I suspect they have better things to do than deal with someone with panties all in a knot.

Failure to respond to the survey is not helping anyone; hunters, wildlife biologist and others working with BC wildlife.

With time and maturity I hope that you may come to understand that its not all about pleasing you.

04-04-2015, 09:12 PM
Lol that was awful silly of you... was it because of your persistent unsuccessful hunting years making you angry ? As was said if you don't have time to fill it out why take the time to send a letter that will get you know where. Who cares if they know how long you hunted for and what region and all the tags you didn't fill every year. The govt is still happy. Keep buying them tags ;)
Cmon now, the OP was ignorant to the importance of these surveys, and was directing his frustration at the wrong avenue of government, but no need to kick him in the nads...

04-04-2015, 09:36 PM
What good would it do having a section asking how many animals you saw? Aside from the fact that hunters are biased and exaggerate, the government would be getting some very inaccurate info, no doubt.

There are issues with asking people to just report numbers as humans have notoriously poor memories. However there is a very cool program in Alberta for hunters to report moose sighting using iPhones. It's run by the university of Alberta and is designed to correct for human error (record it when and where you see it).

The use of "citizen science" is growing by leaps and bounds due to improvements in technology and can be very effective if it's done right. I think one of the bios in region six is looking into it. If they did that, they would still want the data from the annual hunter survey. Every modern wildlife manager does one for a reason...they are useful.

04-04-2015, 10:21 PM
well considering that so many people like to claim they are meat only hunters wouldn't they shoot the first meat animal :lol:
Jup I would shoot the first legal animal, if it presented me the perfect kill shot! If I was using a rifle the last two seasons,I would have filled my freezer 10 times over lol ! A 10 day bow season is a joke,bow season should be all season and give bow hunters a better chance of harvesting a animal. Bow hunting requires allot more skill, than rifle hunting.So when it comes to the questioner, "my" last two seasons and me reporting I shot nothing after 10 days of hunting,per season & 12 years of having a "hunter number"(semi experienced hunter), must mean the elk numbers in the area I was hunting must be low! My last two years in elk camp 9 guys hunting 10 days per season 20 days total, I have seen ONE dead elk in camp & I am hunting with veteran bow hunters with many years experience!As one of the "Old timers" posted in this thread, shit aint getting better & I'm sure its got allot to do with the info they are getting! More restictions on Resident hunters from A questioner that is flawed!

Gun Dog
04-05-2015, 08:20 AM
As it is now they are not getting the full picture! Asking how long you hunted for & if you killed anything is giving them what info? If I hunted for ten days and shot nothing how does that help them.I could have seen 100 animals and not shot one! Or I could have hunted for ten days and seen & shot one animal. Actually after thinking this through this is a waste of time and funds that could have been used on better projects, what a load of crock!So they should spend 1000x as much money on road blocks and mandatory inspections? A survey is a cheap way to understand how many people hunt and where they hunt. They need information to decide if the existing regulations and allocations are correct. Or what projects should be funded. I realize that some people prefer to make decisions with zero information but generally the more data the better.

I'd guess that the GOABC provides exact information about their hunting.

Bernie O
04-05-2015, 09:29 AM
I realize the system can and should be improved on but it takes very little time so why not just do it.
I have always filled mine out like religion and I don't know if it makes a difference but my LEH success is at about 75%.

04-05-2015, 09:52 AM
Jup I would shoot the first legal animal, if it presented me the perfect kill shot! If I was using a rifle the last two seasons,I would have filled my freezer 10 times over lol ! A 10 day bow season is a joke,bow season should be all season and give bow hunters a better chance of harvesting a animal. Bow hunting requires allot more skill, than rifle hunting.So when it comes to the questioner, "my" last two seasons and me reporting I shot nothing after 10 days of hunting,per season & 12 years of having a "hunter number"(semi experienced hunter), must mean the elk numbers in the area I was hunting must be low! My last two years in elk camp 9 guys hunting 10 days per season 20 days total, I have seen ONE dead elk in camp & I am hunting with veteran bow hunters with many years experience!As one of the "Old timers" posted in this thread, shit aint getting better & I'm sure its got allot to do with the info they are getting! More restictions on Resident hunters from A questioner that is flawed!

Not sure I understand your highlighted comment. Nothing in the regs says you can't hunt from Aug to Dec with a bow.

04-05-2015, 11:02 AM
Jup I would shoot the first legal animal, if it presented me the perfect kill shot! If I was using a rifle the last two seasons,I would have filled my freezer 10 times over lol ! A 10 day bow season is a joke,bow season should be all season and give bow hunters a better chance of harvesting a animal. Bow hunting requires allot more skill, than rifle hunting.So when it comes to the questioner, "my" last two seasons and me reporting I shot nothing after 10 days of hunting,per season & 12 years of having a "hunter number"(semi experienced hunter), must mean the elk numbers in the area I was hunting must be low! My last two years in elk camp 9 guys hunting 10 days per season 20 days total, I have seen ONE dead elk in camp & I am hunting with veteran bow hunters with many years experience!As one of the "Old timers" posted in this thread, shit aint getting better & I'm sure its got allot to do with the info they are getting! More restictions on Resident hunters from A questioner that is flawed!

Its pretty simple to understand really, the more animals there on the landscape, the higher the success the average hunter will have and the shorter the time it will take to kill. The opposite is also true, the fewer the animals, the lower success will be and the longer it will take for the average hunter. Like somebody else said, it's been correlated with trends in survey numbers before.

I don't know why some hunters have such a problem providing information on resource use of a resource they love and want to see managed properly.

04-05-2015, 03:09 PM
So they should spend 1000x as much money on road blocks and mandatory inspections? A survey is a cheap way to understand how many people hunt and where they hunt. They need information to decide if the existing regulations and allocations are correct. Or what projects should be funded. I realize that some people prefer to make decisions with zero information but generally the more data the better.

I'd guess that the GOABC provides exact information about their hunting.

I have no problem with the survey, I think its a great way for the "biologists" to gather much needed data to make decisions. I think they could be getting a more accurate picture if they asked what weapon you were using, ie bow!

I think It should be mandatory for you to hand your cut tag in after the season if you harvested an animal. With a discription of where you hunted,when you hunted, weapon used & how many days you hunted! That would save them mailing out the survey and $$$$! The onus would now be on the hunter to comply. Make the first nations do the same & we will have a better picture.:razz:

04-05-2015, 04:43 PM
Not sure I understand your highlighted comment. Nothing in the regs says you can't hunt from Aug to Dec with a bow.
I dont think there should be any antler ristrictions for bow hunters, ie 6 point elk ect as its already hard enough to harvest any bull with a bow!

04-05-2015, 05:40 PM
those random questions are absolutely useless.. yous ask 5 guys 5 different questions and wait for one of them to give you answer? and also , we never know those results.. that should be survey absolutely everybody has to do if he wants to hunt next season and us as hunters we must to know the results of it!!! used to do this survey right away when i got it in mail , now i dont give a pppppuck. if they dont help us , why we should help them , let them ask quiders...

Sofa King
04-05-2015, 06:36 PM
wouldn't it make almost as much sense to just go get the butchers' information.
they have everyone's names and animals harvested and regions taken in, etc.
one butcher can give them lots and lots of data.

04-05-2015, 07:32 PM
SK. That's exactly what they do here. The best harvest data comes from the local butchers.

04-06-2015, 11:56 AM
How do they estimate the number of animals poached, or killed without license in 'traditional' hunting areas? Should these numbers affect how they do their voodoo? :-)

04-06-2015, 12:00 PM
I dont think there should be any antluer ristrictions for bow hunters, ie 6 point elk ect as its already hard enough to harvest any bull with a bow!

Haha, really? I guess we'd all be switching to crossbows then, and there would only be 6 point bulls left in the bush. C'mon, let's use some common sense...:-)

04-06-2015, 12:32 PM
Well, I think this conversation has digressed in too many tangents. Too many tangents to effectively be discussed.

As I see it, wildlife counts, population estimates etc, are very distinct from 'harvest' data. Other criteria for estimating mortality (FN, Poaching, Predation, disease, Rail and Highway) should be outside of this discussion. They are factors, but largely not predictable and with no management control.

For the most part, the harvest questionnaire is not intended to assist in the estimation of wildlife populations. Asking hunters to estimate how many animals they saw introduces far to much error. Most hunters will see 50 elk as 100 elk.

For me, the harvest questionnaire assists managers in estimating how committed hunters (GOS and LEH) are to pursuing game. If we have an LEH, how committed were we to achieving a kill? Do we take advantage of the seasons created. If not, why not?

The harvest questionnaire supports the determination of harvest models. If we let out 100 LEH, and 10 are harvested (10% success rate), does it meet our management objectives? If not, what can we do to create enhanced opportunity. IE, increase LEH, introduce other opportunities.

This is not about 'there should be more bowhunting'. We can not position this discussion with that as an objective. No, this is about creating a link between seasons created and hunter trends. About capturing information that allows Management to consider the fine tuning to LEH opportunities. Or hopefully, provide regional advisory groups the information to consider refinement to seasons we have, or introduction of other measures, (vehicle access, bow seasons, changes to LEH) to meet the wildlife management objectives while 'creating' and maximizing hunting opportunity.

04-06-2015, 12:55 PM
I filled mine out accurately and sent it in. But I also included my contact info in the event they felt that they may need more information to better make decisions on wildlife enhancement.

04-06-2015, 01:25 PM
Haha, really? I guess we'd all be switching to crossbows then, and there would only be 6 point bulls left in the bush. C'mon, let's use some common sense...:-)

Ha ha yes really!!! Ive hunted since I was 6 years old, started off with a slingshot shooting birds, & than progressed to rifle, I shot my first big game animal when I was 11, Im in my early 40s now & have shot many critters with a rifle in my life.
Two seasons ago I started using a bow and can tell you from first hand experience that it is way harder to harvest "a" animal with a bow,than it is with a rifle!
When it comes to antlers I cant eat those & when It comes to elk, not everyone wants a six point! Have you ever tried to count tines on a elk? You should try and do it in thick shit at 20 yards and confirm 6 tines through all the trees and brush & crap,most times in mere seconds and still get an arrow off to make a ethical kill! So we get 10 measly days a season to accomplish this, WTF! I could have sniped quite a few animals from a distance with a rifle, in my last two seasons if I was using one.
So really the season for bow hunters should be allot longer & should not have antler restrictions as it is already a very low success hunt! Creating more hunting opportunities with special weapons and longer special weapon seasons is a win win for all hunters :-)

04-07-2015, 07:18 AM
For the most part, the harvest questionnaire is not intended to assist in the estimation of wildlife populations. Asking hunters to estimate how many animals they saw introduces far to much error. Most hunters will see 50 elk as 100 elk.

The harvest questionnaire is supposed to give dead-side data from which we can infer population dynamics and trends.

With landscape changes and government's 'silo' approach to natural resource management a hunter reporting app is going to give us significantly better information about wildlife populations than harvest stats.

There is tremendous potential in developing a convenient hunter reporting product.