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View Full Version : Region 8 in September

03-27-2015, 10:26 PM
Hey everybody, so long story short is our groups planning our deer hunts for the year and we're not going to be hunting our normal labour day weekend area. We want to try something new so we're going to give region 8 a try for the September 1-9 bow season. I have never hunted 8 this early and have no idea where to go in September for an early season bow hunt. Main target would be muleys, nothing of trophy calibre just some dumb opening day 2 points. Please don't roast me alive on here for asking for spots I just need a direction of where to go, not asking for honey holes. Scouting isn't really an option as we all lead busy lives between work, school and families, any help at all would be appreciated, thanks!

03-27-2015, 10:31 PM
Pretty much anywhere in 8 will put you on to deer. Where you coming from? Guessing the coast so I would say pick a road off the connector set up camp and go hunting! Good luck

03-27-2015, 10:52 PM
Thanks monashee

03-27-2015, 10:53 PM
Pretty much anywhere in 8 will put you on to deer. Where you coming from? Guessing the coast so I would say pick a road off the connector set up camp and go hunting! Good luck

No disrespect to the thread starter but monashee is dead on. Dont expect to get GPS numbers where to hunt you just gotta do your homework. Sad to say region 8 is starting to become not a " hunter vs deer, but a hunter vs hunter on getting the same deer". Nothing wrong with region 8 but if your looking for a high class deer just like the next hunter your gonna have to find placer where the next hunter wont go, but past the area where the 2x2 area bucks are and go over the next mountain where the monster bucks live. My suggestion is, and its not so you dont hunt region 8 but to try region 4 where there is mule, whitetail and elk and also areas where trucks cant go which means hunters wont go and smoke and big buck. Best of buck!

~shot from the buck~

Sofa King
03-27-2015, 11:01 PM
as said above, pick a spot.
the deer are there in September where they'll be in November.
most of hunting is luck and timing, so your odds are just as good as the next guy's.
you may be expecting/hoping to just get a "dumb opening day 2 point", but those nice, big 4's will be right in there amongst them.

03-28-2015, 12:43 AM
That early they will be grouped up where you find one you may find 6 or more together. Better shot at elk as well for early bow in the koots good luck. Anywhere in 8 3 or 4 you will see animals. Passed up lots over the years with the bow early season. Looking for Mr big

03-28-2015, 05:55 AM
go north of vernon, lots of country and lots of muledeer. But as said just about anywhere in region 8 has muledeer

03-28-2015, 06:57 AM
Hey everybody, so long story short is our groups planning our deer hunts for the year and we're not going to be hunting our normal labour day weekend area. We want to try something new so we're going to give region 8 a try for the September 1-9 bow season. I have never hunted 8 this early and have no idea where to go in September for an early season bow hunt. Main target would be muleys, nothing of trophy calibre just some dumb opening day 2 points. Please don't roast me alive on here for asking for spots I just need a direction of where to go, not asking for honey holes. Scouting isn't really an option as we all lead busy lives between work, school and families, any help at all would be appreciated, thanks!

Darn near everyone lives a busy life-Once you narrow down an area try and take even a little bit of time to scout it, it will make life so much easier come September even if you only get a day of hiking around this summer.

Good luck

Wild one
03-28-2015, 09:50 AM
Personally I would recommend picking an area in region 8 that holds good numbers of both mule deer and WT. Early season archery can be hot and restrict deer movement to only the coolest parts of the day. Because of this I would recommend picking an area you can go fishing to kill time as well.

During this season I find high elevation or near water the way to go.

Like I said pick an area with both species of deer I have found if you target the border of WT and Mulie habitat you can get a crack at both waiting out travel routes.

Really you stand a chance in any MU in region 8 it's more about how you choose to hunt the area

03-28-2015, 01:37 PM
Thank you everyone for pitching in, it's very appreciated, have a great day.

03-28-2015, 02:30 PM
where about were you thinkin? princeton?

03-28-2015, 03:33 PM
The closer you are to the lower mainland, the more people out with their youth hunters trying to tag out the kids in that same week.

If you're set on region 8. I'd suggest the eastern part of it. Whitetail there too.

03-28-2015, 09:31 PM
mule deer pops are hurting in region 8...gos on wt does is having a huge effect...that's only according to locals so can't really be sure..come on over and buy some gas.

03-28-2015, 10:02 PM
mule deer pops are hurting in region 8...gos on wt does is having a huge effect...that's only according to locals so can't really be sure..come on over and buy some gas.

Im seeing more WT in parts of region 8 in the last couple seasons in winter range than ever before.. As for Muleys, haven't been seeing them as much, but where I'm going I'm seeing all WT so I'm guessing it's the WT pressuring them out of some areas...It would be nice if they did some muley buck:doe ratio counts I'll agree with you there.

03-28-2015, 10:30 PM
Im seeing more WT in parts of region 8 in the last couple seasons in winter range than ever before.. As for Muleys, haven't been seeing them as much, but where I'm going I'm seeing all WT so I'm guessing it's the WT pressuring them out of some areas...It would be nice if they did some muley buck:doe ratio counts I'll agree with you there.

Yeah, I rarely see more than 60 mule deer in a morning of hunting. Hardly ever see more than a dozen bucks on those days. Unlikely that any of the twin fawns are bucks either. Huge crisis.. Better make the whole region non-resident only..

03-28-2015, 10:33 PM
where about were you thinkin? princeton?

Region 8, (like most of our regions) is larger then many Countries. Perhaps narrow it down to NW, SE, etc with out giving away your honey hole....

03-28-2015, 11:01 PM
mule deer pops are hurting in region 8...gos on wt does is having a huge effect...that's only according to locals so can't really be sure..come on over and buy some gas.

There's an endorsement of your hunt right there! Aggie wants you to stay home with tall tales about depressed game populations, so you know you should come on over and set up yer camp! Good luck!

03-28-2015, 11:46 PM
Around Cherryville is a good bet, lots of wt around too. Mulies up high. Kettle river fsr maybe too! Elk out there and lots of both deer early season, fish the kettle...

Wild one
03-29-2015, 06:55 AM
mule deer pops are hurting in region 8...gos on wt does is having a huge effect...that's only according to locals so can't really be sure..come on over and buy some gas.

I would say this depends on the location

In popular WT areas I would say the WT doe season had an effect on population but even more so it had an impact on the WT's habits. Still solid hunt able populations but numbers are lower and they deer are more skittish. The goal was to impact WT numbers and it is working.

I would say mule deer numbers are down in areas but not all. I would also say the WT doe season created a larger harvest on mule deer bucks. The WT doe season created an increase in pressure in the areas the 2 species in habit and mule deer bucks are being taken as animals of opportunity. Running the WT doe season during any buck mule deer did not help in my opinion.

It depends on the MU's and locations within the MU's you hunt. Still some great deer hunting in region 8

Salmon Belly
03-29-2015, 07:49 AM
Region 8 is very large - wherever you decide on, you should try to get as high as you can. Also, any chance you can sneak in a day-trip in May/June? Tends to be great weather for scouting, and Reg 8 high-up bears are excellent table fare. I'm not a bow hunter, but from the past few years of spring bear hunting I imagine you can get in close as they're focussed on feeding.


03-29-2015, 09:06 AM
Im seeing more WT in parts of region 8 in the last couple seasons in winter range than ever before.. As for Muleys, haven't been seeing them as much, but where I'm going I'm seeing all WT so I'm guessing it's the WT pressuring them out of some areas...It would be nice if they did some muley buck:doe ratio counts I'll agree with you there.

I dont know about the whitetail pushing mule deer out, but I agree mule numbers are way down compared to years ago, mature bucks are at a minimum

03-29-2015, 09:09 AM
I would say this depends on the location

In popular WT areas I would say the WT doe season had an effect on population but even more so it had an impact on the WT's habits. Still solid hunt able populations but numbers are lower and they deer are more skittish. The goal was to impact WT numbers and it is working.

I would say mule deer numbers are down in areas but not all. I would also say the WT doe season created a larger harvest on mule deer bucks. The WT doe season created an increase in pressure in the areas the 2 species in habit and mule deer bucks are being taken as animals of opportunity. Running the WT doe season during any buck mule deer did not help in my opinion.

It depends on the MU's and locations within the MU's you hunt. Still some great deer hunting in region 8

great post I agree!

03-29-2015, 09:20 AM
Yeah, I rarely see more than 60 mule deer in a morning of hunting. Hardly ever see more than a dozen bucks on those days. Unlikely that any of the twin fawns are bucks either. Huge crisis.. Better make the whole region non-resident only..
LOL you been laid lately?:mrgreen: I'm definitely not saying there is a crisis, I'm just saying it would be nice if they did some buck/doe MD counts, there are areas I hike that are traditional muley winter ranges, and all I'm seeing is WT... I am still seeing MD in good numbers in many areas...maybe you should take a semi-rookie hunter like myself as your pack-mule with ya so I can see all these bucks your seeing:mrgreen:...

03-29-2015, 11:46 AM
Having hunted certain areas of area 8 since 1969 I find that some areas have more White tail and less Mulies but not all.There are areas still with many Mulies but in the areas where I mostly hunt the Mulie population is way down.Move over to another close area where I also hunt there are lot and lots of Mulies and few Whitetails.It depends on the habitat.

03-29-2015, 12:04 PM
It will be hot so plan on staying at a lake so you can fish midday.

Generally speaking the west side of OK lake has more muleys and lots of roads. Pick one, there should be deer running around.

Good luck.

03-29-2015, 02:35 PM
LOL you been laid lately?:mrgreen: I'm definitely not saying there is a crisis, I'm just saying it would be nice if they did some buck/doe MD counts, there are areas I hike that are traditional muley winter ranges, and all I'm seeing is WT... I am still seeing MD in good numbers in many areas...maybe you should take a semi-rookie hunter like myself as your pack-mule with ya so I can see all these bucks your seeing:mrgreen:...

I'm flattered, Harry, but I'm already in a committed relationship. Even if I wasn't, I don't think.it would go over well with the GO's if you tried to trade me "services" in exchange for taking you hunting.. :lol:

Anyway, just got back from a short drive - spotted 20 MD, lots of them last year's fawns and a few of them showing nubs where their antlers will start to show in the next couple months. I also saw 30 sheep and a shit load of moose sign..

With another mild winter in the books, MD numbers should continue to build in the Okanagan. 2015 will be a good year for the OP to fill a tag in our area.

The Dawg
03-29-2015, 02:46 PM
I'm flattered, Harry, but I'm already in a committed relationship. Even if I wasn't, I don't think.it would go over well with the GO's if you tried to trade me "services" in exchange for taking you hunting.. :lol:

Anyway, just got back from a short drive - spotted 20 MD, lots of them last year's fawns and a few of them showing nubs where their antlers will start to show in the next couple months. I also saw 30 sheep and a shit load of moose sign..

With another mild winter in the books, MD numbers should continue to build in the Okanagan. 2015 will be a good year for the OP to fill a tag in our area.

Is there a place to leave a boat on the shore near there?

03-29-2015, 02:48 PM
Is there a place to leave a boat on the shore near there?

Not without the risk of having to answer to the authorities.. :roll:

The Dawg
03-29-2015, 02:49 PM
Not without the risk of having to answer to the authorities.. :roll:

Uh...whats wrong with parking a boat on the shore line? Am I missing something?

03-29-2015, 02:55 PM
Uh...whats wrong with parking a boat on the shore line? Am I missing something?

Totally different area than where I was today, but if my understanding is correct, it has to do with something called economic viability. Big words that I have tremendous difficulty comprehending.. :shock:

Whonnock Boy
03-29-2015, 03:06 PM
Don't know about you guys, but this thing or entity called "economic viability" can pound sand.

something called economic viability

03-29-2015, 03:11 PM
Hey everybody, so long story short is our groups planning our deer hunts for the year and we're not going to be hunting our normal labour day weekend area. We want to try something new so we're going to give region 8 a try for the September 1-9 bow season. I have never hunted 8 this early and have no idea where to go in September for an early season bow hunt. Main target would be muleys, nothing of trophy calibre just some dumb opening day 2 points. Please don't roast me alive on here for asking for spots I just need a direction of where to go, not asking for honey holes. Scouting isn't really an option as we all lead busy lives between work, school and families, any help at all would be appreciated, thanks!

PM me and I'll give you some places to try. Not a big fan of posting spots on an open forum.

03-29-2015, 03:55 PM
PM me and I'll give you some places to try. Not a big fan of posting spots on an open forum.

PM on its way.....:wink:

03-29-2015, 06:45 PM
I'm flattered, Harry, but I'm already in a committed relationship. Even if I wasn't, I don't think.it would go over well with the GO's if you tried to trade me "services" in exchange for taking you hunting.. :lol:

Anyway, just got back from a short drive - spotted 20 MD, lots of them last year's fawns and a few of them showing nubs where their antlers will start to show in the next couple months. I also saw 30 sheep and a shit load of moose sign..

With another mild winter in the books, MD numbers should continue to build in the Okanagan. 2015 will be a good year for the OP to fill a tag in our area.
LOL no I like the Harry too lips:mrgreen:....

03-29-2015, 07:18 PM
I've never seen whitetails "push mule deer out," but I have seen areas where the habitat changes to favour whitetails and the mule deer tend to move to areas that favour them.

I've also seen areas where we bagged a bunch of whitetails for a few years running change to our seeing only mule deer in the past year or two.

I think people don't always comprehend why they see variances in ungulate populations over the years, and hence the blame put on the wrong thing, be it whitetails, Indians, black bear cubs :mrgreen: , hunting regulations, etc.

03-30-2015, 04:13 PM
As GG said.....be prepared for the heat.
Not uncommon to be pushin 30 degrees early September.
Can't have enough ice and water in camp!

Do your homework as some region 8 spots are seeing a significant erosion in MD numbers while others are stable.

One member commented that, "hunting is mostly luck and timing".......I couldn't disagree more.
Success comes to those that do their research, plan accordingly and execute.
Do your homework and your odds of success will go up dramatically and you will get your chance(s) at a region 8 MD.
Leave luck to the slot machines.

Just common sense stuff but it amazes me how many hunters that just hunt blind.

Good luck!

03-30-2015, 10:16 PM
less is still less.....

03-31-2015, 01:13 PM
less is still less.....

Too bad you never did anything about the "less" that Minister Thomson fed you. Would have been nice to see you at a rally supporting other resident hunters.

03-31-2015, 02:28 PM
Lots of deer in princeton / tulameen, but both areas are BUSSSY. Early bow season might help but there is still a lot of pressure scaring the deer off into their hideouts

03-31-2015, 09:08 PM
I left keeping up the BCWF`s good name to you FD and did not attend...just wrote letters....I think your record is skipping.

04-01-2015, 01:55 PM
One member commented that, "hunting is mostly luck and timing".......I couldn't disagree more.
Success comes to those that do their research, plan accordingly and execute.

Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Luck is a product of a good plan meeting opportunity...................

04-02-2015, 07:21 AM
As GG said.....be prepared for the heat.
Not uncommon to be pushin 30 degrees early September.
Can't have enough ice and water in camp!

Do your homework as some region 8 spots are seeing a significant erosion in MD numbers while others are stable.

One member commented that, "hunting is mostly luck and timing".......I couldn't disagree more.
Success comes to those that do their research, plan accordingly and execute.
Do your homework and your odds of success will go up dramatically and you will get your chance(s) at a region 8 MD.
Leave luck to the slot machines.

Just common sense stuff but it amazes me how many hunters that just hunt blind.

Good luck!

I agree luck has very little to do with it knowledge is the key

04-02-2015, 08:08 AM
the last few years where I hunt seems to have gotten better for mule deer, mind you I now save my tag for the last few days of rifle season or for the late season bow hunt...it has taken me ten years to really learn the spot I hunt but last year in 6 days I saw 27 different 4 points, I ended up killing a buck smaller than a few that I should have but I wanted a buck with mass so I took what got.

04-02-2015, 08:48 AM
the last few years where I hunt seems to have gotten better for mule deer, mind you I now save my tag for the last few days of rifle season or for the late season bow hunt...it has taken me ten years to really learn the spot I hunt but last year in 6 days I saw 27 different 4 points, I ended up killing a buck smaller than a few that I should have but I wanted a buck with mass so I took what got.

That is good to hear as I was informed a few weeks ago there were only a couple of 4 pts turned into butchers in all of Region 8 and that all the bucks were shot during the any buck season before they became 4 pts.

04-02-2015, 09:08 AM
That is good to hear as I was informed a few weeks ago there were only a couple of 4 pts turned into butchers in all of Region 8 and that all the bucks were shot during the any buck season before they became 4 pts.

Did it lose something in the translation from french?

As always in hunting, the more knowledge one has about an area, the better they can find deer at given times of the year and for given weather conditions. The OP ought to spend a family weekend cruising/camping the backroads of the area he plans to hunt before the season just to rule out unlikely areas and key on the better ones. That would go a long way toward success during his hunting holiday.

Iron Glove
04-02-2015, 10:23 AM
Please stay away from the Tulameen area.
All deer hunting in the Tulameen area is LEH - "Lazy Elderly Hunters" so please leave the few deer in the area to us. :)

04-02-2015, 12:15 PM
That is good to hear as I was informed a few weeks ago there were only a couple of 4 pts turned into butchers in all of Region 8 and that all the bucks were shot during the any buck season before they became 4 pts.
maybe its because I hunt a rutting area and I have a solid flow of does starting their estrous cycle, but it seems like a lot of bucks cruise through the area looking for does. 90% of my trip is spent behind a spotting scope and the rest is on foot. but, the area we hunt still has a lot of smaller bucks as well.

we went for an early meat hunt in close proximatey to where I hunt and my dad and wife both connected on young bucks... its all time put in in my opinion. all areas put out deer its more about what your willing to do and how hard your willing to work for them.

04-02-2015, 01:16 PM
That is good to hear as I was informed a few weeks ago there were only a couple of 4 pts turned into butchers in all of Region 8 and that all the bucks were shot during the any buck season before they became 4 pts.

Lmao.. I believe that was just before the coach became unglued..:lol:

04-11-2015, 08:46 PM
The town of Princeton has lots of them wandering around. They're so socialized they even use the crosswalks. lol

04-11-2015, 09:07 PM
I'm gettin a decent amount of both WT and MD bucks on my t cams in recent years in reg 8.... last year I was seeing a few decent 4 point MD bucks in velvet, all before the season opened of course:mrgreen::mrgreen:

04-11-2015, 09:49 PM
one of my favourite songs by Supertramp was dreamer....

04-11-2015, 10:15 PM
one of my favourite songs by Supertramp was dreamer....

I'm sure the OP is loving your optimism. Thanks for contributing so much positive energy to this site.. :smile:

04-11-2015, 11:09 PM
Please stay away from the Tulameen area.
All deer hunting in the Tulameen area is LEH - "Lazy Elderly Hunters" so please leave the few deer in the area to us. :)

Dont worry, ill hire a kid to toss salt blocks out of the back of my truck, all the way up the FSR on the way in! :-)

04-12-2015, 09:23 AM
Most of the best hunting is in the eastern portions of 8. The western area has been producing less and less game every year due to the quick accessibility and hunting pressures from the heavily populated areas. To get into the better hunting now one generally has to start around Rock Creek and east.

04-12-2015, 09:34 AM
Most of the best hunting is in the eastern portions of 8. The western area has been producing less and less game every year due to the quick accessibility and hunting pressures from the heavily populated areas. To get into the better hunting now one generally has to start around Rock Creek and east.
Disagree...I'm seeing decent pops of both mulies and whitetail in the western reg 8 parts that I frequent..yes it would be nice if they could do some buck:doe ratio counts for the MD, although I'm seeing bucks here and there + a decent amount of bucks on my T cams in recent years.

04-12-2015, 09:54 AM
hey I know lots of delusional optimists.

04-12-2015, 09:55 AM
hey I know lots of delusional optimists.

Says the ultimate pessimist.. :-D