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View Full Version : Totally Green

02-23-2015, 01:31 PM
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and to hunting. Just finished the CORE and got my hunter number a few days ago. This is something I've wanted to do for a very long time but don't know anyone who hunts so I got tired of waiting and decided to go for it. But annnywaaays, I'm just looking for some help trying to find a general area to go come this deer season. Not looking for anyones spots or anything, just mainly asking for a nearby town or whatever, any info you're willing to share, on an area where I might have a decent chance of success that is a reasonable distance (3-4 hours max) from where I live (Langley). Im looking to hunt mostly off my back. The idea of road hunting doesn't appeal that much to me, but im in no way against it, just not my preferred choice of route to go. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help out a total newb.

02-23-2015, 01:35 PM
I would be headed towards the kamloops area. Check google earth and the land title maps for ownership....(lots of private around there) and find good areas. When I lived there greenstone burn was one of my favorite places, as it is a restricted access for vehicles area, and seemed to hold a lot of game.

02-23-2015, 01:37 PM
Thanks tinhorse, i'll check it out

02-23-2015, 01:46 PM
merritt,Kamloops,barrier, lots of deer in these areas

02-23-2015, 02:05 PM
Thanks monsheemountainman, I guess its best just to get up into these areas and start looking around.

02-23-2015, 02:06 PM
Thats awesome Carnicorous! Good on ya for taking it into your own hands. What are you hunting with for a weapon?

02-23-2015, 02:13 PM
Thanks for the kind words BearSupreme. Right now I've got a Savage 16 in .270. Not the highest quality weapon, but with everything else I needed to buy to get moving on this endeavour, the price was right.

02-23-2015, 02:17 PM
From Oysyooyos to Cache creek, all have good deer. I started hunting penticton when i was new and could hunt whities and mule and the odd moose

02-23-2015, 02:35 PM
Carnivorous! (Meat Eater!) Welcome to a sport that's not only fun and get's you outside in weather that most sane people would stay at home with a good book in front a warm fire, but it is also very rewarding when you do it right! What may help you out a bit is letting everyone know how old you are, are you eligible for the youth hunt,are you a drinker, smoker, etc. That way if a guy takes you out deer hunting you don't chain smoke and drink beer all day in his truck! I too would say around Kamloops is a good bet, if a guy puts in a few good days around here, I'm pretty sure you'd get a crack at a 2 or 3 point buck. I can't walk much anymore, but spend a lot of time running my quad all over the hills around this area, so, if all else fails, keep in touch and I'll try to send you into a decent spot up here. Welcome aboard!

02-23-2015, 02:41 PM
Pinatan Lake is where the hunting action is!!!! LOL

02-23-2015, 02:45 PM
Anywhere you go from Langley and drive 3-4 hours will be good.

02-23-2015, 02:49 PM
Anywhere you go from Langley and drive 3-4 hours will be good.

Just don`t head SOUTH .....Sorry I had to

02-23-2015, 02:52 PM
Don't forget to put in for the Muley doe draw for 3-29 for Nov.. It's a good if not forsure hunt... Might even find good Muley buck

02-23-2015, 03:30 PM
Thanks for the kind words BearSupreme. Right now I've got a Savage 16 in .270. Not the highest quality weapon, but with everything else I needed to buy to get moving on this endeavour, the price was right.

Thats more than enough, that will take down anything you want. Hunting has a never ending price tag, just wait until you get into game camera's lol Are you going for bears in the spring? Do you have a good gutting knife yet? Ive been a butcher for about 9 years so if you need any advice on knives or where to get them, send me a pm!


02-23-2015, 04:06 PM
Wow, lots to reply to so I'll try to do it all at once. But thanks in advance for everyone's comments. As for a little bit about me, i'll be 32 in a couple days, very rarely drink and don't smoke. Although I'm new to hunting, I've spent lots of time hiking in the alpine and have been fishing for the last 15 years or so, so not new to the outdoors, just to hunting. I will definitely be putting in for a doe tag, so thanks on the heads up of a good area to try. I would really love to try the spring bear hunt this year, but its coming up fast and I don't know if i'll be fully equipped by then or not. I'm hoping. Some friends said Boston Bar could be good, so I may take a look around there. So far for knives, all I've gotten is the havalon piranta but I know I need a bigger knife too. Getting there one pay cheque at a time lol.

02-23-2015, 05:46 PM
Don't forget to put in for the Muley doe draw for 3-29 for Nov.. It's a good if not forsure hunt... Might even find good Muley buck

3-30 is also a good bet for the doe draw. I was able to tag out last year on the first day in the first couple hours. Put some miles on the boots anywhere in the bush and you'll be amazed at what you see.

02-23-2015, 07:08 PM
Stuffers Supply in Langley is a great company to deal with and has the best prices for pretty much everything. Here is the knife I use for gutting

You will never need another gutting knife again if you get one of those. Id recommend a pocket steel for a knife like that. Its very sharp, but if you hit a tooth or a rock they can dull up really quick. I got one like this except it has a black handle.


02-23-2015, 07:50 PM
Thanks pj, I'll look into that too. And thanks again bearsupreme I will definitely go there. The prices are much better than I was looking at lol. Do you think I'd need a separate boning knife? Or an Axe?

02-23-2015, 07:56 PM
I can gut a deer in ten minutes with a swiss army knife. Don,t get to caught up in gear. You have a rifle that is fine for deer ,elk, moose and black bear.You sound eager and are an outdoors guy already. Hunt hard and hunt the rut and you will eventually be successful.Enjoy your first season and keep us informed,welcome to HBC.

02-23-2015, 08:17 PM
Thanks pj, I'll look into that too. And thanks again bearsupreme I will definitely go there. The prices are much better than I was looking at lol. Do you think I'd need a separate boning knife? Or an Axe?

Ive heard of people having success with an axe quartering up big game like moose and elk, but you wont need it for deer or bear. You can do everything with a knife on those buggers. If they are too big to handle in once peice, you can cut down 1 or 2 ribs in from the hind side. Cut all the way down through the sides and the loin, and then just twist the animal and the spine will pop out. Its easier to do right before the ribs, but when you do that the flank (side of the gut area) falls against the tenderloins and doesnt cool as fast and can get sticky and moldy. If you leave a couple ribs on it will hold that meat out a bit more. I havent had to do it much, but something to think about. Lots of videos on deboning game in the field if you're into that. I like to leave it in bigger chunks and age it longer. You loose more when you age it in boneless loins.
For hunting bear this spring, all you really need (other than your gun and ammo) would be a knife and some old sheets you can wrap the meat in to keep the blood off your backpack when you are hiking out. Sheets keep the flies and dirt off and breath unlike plastic bags. Binoculars are handy too, but you might have those already.

02-23-2015, 10:22 PM
3-30 is also a good bet for the doe draw. I was able to tag out last year on the first day in the first couple hours. Put some miles on the boots anywhere in the bush and you'll be amazed at what you see.

This is my doe draw this year, I'll let you have it next year lol, if you do get it this year either of the areas mentioned should be easy to get your doe out of. I wouldn't worry about much gear for a spring bear, a good knife, binoculars, a pack and your gun and you're pretty much good to go.

02-24-2015, 09:14 AM
No need to go crazy with gear. A knife of even questionable quality will get the job done, just have a way of sharpening in the field. I think any blade longer than 4" is overkill, even for moose. Rifle, ammo, knife. A back pack with game bags, compass, sharpener, fire starter, flagging tape, spare wool sweater. Hunt. Have fun! Spring bear is a great time, just make sure there are no cubs.

02-24-2015, 11:13 AM
Well everyone's comments are definitely motivating. It's obvious to me now that I have been over thinking all of this too much. I'm looking forward to getting out there in a few months and finding a nice blueberry fattened bear. Thanks everyone.

02-24-2015, 01:18 PM
agree with the above. dont get too carried away with gear till after your first year or two when you get a better idea of what you need and what "your" type of hunting requires.

02-24-2015, 01:41 PM
If you're going out alone for your first animal, make sure you watch as many YouTube videos as you can on processing an animal after the shot. Learn how to gut, skin and quarter because knowing what you're doing will keep your meat clean and unspoiled.

02-24-2015, 03:57 PM
Carnivorous - I know lots of guys that live in your neck of the woods and they only drive 2-3 hours which puts them into good deer country with lots of success! Check out google earth, find an area that you like and go explore. Look for deer sign and make note of it. Explore the area so you are very familiar with it and know where the animals prefer. You will too be successful.

02-24-2015, 08:54 PM
There's good odds you wont tag out season 1, especially without a spot. Im a bout to start my second spring (started fall 2013) and still only harvested a couple grouse.

If you go for spring bear feel free to message me closer to, but I probably won't get out till mid may due to work and wedding. Im a rookie though too so don't expect much from me hahaha.

Lots of country within drive of the mainland for deer and bear. Lots of wild country right out our backdoors if you put in the work to climb back to it.

02-24-2015, 10:19 PM
No need to go crazy with gear. A knife of even questionable quality will get the job done, just have a way of sharpening in the field. I think any blade longer than 4" is overkill, even for moose. Rifle, ammo, knife. A back pack with game bags, compass, sharpener, fire starter, flagging tape, spare wool sweater. Hunt. Have fun! Spring bear is a great time, just make sure there are no cubs.
What he said...get this equipment, it's not expensive yet very valuable...and as was mentioned go out for spring bear, who knows maybe you'll find a good deer spot for the fall..

03-06-2015, 05:48 PM
Hey Carnivorous, I'm also in Langley, lifetime fisherman/backcountry hiker turned hunter and last year was my first season. I was lucky enough to connect with some deer last season up in the QCI plus my dog and I have been nailing grouse. He's a newbie too. Like you I overthought the gear situation until my head spun but have a handle on it now. Shoot me a pm and we can talk gear, spots etc. and of course fishing. Stoked for your first season...your gonna love it.

ps good call on the .270.

03-06-2015, 06:53 PM
hi carni..u already have a great knife(piranta)...so the only thing extra to possibly go with that is a small game saw?...good for wood and bones if needed!..ur on your way! good luck! larry

walks with deer
03-06-2015, 07:57 PM
Don't over think gear and do not worry about camp just dress to stay warm and have pack ready to stay a night. A metal cup and cups of soup in there. A candle to get her warm.

03-06-2015, 09:14 PM
Hunting is like a game of texas hold- em , In the end its a learning experience , you can read about it . get told stories about it . watch other people , on TV , but until your actually doing it . there is no substitute for the man hours hands on . glassing , driving ,walking, quading ,crying, laughing ,eating , shivering ,overheating ,bleeding . each time out will test you in ways you dont expect . updating , upgrading , uploading, researching . the list goes on . It will never end ...

06-29-2015, 07:22 PM
I can gut a deer in ten minutes with a swiss army knife..

I dont think he was asking how fast you could gut a deer .. besides ten minutes is pretty slow for a man of your vintage any ways ! Lol all joking aside

Mr carnivor head to the east or to reg 3 i would not be surprized if you ran into a legal animal before you get to your planned destination anyways ! Google earth is your friend . Be safe take care and good luck out there this season and many to come .. welcome to the most enjoyable way of life and the healthyest !


06-29-2015, 07:29 PM
Heading east of Langley within 2 hr you'll be into deer country. Pick a spot, go have fun.