View Full Version : Help the guys coming from Kelowna and Kamloops and buy a bus seat

02-20-2015, 04:59 PM
There are a lot of guys that are putting in a lot of effort towards making this island Rally a reality and a success, and my hat is off to them. I really haven't done squat other than put up a couple of posters at the gun club, make some calls to some hunters and send a few emails. I will however be at least a head count on the island on the 2nd. I've done nothing compared to what the organisers are doing and I think a lot of us are in that same boat.
So I just thought that maybe some of the guys that aren't able to make it to the island for the Victoria Rally and some that are already down here, could maybe step up and buy a seat on the buses that are coming from Kamloops and Kelowna. It will at least help with the costs to the guys that are making the trip for the benefit of all of us and maybe help fill some buses. I believe the costs are around a $100.00 from Kelowna and $80.00 from Kamloops and the contacts are Ruttinbuck for Kamloops and Daybreak for Kelowna. If I have made any mistakes in the info someone please correct it. PM coming your way Daybreak
Lets go guys time to step and help you fellow hunters and help fill these buses, we're all in it together and need all the bodies we can get at the Legislature