View Full Version : Cariboo MLA - Donna Barnett

02-12-2015, 12:47 PM

The B.C. government has adjusted its plan to give guide outfitters and their non-resident clients a greater share of big-game hunting permits, after protests from resident hunters around the province.
When the plan was announced in December, the government calculated that it represented a shift of 168 animals in limited-entry hunt areas from resident hunters to guide outfitters.
After listening to the protests, Forests Minister Steve Thomson announced Friday that is being adjusted to a shift of about 60 animals to guide outfitters.
The changes affect bull elk and either-sex elk permits on Vancouver Island, moose in the Thompson and Omineca regions, bison in the Peace region and bighorn sheep and grizzly bear in the Kootenays.
“I made slight revisions to the hunts for moose, bighorn sheep, grizzly bear, Roosevelt elk and bison to address the concerns I heard after the decision was released,” Thomson said.
When asked why there were no changes to permit allocations in the Cariboo Region, MLA Donna Barnett told the Tribune Thomson heard all concerns and asked his staff to do some more analysis.
“The changes are made to the hunts that the BC Wildlife Federation expressed the most concern about,” Barnett said. “There were no concerns expressed about any of the wildlife allocation splits in the Cariboo.”
Barnett said one of the reasons changes were made in December was because previous allocations had rendered some guide outfitters’ businesses unviable.
“While there are still some slight reductions to resident hunters for the most the allocation splits are consistent with historic harvest levels by both groups,” Barnett said. “I still support the hunters and the guide outfitters.”
There are 34 limited-entry hunts in the province that are divided between resident hunters and guide outfitters, who typically guide clients from the U.S. and Europe. Resident hunters enter a regional lottery for the available opportunities.
In December the ministry confirmed that the changes for Region 5 in the Cariboo would result in some losses of hunting allocations going from resident hunters to guide-outfitters.
For 2015 the ministry predicted the number of grizzly bear LEH authorizations for resident hunters will drop from 138 to 114, with 24 going to guide-outfitters.
For moose it will drop from 2,447 to 2,400, with 47 going to guide outfitters and for mountain goat, the LEH authorizations for resident hunters will drop from 67 to 65.
According to the Ministry of Forests, there are more than 102,000 resident hunters in the province; up from 82,000 only 10 years ago, and there are approximately 245 licensed guide outfitters in the province employing over 2,000 people.
“I look forward to working with the BC Wildlife Federation and Guide Outfitters Association of B.C. on ways we can all work more effectively together on wildlife management,” Thomson said Friday.
- With files from Tom Fletcher

The Dawg
02-12-2015, 12:51 PM
The changes are made to the hunts that the BC Wildlife Federation expressed the most concern about,” Barnett said. “There were no concerns expressed about any of the wildlife allocation splits in the Cariboo.”
Barnett said one of the reasons changes were made in December was because previous allocations had rendered some guide outfitters’ businesses unviable.
“While there are still some slight reductions to resident hunters for the most the allocation splits are consistent with historic harvest levels by both groups,” Barnett said. “I still support the hunters and the guide outfitters.”

And yet no mention of BCWF or Resident hunter involvement in the Leg....

D. Barnett: Today I also would like to welcome some of my colleagues' constituents, who I have had the pleasure of doing a lot of work with: Mark Werner, Michael Schneider, Brian Glaicar, Dixie Hammett and Scott Ellis from the Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia.

02-12-2015, 01:04 PM
you think she would start a backlash against her own leader by supporting residents? its all about $$$$

The Dawg
02-12-2015, 01:12 PM
you think she would start a backlash against her own leader by supporting residents? its all about $$$$

She supports the residents...to their face.

02-12-2015, 01:25 PM

02-12-2015, 01:34 PM
Barnett said one of the reasons changes were made in December was because previous allocations had rendered some guide outfitters’ businesses unviable.
I didn't think it was the government's job to keep guide outfitters viable.

02-12-2015, 01:39 PM
I didn't think it was the government's job to keep guide outfitters viable.
Only when they give you $$$ for your campaign and your party.

02-12-2015, 02:31 PM
Another letter following the party line.Donna we don't need your "support".We already got that "support" from Bill Bennet his buddy Steve and Crispy.See you next election.Real estate might pick up in the Caribou.

02-12-2015, 04:00 PM
Again no consistency to any of the numbers they randomly throw out.The revised policy statement claimed a transfer of 60 animals and a loss of 600 opportunities. Throne speech Q&A Thompson claimed new policy only resulted in 475 loss opportunities (this only a few days after the news release).Reading the above statement from Barnett the number is already 71 animals.This cadre of clowns have no idea what the true impact is.They prove it every time one of them makes a statement.If you're going to deceive the public,at least coordinate your storiers.CLOWNS!!!!!

Stone Sheep Steve
02-12-2015, 04:51 PM
The truth is always the easiest to thing to remember.

Vladimir Poutine
02-12-2015, 05:08 PM
Tom Fletcher- Nuff said.

02-12-2015, 06:54 PM
Only when they give you $$$ for your campaign and your party.

Probably get flamed for this.......but.........Maybe we should have been doing the same thing and donated as well. Things might have turned out better for us.

Ride Red
02-12-2015, 07:02 PM
Probably get flamed for this.......but.........Maybe we should have been doing the same thing and donated as well. Things might have turned out better for us.

Sad but possibly true. I do know one thing, my company has been running for 20 years now and I highly doubt I'd get a handout if it was to go under.

02-13-2015, 12:37 AM
Hello fellow Resident hunters. I just want you all to know we have been working to get Donna turned around here in 100 Mile House. I am very disappointed to read her comments in the W Lake Tribune. We have believed GOABC has used our MLA to work at taking down the 2007 Policy. Thank you for finding and posting the info welcoming the registered lobbyists in Victoria, I was looking for that! Dawg!
There have been 5 letters in our paper to show Resident frustration with this issue. We are planning a Rally in front of the MLA's office on SAturday feb 28th at 11 am.. Anyway I wanted to let you all know a small group of us have been trying to inform the locals that our MLA was one of the main MLA,s fighting since 2007 for GOABC. We also feel that many of the problems and restrictions started very close to home . Over the years we have found MOE in Williams Lake are very difficult to work with.

02-13-2015, 12:56 AM
rng5hunt, 100% correct.

yamadirt 426
02-13-2015, 08:42 AM
thanks rgn5hunt

02-13-2015, 09:16 AM
Nice work i will be sure to tell my buddy in 100 mile about the rally.

02-20-2015, 02:10 PM
Region 5 Update I have done some research and found that Donna is in charge of a committee for Rural economic development. Of course they promote jobs and firmly believe they are doing the province better by shifting allocations into the industry of guiding. This committee and MLA are reporting to Steve Thomson and Tim Sheldan. There is strong resistance to the Wildlife allocation Policy coming out of the South Cariboo. The 100 Mile Free press had an add from Exeter Sporting Goods to promote our Rally thanks to the owner. 1 disgruntled outfitter did write the paper and claims to have lost 80% of his R 3 quota with Thomson ammendment to the policy.

02-20-2015, 02:12 PM
Region 5 Update I have done some research and found that Donna is in charge of a committee for Rural economic development. Of course they promote jobs and firmly believe they are doing the province better by shifting allocations into the industry of guiding. This committee and MLA are reporting to Steve Thomson and Tim Sheldan. There is strong resistance to the Wildlife allocation Policy coming out of the South Cariboo. The 100 Mile Free press had an add from Exeter Sporting Goods to promote our Rally thanks to the owner. 1 disgruntled outfitter did write the paper and claims to have lost 80% of his R 3 quota with Thomson ammendment to the policy.

which outfitter?

02-20-2015, 02:51 PM
I don't know much about the outfitter named Chris Condie but I looked on the moe outfitter map. The portion of Region 3 in his area is about the size of the Wall Mart parking lot and the part in region 5 is a Hobby size. Of course the public and politicians don, t know the whole story. Other than that I do believe he worked for Stue M several years ago.

02-20-2015, 04:58 PM
Condie's appeal. Dismissed.


Another waste of time, money, resources, and volunteer time/money (Mr Pfleiderer's) to defend a sound decision.

It appears that the GO didn't give much of anything for evidence.

[29] Although the Regional Manager provided detailed submissions and
documents in support of his decision, the Appellant did not provide any reply
[30] The BCWF provided submissions to the Board which generally support the
2007 policies and procedures, and support of the Regional Manager’s decision.

Vladimir Poutine
02-20-2015, 06:08 PM
Condie's appeal. Dismissed.


Another waste of time, money, resources, and volunteer time/money (Mr Pfleiderer's) to defend a sound decision.

It appears that the GO didn't give much of anything for evidence.

[29] Although the Regional Manager provided detailed submissions and
documents in support of his decision, the Appellant did not provide any reply
[30] The BCWF provided submissions to the Board which generally support the
2007 policies and procedures, and support of the Regional Manager’s decision.

I read the decision. I wonder what your opinion is of the section where he challenged the Decision based on his take that the GO area is "property" and therefore subject to different rules. He didn't provide any evidence to support this. I know that we are not in the US, but my spidey senses go off when I hear this type of thing. In the US the SCOTUS made that ruling that Corporations are "people" and therefore have the same rights as citizens. We are in the midst of this Allocation debacle because of the stroke of a pen. Is it beyond the realm of possibilities that we could one day lose the rights as citizens in relation to Crown assets?

02-20-2015, 06:22 PM
The appeal process should have a way to weed out these small complaints on tiny areas with no sheep, no, goat , no grizz. The history of them were to add revenue for old timers that had ranches and woodlots ect. These little areas were never stand alone territories . A real waste of time for the appeal.

02-20-2015, 08:31 PM
One has to wonder what the costs are regarding the repetitious appeals the GO's keep filing.There should be a mechanism in place to recover costs for these frivolous appeals!

02-20-2015, 09:55 PM
Again no consistency to any of the numbers they randomly throw out.The revised policy statement claimed a transfer of 60 animals and a loss of 600 opportunities. Throne speech Q&A Thompson claimed new policy only resulted in 475 loss opportunities (this only a few days after the news release).Reading the above statement from Barnett the number is already 71 animals.This cadre of clowns have no idea what the true impact is.They prove it every time one of them makes a statement.If you're going to deceive the public,at least coordinate your storiers.CLOWNS!!!!!

73 you missed the 2 Grizz

02-20-2015, 11:05 PM
Tuner is 100% Right the politicians are trusting what Scot Ellis is telling them, and that is a huge mistake because we are well informed . It is a sickening scene. The Politicians and GOABC were hoping that the resident hunters were asleep just before Christmas and they would close the deal. They have been feeding the non hunting public a line of crap ever since December. One of the sad things is I believe they made it legal for foreign companies to own a guide territory, that is the worst thing possible. That is what happened in Europe and they are opening the door for the same thing here.

02-20-2015, 11:19 PM
Tuner is 100% Right the politicians are trusting what Scot Ellis is telling them, and that is a huge mistake because we are well informed . It is a sickening scene. The Politicians and GOABC were hoping that the resident hunters were asleep just before Christmas and they would close the deal. They have been feeding the non hunting public a line of crap ever since December. One of the sad things is I believe they made it legal for foreign companies to own a guide territory, that is the worst thing possible. That is what happened in Europe and they are opening the door for the same thing here.

Yes they did, which is another reason we are all so angry. The number of guide outfitters continually being thrown out is 250, there is actually less than 250 that are BC residents, some are foreign owned. Some of the animals we are losing are going to them and any money made on them, is leaving the province. Not staying in the provincial economy as some Politicians and GOABC executives claim to deliberately attempt to deceive the unknowing BC public.

02-21-2015, 02:21 AM
One has to wonder what the costs are regarding the repetitious appeals the GO's keep filing.There should be a mechanism in place to recover costs for these frivolous appeals!
There should be a fixed cost for the appeal . I see they are up to 50 or 60 pages for some of them. Every thing is costly these days. A simple fine for not wearing a seat belt is near 200 bucks. An appeal is way more time and some professional people. Any one hire a lawyer or biologist lately. ..?

02-21-2015, 04:19 AM
During the wildlife act review government actually recommended to itself to get rid of the ability to appeal quota.

oddly enough the ability to appeal quota was retained blowing huge amounts of taxpayer $$$ and wildlife biologists time.

doubt there was any politics involved in that.........