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View Full Version : coyote care

11-24-2004, 12:44 PM
I'm pretty sure that there is a certian way in which a coyote should be skinned if intended for sale....but i'm not 100% on what that method is. And what should be done to the hide to prepare it for resale? I'm thinkin of holding on to any hides i get this year and trying to find a way to unload them towards the end of winter (fur auction?). what methods are legal for someone not holding a trappers licences to sell fur? any help from those with info or experience in these issues would be great. thanx

11-24-2004, 06:24 PM
Hey Tank,
Coyote's are case pelted ,leather side out. Properly pelting a coyote for sale to get maximum price for a hide takes time to learn. I think the best way for you to learn would to be to take the Trapper Education Course. It teaches you how to properly prepare an animal for market. Other than that the best way would be the internet I suppose. As far as I know the only way to legally sell them is with a trapper licence. Possibly a taxidermist may want to buy them off you so you may want to check with one of them.

11-24-2004, 06:56 PM
Tank, you need to case them as Walker says. And then they need to be stretched on a stretching board. Make your cut up the legs from the anus, split the tail and then pull the hide off iso it stays intact. Do not gut the critter. After you have it skinned, turn it hair side out and throw it in the washing machine. Hand wring it as drya s you can. Turn it skin side out and put it on the stretching board. After it is stretched you have to turn it hair out again. Use a brush on it, make it look good.


11-24-2004, 07:28 PM
a washing machine? i had know idea you could throw a fresh hide in the washer with out some bad consequences! sounds pretty easy if works. After it comes out of the washer do you have salt it?

11-24-2004, 08:37 PM
trying to answer my own questions, I came across this info on skinnin coyotes and other stuff...


11-25-2004, 02:12 AM
i have never done it but i have been told if u do it make sure u were good gloves cuz u can catch some nasty diseases from dog blood...

11-25-2004, 08:28 AM
yes dont dick aroud with wild dog blood, especialy wolves , and there guts , bad stuff can come of it , also Tank I beleive in order to sell at a furrier auction you need a trappers licence (I may be wrong there) and I have yet to hear putting a hide through a washing machine green ?

if your looking for some hands on Tank around xmas break my little bro is firing up the trapline again , him and Chris are going to do a xmas break run and your more than welcome to come out for a day and check out how and what we use for skinning and prepping for fur auctions

11-25-2004, 09:37 AM
PM sent bones...

11-25-2004, 07:07 PM

give that a try

11-25-2004, 08:28 PM
thats a great site willer exept they buck the legs off if you wanted to use it as a wallhanger it would be whooped, but gives the perfect description of "tubeing" a dog

11-26-2004, 06:19 AM
Yup a washing machine. It is an old Indian trick. I ain't kidding. Back when Lynx were real high in the late 70' or early 80's an old Indian I knew was getting the high price in Canada consistently. And washing in a machine was part of his routine. He took them to a laundromat. :)


11-26-2004, 08:47 AM
interesting no doubt , dont think i would try it with my luck the dam thing would get wound in the spinner thingy and some old brood would come out and kick my @SS with a mop for even thinking of it :lol: