View Full Version : BC RESIDENTS that are GOABC GUIDES

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01-10-2015, 06:08 PM
Answer to your question. ALL areas of the allocation policy need to be corrected, including and in particular the Rosie elk. The focus is on the allocation policy, period. We can and will move on to predator control when this issue is done, BUT not until a fair and just allocation policy is implemented.

Right! First things first!

01-10-2015, 06:15 PM
What has been done since 2007 nothing on predators OK just say it. Once this round is resolved nothing again.

01-10-2015, 06:26 PM
What has been done since 2007 nothing on predators OK just say it. Once this round is resolved nothing again.

If it is a legislated 90/10 the GOABC will pretty much have to focus on predator control to increase the actual numbers of ungulates. The money that went to political donations would perhaps have been spent on predator control instead.

01-10-2015, 06:46 PM
If it is a legislated 90/10 the GOABC will pretty much have to focus on predator control to increase the actual numbers of ungulates. The money that went to political donations would perhaps have been spent on predator control instead.
Need a lot more money then that and we residents need to kick in too.

Stone Sheep Steve
01-10-2015, 06:54 PM
Need a lot more money then that and we residents need to kick in too.

We need to start with legislating that our monies generated from licensing going back into wildlife management instead of general revenue.
We could certainly use the extra $4-6 million.

01-10-2015, 07:12 PM
Need a lot more money then that and we residents need to kick in too.

It's a start and I'm sure the BCWF would support such a program. A fellow I know shot 3 wolves last year and the Cattleman's association paid him a very handsome bounty. I suspect they would support such programs too.

01-10-2015, 07:17 PM
We are doing something about out-of-control predation on resident's wildlife right now. Wolves are next on the hit list.

Good one Ambush ... went just over their heads though I fear! Put the next one right in the boiler-room.

01-10-2015, 10:20 PM
absolutely, financially we need to ensure the gov't spends the funds to take care of the problem.. and collectively we can take steps to make sure they do... once this issue is over

Still doesn't explain why this hasn't started in 2007.

01-10-2015, 10:36 PM
I have to laugh at all the wisdom, or lack of on the predator issue.
Outfitters are supposed to bust their butts killing wolves so they can justify keeping a share of the wildlife harvest.
It's great when a Cattlemens Association bucks up and puts cash out for dead wolves.

Then we have the resident hunter who is the beneficiary of the other groups addressing predator issues. A few hunt wolves and kill them, others are just out there wasting time and educating wolves on how to stay alive. Some don't hunt them because they don't eat them. Some don't because they're to cheap to buy the gas to go hunt them. And so it goes... on and on.

And to the best of my knowledge no resident hunter group has funded a predator control program of any scale.
But man can they bitch if they don't get 1 moose that they're entitled to.
Im sure I'll be corrected on this by the union. In the meantime wildlife is being turned into turds.

01-10-2015, 10:46 PM
Still doesn't explain why this hasn't started in 2007.

Maybe because the money was spent on environmental appeals. The BCO article states these appeals in the Kootenay region alone cost 1 full month of staff time and two weeks of lawyer time in 2013.

And the issue is a red herring. The MAIN issue is the allocation policies and how they need to change.

01-10-2015, 10:48 PM
I have to laugh at all the wisdom, or lack of on the predator issue.
Outfitters are supposed to bust their butts killing wolves so they can justify keeping a share of the wildlife harvest.
It's great when a Cattlemens Association bucks up and puts cash out for dead wolves.

Then we have the resident hunter who is the beneficiary of the other groups addressing predator issues. A few hunt wolves and kill them, others are just out there wasting time and educating wolves on how to stay alive. Some don't hunt them because they don't eat them. Some don't because they're to cheap to buy the gas to go hunt them. And so it goes... on and on.

And to the best of my knowledge no resident hunter group has funded a predator control program of any scale.
But man can they bitch if they don't get 1 moose that they're entitled to.
Im sure I'll be corrected on this by the union. In the meantime wildlife is being turned into turds.

Why don't you tell us what percentage of wolves need to be killed in order to stop reducing their population? And then explain how hunters sitting out by a foxpro are going to be able to kill that % of wolves.

01-10-2015, 11:05 PM
Why don't you tell us what percentage of wolves need to be killed in order to stop reducing their population? And then explain how hunters sitting out by a foxpro are going to be able to kill that % of wolves.

Sitting on the couch is going to kill less.
Until you can get BC's Wolf Management Plan changed you're SOL getting government killing wolves to make more wildlife other than in the case of a few almost extinct groups of caribou.
So far there's been very little pressure applied by resident hunters to address predators.

01-10-2015, 11:07 PM
I have to laugh at all the wisdom, or lack of on the predator issue.
Outfitters are supposed to bust their butts killing wolves so they can justify keeping a share of the wildlife harvest.
It's great when a Cattlemens Association bucks up and puts cash out for dead wolves.

Then we have the resident hunter who is the beneficiary of the other groups addressing predator issues. A few hunt wolves and kill them, others are just out there wasting time and educating wolves on how to stay alive. Some don't hunt them because they don't eat them. Some don't because they're to cheap to buy the gas to go hunt them. And so it goes... on and on.

And to the best of my knowledge no resident hunter group has funded a predator control program of any scale.
But man can they bitch if they don't get 1 moose that they're entitled to.
Im sure I'll be corrected on this by the union. In the meantime wildlife is being turned into turds.

I have to double laugh, or triple, or whatever ... !!

Give your head a "big" shake bud ... The only "wolves" affecting us at this point are the ones with GOABC painted on there butt.

This is not about predators, it is about allocating the "human" kill of wildlife |(it's up to the GOABC to decide if they fit that humble description?) Maybe you think you are above us BC residents who actually own the resource!

As I have said ... time for the guides and their apologists to fade to black. It's for your own benefit!

01-10-2015, 11:11 PM
I have to double laugh, or triple, or whatever ... !!

Give your head a "big" shake bud ... The only "wolves" affecting us at this point are the ones with GOABC painted on there butt.

This is not about predators, it is about allocating the "human" kill of wildlife |(it's up to the GOABC to decide if they fit that humble description?) Maybe you think you are above us BC residents who actually own the resource!

As I have said ... time for the guides and their apologists to fade to black. It's for your own benefit!

Have you put up a single post in 3 weeks that was an actual thought of your own. It must be hell to be a clone "bud".

01-10-2015, 11:17 PM
Sitting on the couch is going to kill less.
Until you can get BC's Wolf Management Plan changed you're SOL getting government killing wolves to make more wildlife other than in the case of a few almost extinct groups of caribou.
So far there's been very little pressure applied by resident hunters to address predators.

You didn't answer my question. But again, this topic is simply being used to deflect the conversation from the main issue - allocation splits.

AND, guides are the ones that live out in the bush for most of the hunting season - have they set up a wolf control program? Have they funded a program like the cattlemen's association? Why should they?

01-10-2015, 11:28 PM
Have you put up a single post in 3 weeks that was an actual thought of your own. It must be hell to be a clone "bud".

Ill tell you what's going to be hell... Being a guide outfitter after this is all said and done.

01-10-2015, 11:43 PM
Somehow I find it hard to believe that 240 guide outfitters do more for predator control than 102000 hunters do. Even if only 1% of resident hunters hunt predators that's 1000 contributing.

Whonnock Boy
01-11-2015, 12:00 AM
It doesn't matter Paul. We will never put a dent in the pred population. I believe that is 1899's point.

Somehow I find it hard to believe that 240 guide outfitters do more for predator control than 102000 hunters do. Even if only 1% of resident hunters hunt predators that's 1000 contributing.

01-11-2015, 12:05 PM
It doesn't matter Paul. We will never put a dent in the pred population. I believe that is 1899's point.

Exactly. We need politically unsavory solutions like using helicopters and focused trapping programs.

01-12-2015, 06:38 AM
I have to laugh at all the wisdom, or lack of on the predator issue.
Outfitters are supposed to bust their butts killing wolves so they can justify keeping a share of the wildlife harvest.
It's great when a Cattlemens Association bucks up and puts cash out for dead wolves.

Then we have the resident hunter who is the beneficiary of the other groups addressing predator issues. A few hunt wolves and kill them, others are just out there wasting time and educating wolves on how to stay alive. Some don't hunt them because they don't eat them. Some don't because they're to cheap to buy the gas to go hunt them. And so it goes... on and on.

And to the best of my knowledge no resident hunter group has funded a predator control program of any scale.
But man can they bitch if they don't get 1 moose that they're entitled to.
Im sure I'll be corrected on this by the union. In the meantime wildlife is being turned into turds.

Bear valley. I think it is safe to say we all would like to see a predator management program so let's go back for a moment to 7b in the 1980's. At that time we had an allocation policy in place. Wasn't great but the stakeholders were committed to making it work. We had informal discussions from time to time during the the year and a formal meeting at least once a year. We all got along because we had an allocation policy that both sides supported. Having the policy in place allowed us to focus our attention on other things such as predator management. I assume you are familiar with the predator management program that took place in 7b back then? By working together the BCWF and the GOABC were instrumental in getting government to launch the aerial gunning program that was so successful. Painful, but successful! So I guess my point is that we need to get this allocation fight the GOABC started put to bed so we can get on to more productive use of our collective time and resources. Enough infighting!

01-12-2015, 12:18 PM

Couldn't agree more, Once the allocation issue is resolved collectively the resident/outfitting community can apply massive pressure on gov't and establish alternate programs for predators. It is unfortunate that the Thomson allocation policy favored one side more than the other and has resulted in our current debacle.

There will be two different outfitters that come out of this issue.

1) Outfitters who care about making more wildlife

2) Outfitters who care about taking more wildlife from residents

I would wait until the next hand to see the two sort themselves out because there's going to be some outfitters resident hunters want to work with and some they don't.

Lastly, remember "this decision is a good decision, we [GOABC] didn't get everything we wanted. ..... It is a reasonable share of the allocated resource." That is straight from GOABC on CBC.

Hope I don't get sued.

Stone Sheep Steve
01-12-2015, 12:47 PM
There will be two different outfitters that come out of this issue.

Lastly, remember "this decision is a good decision, we [GOABC] didn't get everything we wanted. ..... It is a reasonable share of the allocated resource." That is straight from GOABC on CBC.

Hope I don't get sued.

Pretty funny how at one moment they claim they didn't get the best deal......then they claim on CBC that is a good deal....then they say it only means less than 200 animals (less than 1 per GOABC member not including the G/O's that are not members of the GOABC) . And how is this going to save their industry???
Things just don't seem to add up:confused:

01-12-2015, 01:22 PM
Pretty funny how at one moment they claim they didn't get the best deal......then they claim on CBC that is a good deal....then they say it only means less than 200 animals (less than 1 per GOABC member not including the G/O's that are not members of the GOABC) . And how is this going to save their industry???
Things just don't seem to add up:confused:

Nevermind that - DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS.

Just be thankful you can hunt squirrels and grouse on GOS.

Now go back to your bowl of kraft dinner.

It is getting interesting; seems the media isn't buying it either.