View Full Version : Black Tail Hunting - So Frustrated - what would you do HuntingBC?

12-19-2014, 09:34 AM
Hey Hunting BC - Here's my dilemma... I'm an intermediate hunter - been at for about 10 years and I've always filled my tags - moose, mulie and whitetails fill my freezer.

However - this year I didn't pull the trigger once.

How come you ask? Well I decided instead of spending tons of cash on gas and travel I would hunt my back yard - the Sea to Sky. I told myself I would commit to 50km from my house and hunt the hell out of it - Blacktails - how hard can it be?

I scoured the internet and watched every clip and read every article. Talked to the old timers in town and picked their brain. Looked at the old pics and found out where the big bucks were shot in the past...

So off I went. Steep, old-growth, wet, mossy, thick, hellish, slipping, sliding. Still hunted every weekend. I found my area with steady buck travel. I hunted it hard. Up in the zone before dark, sneaking around slow and steady. I spooked a deer or two or three. I found rubs. I found a rub trail. I followed tracks in the snow for 6-7 hours on three different weekends. I sat still as not one but three does sauntered by looking at me - they were wondering the same as me - where's the trucking bucks?

I feel like I did everything right but next year I'm going back to the old system. Hunt the Chilcotins and Kootenays and make sure my family has a full freezer. I'm pretty disappointed this year. I started out really excited and having a great time - as the season went on I started to enjoy it less and less - more so because I was pissed about the disappointment of shopping at Save On.

What would have you guys done? Stuck it out or bail on the plan and drive the 4-500k to the honey holes on Nov 11th?

12-19-2014, 09:45 AM
You picked a bad year to try for blacktails. For some reason they were more elusive that usuall. It sounds like you did everything right to me. Don't give up on them. When you get one you'll see why. Success is sweeter with BT's.

12-19-2014, 10:06 AM
It sounds like you had the right idea. I didn't get a BT this year either, and haven't for the last couple of years. We've gotten close for sure but that's the way she goes. After talking to some of the regulars in my area I would agree that the bucks are a little fewer and farther between this year. I found very little rub after several hours of hiking, but I did hear a buck fight early in November. I made my way down to where they were a couple of times, but the only evidence of their quarrel was a few scuffs in the dirt. As it happens a buddy of mine got a mid sized 4 point BT by road hunting. Sometimes that's just the way she goes boys.

12-19-2014, 10:12 AM
Sounds like you gained a ton of great knowledge and experience. Keep doing what you are doing in regards to reading and studying. Put some trail cameras up. Start scouting now. Hit the interior for a few days around September 10th and put an MD or WT in the freezer then enjoy a couple more months chasing BT's closer to home. If you don't give up, you will eventually be successful. Make sure you share the pics and stories when you are!

12-19-2014, 10:20 AM
I went out for blacktail every weekend this year. Same story, some does and seen rubs but didn't catch a glimpse of antler. But now I'm more determined than ever to get myself a decent buck out of the squamish valley. Going to invest in a lot of trail cams this year, already have an idea on the trails I'm setting them up on.

12-19-2014, 10:57 AM
Trail cams definitely help to encourage !! I saw with my own eye balls a total 9 deer last fall ! ( wacked one ) and saw I think 5 deer this year , wacked one ! lol then I go mule deer hunting and saw around 40 plus deer in one day !!
Keep at blacktails - then you become an assassin of all other species , lol :)

side note , the lack of snow the last few years has had a major impact on hunting success in these parts. With out serious snow for mid Nov on , the deer remain 'mostly' scattered over large areas. Typically , does in daylight is what is needed for success. The bucks travel %99 in the middle of the night and with not many does to see , the chances of a daylight buck sighting goes way down !!

12-19-2014, 11:35 AM
Your hunting efforts sound pretty solid. Maybe there are things you can experiment with for fine tuning everything from how/when to move, when to look, calls to hold them in place, etc. PG's 2014 Trophy Blacktail thread has a lot of golden nuggets. I haven't seen a single blacktail since a beauty 4-point hung out in my camp back in late August. Lots of rubs, poop, tracks come November... even heard a grunt from one ridge away. Not a buck to be seen. And I was hunting my Region 2 spots, hard every weekend, 2-4 night trips once a week, September, November and part of December.

Some other highlights this year consisted of having a factory winchester misfire with a blackbear at 7 yards. Also shot a mulie and to make a long winded story short, I could not find it--despite several hours looking--before a large predator did. Saw some monster jungle-head mulies hunting a plateau but either wasn't quick enough or there was no safe shot because it was skylined.

I still consider it all a success. Finding mule bucks and black bears is getting pretty easy. And I am getting to know my BT areas so well I can whip through them like some kind of half tarzen half cat hybrid.

With daylight savings factored in. It's only 264 days, 16 hours and 25 minutes until 5AM on opening day for BT's in Region 2 :D

12-19-2014, 12:18 PM
What happened? you chose to hunt the hardes to hunt animal in BC!
You shoot moose and earn Blacktails. Keep at it buddy

Old growth mossy,,, you got it.... hunt sign dont hunt country.... Get out there this summer and find some sign
When you do connect you will get that feelin'

12-19-2014, 12:31 PM
The snow (or lack there of) has been a big damper on my enthusiasm the last few years. I have a spot that I love to go to. I usually only hunt it once a year so scouting does not happen. Every time I've hunted it in the snow I've saw a nice buck. Every time I've been in there without the snow I've saw nothing. The last two years have been no snow. In my other spots I saw 11 spikes this year and shot one nice fat one. I let the rest walk hoping for at least a two point. As others have mentioned when you do find your blacktail it will be the most rewarding animal you've harvested. Keep it up!

12-19-2014, 04:40 PM
Did you try Pemberton or stick to Sea to Sky area?

12-19-2014, 07:24 PM
... Blacktails - how hard can it be?

LOL! You just got an Inkling methinks. As Dru pointed out - "You chose to hunt the hardest to hunt animal in BC!"
aYup! Nothing is Cagier, Knows His area Inside Out, and creates Disappointment / Frustration for the Two-Leg Hunter better than a Blacktail that has survived a season or two. Really ;)

Some simply Ain't Cut Out for this level of Challenge. For those, sticking with Mulies & Whitetails is probably the Right Solution.
Others do, and some even figure it out to some extent.

If you DO decide to stick with them, methinks ProGuide hit the nail right on the head with his reply:

Keep at blacktails - then you become an assassin of all other species , lol :smile:

Truer Words have Never been spoken! ;)


12-20-2014, 06:38 AM
You picked a bad year to try for blacktails. For some reason they were more elusive that usuall. It sounds like you did everything right to me. Don't give up on them. When you get one you'll see why. Success is sweeter with BT's.

X2 never give up till the end I agre with your thoughts..

12-20-2014, 09:07 AM
Thanks for the all the thoughtful replies guys - would have got back sooner but big Christmas push at work yesterday... homeowners - love em and hate em.

I think Coach has it spot on - I'll head to my spot in the koots and bring something home for the freezer in the early, early season. Then carry on stalking the blacktails... and maybe connect. Maybe...

Markomoose - no I didn't venture to Pemby - but I'm going to expand my hunting there for next year. I was really in a routine of getting up early on Sat and Sun and heading into my black tail zone - most days I'd hunt til one pm and then head home for the afternoon with the family. If I was onto something then I would push on until dark.

Two guys I hugely respect in my local hunting community both laughed at me, shook their heads and showed me pics of the monster mulies they dropped this year. Neither one of them hunt Squamish.

My girls are going to be old enough to hunt in a few years as well, so I want to get this blacktail fever out of my blood because once they're ready - I'll for sure be heading to spots in the koots and Chilcotins so they're sure to see lots of animals.

Trail cams are on the my Christmas list - I'm sure Santa is going to come through.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Blacktail 270
12-20-2014, 11:27 AM
I normally quit BT hunting on an average of 20 times through out the season because of frustration and lack of seeing deer. Broken gear, twisted joints, and burnt out muscles from chasing those clever little deer in the mountains. I hate blacktail hunting because it consumes all my free time and I beat myself into the ground hunting them but I'll be rested and ready to go come sept 01. The hardest part of all, is the wait.

12-20-2014, 11:56 AM
With blacktails and the country they live in the best laid plans seldom fall into place and can be frustrating at best. When you think you are doing everything wrong and nothing right you will probably close to harvesting one.

12-20-2014, 01:28 PM
Blacktail hunting has always been hot and cold for me. I'll find an amazing spot with deer running around everywhere, shoot a nice buck then next year I can't drum up a deer to save my life in the same spot. Weather plays a factor, but there are other variables I don't comprehend. Still working on it though.

12-20-2014, 02:01 PM
Some good comments here for sure! My 2 cents would be maximize your pre-scouting and if you find an honey hole never assume it will hold true the following year. Blacktail bucks behave completely different before and during the rut so my strategies differ depending on the time of year. Prevailing winds always change late Sept/Oct. from NW to SE and should be accounted for. I agree with PG, if you can consistently harvest bigger blacktails bucks the rest of the species are "gimme's".

deer nut
12-20-2014, 02:10 PM
Join the club. Blacktails either come through hard work or dumb luck it seems!

Jim Prawn
12-20-2014, 02:15 PM
Welcome to Blacktail hunting! Keep your gear in the water...

12-20-2014, 02:36 PM
Don't start chasing stories or other locations. If the sign was there telling you that the deer are there, learn that area like it is your backyard. Find the little places that hold the deer, get to know the trails in and out and where they lead to. Know what the deer do when it is sunny and warm, cold and wet, windy and when the snow hits and stays around. Just keep learning.

Once you learn the pieces of the puzzle, things will start to come together and you will put bone on the ground.

You are after all hunting Blacktails, who will teach you patience, patience and more patience........

Keep at and don't quite!!



Shawn Smith
12-20-2014, 05:52 PM
I feel your frustration I've been out at least 10 times this season and only saw two bucks one of which was only 30 yards from me but it had to move to my right for a good shot placement but of course it went to the left and out of sight. Over the years I've found that you have to do a LOT of scouting for BK and that patterning them is not like mule or whitetail they are as Jim Shockey would say on a scale of 1-10 for hunting BK are about a 9 for toughness. I'd say go to your Kootney area get your deer for the freezer gain some confidence in your ability to get an animal and keep after the BK close to home when you get one it will be very rewarding.

the hopper
12-20-2014, 07:09 PM
Lol! I just hold my frustration/rage inside all bottled up, that way when I see one I'm sure to blast it! They turn you cold blooded haha! Evil black tails.:x

12-20-2014, 09:03 PM
last 2 yrs reg.2 the weather has not co-operated in sinc with the rut.I put in major hrs and hiked more than I usually have and had just one encounter with a BT buck.unfortunatley the wind was not in my favor ....Its no fluke that the yrs we get early nov snow on our local mnts I get my BT,last 2 yrs no snow....

12-20-2014, 09:20 PM
Markathome keep at it.I lived in Squamish for 12 years and only dropped 2 blacktails locally.Did most of my BT hunting north of town and into Pemberton.Just found more animals up that way. Good luck next season Mark

Peter Pepper
12-20-2014, 10:11 PM
Try sitting under a tree in the rain having a smoke. Big BTs can't seem to resist the smell. And no I'm not joking.

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
12-20-2014, 11:09 PM
The tobacco thing is no joke...

Some animals are highly curious concerning that and emerge. I have heard from many Archery Hunters using traditional equipment (3 that I can recall off hand) who have stated in no uncertain terms that they arrowed some of their finest game with a smoke hanging out one side of their mouth and arrow coming to anchor on the other!

Ultimately, if one has access to Blacktail locally there is no way they should ever give up the Hunt! Many Hunters travel and camp, taking trips just for experience of trying for the Blacktail. Still, they don't give up. If you enjoy the country and animals and can get out at all, giving up is never an acceptable option in my mind.

01-08-2015, 08:55 PM
This was my first hunting season. I live in Squamish and have most of my life and I prob got out somewhere between 18-20 times locally during the season. Some were half days before work and others full days. I did a lot of hiking, and just general searching for sign. I Found alot of sign but I only saw deer twice, and one of the times I got my buck. They arnt easy to come by. When I went to the interior with a buddy for three days on a hunting trip we saw deer every day.

01-08-2015, 09:08 PM
Try sitting under a tree in the rain having a smoke. Big BTs can't seem to resist the smell. And no I'm not joking.
Not the first time I have heard this . The guy who first mentioned it to me chain smoked Old Port Mild's in a shotgun only area and got two nice buck a year . Sat in a recliner lawn chair , go figure .

01-08-2015, 09:27 PM
Try sitting under a tree in the rain having a smoke. Big BTs can't seem to resist the smell. And no I'm not joking.

Captain Blacks also work good ! Gold

01-08-2015, 09:44 PM
I would wager it's the sitting, not the smoking that causes more deer sightings. Having a sandwich (or a dump) will bring you just as many deer. The point is you are stopped and they are moving.

01-08-2015, 09:59 PM
What I did was I went to hunt mule deer instead! Blacktails are like ghosts. They are sneaky and climb mountains like goats do. maybe next year I will try again.

01-09-2015, 09:54 AM
What I did was I went to hunt mule deer instead! Blacktails are like ghosts. They are sneaky and climb mountains like goats do. maybe next year I will try again.

There is a lot of confusion and differing opinions regarding the origins of blacktail deer. I am not sure why that is. The origins of blacktail deer are very simple. Either as the result of heavy vision-impairing fog or a very lonely winter many thousands of years ago, interbreeding between cougars and mountain goats occurred. The the result was the blacktail deer.

As for the posts about smoking and hunting, while hunting, I do not smoke. I chew mint nicorettes and I am convinced this brings in cats and bears. Though I go out of my way to keep a low scent profile, there might actually be something about smoke that makes blacktails curious. Back in mid August during the fireban, we had been flyfishing hard all morning and I was having a 10AM smoke/beer break. About half way through my smoke, my girlfriend heard something in the timber between our campsite and the river bank. Went to check it out and it was a 4X4 buck checking us out. Once he realized he was busted in the timber he came out into the open, stopped about 10 yards from us, stared a bit and walked away. I have a video of the whole thing somewhere. Also though it might seem like he was curious about the smoke, it's highly possible he bedded down there while we were out fishing and my smoke was made him realize there was an "intruder" decide to to move. Perhaps it isn't that BT's are attracted to smoke, but rather smoke gets them out of their beds and on the move.

01-09-2015, 07:18 PM
... Blacktails are like ghosts. They are sneaky and climb mountains like goats do.

Welcome to my World! :wink:

... The origins of blacktail deer are very simple. Either as the result of heavy vision-impairing fog or a very lonely winter many thousands of years ago, interbreeding between cougars and mountain goats occurred. The the result was the blacktail deer.

LOL! I have never heard a better description!! :mrgreen:

Sneakiest, Smartest, Toughest Critter we can hunt, living in the best terrain to simply CRUSH the vast majority of those who set out in their pursuit!

God how I LOVE them!! :twisted:


Camp Cook
01-11-2015, 12:08 AM
I passed on 6 smaller blacktail bucks this fall was holding out for mr big that never materialized = my freezer is also empty.

Next year I'm taking the first buck I see then holding out for the trophy.

01-11-2015, 05:30 AM
(Stuck it out or bail on the plan and drive the 4-500k to the honey holes on Nov 11th?) ............If me I would had spent a few dollars on gas go to your honey hole by doing this you probably would had meat in your freezer you could had hunted your honey hole for meat then when at your home hunted out the 50k range for BTD ,,, always go with your instinks..

09-22-2015, 11:32 PM
Feel the pain....due to sketchy truck I was stuck close to Chilliwack all last season.....hunted every weekend and even called in sick a couple times to get a weekday in and didn't see anything other then doe's....so frustrating

09-23-2015, 07:29 AM
It's called hunting.... Not killing.... As the saying goes.
for me meat hunting is the hardest....
I try to go out for the pure pleasure of hunting. The trick is to surround yourself with other hunters.. Last year I didn't pull my trigger once, but I was on 5 successful hunts, so the freezer is full.
This year so far much of the same... Haven't pulled the trigger but back from a very successful self guided fly in Yukon hunt.
I would love to hunt close to home, but the traveling is what makes it enjoyable for me....

But the season is not over.... Keep getting it of the truck, and go where no one is.

09-23-2015, 05:35 PM
Yea I hear you on that one....im self taught and don't know any other hunters.....big learning curve

09-23-2015, 05:37 PM
That's why in so much appreciated for this website....helps me so much

09-23-2015, 09:03 PM
Try sitting under a tree in the rain having a smoke. Big BTs can't seem to resist the smell. And no I'm not joking.

Hmm you know the guy who I know who takes 2 every year without much effort .... He does it like this: drive the rubicon up into an active logging area .. Somewhere where you need 4 Low and lockers to get to. Around noon. Then find a long road with game trails crossing from side to side. And then park and proceed to roll joints and smoke cigarettes until a deer crosses the road.

last couple years he shot his two deer within an hour of each other, strapped them to the bush bar and called it a seaso.

So so their may be something to the smoking idea

09-24-2015, 10:45 PM
Lol. Yup. Not only the deer are tough but the terrain is even worse. I spent the weekend climbing the slopes north of whistler and my legs are still whining. Nothing to show for it except for tracks. I found some great sheds in this area but no bucks. The thought of packing one back out makes me cringe. I did find cougar scat with a bear claw in it on the weekend. Made my afternoon nap under the mountain hemlock a little lighter. I grew up in the 'loops and usually hunt a couple of spots up there to make sure I fill the freezer - so much easier in every way.

09-24-2015, 11:22 PM
I passed on 6 smaller blacktail bucks this fall was holding out for mr big that never materialized = my freezer is also empty.

Next year I'm taking the first buck I see then holding out for the trophy.

Sound decision making right there. I took a spike bt last week and have some meat in the freezer now. I will try to hold off for a bigger one now, but not to shoot the first legal animal you see is foolish imo. Ate tag soup too many times


11-28-2015, 04:30 PM
No need to hunt way up the mountain get a bow and hunt the bow only areas got a nice 2 a few weeks back. Deer don't care about ppl as much when they aren't used to a threat from them

11-28-2015, 07:27 PM
IME whenever you try to predict blacktail habits for X weather or X condition the answer is always the same. Who TF knows.


Many of my Buddies consider me a reasonably successful Blacktail Killer.
And some years I actually live up to that theory... to some extent...

Some years...

I have learned a LOT from these little Ghosts, and yet damn near every outing teaches me yet something more.
This year they decided to teach me a lesson in "complacency" (a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements).

Following a run of several years of success, I began to foolishly believe that I might just have Figured Them Out.
So, as a consequence I didn't bother with the usual homework.
I didn't put the miles on the boots to ensure the Ghosts were once again where I thought they should be.
I didn't bother placing the trail cams where they needed to be.
And I only bothered to refresh one of the many permanent salt/mineral licks I maintain.

And, I put all thought and energy into practicing with my bow, and readying for my Alberta Mule Deer Hunt.
A Great hunt yes indeed, with a great many sightings, one hell of a Great Time, and resulting in my best Muley buck with the bow to date.
But "Worth It"??

Then I had the audacity to believe the subsequent pursuit of Blacktails would enjoy swift and satisfying results.
IDJUT!! :roll:

I have well payed the price now of my early season indiscretions!!
Stuck in the firm belief I would soon wander across yet another mature Blacktail, I let several heavy 2's & 3's simply walk.
2's & 3's I sincerely wish one of which were now residing in my freezer...

The rut came, and with it new vigor and a notable increase in efforts.
Ah, but I had already Failed with the Homework.
And while "flukes" may happen with these crafty little basturds, it pretty much never seems to for me.
Most, if not All, have been Hard Earned...

The rut has now wound down.
The bucks have gone solitary.
I have put countless hours afoot in their pursuit, and have nothing but worn boots to show for it.
And I will indeed put many more hours into the gig before wandering over to the mainland for the late season archery hunts (something that now, in comparison and from a distance, appears relatively easy).

It AIN'T over yet, but I can HEAR The Fat Lady warming up in the wings.
Kicking my own ass over the lack of discipline and the attention to detail I lacked when it was required pre and early season.

Damn near HATE them at this point! :evil:
And LOVE them at the same time...

As Salty said Who The Eff Knows with these critters!!
They certainly showed me that even though I thought I did, I actually DON'T this season!!

The only thing I can add at this point is "complacency" has been tossed out the window.
Comeuppance feels a tad strange at this point, so does Chagrin...
And I WON'T be making the same mistakes again next year!!

Best of Luck to all still Chasing Ghosts!! :wink:


Sleep Robber
11-28-2015, 07:38 PM
Growing up on the Island and living there til 1990 I never thought about how "hard' it was to hunt BT deer, to me it was just hunting as that was the only deer to hunt.

11-28-2015, 08:20 PM
Growing up on the Island and living there til 1990 I never thought about how "hard' it was to hunt BT deer, to me it was just hunting as that was the only deer to hunt.

And how do you find the hunting off-Island as a consequence?? :wink:

Cheers Buddy!

11-28-2015, 09:07 PM
Ha ha Nog that post comes about as close to describing this insanity called blacktail hunting as I've heard. Beauty.

Sleep Robber I hear ya its not overly difficult to find does and bucks on the uphill part of the learning curve. But to find a fully mature buck in its prime and on I've only seen about a half dozen deer other than yarded up city deer that would fit that description. I've had my rifle leveled at 3 or 4 but for a fleeting moment as they booked it through growth too thick to even consider a shot. Still working on my first wow factor buck and it'll probably be a while yet. YMMV

Sleep Robber
11-28-2015, 10:03 PM
And how do you find the hunting off-Island as a consequence?? :wink:

Cheers Buddy!

It's still a road trip to any decent hunting areas over here bud. Sure there is more options here but if I could move back over Matty I would in a heartbeat, I truly miss having the options of being in the timber or "friends" farmland in less than a "no time".:wink:

11-29-2015, 06:03 AM
Hunting has its ups and downs we all have our down years I know I have had a few of them I went for 3 years without taging a bull elk I knew I was in the right area and that my
experience with hunting elk was there ..

You did the right thing doing what you did all I can say is put all behind you and continue doing what you have been doing you will prevail..

11-29-2015, 10:52 AM
I love these blacktail threads, a support group for blacktail hunters!

11-29-2015, 06:00 PM
Ya I love the Black tail 'support' threads too. Due to family reasons I've had to stay close to home this year and hunt these elusive little ghosts... Wow are they maddening! The seasons ticking down only a couple more weeks left and still haven't got a buck in my sights. Blacktails sure make you work hard for some steaks in the freezer!!

11-29-2015, 07:17 PM
Hey Guys - awesome this thread was revived.

Here's my update - I'm a happy hunter this year. Instead of putting all my eggs in the BT basket, I harvested a WT buck and a doe during Thanksgiving weekend in my kootney honey hole and have spent the rest of the season chasing the grey ghosts.

I've seen tons of does, new terrain and haven't seen the a bt buck this year (except their ass end).

I have a few more weekends and I'm getting closer (I'm in his house/rubs/trails/does).

The big difference this year is my attitude - pressure is off with 200lbs of WT in the freezer and I'm calm cool and collected. And I'm having a blast. May have to invest in a bow.

Cheers - good luck everyone!

Here's something from TR:

"A black-tail buck is one of the most noble-looking of all deer. His branching and symmetrically curved antlers are set on a small head, carried with beautiful poise by the proud, massive neck..."

11-30-2015, 02:03 AM
Collective wisdom says listen to your guts. I kid you not, listen to your gut. You might run around all day long and then just before heading off you bolt to a side, cut through some trees, dump on your knees and before you know it the buck of all bucks goes down for good as you're looking down your rifle's barrel.

11-30-2015, 08:36 AM
I just spent a couple nights sleeping in the car freezing my face off and hunting hard daylight to dark, creeping from cover to cover, up one ridge to the next, stopping to look and listen anywhere from 10-30 mins at a time, minding the thermals. Lots of tracks (even in behind one of my cams not even checking out the salt) but didn't even see a doe. Heard one animal give me the slip but that was all. Third year trying for a BT but haven't even seen a BT buck during GOS. Seen about a half dozen does/fawns and some rear ends this season that "might" have been bucks. I'm starting to think in my spot they are more than 99% nocturnal (more like 99.99%) and catching one in his bed is the only way it will happen. Pretty sure any resident bucks have me patterned pretty good. I try to switch things up a little but I need to become less predictable. Maybe just maybe a migratory buck or frisky guy cruising will slip up. I have time for one more 2 night trip this season if I can still access my spot. Hunting these guys is so bloody addicting, painful and sometimes down right dangerous but I'll never stop until I'm physically unable, period.

11-30-2015, 10:03 AM
Hey Guys - awesome this thread was revived.

Here's my update - I'm a happy hunter this year. Instead of putting all my eggs in the BT basket, I harvested a WT buck and a doe during Thanksgiving weekend in my kootney honey hole and have spent the rest of the season chasing the grey ghosts.

I've seen tons of does, new terrain and haven't seen the a bt buck this year (except their ass end).

I have a few more weekends and I'm getting closer (I'm in his house/rubs/trails/does).

The big difference this year is my attitude - pressure is off with 200lbs of WT in the freezer and I'm calm cool and collected. And I'm having a blast. May have to invest in a bow.

Cheers - good luck everyone!

Here's something from TR:

"A black-tail buck is one of the most noble-looking of all deer. His branching and symmetrically curved antlers are set on a small head, carried with beautiful poise by the proud, massive neck..."

Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to update. Sounds like you took some of our advice with regard to hunting the interior earlier in the season.

Great stuff! Now about those pics and stories... :smile:

11-30-2015, 11:13 AM
I just spent a couple nights sleeping in the car freezing my face off and hunting hard daylight to dark, creeping from cover to cover, up one ridge to the next, stopping to look and listen anywhere from 10-30 mins at a time, minding the thermals. Lots of tracks (even in behind one of my cams not even checking out the salt) but didn't even see a doe. Heard one animal give me the slip but that was all. Third year trying for a BT but haven't even seen a BT buck during GOS. Seen about a half dozen does/fawns and some rear ends this season that "might" have been bucks. I'm starting to think in my spot they are more than 99% nocturnal (more like 99.99%) and catching one in his bed is the only way it will happen. Pretty sure any resident bucks have me patterned pretty good. I try to switch things up a little but I need to become less predictable. Maybe just maybe a migratory buck or frisky guy cruising will slip up. I have time for one more 2 night trip this season if I can still access my spot. Hunting these guys is so bloody addicting, painful and sometimes down right dangerous but I'll never stop until I'm physically unable, period. Keep at it caddis. You will connect. I was out for 3/4s of a week. And I didn't see a thing. Lots of rubs. It is like they are nocturnal. I love blacktails.

11-30-2015, 06:29 PM
Keep at it caddis. You will connect. I was out for 3/4s of a week. And I didn't see a thing. Lots of rubs. It is like they are nocturnal. I love blacktails.

I will never give up. Wish I could, but I am pretty obsessive, stubborn and a perfectionist... a recipe for insanity when it comes to BT's it seems. Though I figure persuing them is less of a challenge (and more fun) than giving up and not hunting them.

Hopefully it won't be the death of me. A couple weeks back I was climbing one of my ropes and had a large thermal cracked rock dislodge and come tumbling down. I couldn't bail off the rope and just tucked in the best I could to get my head out of the way. Ended up hitting the butt stock of my rifle against my hip. Left a pretty crazy bruise and added more character to the stock. Could have killed me though. Starting to think those BT's are setting traps for me :|

11-30-2015, 06:42 PM
I'm out just about daily for the last while now. Finally got good sign going but can't put eyes on a deer for the life of me. I say what I have said for far to long, tomorrow's the day lol

12-01-2015, 01:48 AM
I will never give up. Wish I could, but I am pretty obsessive, stubborn and a perfectionist... a recipe for insanity when it comes to BT's it seems. Though I figure persuing them is less of a challenge (and more fun) than giving up and not hunting them.

Hopefully it won't be the death of me. A couple weeks back I was climbing one of my ropes and had a large thermal cracked rock dislodge and come tumbling down. I couldn't bail off the rope and just tucked in the best I could to get my head out of the way. Ended up hitting the butt stock of my rifle against my hip. Left a pretty crazy bruise and added more character to the stock. Could have killed me though. Starting to think those BT's are setting traps for me :|Glad to see you are okay. They are like mountain goats around here. I used to hunt them In Hatzic prairie. That was easy. I would sit on my father's porch. Drink coffee. And when ai seen one. I would grab the shotgun and go get it. These mountain deer are more of a challenge. Love to hunt them,And never will stop.

12-01-2015, 01:55 AM
I'm out just about daily for the last while now. Finally got good sign going but can't put eyes on a deer for the life of me. I say what I have said for far to long, tomorrow's the day lol They are logging on strawberry island. I have heard of three bucks taken off of there so far. I am screwed for the rest of the season. My kid is going to have a baby soon. Well at least I got one blacktail spike. If you can get to the eagle tree ,you know where I am talking about. Good spot.

12-01-2015, 05:29 AM
They are logging on strawberry island. I have heard of three bucks taken off of there so far. I am screwed for the rest of the season. My kid is going to have a baby soon. Well at least I got one blacktail spike. If you can get to the eagle tree ,you know where I am talking about. Good spot.

Uncharted territory for me

12-01-2015, 08:36 AM
I took Friday off this week so I can head out for a one last two nighter, as long as I can still get into my spot. It's been a heck of a season.. not too many regrets at all. I think I only missed one weekend of GOS and half of those trips were extended or prefixed by a weekday or two. I did get a little bit lazy with the trailcams since the start of November but only because I wanted to focus 100% on still hunting rather than covering too much ground to check the cams. At some point this will all come together.

12-01-2015, 09:07 AM
I've been working everyday up in Revelstoke and hope to be back to the valley this weekend, is it too late to take a buck before dec 15th. Is the rut over? Where do this blacktail bush ninjas go after the rut?

12-01-2015, 11:23 AM
I've been working everyday up in Revelstoke and hope to be back to the valley this weekend, is it too late to take a buck before dec 15th. Is the rut over? Where do this blacktail bush ninjas go after the rut?

BT jacuzzis and spa I think, watching the WILD TV of the mofo hunters looking for them while sipping on Martinis and laughing their horns off at us?

12-01-2015, 07:00 PM
BT jacuzzis and spa I think, watching the WILD TV of the mofo hunters looking for them while sipping on Martinis and laughing their horns off at us?

Scientists have had all sorts of theories about why exactly deer shed their antlers. What they might be missing is that the reason is species-specfic. I think you nailed it for BT's. Their head gear falls off because from the laughing...

"remember that clown in the jeep that parked all the way over on the northeast side of the mountain and hiked up west then down the south side trying to intercept us every weekend this season? Lol as if we don't notice when his jeep is there, let alone hear his iphone alarm go off an hour before light comes! HahahaHAHA"

"You should have seen the big rock I put on his rope... when he went to climb the ledge to get on that ridge, WHAM!! hAHAHAHA OMG LOL ... and that rattle bag... fREAKING hilarious. I mean... what is that? rattle-clink-clink-rattle... is he serious? ROTF hahahha"

"hahahahahahah stop it man I can't breath. Hhshaha WHOOP weird I feel light headed. Dang! My head thing fell off. Lol that reminds of of the time I started showing 5x5 I walked in front of his cam flashing my rack all over"

"hahaha Sorry man lets bury that up so dumbass don't find it next season. Seen creeps pick those up... dang perv haha! Oops there goes mine"

walks with deer
12-01-2015, 09:39 PM
3 deer came of the eagle tree yes but that is not strawberry island shotgun or bow only strawberry island and I doubt they are logging it.

12-01-2015, 09:55 PM
BT jacuzzis and spa I think, watching the WILD TV of the mofo hunters looking for them while sipping on Martinis and laughing their horns off at us?

So what your saying is follow the laughter, GEEZE so easy

meat hunter
12-01-2015, 10:14 PM
hunt high and early in the season and watch some of proguides66 you tube

12-02-2015, 02:07 AM
3 deer came of the eagle tree yes but that is not strawberry island shotgun or bow only strawberry island and I doubt they are logging it.Is that why all the logging trucks with cottonwood are coming off of Strawberry. And the three deer I am talking about came from Strawberry. Maybe go take a drive and see what they have logged so far. It will make your bottom jaw drop. They are also going to put a dyke around the island. I was told for farming.

12-02-2015, 07:20 AM
Go out today,and give er.

12-02-2015, 02:11 PM
Go out today,and give er.

Will Do! Thanks for that!! :lol:


08-26-2017, 01:33 AM
Well hahha reading this old thread and thinking....here we go agin in the journey of sore legs acheing backs and blacktails on the brain constantly. ...I wonder if after all my hard work and scouting will pay off this year and I get blessed with evem the chance to drop the hammer on a big mature blacktail buck.

08-26-2017, 10:36 AM
I'm sure hoping this season I'm able to connect. Our son is due Sept 8, and my time will probably be pretty limited until November when my wife takes him back east to meet her family...meanwhile I'm gonna try to meat some deer!

Last year we put in an awful lot of work for the two I did shoot. I'd like to get my hunting partners into deer too, they should be able to log more hours than me this year!

New Bow Hunter
08-26-2017, 04:36 PM
Check out Karle Granlunds Blacktail hunting book.

08-26-2017, 05:46 PM
I am convinced if someone can become successful on blacktails regularly, mule deer and whitetails will seem easy by comparison. This from having hunted them for 20+ years. You will also learn to take a shot without wasting any time, or many times, they just disappear on you.

08-26-2017, 09:36 PM
I hunted Blacktails for years in Sea To Sky country.As frustrating as it was I had my most memorable hunts chasing these Grey Ghosts eventually shooting my biggest deer to date.I have taken a number of four point Mulies but nothing as pretty as my big 3 point Blacktail.

08-26-2017, 11:54 PM
I havnt hunted for any other deer species since I got onto blacktail....I wounder if I go back and try mule deer in penticton area if I find it easier ....I know how many mountiains I have crushed on the coast chasing bt's....makes me excited if I notice a differance going back to muleys for bt break lol.

08-27-2017, 11:14 AM
I feel like I'm still recovering from last years efforts; still, I'm going back for more.

08-27-2017, 12:17 PM
Well hahha reading this old thread and thinking....here we go agin in the journey of sore legs acheing backs and blacktails on the brain constantly. ...I wonder if after all my hard work and scouting will pay off this year and I get blessed with evem the chance to drop the hammer on a big mature blacktail buck.
At the end of last season I hated blacktails. Until the season ended and I was sad that I couldn't hunt them anymore.

08-28-2017, 07:11 AM
I am going to take advantage of the early season this year before everything goes nocturnal. If I can get within 30 yards of a buck, a tag will be cut.

08-28-2017, 02:40 PM
holly shit boys, someone needs to gather your threads together and publish them as a book,there is some real literary? talent in this group.first thing don't hunt.meander,with your glasses glued to your face and your rifle at cockbill.hunt up hill,in the rain,bit of snow helps,steep draws,crawl up the worst spot you can find then peek out onto the ledges,if you are dry you smell, if you are soaked to the gonch you'll get right on him before he will smell you,the simple biggest thing I've found if you don't glass the shit out of the bush the bucks just get up and walk away before, you see them. there ain't a harder trophy then a good blacktail shot in the timber(bush)

08-28-2017, 02:49 PM
lol there you got it "redneck simplified"!

08-28-2017, 06:34 PM
I bringing my A game this year ... watch out HBC :D

Im looking forward to some friendly competition this year, Top 5 BT's recorded in B.C this year WERE ALL TAKEN BY C.R BOY'S !!! ... C.R boys were representing last year ! Absolutely PUMPED this season !

Cant wait for the pics to start rolling in !

Good luck out there boy's !

08-28-2017, 07:30 PM
Yea man ....gonna spend more weekends sleeping out there then I did last year....gonna get a little riskier aswell