View Full Version : Blacktail movement? - Harrison Lake East

Davy Crockett
12-14-2014, 04:28 PM
I've been up Harrison Lake East a couple of days in the last month looking for a buck. The weather has been really wacky whenever I have gone. First day was crazy windy, snowed the previous night then warmed up and rained like mad. No tracks in the new snow (prob around 2500-3000'), not a whole bunch of sign down lower either. Went in yesterday again, it snowed overnight a higher up but again was very warm. Again, no tracks in the snow, saw a few does down lower but nothing other than that.

I am hunting the South Talc area behind the locked gate so there isn't a lot of direct pressure on the area although everywhere else it is crawling with hunters.

I'm curious what kind of movement to expect. Is the late warm weather going to keep the game up higher than normal for this time of year? I'm not seeing a lot of sign anywhere and the area has held quite a few animals in the past. Only one day left to accomplish something so I need to focus my efforts.

12-14-2014, 09:37 PM
They are in their dens hibernating for the winter.

Davy Crockett
12-15-2014, 12:25 AM
Deer hibernation huh? Who knew?
