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View Full Version : Proud to be a BCWF Member

12-14-2014, 10:45 AM
I noticed that some hunters criticize the federation.I do have a few points to make.GOABC loves it.They love to see us divided.If this hunters are actually outfitters, it is fine ,i understand.Like SSS said there are some snakes around.What i am afraid is there are some rats too.When i heard Hubbard say "we know who most of you are" it rang some bells.This people will stop at nothing.Might not be true, but i would ask that "spink"has a look around.BCWF should look around.We should be more security conscious,someone knowing your plans before hand ,is not good.And GOABC is in bed big time with this government.If you think governments don't spy on you ,fine.Not that it matters to me.Ellis and his friends don't scare me.Some of our plans should be in the open and some not.We should put fear in their heart,the fear i saw it in Bill Bennets responce to a letter writer.Politician's worst fear ,is not to get re-elected.Support all resident hunters,don't say i don't hunt Sheep or Grizzly so screw that crowd.GOABC loves to hear that.Let me tell you ,you are next.This guys will never be content till there is not any resident hunter left.If you feel like boycotting some business that support them, like Jaggermeister said,you know my feelings about that.They will not get my business,ever.In a war ,and yes there is one ,you got to do what you got to do.Fight the Liberals tooth and nail.If we got to ,donate time and money to BCWF and your local clubs.I buy BCWF membership for my son and he is out of it for three years now.This war should unite us.I only wish my friends ,join BCWF and local clubs unite.Lets put our imaginary differences aside.If we want to have hunting for us and our kids.And a big thanks to all that fight for us in the BCWF.I am the guy that told the Conservative MP in the Langley meeting we need to make it mandatory that all hunters be members of BCWF.A very good thing for all resident hunters.United WE stand. And last i would donate 500$ for bumper stickers that tell our feelings about the Liberals .Like "NOT A LIBERAL SUPPORTER ANYMORE"

12-14-2014, 11:05 AM
I have to agree with you on this Apolonious.

The BCWF has done the only thing they could have given the backroom deals that have recently been made by a corrupt government, one that was clearly bought off with a few thousand dollars in blood money. I think we should coin the recent decision to legislate the ridiculously high guide minimums as the "Blood-Money Policy" (BMP being the acronym).

The BMP will prove out to be the most divisive and destructive decision ever made in the history of hunting in British Columbia. The Liberals and GOABC should be embarrassed at their greed and lack of foresight.

It is sad to say but ... sometimes things need to get worse before they get better! Thanks to the BCWF for fighting the good fight at this time.

12-14-2014, 11:57 AM
I agree that something has to be done . the question is , is the BCWF up to the task ? Im not sold yet . They fell apart on the issue of the "recently" brought to light moose population crisis . The one they knew existed 3 years ago. I am a member of BCWF but not sure why.

12-14-2014, 12:12 PM
One of the points is also ,BCWF will do as much as possible.This guys volunteer hundreds if not thousands hours of their time.By being a member ,you give them strength as a number.By donating you give them ammunition to fight.If some think they can do better,step up to the plate.And by being SUPPORTIVE to them as individuals or regional clubs we give them strength to continue OUR fight.It is all of us Resident Hunters not just "trophy" hunters(if anyone can be called that),as i believe we are all the same.Meat on the table ,share a campfire and the thrill of the hunt,be it a deer or a moose.

12-14-2014, 12:23 PM
One of the points is also ,BCWF will do as much as possible.This guys volunteer hundreds if not thousands hours of their time.By being a member ,you give them strength as a number.By donating you give them ammunition to fight.If some think they can do better,step up to the plate.And by being SUPPORTIVE to them as individuals or regional clubs we give them strength to continue OUR fight.It is all of us Resident Hunters not just "trophy" hunters(if anyone can be called that),as i believe we are all the same.Meat on the table ,share a campfire and the thrill of the hunt,be it a deer or a moose. I will sure give you , your ideology is one I wish every hunter had. I am one that has lost faith in BCWF

Iron Glove
12-14-2014, 01:09 PM
Years ago when I took the CORE Course, the Instructor said that the fee included a one year membership in the BCWF and said "I can't tell you what to do after you leave here but remember that the BCWF is the only organization that is working, and speaking for you. I would be very disappointed if any of you didn't keep your Membership us."
Been a member ever since.
Don't agree with everything they do or support but they do way more for we hunters than everyone else put together.

12-14-2014, 06:39 PM
Exactly there's no way you're going to have a not for profit federation representing thousands of people get it all right for every single person every single situation far from it. Being that its an organisation of membership if you have a beef do it through your membership. ie step up at your club and go to meetings keep up with the issues and add your comment. I think the BCWF has been on top of every issue that affects us lately. Because the bad issues don't get changed isn't their fault its not like have the power to snap their fingers and change things. Or buy the government.

12-14-2014, 09:53 PM
I just think if you have an argument be it strong or weak, please have the patience and grammar to be correct.

Come on...... Fight for a good cause and believe it. Good. I support you. I support the sport of hunting and all of its luxuries, but spell it correctly.

12-14-2014, 10:26 PM
I am proud to be a member . if everyone would put their petty differences aside and join. with more money and bigger numbers bcwf could fight better.

12-14-2014, 10:59 PM
I'm a proud member also.
Thanks to the elected volunteered executive and staff for a great job.
The definition of a volunteer is someone that didn't understand the question.
Thanks for looking out for us.
And for all those that aren't members thanks for nothing.

12-14-2014, 11:07 PM
I will sure give you , your ideology is one I wish every hunter had. I am one that has lost faith in BCWF

How many club meetings have you attended? How many regional meetings? How many annual conventions? How many times have you put your name forward for nomination at the club, regional or provincial level? Did your participation cause you to lose faith?

fowl language
12-14-2014, 11:11 PM
I have to say I am most thankful for you guys for stepping up and recognizing the fed. I have been at this allocation thing for over 2 weeks none stop and many others just the same .we are not in it for recognition just supporting what we think is right and it is nice to heard your appreciated after many say we are doing nothing .i wished we could find about 35,000 others like you ,then the government would sit up and take notice.....thanks again...dale vidulich region 2

12-14-2014, 11:17 PM
Dale - you and the rest of the exec are doing a hell of a job. Three days in and the politicians are starting to get seriously concerned. Looking forward to the upcoming Globe and Mail article. That oughtta open some eyes.