View Full Version : My universal handheld picture/video viewer setup for trailcam footage

12-10-2014, 10:59 AM
I know not everyone is a fan of trailcams or any sort of gadget in the woods. I understand it to a degree, but I think cams are fun and they have some potential--though not huge potential--to help learn a little bit more about whats in our areas. I don't think it's "cheating" and for the most part, I just think they are really neat and this post is for others like minded guys looking for an in-field viewer. This isn't just for trailcams either... dashcams, headcams, whatever floats your boat.

This was my situation. I started with one trailcam that someone bought me last Christmas. I saw a buck on the first night, then more deer and a cougar over the first week. I was hooked. I picked up some more cams to cover more area on my mountain of focus. We had 2 cams burried deep, a couple hours of hiking through timber. Another was less of a hike, but a tough climb. If I was going to go in to check the trailcam, I wanted to see the footage on the spot to see if I wanted to make any adjustments, move the camera or hang another camera near-by. Sometimes we would pack in a laptop which was ultra crappy. Other times we'd just swap cards and watch them at back at camp, then regret placement or not hanging another camera while we were in... also crappy.

I see these hand-held card readers for $100-$200. Most of them only work on specific cameras, video formats, etc. Sounds like a sour deal to me.

I wanted something light weight and cheap that would be able to offload and view any sort of pictures/videos, whether it was from my dashcam, headcam, hand-held, or most importantly my various models of trailcams.

Here is my solution. Some of these Android tablets are dirt cheap now. I bought a "Digital 2" tablet new for $49. It's tiny/thin (maybe 7inches?) and light. Very little room/weight in the pack. It has a micro-sd card reader and a mini-usb port. Most of my cards are 16-32GB micro-sd with full-size SD adapters (I just picked up another 4 16GB Class 10 micro-sd's with adapters for $9.99 each) so I can use them in any device (sd or micro-sd). I also found a dual sd/micro-sd card reader that works through usb or mini-usb for $10 at NCIX (it's like a swiss army knife for cards!) just incase I want to work with my old full-size sd-only cards... though I have enough of the micro-sd's with sd adapters to never need to (unless I'm taking/keeping a heck of a lot of video and adding a lot more trailcams)

So if you have a need for in-field viewing, for the price you can buy one of these hand-held trailcam viewers that aren't very functional, you can buy a tablet that will play/view everything and still have money left over to buy a case and several sd cards if you want. You can copy the pics/videos onto the tablet itself or another card/device via the expansion card or micro-usb. My total for the tablet, case, 4 cards and optional-but-perhaps-handy reader/adapter after tax was $130. That's with a lot of extra goodies though... $49 for the tablet itself would have done the main job I needed.

Also if you have a phone that runs Android and lets you hot-swap cards, it might do a lot or all of what you need as well. In summary, tablet over hand-held trailcam viewer for sure. These tablets will work with any pic/video and let you juggle around or store data anyway you want with any device you want.

12-10-2014, 06:18 PM
great post Caddisguy.

another option for anyone with a samsung smartphonene is to buy a USB OTG adapter. they can be had for a couple of dollars from fleabay or amazon. You can plug it directly into the mini usb port on the phone and then plug pretty much any usb accessory into it. I.E. an SD card reader. It will show up as another drive in the file browser and you can then copy everything to the phone, and even delete what's on the card. Not sure which other phones can use these adapters but if you already hsve a smartphone it can save some more $$ and have even less to carry around.

12-10-2014, 06:40 PM
This was something that I had considered before but hadn't put much thought into it because I just assumed the cost of the tablet would be prohibitive, but now that you say a tablet can be had for cheap it might be something I'll be considering again. As of right now I'm only running one trail cam and I just use my little point and shoot camera to view the pics on the card in the field. It works for now but once I get a few more cameras out there I think I will be changing it up. Thanks for the post.

Gun Dog
12-11-2014, 09:36 AM
I use my point & shoot camera to review trail cam pictures. Both use SD cards and have a similar directory structure.

12-11-2014, 09:59 AM
great tip Kevin, thanks. We have a variety of cams out there and need something that will read all of the cards and is very portable. I now finally have something to put on my Christmas wish list.

12-11-2014, 10:19 AM
That is handy that some of you guys can use your handheld cameras for viewing. My hand held cam will only view pics/videos that reside in it's directory. It also will only show the picture/video if it has not been altered in anyway... if I even crop or flip a picture on the sdcard with another device it will no longer display... very picky and only recognize pictures/videos that it takes. You might find that as you get more trailcams that use different video/picture formats, sizes, etc that there might be compatability issues. With the variety of Android video players... that will never be an issue though. The VLC Player app has been able to handle everything I have tried so far.

I had thought about upgading my old iPhone 3GS to a newer Samsung phone and use it for cams, but decided to just buy the $50 tablet and ride the old iPhone until the wheels (or something) falls off.

I think the main market for these cheap $50 tablets is for parents to let their kids play with in the back seat and watch videos without caring if they break it. This thing (Digital 2 Pro 7" Pad PLUS) came loaded with kids stuff.

Seems to hold up to reasonable abuse. I just spent a couple nights sleeping in the jeep and had it propped up on my dash (long dark nights this time of year... I can justify watching a movie out in the bush) It tumbled off a few times (no case or screen protector or anything) and it was just fine. Also sat there propped up on the windshield and temps hit -4C. It didn't seem to affect responsiveness or battery drainage. That's good enough for me. 1 year warranty and if I break it because of my own negligence/abuse I'd just buy another... heck about the same price as a couple mineral blocks and I can't imagine breaking them by accident more than one every couple years :D

12-12-2014, 02:14 PM
I think your tablet idea is probably the best way to go for anyone who doesn't already have a smartphone that will hook up to an SD card reader. pretty hard to argue with $50!